The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    My friends just left. They are going as far as Appleton, WI to one of my friend's mother's house and then driving to Mpls tomorrow. It was a whirlwind, wonderful week with them. They are both so low key and chill. Easy to be around and we just planned each day as it came. Russ cooked 3 dinners for us and we all went out one night for dinner. We hiked, went to the sand dunes in the national park, visited wineries/cidery, Fishtown in Leland (historic fishing village that has been made in to shops, etc.), went rock hunting, watched the sunset from the beach one night, talked until late each night, and had fun. I walked more steps in this week than I have per day/week in the last decade. We had a beautiful weather week with temps in the mid to high 70's and sunny every day.

    I hope C adjusts and loves UNL. Z must be gone by now too? It takes a bit to adjust to the empty nest. We didn't take the time and adopted two dogs to spoil, haha!

    I have a hair cut at noon, need to harvest veggies in the garden, and then plan to read and relax. I'm hoping I can convince Russ to go out for a Rueban Sandwich or Detroit style pizza. We never ate the soup so I put it in the freezer for Russ and I to have for lunch and dinner with crusty bread at some point.

    Happy Birthday to C!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,880 Member
    sounds like a great visit. I sure hope you got your sandwich or pizza. I just ate lunch and I'm still hungry.

    Zach is still home until Sunday morning. Crazy how late he goes back. But, it's not long now.

    While I know animals would take the empty out of the house, I sure hope I (or Bernie) don't do that. I really am animal-ed out.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    We ended up going to a tavern for burgers since the sandwich/pizza place was closed. We had not been to this tavern before. It's in a small village within the county. Food was good. The server was both bartender and server all by herself. Internet and cell service was down so cash only. I felt for her and had to resist saying that I had served tables before and would jump up and help, LOL! The late afternoon and evening servers and bartender arrived and all was well after a while.

    I am still tired. I picked peppers, tomatoes and carrots this morning. I pulled out over grown lettuce and put on trail for the rabbits and deer. I have more to pick and will replant some lettuce for Fall. Then I'm done for the summer. Lots of green tomatoes still so we will see if they ripen on the vine. I vacuumed and have the last load of towels and sheets in the dryer. I'll put the rooms back together tomorrow and wait to clean just before the kids arrive on the 3rd.

    We will portal with Jeff, Karah and the kids tonight and David, Chantrelle and Halen tomorrow. I haven't seen the kids in awhile. Russ just talked to Rory so all caught up with him. They move to their new apartment at the end of the week.

    Any special plans with Z this weekend?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,880 Member
    Just getting his stuff together. He’s so excited to get back.

    How is Chantrelle doing?

    Your visit with Rory is coming fast!

    I pulled most of pictures off the mantle and am moving them downstairs. Going to try something different. Seems like a good time for different
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    It's nice Z is excited to go back. His last year will go so fast!

    We just portaled with David, Chantrelle, and Halen. We were able to have a little conversation with Halen. She used single words and has lots of articulation errors (hope that clears up) but she answered our questions and offered information like "dog" when her dog appeared and when Charlie was visible. Chantrelle looks good and has a little less than 2 months to go. David is done fishing but will be captaining a boat in OR for a week starting next Saturday. He hopes to fly out here on the 5th with Halen if the job in OR ends by then. It is a week long job but could be affected by weather. Chantrelle's doctor said she could travel but she is looking forward to being alone and getting some things done before baby arrives. I would do the same. They are still unclear if they are delivering in Anchorage or Homer but hope to know by the end of the week. I may be going if they deliver in Anchorage. They will have to help me with the airline ticket and schedule if that's the case. I hate navigating that.

    Rory and Hannah arrive on the 3rd, Jeff and Karah on the 6th and possibly David and Halen on the 5th or 6th. Jeff and Karah do not plan to drive to WI this trip to see his Dad and stepmom. David isn't sure he is going there either. They would do that visit in a separate visit. His Dad and Shari have made no time/effort to go to AK since Halen was born so David doesn't feel bad if he doesn't get to WI this trip. I'm sure there will be a trip they are all in WI and we don't see them but need to be understanding. My big fear is that Don and Shari will show up in our driveway with their tiny camper without telling us and expect to share our visit with the boys and grand kids. I would be ticked about that. It is the way they roll.

    Nice day but no motivation. I did manage to remake the guestroom bed and will do the downstairs beds another day.

    I hope you are having a good weekend. Did you need to drive Z to Wayne or does he have a car he uses to get back and forth?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,880 Member
    And then there were none.

    Zach headed off and got himself moved in. He has our 2004 Buick Rendezvous that still runs really well. I loved that car. The encore was not the same. He was looking forward to a welcome back game of dungeons and dragons.

    Here’s hoping for a successful semester for all the students
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,880 Member
    My first day waking up with both at school. An exclamation point on that is my weight being way up. Perfect. I have a little over a month before my annual visit. Tomorrow I go back to the dermatologist p.a. and see about getting more of the spots frozen off. I think the shoulder reliever thing I got is helping my shoulder issues. I still don't feel perfect, and I don't like general 'weak' feeling, but pleased to see some range of motion starting to come back.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    I ordered this generic arthritis, over the counter, gel for my joints, pain in my foot, etc.

    My friends both had it so I tried one of theirs on my foot after hiking. It was a fast relief and I was able to sleep at night. It is like a gel ibuprofen/NSAID so dosage or not exceeding dosage is important. It gives a guide for that. The non generic is Voltaren. It is sold at Walgreens, etc. but I ordered off of Amazon since it is not convenient for me to go to Traverse City for just one item. It may help your shoulder pain to get some relief.

    How did it feel waking up to a quiet house and no boys around? It is an adjustment.

    My weight isn't going anywhere either. I'm sure the ice cream I eat at night isn't helping, LOL!

    Nice that Z can drive himself back and forth from Wayne. Is UNL further away or just a couple of hours? What is C's first impression of school?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,880 Member
    Wayne and Lincoln are about the same distance away - just different directions. Wayne is northeast about an hour and a half and Lincoln is southeast about an hour and a half. I can't tell you for sure what Caleb thinks of school since all I have gotten from him is one text that 'it's goin' good' and one picture with a sign 'thank you family' that I am sure someone else made him do since he looked annoyed in it. I check on his location occasionally and it looks like he is all over campus and the area around it. I hope he is just taking advantage of all the gatherings, orientations and events and just soaking it all up.

    have a great day
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    I'm sure C is so busy meeting new people, attending social events, participating in dorm and dorm floor socials, etc. What a fun time! If I could go back in time, I would repeat college over again and do it differently.

    I walked Charlie this morning, dead headed some plants that are done for the season, did a little weeding, and harvested more tomatoes and carrots in the garden. The lettuce that I put out for the deer and rabbits on the path two days ago is gone. I ripped out the rest of the over grown lettuce and some very small carrots and put those out for them today. It's a feast! I've decided not to replant the lettuce. I'm done as soon as the tomatoes are done, carrots are all picked, and herbs are dried or frozen.

    David called today. Chantrelle may make the trip if he and Halen comes. He isn't sure yet if he can make the trip but if he does, he will arrive on the 6th.

    Russ is at work. I'm lazing around after my few chores. I should sit on the deck in the sun and enjoy the day but my skin has had enough sun for a season. I was going to ride my bike today but am being lazy. I need to snap out of this laziness. I would feel better if I did.

    How is it being home with Bernie alone or is he traveling for his job?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,880 Member
    Hump day.

    Bernie's grandma Lee (step-gma) is coming to Columbus Thursday for a car show and invited Bernie to dinner in an email. Bernie said I was invited too. After the fiasco of the Saturday lunch invite that disappeared after I said I would go to, I'm not sure I'm feeling it. Everything is such a 'thing' with his family. Although, frankly with mine too. Right now I might be too much in my feels with the boys just being gone. We'll see if I am feeling strong enough.

    Got a bunch of spots zapped yesterday. Doing fine, they are a bit inflamed at this point, kind of like small points of sun burn, but not overly bothersome. Definitely less painful than getting cut.

    Back to mooning over my weight.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    Do you like B's step grandma or is she part of the family problem? I can see why you wouldn't want to go to lunch with them. Does B want you to go?

    Hope your spots feel better soon.

    A MN friend called this morning and we talked a long time. Afterwards, I went to ride my bike and something is wrong with the chain or gears, not sure which. I couldn't get the gears to change and the pedals were spinning. I'm guessing the chain but don't know how it happened. I'll ask Russ to look at it. I hope I don't need to take it in to the bike store to be fixed.

    I've been working on laundry, refilled the hummingbird feeders, and have been watching a Netflix show. I probably need more structure in my life!

    My weight is an issue too but so be it. I can't stress over it all the time.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,880 Member
    last night's dinner was silliness. It wasn't just a dinner with Lee to try to maybe work on things. No. It was a dinner with her Corvette club. So 19 men and women in their 70's. It was three hours of banal chit chat with people I have nothing in common with. Were they nice? Sure, mostly. But it was hot, loud and took forever and not what I was led to believe. A dinner with Lee to sit and talk. FFS. And yet again, this HE (my Bernie) has time for. Again, FFS.

    And work SUCKS.

    Sigh. Enough whining.

    Hope you are doing well and having another wonderful week!


    Oh yeah Husker volleyball starts tonight. I love watching volleyball!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    Russ put the chain back on but I need to do a test ride and see if it is ok. My sister texted last night and asked if I wanted to ride today. I told her I needed to ride it for a bit this morning and if ok, we could ride early afternoon but I wouldn't ride on the highway. A few minutes ago I get a text from her (is was 8:15am), asking if we are going to ride or not because she will go to Traverse City, if not. I told her to go ahead because I'm still in my robe and haven't gotten outside to test ride. She is so impatient! Why ask me to ride and then rush me so early? She can't sit still long and even a ride is rush, rush, rush with few water breaks. I prefer leisurely rides and she just gets it done.

    I will test ride my bike when I'm dressed, pick some tomatoes to make a home made tomato sauce, and also plan to make some mini omelette loaves to freeze for breakfast. Russ could easily microwave them on the mornings he has to work early and it would give me a few mornings of a protein boost. I'm going to crumble tator tots in the bottom, add sausage crumbles, peppers, cheese and egg and bake.

    How is the more quiet house feeling to you? Do you have plans to go to parent days at the schools at all? Is there a group at your church that you could return to singing to do something you love and attend practices, concerts, etc.?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,880 Member
    ah dang, my c kid. I asked how his first few classes went. He said his calc professor has a hard language barrier and is teaching it completely different that he has learned and his physics 'picked up from high school' with stuff he has never learned. I can feel the panic coming through. Which of course sets off my anxiety. I reminded him to find the tutors. To seek a study group. To take time to talk with the profs. But he did also say his other two classes were not going to be bad. But, obviously calc and physics are going to be way more important to being successful in an eng program. I am sending good vibes for him.

    I chuckle in my mind about the language barrier, because I had made a comment this summer about how much I hated my Econ classes because both the profs were Indian and I couldn't understand them. I spent so much time trying to decipher what they said I usually missed most of the content - well and plus is was a lot of graphing and math so yuck on that. He dismissed what I said and thought it wouldn't be a big deal. Mmmm-hmm language barriers plus hard content. BIG DEAL!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    I remember math and physics professors being from other countries and had a very thick accent with English as their second language. It was tough for me too. I also believe that they may be good in the sciences but some can't teach effectively. He's better off going to the professor's or teaching assistant's office hours if he needs extra help.

    My sister and I rode our bikes 26 miles today. I am tired! Russ and I went to a Mexican Food truck that parks in our town on weekends this time of year. Not very good today. I had a taco salad and it was the worst one I've ever had.

    Yesterday I made the mini egg loaves with veggies. They taste pretty good. I also cooked a spaghetti sauce in the crockpot for 8 hours. It was made with tomatoes from my garden, onions, pepper, Italian seasoning, dried chili flakes, red wine, balsamic vinegar, fresh basil from my garden...It needs some doctoring when it's time to use it.

    What are you doing on your quiet weekend?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,880 Member
    Watched volleyball last night and a little of the terrible football game today. Good heavens. So sad. At least we have volleyball. Church tonight. Trying to get through to a 'customer service' representative because an online payment I tried is held for some reason, I've been waiting for 30 minutes so far. Fun
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    I volunteer at the theater tonight. Not sure what movie is showing. I'm guessing, Spiderman.

    I had a rough night with joint discomfort after the ride yesterday. I had to take ibuprofen in the middle of the night.

    I am hoping to watch my alma mater's vball team play this season. My friend is the coach and we played together in high school. She has had several state championships for Class D but I'm not sure what this year's team will be like. I do enjoy college vball but never make time to watch. We went to a couple of vball games at
    Univ of MN when we lived there. One was when they played Penn State since my friend's daughter played for them. She got us tickets in the Penn State section.

    So far the weather is looking good for when the kids are here. Mid 70's and low possibility of rain. Fingers crossed...

    I feel a lazy day coming on but I may make the bran muffin recipe that is kept in the fridge and then bake when we
    want some. It is made from Raisen Bran Cereal.

    Enjoy your Sunday.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,880 Member
    I'm off to try to figure out why the bank held this online account I created with Zelle (what they required) so I could electronically transfer money to Caleb. I was on with Zelle for 45 minutes Saturday and it ended being the bank who held it. I called this morning and they said they would look into and I still haven't heard back. I guess I will walk in. Grr.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    What do you mean they "held it"? Is it an account to deposit money into for C or to pay his tuition?

    I went to Costco today and renewed our membership and spent a fortune on paper products and cleaning supplies. We buy in bulk and keep in the basement. I hadn't shopped in bulk since last Fall. We had bought toilet paper in small quantities a couple of times at the grocery but have gone through our Covid paper products we stocked in the past two years. I met Russ at the Fireplace Store to discuss getting new logs and doors for our fireplace. It was a wood fireplace that the previous owner converted to gas at some point. The door trim was never put on the outside and looks bad. We moved the logs so soot accumulated inside on the wall and on the inside of the doors. It's a mess and all looks bad. Time for an update look and better function. I will call tomorrow and schedule for an appointment for them to measure. We were given catalogs of what we needed to pick out for door trim, glass and logs. We've done that.

    We went out for lunch and then came home. That was our big meal of the day.

    Tomorrow I need to begin getting the downstairs ready for Jeff's family, pick toys for the basket and shelves up and down stairs, and choose some age appropriate books to have out for Miles and Halen if she comes to visit.

    Have a nice evening. You haven't mentioned how it is being home with just Bernie and what the empty nest feels like.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,880 Member
    Yesterday was a big bunch of frustration calls for me.

    Zelle(third party)is the program/app I don't know what my bank has available for electronically transferring money to other people. I thought using it would be better than signing up for Venmo or something else since it was the bank's version. And I had set it up a couple of weeks ago to transfer money to Caleb for school. I started with just a $10. It went fine. Then I did the balance of what I saved and promised him on Saturday and it gave me an error message. I called Zelle spending thirty minutes on hold going through a 'verification' process which included having to get Bernie on the phone even though it is a joint account his name is listed first (and that made him fussy). Then the lady tells me next we have to talk to the bank because they initiated the hold. Since it was Saturday night it would have to wait to Monday. So I called Monday and the 'system is done'. Finally it got cleared up, but annoying. And not that I want them to send out my money willy nilly, but if it's not going to work after doing it all correctly and testing it. Meh.

    Then since I was in the mode, I worked again on this bill from Quest from Zach's bloodwork back in May that still hasn't been fixed. Quest keeps billing me even thought insurance denied them. Not me, Quest. I have spent multiple hours on the phone with Quest arguing that essentially the EOB states my responsibility is zero. Quest just states that then it's my bill. Insurance is good about telling what I owe. If I owed the who thing, that's what I owe. Quest is pissed at me and I am not giving up. They didn't process it right. I finally gave up with Quest and called BC back and the gal is like, it's really not your responsibility (whew since it's $560) and she got in the mix with Quest. She believes she has gotten them to understand that they have to write it off. We'll see what the next statement says. But at least if I get another I can/will go back to BC for an elevated call. So stressful.

    I finally tried having 'the talk' with Bernie the other night. I don't know. He didn't yell or stomp off. So I guess that's something. But other than that nothing. I mean nothing will be magic, but I guess I had hoped for at least an apology or something. I don't know.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    Financial/billing stuff is so stressful and dealing with facilities and insurance is so frustrating. Hopefully it all works out. I had to deal with a home health care place this winter that kept billing me for something I already paid.

    Did Bernie engage at all? Did he express any frustrations he has or how it all could improve? Did he understand where you were coming from?

    I hope to roast a veggie assortment tomorrow (tomatoes, onions, garlic, peppers, fresh herbs) to use in soups and pastas this Fall/Winter. I would like to start tomorrow so Russ needs to bring in his vacuum sealer so I can get them freezer ready.

    I've been searching the internet for a FL rental that would not be a camper. Prices are crazy but I did see a house in Jacksonville Beach about 30 miles from Jeff and Karah. I don't know much about the area but the house looks nice and is .8 miles from the Atlantic. Dog friendly, fenced in back yard, screen porch, nice layout and furnishings. The last review was Oct 2020, all reviews 5 star ratings. I'm wondering why so long ago and if it is because of Covid or it hasn't been rented or is no longer a viable listing. It says it is but maybe wasn't taken down? I need to message the management company and ask some questions.

    I organized my clothes in my closet today (started anyway). Tomorrow I need to work on toys and books for Miles and Alayne. David and Halen will not be coming at this time. I would love to see them come to FL as a whole family in February.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,880 Member
    so many thoughts racing about my work yet too. It has been incredibly hard on Michele since Phil (President/CEO, etc) died and she just keeps getting more done with this place. I can't say I'm happy, but it's somewhat comfortable and I do look at what's out there and nothing sounds amazing. But I know when Michele finally pulls her pin, I'm probably going to get shuffled to another team or just shuffled out. Sigh. I know change can be good, but it can also hurt so bad getting there.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    Are you still looking for job listings? Is there a strong chance they would let you go? Change isn't easy but can also be rejuvinating and energizing.

    We booked a small house in Ormond Beach, FL from 1/25-2/22/23. We will be about an hour from Jeff and Karah, .3 miles from the Atlantic, just south of the campsite we had reserved (same area) but will be more comfortable and have a fenced in yard for Charlie, our dog. It is just north of Daytona. Neighborhood is typical FL, small cement house. We decided the camper would be a pain to pull to FL in the winter and we wouldn't be very comfortable for a whole month.

    I roasted an assortment of veggies from my garden today. I included fresh herbs that I grew, lots of garlic, vacuum sealed them and put in the freezer. They taste great! I have another dozen tomatoes to harvest and will roast the ones we don't eat. Tonight was BLT's for dinner. Yum!

    Tomorrow I start to clean for Hannah and Rory's visit and will continue to sort toys and books for Miles.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,880 Member
    I have been wanting to try oven roasted tomatoes recently. I love most vegetables roasted.

    Tomorrow is my anniversary - 27 yrs. Bernie did send flowers today for the first time in forever. So I guess my complaining prompted something. I think they are beautiful and I do appreciate them. But it's not the only thing I want. I hope he 'heard' there is more going on.

    I do look at indeed and ziprecruiter etc everyday - mostly just browsing because I am stuck in that place where nothing looks better than I have, I carry the benefits now and if things stay the same this is good enough. If a bunch of people leave, it won't be ok... just keeping my head on a swivel and trying to keep a correct read on things

    Friday eve

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    Maybe Bernie will take baby steps but effort is better than no effort at all. Would he be open to a date night a couple times per month where you eat out, talk about things, go for a walk, see a movie, etc.? Maybe reconnecting that way since the kids are on their own, is a way to reconnect and see what happens.

    I hope all works out with your job. Try to let the stress go since you have no control of it at this point. Keep watching the ads too.

    I just roasted more veggies and added spice with dried peppers and jalapenos to it. So 4 packages, two regular and two spicy.

    I sorted toys and books today. There are a couple more bins in the pole barn of books and a few toys. Russ and Rory will bring them in for me on Sunday. All that is left to do for kids arrival is dust, vacuum and clean bathrooms. Russ will grocery shop tomorrow and buy one more life jacket for the kayaks.

    My lower back is sore from lifting bins and bending over. Time to rest and read.

    Work week almost over for you!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    I really pulled a muscle in my lower back. Ouch! I can't do any kind of activity these days without feeling the pain somewhere. Russ and I have talked about joining the YMCA. It probably is a very good idea. I need to get in better shape. When the kids leave we will check it out and see what it has to offer.

    Russ brought in a bin of kid's books and toys for me so I will sort today and put the rest away in the basement. I will clean bathrooms today, do laundry and tomorrow vacuum before leaving for the airport to pick up Rory and Hannah.

    I'm hoping the apples on the apple trees in the backyard will be ready when Miles gets here. He can help me pick some and we could make some apple sauce.

    Cold front coming through this evening with rain. Winds may be up to 30mph. After tomorrow, weather forecast looks great for the week. I hope it stays that way for the kids vacay.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,880 Member

    Oh that would be a fun memory to pick apples and make applesauce with Miles.

    Hot today and then maybe cooler this weekend.

    Have a wonderful visit!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    Ready except for vacuuming main part of house and mopping the kitchen. Tomorrow morning...

    88 degrees today. It looks like we may get rain tonight which would be nice and relieve the humidity that has built up.

    Russ is cleaning up the pole barn. I hope he sweeps the floor. It's a mess!

    We ordered broasted chicken from a local restaurant for dinner. It is pretty good and we were both busy all day getting ready for kids to arrive.

    Jeff and Karah arrived at her parents' house in GA today. They will stay for the weekend and then come north on Monday, staying in Indianapolis over night and arriving here on Tuesday eve. Long drive! Indiana is the ugliest and worst part of the trip. Southern MI isn't much better but it improves as they head north.

    I ordered a new Amazon Fire tablet and it arrived today. It has a bigger screen for reading and internet surfing.

    Enjoy your weekend. I'll be checking in while they are here. They won't want to hang with us all the time.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,880 Member
    Is there anywhere to fly in close proximity or is a long drive the only option?

    Ugh. This football game is painful. I think Scott Frost is losing his job. Don’t know who can turn it around. At least there’s volleyball

    Had lunch in Omaha and went to Costco for the first time. Not really a fan. It was crazy

    Enjoy the visit!