The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    I would imagine that some teachers are great at distance learning and others not so much. I was surprised the article stated that seasoned older teachers handled it better with a "get it done" attitude than younger teachers within their first 5 years of teaching. I think the tech skills are a challenge and older teachers weren't raised and educated using tech. So interesting all the way around. Sorry C has not had much of a challenge. By shortening the semester at Wayne, does that mean Z's semester will be all the work typically done in that semester but in a shorter amount of time?

    Things are opening up in MN too. Along with that more testing is being done. I think our positive cases of COVID rise about 1000 per day and deaths are rising too. It's hard to know if the increase in testing accounts for the increased numbers of ill people or the opening up of the state or both. I went in CVS yesterday to get my second shingles vaccine at the pharmacy. I intentionally chose a CVS that doesn't get much traffic. That was my first outing where I went in a retail place since first week of April. I wore a mask and all in the store were wearing masks. I took Charlie for his bath and grooming. I dropped him off curb side and picked him up the same way. I wore my mask and so did the groomers.

    Late this afternoon Russ took me to my office (he has keys and code for alarm until Friday). I dropped off a bunch of toys and materials for 3 coworkers that want them. I spent the day packing up stuff in the guest room, my bedside table and my stuff in the bathroom I don't need right now. I'm sore! My arm is sore from the shot too. Tomorrow I will start on my nick nacks and glassware downstairs that aren't needed. Russ leaves Sunday and I'll use paper plates and plastic cups while he's gone. When he comes back, only 1 week left, so won't need all the cookware, etc. I'll keep out a pan or two.

    I've been watching the 3 part mini series Grant. It's violent but interesting from a historical perspective.

    Sleep well, I know I will.


  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I work from home Monday to Wednesday and in the office Thursday and Friday. I hope to be back fully in soon. Summer is upon us and property is really starting to pick up.

    Thing in our province are starting to open back up! Places that were ordered to close can reopen June 5. That means I can get a massage! I just need to wait to hear from them if they have their guidelines in place and what they are. I can also get my cancelled eye appointment. I’ll wait for the rush before I try to book a trim with my hairdresser. At yesterday’s provincial announcement they were talking in circles about the limit on social gatherings. The next announcement is tomorrow (Friday), I think we may see an increase in gatherings! How I long to have in person classes with my Sunday School class!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    so the vacation I saved to take my Hawaii vacation I am now in danger of losing. It has been so busy that I couldn't in good heart just take off even though I was supposed to be gone. But then yesterday I got the email that I have to use it by the end of June or it will be gone. I asked to take the next five Friday's off and one day - but it is so busy and month end I got shot down for tomorrow. So now maybe I can take the next four Friday's and dribble out the other 12 hours just basically wasting it. It's really pissing me off. I keep trying to do the right thing and I feel like I just keep getting pooped on. I mean, wow! I can take off two hours in the middle of the day one Wednesday and maybe 1 hour in the morning one Thursday and 1 hour in the afternoon one Tuesday. Lucky me! Sorry. Just feeling sorry for myself.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    yay - a happy thing to help drag me out of my funk - Caleb got Top 10% of his class again! That kid! My heart.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    Marla you earned those days, take them. The company won't fall apart and you are entitled to those days off. Don't let your company take them back. An hour here and there doesn't give you the personal time you need to get things done or just relax. Don't let work be #1. Give yourself the gift of time off.

    Congratulations to C! That must feel good to you both.

    I had a doctor appointment by phone this morning to get my prescriptions renewed before I left MN. Now I have to pick a pharmacy in my town in MI (there are 2) and register for my new insurance that starts September 1st. First time ever that Russ and I will be paying our total medical insurance premium cost. What a bite out of the monthly pensions, but grateful to have our pensions. Not complaining...

    I packed up nic nacs today and I have a cabinet of bowls and glassware to do this weekend. I will wait until Russ is gone Sunday to do more. I'm never moving again. If I have to go to the nursing home, my kids or Russ will have to take care of it.

    Ang, I hope you get to go back to your Sunday school class soon.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    here's a weird thing about having to go out to work everyday - I'm still scared of carrying it home or becoming ill, but the fear is I don't know, forming a callous or getting muted. Even with cases rises. I guess I am (and obviously many others) are becoming numb to everything. I still am cautious but when I see stories like that CDC is making recommendations on the only way to open schools is with kids staying the same classrooms, six feet between everyone, lunch in the classroom, nothing outside, etc, etc. I just shake my head and think (1) they are high - in no school would that ever be possible (2) what would that do to kids to be have to do that and be kept like that - I don't know. It's just enough.

    I know what you mean about moving - I haven't moved for about 13 years and that was before I had the bulk of my big furniture. I did most of the last moving on my own in small batches. That won't be possible ever again - not that I want that. I want Bernie to ditch more of his crud. He still has so much *&^F$ from college. No. Just no.

    I read this article this morning about how dentists have changed what they do - including the patients wear masks. That can't be right. How the frack do you wear a mask to an appointment where they are working in your mouth? Good heavens.

    Today is supposed to be sunny and 70 - no rain for first day in awhile. Hello bright yellow thing. I wonder if my Z kid will want to golfing? It would be good for him to get some Vitamin d. He is finishing his second week of IT interning. He has been programming 8 hours a day. He is tired at night, but his demeanor is so much better than last summer after a day on the line. I still hate it here, but I am so glad he is getting this experience. I will swim in the pool of misery (for a certain amount of time anyway) to get my kids somewhere better.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    Well Minneapolis and St. Paul are in crisis this week. The Mpls police department has major issues and has for many years. Russ says the police officer that is the head of their union is a horrible racist and bad egg. Maybe that is part of it. It is sad to see all the fires and destruction and also so sad to see the life of George Floyd just wiped out like he didn't count at all. I have a hard time believing that all the destruction is being done by locals. I think those organized groups with agendas come in during these situations to push their own agendas. It's probably a combination of angry locals and organized groups. It's just sad. We are in the suburbs and Nordstom Rack 5 minutes away was vandalized last night. Near our old house a mall and some stores were also vandalized. The governor is enforcing an 8pm curfew tonight to keep destruction to a minimum. I wonder how many will actually respect the curfew?

    I packed the rest of my nic nacs today and started on the kitchen. Russ had his last day of work today so I'm cooking a special dinner tomorrow. After he leaves Sunday, I'll pack up the rest of the kitchen and use paper plates and plastic ware for June when I'm here alone. Next I'll tackle bathroom and laundry supplies, then clothing. While Charlie is in MI with Russ, I need to make a point to take one walk a day for exercise like I do when I walk him. It's hard on my knees but the fresh air and movement are good for me.

    I hope Z's internship goes well this summer.

    Enjoy your weekend,
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    First trailer is packed, townhome stuff is packed except kitchen, clothes and a few items in bathrooms. There is a 8pm to 6am curfew set due to the riots and protesting going on here in Minneapolis. Russ plans to leave at 3am and get right on the highway. Hopefully he is not stopped. The curfew restrictions say no people in public places and on streets after 8pm. I think they mean city and suburb streets where businesses are. Fingers crossed...

    Charlie, dog, is nervous. He doesn't like change and his kennel and a toy are in the truck for his trip with Russ to MI. I washed his bed so he will have that and it will be a long trip for him. Rory is coming for dinner tonight and I'm cooking Tuscan Chicken, Cauliflower Augratin, lemon pepper linguine, and baguette for dinner to celebrate Russ' retirement.

    Russ seems nervous about the trip. I think he doesn't like leaving me behind when it is so volatile around here. There has been some vandalism in the suburbs near us but I don't feel threatened where we are living. We have two nice ladies living next door and I know where a couple of other people live if I needed help. The caretakers here all live in the complex and are very nice too. It will be quiet and lonely but I have several Zoom social hours scheduled with friends to say good-bye.

    My brother tested that the lookie loos (my cousins) stopped by the house when he was painting today. They wanted to see what we bought. I'm not too excited that people are stopping in and getting tours but I also know it doesn't harm anything. They are just curious and excited for us to be moving back. I just want to be there too!

    Well I hope I don't screw up the meal. I don't like cooking in the town home kitchen (very small) and I seem to have difficulty following a recipe in my later years. I always do something wrong.

    Enjoy Sunday,

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    The violence is scary. I hope Russ has a safe and smooth trip. Same for you. No issues for anyone. Even Lincoln and Omaha are behaving badly (I mean violence not protest)

    Enjoy dinner and time with Rory. Caleb and I are going to try manicotti tomorrow. We made apple fritter bread yesterday.

    Prayers for peace
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    Mmmmm I love Manicotti. That was always my birthday dinner growing up in my teen years. We could choose and that was my choice. When I make it for my family, I always make an extra pan or two and freeze it or gave to the kids when they lived locally in their own places. Enjoy!

    C must really enjoy cooking! Great skill to have for getting a job, helping out a wife, feeding himself, etc.

    Calmer night in the metro last night. Russ and Charlie left between 3 and 4am. He is now only a couple of hours from his destination. He said there is hardly any traffic. Charlie is handling the ride but is very alert to new smells when he gets out to walk and pee. He was napping hard the last time Russ called from the U.P. Russ let him sit on his bed in the front seat so he can see out the window and see Russ. I have a feeling Charlie is going to give me the stink eye when I take the front in the future.

    My dinner went ok last night. First time I made those recipes so if I made them again I would tweak some things. They liked it and ate quite a bit.

    Today I'm relaxing, doing laundry and watching tv. I don't feel like packing anything and have plenty of time to finish what is left. Enjoying my solitude...

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    The manicotti was pretty good. I didn't really love the sauce the recipe made, just not quite to my taste, but overall good. We've made a lot of different things recently, most of them probably not stuff we will make again, but it's been interesting trying different things. My favorite so far has been the 'copycat' recipe for something I have had before at Carraba's - chicken bryan - that was the yummiest and pretty close to what it tastes like at the restaurant.

    This violence is terrifying. And what is it going to do to the spread of covid. Oy.

    I hope we can stay in contact even after you hit your official retirement. We have been exchanging chats for so long now!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    I plan to keep checking in and chatting with you Marla. We've been talking for 10 years! Our kids have grown up and we've shared so much.

    What was the sauce for the manicotti you made? What made it different? I've not made mine from scratch although I do have a good sauce recipe in a vegetarian cookbook that I have. It's called the Moosewood Cookbook and has a great red sauce.

    I zoomed with my knitting group tonight. We will do a couple more zooms and then I'm off of video meetings for the summer.

    The speech pathologists at work gave me a zoom send off today at our last group meeting of the year. They invited former coworkers that are speech pathologists that I worked with over my career. It was nice to see everyone. They all held up a poster with a word that describes me to them or how they think of me. It was sweet. Someone took a screen shot and sent it to me. They collected money for a gift card and will send that to me. It was the most unconventional retirement send off other but just right.

    Russ and Charlie are enjoying their time in MI. Charlie loves all the land and runs all over the place. The wind in his face and happy as a clam.

    I have some of my winter clothes packed, wrapped the framed pictures in bubble wrap and need to finish kitchen and bathrooms. I think I will do some cleaning this weekend so it won't be so hard to clean in another two weeks when we get ready to leave.

    I'm busy with video conferences with students and organizing files and paper work all day long for work. I can imagine the weight that will lift off my shoulders when I turn in my computer and never have to do special education paperwork again. It will be amazing!

    Well I've been receiving packages of items I've shopped for online for bedding and kitchen towels. I will focus on bathroom towels when I get there. We have our old cruddy towels which will have to do for awhile.

    Appliances were delivered today, furniture gets delivered tomorrow, and AC guy comes out on Friday to make sure AC works and hook up the gas to the stove and dryer. Next week is carpet install and cleaning crew coming in to do the cleaning I want done so I don't have to do it when I get there. Russ purchased a riding lawn mower and will be mowing the weeds down this weekend. The lawn is going to be quite a project over the next two years. We will be busy in retirement.

    Hope you are well. The state of this country and the world is in question. I can only hope positive change and equality for all is the result. I'm really worried about the resurge of COVID with all the protesting and close proximity. Opening up will be brief I'm afraid if high numbers get sick and need hospitalization.

    I will continue to social distance and wear my mask.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    The sauce was a can of crushed tomatoes, onion, carrot, garlic, basil. That's what I am remembering off the top of my head. It was fine, I'm guessing it's mostly not to my taste because I only ever eat prepared stuff (canned spaghetti sauce) and I'm not used to the taste of 'real'. The lasagna we make (and I love) has a sauce that is made with tomato soup - that's more my taste.

    Sounds like a great option for a retirement get together in this climate. So much amazing progress at your next place. Yeah!

    Super hot this week. Last week it was barely 70, and this week it's over 90 everyday. Bleh.

    Some group organized a protest here in Columbus yesterday. Fortunately it stayed peaceful. I got freaked out when Caleb went out running at the same time of the protest. But it all worked out. Gah. How long will we have to operate at this level of panic and turmoil and fear?

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    I always use jarred sauce with my manicotti. Russ makes a pasta sauce similar to the one you made when we have spaghetti. I like it for that.

    I guess my theater group got together at one of their houses at 4pm for dinner and socializing. I'm the only one that wouldn't go. They are having me join a video conference at 6pm to chat and say good-bye. I've been wrapping up framed pictures in bubble wrap and brown paper for the next trailer packing. I'm done with those now so on to the kitchen this weekend. I'll do my first thorough cleaning on Saturday so in 2 weeks the grime is less. The vinyl kitchen and bathroom floors in this place are not the best and I tend to not clean them enough because I can't keep them clean. Bad! My mother would be apalled at me.

    Well the officers have all been charged and the guy that cut off George Floyd's airway has now been charged with 2nd degree murder. They could even go for 1st over time if they find enough reason to do so. Our governor wants immediate civil rights legislation and the attorney general has been assigned the case to prosecute the police officers. Haven't heard anything about the rise of COVID but I would imagine there is or will be increased cases after the crowds that gathered. They are still there.

    I would have been nervous about C going out running too. But teens don't listen and think they are invincible. It's our job to worry I guess.

    Well have a nice evening. Tomorrow is Thursday already. Fast week for me.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    fast week here too. I'll take that. Caleb has the 'walk-through' for how summer weights will run this year - their new distancing, sanitizing, etc new and improved. Bernie is against it, but that C kid needs to get out of the house. Obviously the last thing I want is for him to get sick (any of us) - but the rest of us leave the house - it's time for C to get out some too.

    I saw last night a man from our church who is very near our age (his daughter is Zach's age) has stage 4 pancreatic cancer. How awful. That pancreatic cancer seems to be nearly always unbeatable. A nurse from choir has said before, "once it's in the soft tissue..." I also read a prayer request for a young man who was in my nephew's class (25-ish y/o) he was hit in the eye by a paintball from some of the riot violence (I don't think he was causing trouble - just caught in the crossfire) - but he is undergoing surgery and may lose sight in his eye. Oh no, as I type this I am realizing that's 'two' as in bad things come in threes.

    Ok - this entry took a dark turn I didn't intend.

    Just praying for those who are all hurting right now. There are many.

    Be well my dear!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    My friends Dad died from Pancreatic cancer. Another friend's husband had issues with his pancreas but fortunately it wasn't cancer. He was sick and hospitalized for a long time.

    Tomorrow I have a morning video visit, some paper work to do and then I go to my office to clean it out. I will still have to go in two more times but it will just be a place to sit at that point. I'm hoping I can use the laminator tomorrow while I'm there. I could tell from the calendar sign up I will be the only one there which is nice.

    I talked to Russ. He's enjoying himself at the house in MI. Walking with Charlie about 4 times per day, getting his shop set up, waiting for deliveries... He met some neighbors yesterday and said they were very nice. Everyone has been very curious about the people who bought our house so one lady made a point to meet him on the road when he was walking so she could get the scoop. Of course he didn't ask many questions that I have so I hope I get to meet neighbors and get some scoops back.

    I've made a lot of progress on my paperwork and when I take breaks I pack a box or wrap up a framed picture. Saturday I will do some first round cleaning and begin to pack kitchen. I really should walk outside. I've been inside for days and have only gone out to take the garbage can to the end of the driveway.

    Well hope you are well and that C will be alright with weight training.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Another week begins. The heat has been miserable. It is supposed to break a bit tomorrow thank goodness.

    Sounds like there are lots of good times coming your way.

    Last five days right?

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    I have to work next week too. About 8 work days left. Friday the 19th is my last paid day but I won't have any work to do. All will be done and handed in by the 18th.

    Very hot and humid here. The wind is so hot. Ugh!

    I'm like a bear coming out of its den when I go to the store. The sun is so bright and my eyes hurt from the brightness. I've been inside working and packing for so long. I have a good-bye video meeting with some friends tonight. Wednesday and Saturday I agreed to meet in person 1 to 1 with two different people to see them in person before I go. One is my office mate and the other works with me but does not office in my room. They are much younger but have been good friends. They both have gifts to give me so I agreed to go to their houses for drinks, lunch, hot tub, ...

    I'm not sure if Russ and Charlie come back next Saturday or Sunday. Carpet is being installed today and cleaners come tomorrow to clean the house. Russ has to install the closet organizer and then he will come home and finish packing his clothes and his part of the kitchen stuff (spices, etc.) I have one more cabinet to pack up in the kitchen, pack up the bathroom cabinets (my stuff), tape boxes shut, and clean. I just hope we can get all this stuff in the trailer and truck. I told Russ we may want to put a hitch on the Subaru and get the smallest Uhaul trailer for me to pull too. He doesn't think we need it but I'm not so sure. Obviously I still have stuff to get rid of in the future. Good thing we have the pole barn to store stuff until we toss or use it.

    Stay cool,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Bernie and Zach had to do the last of the big stuff for my folks Saturday - the piano!! and some other shi!. And I do mean so much shi!. I can only hope this encourages Bernie to take a hard look at his. Because doing that to my kids and maybe someday g-kids is not something I want to do. (I don't mean the piano is shiz, but most of the other crap they had to deal with was.) And it was a 14-hour day because my dad can't do anything in a timely manner. He spent three hours just making them wait while he pouted in the back because whatever wasn't going his way. Then the last trip to one Wayne farm, then had to backtrack to the Pender farm because that's where he left the key for the Wayne farm. I would have ripped his face off. My poor kid - and Bernie. My sister went and cleaned, and I'm like why didn't you tell me? I'm not moving the piano, that's why I didn't go, but I would go clean some. I know how disgusting it had to be. But whatever, my dad is not the only one with control issues. Mft, family. Some days you love them, some days lump 'em.

    Still so freaking hot. Caleb had his first day of weights and conditioning, poor guy looked like hammered shi! when he got home. I'm like why did you try to kill yourself the first day?

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    Are your parents moving or just getting rid of stuff? I don't remember you saying they were leaving their home.
    I'm losing track of the days. Maybe I'm losing it completely. I need to tackle some more packing but not motivated to do so. I'll make a point to do so tomorrow after I'm done with my last visit. Russ and Charlie will come home Saturday or Sunday.
    I'm watching the news. I really shouldn't. It makes me sick every time. There are no words that can describe how mixed up and crazy this country is becoming. So many conspiracy theories around politics, a corrupt two party system and no strong leaders with exception of a few governors.
    Our new carpet in the bedrooms looks really nice. Russ sent me a picture yesterday. The cleaners did their job today and Russ says the house looks really nice. Now I can arrive and just unpack. What a relief.
    Last night some friends and I met in a Facebook Room. I didn't know that was possible but it is like doing Zoom or Google Meet Video Conference but the clarity of the picture was so much better and it did not jump all around. I think it would be a good option for talking with the kids.
    Well I have another Zoom visit at 6:30 with the knitting group. I'll join for a short time. I didn't sleep well last night so I'm tired. I also want to watch the Social Injustice special on CBS at 9pm.
    Raining here and were suppose to get storms later.

    Have a nice evening,