The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    Things are better now. We went and bought groceries this morning but we keep forgetting to eat! I rarely have this issue. We wake up and get so busy that we forget until about mid day we never ate anything. By that time we have something and then don't eat dinner. Today I unpacked dishes and some other kitchen boxes. Russ and my niece's husband got the big furniture into the house. Tomorrow I will work on my clothes and Russ will be building the closet organizer in our walk in closet. I hope to enjoy my sister's pool in the afternoon if weather is nice. My feet and legs hurt!

    It looks like we will get rain tonight. It's very hot and humid. So glad the AC works so far.
    Hope you are doing well.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Jenny - move is frustrating! I’ve done it enough and have no intention to move any time soon! I’m just one person to move. I can’t imagine moving an entire house, more people and moving states (or provinces if it were here)

    In get to have an IN PERSON Sunday School class today!! I’m so excited! To keep it at 50, my class is in the evening, during the church service. I’m so looking forward to seeing all my kids! No more teaching on Zoom!

    I did what I needed to do and stepped on the scales. I’ve gained back nearly half the weight I had lost. *Sigh*. Yesterday I signed on with a running coach. Today I tossed my junk food. (Some I just bought last week.) I need to get back on track again. The clothes that were fitting again are to tight again - and I gave away the larger sized clothes! I need to loose the weight again so my clothes I have fit right!! Lesson learned. The hard way.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    I’m sorry you’re day was frustrating. Glad the bed is good so far!

    I think moving is almost like giving birth nothing about it is good except the result. At least you don’t have to get up and go to work work on top of moving. Yay retirement!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    We are trying to eat healthy and get some exercise. I've been walking with Russ and Charlie in the evening using my walking sticks. My knees hurt and I get so stiff. I have to keep moving. We do a little unpacking each day and then relax. I spent yesterday afternoon at my sister's pool. Today Russ and I went and bought our retirement gifts, 2 kayaks. I can't wait to get out on the bay. I met one of the neighbors tonight. She is very nice. She graduated 6 years later than me from a different county school. I liked her a lot. Our dogs get along great. Today I ironed and hung the new shower curtain in the guest bathroom. I also unpacked a box of my night stand stuff. Tomorrow I will finish a couple of other boxes that are sitting in the kitchen and then go look in the garage to see what else I need.

    We have to make arrangements for our POD stuff to get here too. That will all go in the pole barn and we will move in what is necessary and make decisions on the rest.

    We will go to my sister's house for the 4th. We can swim and visit. Just immediate family.

    Retirement is wonderful and I never know what day it is. I love that we live here now. It's going to be great. Even though the house needs TLC, it's going to be perfect for us. I love one level living with my knees!

    Have a happy Monday!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    sounds like your new life is off to a great start. A lot of work of course, but good stuff.

    Hot today. Worried about the C kid conditioning in this heat and humidity. He is excited to finally see his buddies this weekend. His mom invited him to their cabin. I said yes. It's been four months. He needs this so bad. Hopefully he doesn't come back a lob-stah.

    I hate the 4th - hate the fireworks, they scare me. And people think it's funny.

    My wrist is killing me.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    I remember worrying about Rory during football workouts, especially 2 a days in August when it was so hot.

    I like watching fireworks but there won't be any this year unless they are private ones along the lake. I hate firecrackers and all the ones that people throw around that make noise. I was hit in the knee by a firecracker when I was little. It blew right as it hit my knee and broke skin and blood everywhere. I've been scared since then.

    What is wrong with your wrist?

    Today I finished unpacking cookware and organized a couple of items. Then I went to my sister's pool. Russ and I went to the pharmacy downtown and requested that they get our prescriptions from Mpls pharmacies. So each day we accomplish something. Russ is going to grocery in the morning to get his ingredients for the dishes we will take to July 4th picnic. I will work on a couple of boxes while he is gone. Then we are going to try our kayaks if the bay is calm.

    Very hot here! 90's this week.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    I think it is carpal tunnel type issues - a couple of years I tried to see a specialist - well I did see - but because the day I was in I wasn't hurting he claimed there was really nothing he could do since I wasn't having a problem. SMH - it took six weeks to get the appointment that time. Whatever. I'll just try to muddle through until I absolutely can't. Considering trying to get in for a massage, those have helped in the past.

    School just released a new calendar. A much later start date (where most schools are pushing up start date) and a much later end date, with weird random days off each month. Not a fan. There goes trying to go to Hawaii next spring. I had just convinced myself that we would get there next spring. And that's gone. I'm done.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Today is very busy at work TWELVE closings today. I'm happy tomorrow is Canada Day and a day off! I will have earned it!

    On the weekend I hired a running coach. I hope it gives me back my love for running. I need to get out and run because I love to run. Usually race and medals are my motivation and I have none. (I'm not holding on to hope that my November race can happen.) I need to run for the simple enjoyment of it.

    It's finally warmed up here. We did a have a few days where it nearly hit 100. We are back down to our normal temperatures for this time of year. I'm enjoying it. Summer is my favorite time of year.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    Marla, when I had my evaluation for carpal tunnel and chose the surgery route, the doc told me that if I didn't do something about it at all, I could lose the use of my hand. It may be worth a consult with a different doc about your wrist.

    Ang-I hope you find your love of running again and that it provides internal motivation for you since the world is so restrictive and upside down right now. Who knows when organized runs will happen again?

    Russ got up early to go to the grocery and I unpacked some stuff. When he came home we took our kayaks to the bay (on Lake Michigan a few minutes away) and put them in. We paddled around for about an hour and then went home for lunch. In the afternoon we drove around the county looking for other places to launch kayaks in different bodies of water. We found three easy access places to launch our kayaks on inland lakes. I'm sure there are more but these give us options.

    We came home and sat on the front porch with a cold beer. It was hot today!! My sister stopped by after babysitting her grand daughter. We invited her to stay for dinner in our air conditioning. She doesn't have AC so she was happy to stay for awhile. My other sister is coming for dinner tomorrow night. Russ is cooking meals from Eating Well Magazine these days. We are trying to eat healthy and be more active. Pacing ourselves with unpacking...

    We bought fresh strawberries at a road side stand today. They are wonderful and sweet!

    I love living here again and Russ seems very happy too. This was a good decision.

    Stay cool, spend some time having fun, it's summer,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    hot and HUMID here too. A storm rolled through late last night (or early today) hailed and some much needed rain. Fortunately I have a backup alarm since my trusty plug in alarm clock was blinking from a power outage. I still use an ancient plug in alarm clock. Usually with a back up alarm in the bathroom - more so for the I was sleeping so hard I shut it off without hearing it.

    i can't believe your sister doesn't have AC, I would have to move. Not even kidding.

    Glad it is going well for you Ang.

    Hanging in there here in the middle.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    I have an old plug in alarm clock too. I've had it for years but I think it is dying. I've reset it twice and it keeps gaining an hour. Maybe that is a sign I don't need an alarm clock in retirement, LOL! I like having a bedside clock to see if I wake up in the night. I don't know why.

    It's hot here and our AC went out. Russ called the guy and he came out right away and replaced a part. I'm not convinced that was the issue because it doesn't feel much cooler to me from 1.5 hours ago. Maybe it takes time. It may be the original or at least a very old air conditioner.

    I did errands in the city this morning and then came home. I am using the local pharmacy and vet in town so those are 3 minutes away. It's wonderful! I had to pick up meds for me and flea/tick stuff for Charlie and wow it was so convenient. Loving this life. I mopped floors this afternoon because I'm tired of stuff sticking to my sweaty feet. My sister came for dinner and we had a nice visit.

    Tomorrow I will go to my sister's pool in the afternoon to meet my niece, other sister and baby. Friday, Russ and I are going kayaking to a different spot if weather is decent.

    I went in the camper to show my sister what it was like. Yikes I have lots to do in there to make it clean and put things away. Russ put stuff in there when he pulled it to MI and I need to put items back in their cabinets/drawers and then clean. There are dryer sheets every where to keep mice out too.

    Well stay cool. I hope our AC is working again.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Nooooo!!! Not the AC - I hope your repair fixed it, but if it is original just be prepared to upgrade. It will help in the long run.

    100% humidity. Yuck. Even with AC it's nasty.

    Caleb is so ready for his cabin weekend. I hope he has tons of fun and doesn't get burned or do something stupid. It's hard to let him out of my sight after so long.

    It's so busy at work, but super chill at home since there are no other activities. I am definitely loving just being at home without places to run to all the time.

    My last short week for the foreseeable future. I had pretty much all of June using those vacation days because I had to, now it will just be work, work, work until things catch up.

    Hopefully my folks don't give me any guff for not wanting to do fireworks, I said I would come for eating but I don't intend to stay and do fireworks. It's absolutely insane, the whole time I grew up all I ever heard was "we don't light our money on fire" " we can't afford to do that", but the last twenty years dad will spends hundreds and hundreds of dollars to blow up. I still hate fireworks, the loud scares me. They might be pretty, but I always end up overwhelmed with the noise and when they started doing them on one of the farms there was nowhere to go to get away, and it gets so late. Just no for this girl. My Caleb likes them, and he will be with his people somewhere else. Zach doesn't care and Bernie doesn't either. I told them they could drive separate if they wanted to stay. I'm sure it will still be a thing.

    Have a great weekend. No cool off in sight though, :<(
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    AC is working again! Yay! It is sunny and hot outside. I unpacked some boxes this morning and went to my sister's pool around 1:15. I floated in the water on a floatie until I was cool and then sat at her umbrella table eating munchies. My other sister and two friends of my sister who owns the pool were there today. My niece and her baby went home because she and my sister had an argument.

    I got a lot of sun so came home about 4pm. I'm showered and relaxing for the evening. We are just doing veggies, dip and cheese and crackers for dinner. Russ worked on our closet organizer today. He's putting pieces together in the garage and then we will carry in to closet for placement and anchoring to wall. It looks nice. I just hope I can lift my part.

    Feeling lazy...I need a nap.


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    I forgot to say good idea to drive separate to your parents so you don't have to endure the fireworks. Will your sister's family be there too?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Looks like my other post didn’t save. Anyway the fourth is over and that’s always a relief. C kid isn’t home yet so a bit of anxiety until I lay eyes on him and hoping he’s not burnt. Football starts tomorrow. Sports are joining the we’re pretending everything is normal. If it’s safe to go to bars and beaches and Disney then I guess kids better be in school. Meh

    Hopefully you had a great weekend. The depression of full week upon week upon week stretches in front of me endlessly. Sigh.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    It is hot here but we get a nice breeze. Yesterday we went to my sister's pool for the 4th. Russ made Calico beans and potato salad. I wore my swim suit and floated in the pool for an hour or more. Then I changed and was ready for the burgers on the grill. My niece, husband and their baby did end up coming for dinner since it was too hot to camp with a baby. My sister also had her best friend there too. So 8 of us sitting on the deck, eating, chatting, and making over the baby. It was a nice time.

    Russ has worked hard to get our closet organizer together and installed. It looks great and will be so functional providing extra shelf storage for our towels, sheets and clothing. The linen closet is small here so I will reserve that for the guest bedroom and bath along with our cold medicines, hot water bottle, band aids, and miscellaneous stuff that goes in that category. I will begin unpacking my clothes tomorrow! I unpacked 3 more boxes of laundry and bathroom stuff today. I need to put the bathroom stuff away but I have the laundry room organized now. Little by little we are settling in but then the stuff from the POD will arrive.

    I really want to kayak again this week. We haven't been out since the first time last week due to unpacking. One day I was so tired I literally sat and read a book all day, napped and barely moved. I think it is the stress of the move and ending work finally catching up with me.

    It is scary that COVID is on the rise again. People just won't accept wearing masks and social distancing. I don't understand why they won't do it to protect others and keep the spread of the virus to a slower rate.

    Well, I know how you feel about work weeks stretching endlessly. I have to say it is a relief that isn't part of my schedule any more. You will get there too, but you are young.

    Take care!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    The C kid got home last night only a little burnt and with all 10 fingers and toes. Whew!

    He also said he has finally decided after two years of torturing himself to give up football. I was wondering. He has seemed so miserable lately. I worry about the repercussions - because I will always worry no matter what - but hopefully he feels better now that he has made his decision.

    Ugh. Work.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    My older two boys gave up football. The oldest played freshman year and then said forget it. All those two a days in the heat and then after school practices, for about 10 games. My middle son decided basketball was his sport and didn't play high school football because he was afraid of getting injured for basketball season. He later regretted that decision and wished he had played at least two sports.

    If C isn't enjoying it, then it's not a good use of his time. Rory tried trap shooting. Does his school have that? Rory loved it. Anybody can go out for it and work on improving their own performance.

    How are you doing? This world is nuts as it relates to COVID. Why can't people in this country just do what is needed to help everyone? Self-centered people...

    Is your work still really far behind?

    We rejoined Costco today. I unpacked my clothes and love the master closet with the organizer. So many shelves, drawers and rods.

    I'm hoping to swim tomorrow. We invited my brother for dinner Wednesday night. He is vegetarian. We are going to have marinated grilled veggies with a dip, salad, and baguette. He sounded happy to be invited. We need to pay him for the painting he did for us so we will do so when he is here.

    Well hang in there. Is there something you like about work that you can focus on to make it more enjoyable? A coworker you like?

    I feel for you,

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    We don't have school trapshooting, I think maybe there is some out at the Isaak Walton place. I think he might enjoy that. They always did it at camps and he did do his hunter safety a few years ago.

    We're hanging in there, just so crazy. Work is terrible busy and just basically terrible for being so busy, not enough people and dropping even the few safety precautions they had put in. Temp checks are done, unlocked the front door, open for visitors, re-start in person meetings, travel, etc.

    Zach finally got a dorm assignment - he missed a follow up email because it was in an email he wasn't monitoring - (his fault) but DANG, he is now stuck in a triple, in Anderson which is the furthest away from everything for him. Darn kid. He's killing me. He should have had top choice with his grades and he muffed it. And Anderson is the 'sports' dorm. Gah. Not his people, far away from his gamer people and his building. Sigh. Hopefully he does what I am telling (again) get on a list for possible re-assignment, because there will be people who don't show up. At least he has a room. But he's killing me! I hope it's better than last year. He so wants to get back up there and have the campus time again, but proximity is a lot. That kid.

    My niece's college is making arrangements that they won't be in class all the time probably and have to wear masks all the time even in there rooms - haven't heard anything about stuff like from Wayne. They're probably waiting. Still waiting to hear more from the high school too.

    Supposed to get even hotter for the next week. Dang.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,343 Member
    I agree he should get on a list. There will be people who don't show and he could get a spot in the preferred dorm. Also someone may drop out during first semester so he could move.

    I wish my high school had trapshooting available. I would have done that if girls were allowed to join. Times have changed...

    I've been unpacking about 3-4 boxes per day. Not many left in the garage. Now to get the contents of the POD and plug away at that stuff. We are getting there. I went to my sister's pool and floated in the water for a couple of hours today. She was there so we chatted. It was relaxing. I just ordered two outdoor "wicker" chairs with bright blue cushions for the front porch. We sit out there every day so I want something attractive and comfortable. I have a small table I can spray paint to put between them.

    I am so glad we moved here! We invited my brother to dinner tomorrow night. It will be nice to visit with him and pay him for the painting he did for us.

    Lots of summer left so enjoy what you can. Hot here too but I love the breeze we get since we are on higher ground and it's open. Feels wonderful in the morning. I sit on the porch in my robe and drink my coffee. Heaven!

    Stay cool!