The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    Marla, I'm sorry to hear you have a positive case on your team. Scary! Don't let them touch your desk, keep your Clorox wipes and purell close, wear a mask to work, and stay 6+ feet from others. Is this all possible? When you get home, wash your clothes and take a shower, put on clean clothes or pj's. Wash hands all day long...

    Weird times!

    Beautiful weather here today. Charlie and I walked with no coat and the sun felt great on my legs and arms (capris and short sleeve shirt). Our tree outside our sliding door is finally budding and getting leaves. Spring is here!

    I am getting better at the video meetings with parents. I don't like it but at least some parents are showing up and participating. The paperwork this time of year is horrendous! Today I was really ticked with the repetitive nature of the forms we have to fill out on each kid for Fall services. It's been inefficient for 30 years and no one feels the urge to stream line how many times we give the same info on students, all going to different people. I'm almost done! Counting the days and my mindset is going towards packing, cleaning, etc.

    Russ and I just picked out appliances online for the house. We just need to order and schedule delivery. I also need to schedule carpet installation for June. Russ is going to pull a small trailer out early June with garage stuff. I'll be packing last week of May and when he gets back mid June we will fill one more trailer with our furniture and boxes from inside town home. Our wood floor installer has finished laying the living room and hall way floors. Now he needs to sand the dining room to bare wood and then varnish all the wood to match, put trim back up and be done. It looks nice! He sent me a video of the wood floor unsanded.

    Stay well Marla and take extra precautions. I hope you and your family can avoid this virus. I hope we all can. Same goes for you too, Ang.

    We are finally getting some rain. So badly needed.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    No joke I have been doing all that for eight weeks (except the mask). Daily sanitation. Always washing. Stripping in the laundry room and showering right away. Hopefully it’s enough. I’m worried about my sister. She looked ready to crack today. Her voice cracked up several times today. I guess it’s lucky my vacation got canceled since Ulises was supposed to be my back up and I’ll need to be doing back up for those needing to stay home. That place has no idea how screwed they will be if we all go down. Feck we’re already screwed. Six of eight home?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    oh man - I had such a terrible migraine yesterday - I went home a little early and passed out for two hours and then felt moderately better - today I still have a low-grade throb - but can power through that - who knows what triggered - but I'm sure stress is part

    It is so freakin' windy!!

    A letter from school came that they won't be requiring sports physicals for next year - Caleb says, "wouldn't they be more important this year than ever?" Probably, but good luck getting an appointment. I am having a hard time imagining, but seeing it becoming more possible another year like this. What will these kids do for another year of this??? I will have to consider just fully doing some sort of homeschool thing for C and he could probably finish in a year instead of two. But then what? No ACT, no scholarships, what does college look like? Gah
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    Do you mean that 6 of 8 team members have COVID and are home or quarantined due to exposure? I'm worried for you Marla. At least you are young and healthy which is good. As long as your lungs aren't compromised going in to it I think some people get mild cases. Stay well!!!!!!!

    There are online high schools to look into. Maybe research that and see what would be involved for C since you would be working and can't take time to home school. It is too bad for all these kids where school and friends are their universe. No dances, sports, practices, clubs, etc. They will always remember this as they get older.

    My brother called today. He is prepping the rooms for painting at our house. He will buy paint tomorrow and begin on the two spare bedrooms, hall and guest bathroom. He will move across the house and do the master bed and bath last since there is a door to the deck he can go in and out there. When the floors in dining and living room are varnished he won't be able to go on them so he'll work in the master and use that entrance door from the deck. Fingers crossed he's done by June 1. I left a message with Home Depot for carpet install in the two bedrooms. MI still has restrictions and they aren't laying carpet yet. Hopefully by June 8th.

    Work is exhausting here too. At least I'm home safe. I wish the same for you.

    Hang in there. This weekend is suppose to be beautiful weather. Hopefully for NE too.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    It sounds like a lot of amazing work and cool things are moving right along on your retirement dream. So cool.

    So - there are six planners/'dispatchers' they have (had) an office out in the middle of the plant - a like 20x24 metal building where they do/did their forecasting, work order ordering, vendor scheduling, etc. Ulises is the one whose mother is hospitalized and his daughter has also tested positive. Not sure if he has been able to be tested. As you know even you want tested, most aren't. Ulises is home for who knows how long. The other five - two are working at home, one has moved to another desk up front and two remain in the shack. (The dog house, whatever the name of the day is). It was 'sanitized' by a maintenance guy. I have a desk up front, not on the floor. As per usual Behlen is doing a bunch of reacting, finally getting covid policy distributed and today announcing temperatures will have to be taken daily - of course all this has been recommended for weeks but they waited until it became critical - and the temp thing will become a nightmare - having to line up outside the main truck aisles - I'm not against the temp taking, but I know it will be cluster because everything else they do is - so it will suck. I mean in a line with three to five hundred other people - when normally I would only have to see maybe a dozen? Perfect.

    So much for my headache ever getting better
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    So sorry Marla. It must be scary and stressful for you.

    I had book club using Google Hangout Meet tonight. We just visited and barely talked about the book. We hadn't seen each other since January or February.

    Nice weather coming our way this weekend. I'm going to start sorting my clothes and coats for give away or tossing if places aren't taking donations.

    Tired after so much screen time so keeping it brief.

    Stay well,
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Runs so far this week - 0 I just can't get myself out the door. I wanted to last evening when I got home, but I saw so many people out walking, way more the normal, I didn't want to. I didn't want to be dodging people on my run. I'm hoping to get out this evening -in the rain. Maybe there won't be as many people out due to that!

    Today's a new month. A new chance to start and do this right. I don't have to worry about eating all the junk food at my house - I ate it all! :p Now just to not make or buy more!

    Transit is going even more reduced. The express buses I use to get to work (on the days I go in to the office) are being pulled next week. I'm not really surprised. Most days I'm the only one in the morning on both buses. On the way home on average it's 2-3 people. I'm not happy about it but with the ridership way down, there's really no need for all the buses. I just hope it doesn't overcrowd the bus I will need to take now. The front half of the buses are blocked off and they also have alternating every other seat blocked off. It will be interesting next week when I need to take it. Oh and the schedule is their reduced Saturday schedule as well. Glad I only need to take the bus two days a week! (And it's free as we board at the back of the bus.) When I need to go somewhere where I live, I walk to the stores, or my church (just to drop off my tithe or something for my Sunday School class, are services are online).

    Marla - I hope it's not gotten to crazy!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    now with all the talk about meat shortages because of covid hitting the packs - here come the meat shortages - you think people are crazy when the rice sold out - I think the meats being gone is gonna be beyond bad - and the fact that the farmers have the stock - but can't do anything with it - besides potentially having to euthanize it - what a disaster - I can't watch
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Oh - I sat in the mostly dark today because the light over my desk went out - they haven't fixed it yet - my eyes hurt so bad from working in the dark - the last ballast that went out took a month to fix - I just can't!!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    Marla, your work situation sounds challenging. Where's maintenance to change/fix the light? I saw the news about the animals and euthanasia. Wow! Everything affects something else in the chain. It's all so scary and sad too. Russ bought a little more meat than usual so we had some reserves. Not much freezer space here so can't stock much. I'm fine eating vegetarian too but I do like meat and fish.

    Ang, I hope that last bus isn't too crowded. Could you ride a bike to work? I wouldn't want to ride a crowded bus right now. I'm eating too much too. LOL, I am cooking a Crock Pot German Chocolate Cake as I sit here. We are having it for dessert with vanilla ice cream. Russ is making taco salad for dinner.

    Video meetings all day!!!!! So sick of staring at a screen and talking. I got small items done this week for paperwork but have some big items I need to get done by Tuesday and end of next week.

    Tomorrow I start on purging clothing and other things. Russ seems immobilized. He has been saying for over a month he was going to pack the garage and schedule our POD to be delivered to MI. He hasn't even begun. Every time I mention it, he says "I'll do that tomorrow", "I'm doing that this weekend", or ignores me. Driving me crazy!

    Well have a good weekend, stay well, exercise and get fresh air if you can. We will have nice warm weather so I'm going to make a point to get outside and walk.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    Yesterday I went through my dresser and closet and purged clothes and shoes. Feels good! I will do again once we have been in MI awhile. I turned all the hangers backwards so I can see what I wear this spring and summer. I'll re evaluate what to keep and purge in the Fall.

    I walked Charlie this morning. What a beautiful weekend. Yesterday was very windy. We could hear the wind whistling and howling with all of our windows open. Today is more calm and the walk was nice.

    My brother is painting at our house today. My sister took my niece, her baby and nephew (visiting from Portland) to see the house. They sent me pictures of the floor and exterior of the house. The wood floor will get its first coat of varnish tomorrow. It looks so nice! We have scheduled appliance installation, carpet installation for bedrooms, and now I need to call a person to do some cleaning of the bathrooms, kitchen, ceiling fans and laundry room before we move in. I don't want to have to clean and then unpack. I want to arrive and begin to unpack and put away stuff.

    Now I'm headed upstairs to tackle a dresser full of winter long underwear and miscellaneous stuff I shove in there. I also need to take stuff out of the guest room closet and begin to see what we brought here and never used this past year. I love purging stuff and simplifying!

    Enjoy your Sunday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Wow!! You are getting so much done!! I keep thinking to myself I will use my weekends and get some of that great organizing done and then I never do. It's like all my ambition as soon as I hit the house.

    Ang, I hope your bus isn't full, that would make me anxious for sure. Of course, everything makes me anxious.

    I have no idea what to do for my mom for Mother's Day. I SHOULD get some flowers and take them to Wayne and have a socially distant visit - it just feels so overwhelming. After having to go to work everyday, by the weekend I NEED to stay home. But I'm sure my mom is having a hard time with little interaction so I am going to try very hard to work myself up to do the right thing - for her. I am also already bummed because I know there won't be even a mention of it from my boys for me - it's just something they suck at - bday, Cmas, M day - it's just another day. Bernie doesn't care and it never felt like something I could teach them. Eh who knows. I think the hormones have arrived early this month

    Bernie's work also had their first confirmed case this weekend - as an incident commander it has added a lot of stress to his world - and puts him and his people in additional peril as they are the ones trying to clean up and navigate everyone through their policies of how to handle

    Can't believe it's May!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    Marla, scary about Bernie's work. Do you both have a plan for when you get home from work and need to disinfect yourselves when entering the house?

    I'm pretty sure Russ reminds Rory of Mother's Day. I think the older boys significant others probably keep it on their radar for me. I'll get a phone call from each. David may be on his boat so I don't know if I'll hear from him. Russ hasn't mentioned it yet but what are we going to do? He'll cook a dinner that I choose if I want him to.

    I'm sure your Mom is lonely. You could put the flowers on her porch and talk from the yard.

    Well I need to get to bed. Take care and precautions!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    yes - both Bernie and I have similar inside/outside 'action' plans - shoes, coats, purse, work bags, etc etc all stay in laundry room - clothes get washed daily - shower right away - it obviously feels like that may not be enough since the guy at Bernie's work who was infected (and for now they don't have the occurrence isolated) but he is a responder who had cleaned a machine from a potential exposure and those guys wear 'bunny' suits and all the other PPE. I know how careful Flexcon has been. They instituted their policies many weeks ago and have been very proactive. But this bug is determined. Behlen has been very lackadaisical and they are up to 2 confirmed, and I expect more to follow as we know the people are contagious for so long before symptoms. Two packs close by have been 'idled' for two-week deep cleans due to large spikes. Sigh. Scary stuff.

    A facilities is finally trying to work on my light - but it is right above me and stuff keeps dropping on me - I am jumping all the time because I am freaked out something big is going to fall - don't want to complain or they'll stop - just can't win

    How is Rory doing? Is his job still going?
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Jenny - I don’t know how to ride a bike! Plus the only way to get there is on the highway. In Nova Scotia it’s illegal to walk or bike on the side of the highway.

    I ran yesterday. First in a week. Sitting her telling myself to go when work is done. I’m trying to pep talk myself. Not working very well.

    Yesterday was interesting weather! It was raining and started to downpour hard. There was some thunder as well. I was listening to it when I realized it didn’t sound like rain. It was hailing!! I haven’t seen hail in a long time!! It wasn’t very big, but I started wondering if I should stay away from windows in case a tornado came!! Slim chance here, but still!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    Ang, I wouldn't ride on a highway even if it was allowed. I guess the busses being reduced is a major issue. Did you see where they are closing the subway in NY during the night for extensive cleaning? They increased bus routes to give night workers a way to get to and from work. It looks like the subway is also where homeless sleep and die in the middle of the night. So sad! That's good size hail. Weird weather these past years. It has been a cool spring here but we have not had enough rain here in Minneapolis. Usually it rains April through June quite a bit. Some years it has been bad for the farmers. They will be using their irrigation systems to get their seeds started.

    Marla, sounds like you have it figured out at home. That guy at Bernie's work could have been exposed outside of work to someone that is asymptomatic. I'm glad your light is getting fixed but I know what you mean about ceilings. You hear some interesting stories about what falls out of ceilings in buildings. I won't elaborate!

    I zoomed with my knitting group last night. It was Cinco de Mayo so I had a margerita after a long day of work. Everyone seemed tired and we obsessed about needing hair cuts. Everyone has been cleaning and sorting their closets and garages.

    Well I need to go to my table and work. I have a couple video visits with students and meetings to schedule today.

    The sun is shining!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    We had some rain the last few days - I'm sure if any farmers have been able to plant it was needed -

    a lot going on, not sure how to unpack it - just keep taking care and I still really enjoy seeing updates

    Hugs friends
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    ordered some flowers to pick up for mom tomorrow - still trying to psych myself up for the long drive to drop off - and probably get the guilt for not doing a better job of communicating
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    I tried to drop off some materials at two porches of families I work with and a tech device at an early childhood center yesterday. I put Charlie in the car and was excited about driving around and my battery was dead. I was ticked. Basically a lot of swear words about this whole situation with COVID, distance teaching and my car. I went back inside and worked for awhile, talked to some coworkers and then quit early. I poured a glass of wine and socialized on Zoom with two retired friends.

    Today Russ stayed home and he showed me how to charge my battery with some new device he bought but hadn't charged and taught me earlier. Easy enough and I was off to do my drop offs. I told the families not to come to the door. One Mom came out in the driveway when I got back in my car. Her little guy has only met me on his Ipad screen. He was very shy.

    I came home and had lunch, worked a little, texted with a MI friend and my floor guy, and then Ree Drummond's Apple Tart with puff pastry. Looks better than it tastes. The apples were a little rubbery.

    So relaxing and watching TV. It's suppose to rain tomorrow and turn to snow Sunday morning. Winter won't leave us.

    Hang in there Marla. Your Mom will appreciate you came to see her even if she doesn't show it. Enjoy your Saturday. Happy Mother's Day if I don't get on here until after the weekend.
