The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    Coyotes were yipping last night. This time they seemed to be just beyond our backyard at the neighbors yard on the other side of the pines. This morning when I walked to the kitchen, I caught a glimpse of a furry creature, larger than a rabbit, slipping into the pines by the apple tree. Not sure if it was a deer or coyote, but it was in the vicinity of where they would have been howling from last night. I walked Charlie on a leash this morning to do his business. Poor guy! I'm glad Russ is working to pay off the generator but I hate getting out there so early for Charlie and I'm a little spooked by how close the coyotes are. I don't want to witness Charlie being attacked and killed on my watch, or at all.

    Today is going to be high 60's so I will clean up garden and put stuff away this afternoon. I need to vacuum up dog hair, put in a load of wash, and clean up some clutter too. Tomorrow morning I drive my sister Becky to her colonoscopy appointment so I will miss aqua fit. I could go to a later class but I may wait and try the Friday morning class and get a bike ride in tomorrow.

    My weight is going no where but I hope I will tone up and lose some inches this year.

    Happy Tuesday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    Tuesday just about slid past without me even logging on again today. I guess that's good.

    Thinking about groceries for the weekend already. It sounds like Zach will come home so need to ponder what to have. He always loves steak.

    Nothing much else - have a great day.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    My Ohio friend called today because she was up here at her seasonal home. We went out to lunch so I didn't get anything done in the garden, vacuuming, etc. Tomorrow is another day but there is an 80% chance of rain. Oh well...

    Nice that Z is coming home. I love a good steak with a baked potato and salad. We are going out tomorrow eve to a restaurant in a neighboring town. New owners so we want to see if we like it. It's a BBQ place that is adding more to their menu.

    I had hoped to ride tomorrow but won't go if raining. Maybe I will get to the Y in the afternoon if it does.

    Have a nice eve.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    The wind is horrible. I am reading about several fires burning in the areas around our family land/farms. The farmers of Northeast NE have had some horrible circumstances this year.

    Hope you get your ride.

    Take care
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    Friday - eve

    I think Michele met with someone for 'lunch' that was more about job opportunities.


    I do want her to be happy, but this is stressful for me
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    Why is Michele being so secretive with you? Is she just being cautious so word doesn't get out or she doesn't want to stress you?

    Too cold and rainy to ride. Pouring rain and it was also sleeting when I was out and about. My sister and I volunteered at Power Books this morning and then went out to lunch. Suttons Bay is crowded and busy with all the color peepers right now. I'll be glad when it becomes more quiet in a week or so.

    Russ spray painted the inside of the fireplace with black heat resistant paint to make it look new again. Next week the new grate, logs and doors will be put on. I am excited to be able to use it again with the temps getting colder. So we are ready for the fireplace guy to do his magic.

    The color is getting close to peak now. Our view is more gorgeous every day. It is sad to know that within a week or two, the leaves will fall and snow flurries will begin.

    I'm starting to get in the knitting mood again. I need to find my knitting bag and see what project needs to be finished. I also need to visit our local yarn shop. I haven't been in there yet.

    I'll be interested to hear what happens with your sister and work. Does Z come home Friday eve?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    The boys came home this afternoon! It’s great to see them. I cooked a bunch and they looked at all the food like I was crazy. Zach hadn’t gotten a haircut since May so I made him go to Supercuts and yikes. He didn’t understand how to explain his normal cut. It’s super buzzed. Well hopefully it’ll grow. I can definitely see a lot of scalp massage n the back. That’s a bummer he’s thinning so much already. Caleb seems really subdued and I’m still fretting about him. He found out he has to take physics 2 and doesn’t think he can. He said he is going to talk to his advisor. I suggested he also talk to older students in the program and see if they have advice. Or maybe taking it at UNO (Omaha) since word is the teachers are better there. It’s so hard seeing him not seem happy

    Have a great weekend
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    Had an amazing time watching husker volleyball with the family. Just enjoying their company. Today more momming/feeding my babies and just hanging out. Football soon. The colors changing in your area are beautiful

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    I'm glad both boys were home and you got to spend time with them. I wonder why C seems so subdued? Was he a top student in high school and adjustment to college level classes are challenging? Home sickness? Maybe UNL isn't a good fit and he should consider a transfer for next year if not happy.

    The color is getting gorgeous! Peak will be next week for us. I need to get out and dump my flower pots and cut down veggie plants this weekend. Snow has happened within an hour of us and we may see flurries next week as temps drop. Lots of rain predicted and turns to ice or snow pretty easily when it's cold.

    I am feeling sluggish. I only got to aqua fit one time last week with driving my sister to her colonoscopy and zooming with retiree friends on Friday morning. I volunteered on Thursday so didn't make any time for the pool or gym. I'll go Monday morning.

    We are hoping to face time with Rory and Hannah later this morning. I need to get dressed and ready. We are expecting a baby any day from the AK family. I hope all will be well.

    Happy Saturday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    I hope you got to facetime with Rory and got to your aqua fit class. I bet it help you feel better.

    How goes baby watch?

    Bernie did a bunch of the yard stuff yesterday. I just can't anymore/right now. I don't seem to be having noticeable side effects from the new meds, but also not sure if/when benefits make themselves known either. It's only been about a week and a half.

    Caleb took off yesterday. He doesn't have class until Wednesday but a friend has a birthday today and they were going to do something in Lincoln. I really had hoped to get a better idea of how things are going for C this weekend, but I still didn't. I think he (and we) thought things would just be wonderful and happy at school. That's mostly how I remember freshman year. Of course, no one loves classes, but the other - was fun! His classes seem to be so overwhelming I'm not sure he is finding any of those fun things.

    Zach is still home today. We watched another volleyball game yesterday and some Chiefs football. It's fun to watch with him. Bernie took today off so he was sad Caleb left, but it's not like he had anything planned and he can do something with Zach at least.

    Have a great day.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    Dinner with my sisters at our house was nice last night. Russ cooked a whole chicken with lemon and garlic, roasted yukon gold potatoes, carrots and onion. Lynn brought a salad and Becky brought home made foccacia bread and a pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting. We were all stuffed!

    I went to aqua fit this morning. I pushed myself again and it felt good to be moving. Hot tub afterwards and then came home to pick the second chicken that Russ cooked for meals this week.

    Has C looked into a choral group at school? Maybe if he had something he enjoys to balance out studies and classes, it would help with his adjustment. Nice that Z could stick around and good that C wanted to spend time with his friend on his birthday.

    Cold and blustery today but suppose to be 60's by the weekend. I have to finish my last yard stuff on Saturday or Sunday. After that, winter could arrive any day. The upper peninsula got a lot of snow last night on the west side by WI and MN. It was a rain/sleet here when I was in my water class. Sun is shining now. Weird!

    The wind is going to blow the leaves off the trees! I need to go on a color drive before that happens.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    Gale force winds, rain and sleet today. Poor Charlie was miserable doing his business outside. I could barely walk back to the house against the wind. We lost power momentarily but not long enough for our new generator to turn on. I was going to start my Christmas shopping but decided it would be miserable getting in and out of the car and driving. We had a branch break off a tree and some smaller limbs on another. Trees down on several roads too. I was going to bake cookies but didn't want to get caught with some in the oven and have the power go off. I guess I could have anyway with the generator. Maybe tomorrow...

    I watched some TV and read my book. I wasn't too motivated to organize stuff in the basement. If it is like this tomorrow morning I am not driving to the Y for my class. I hope it lets up by then.

    Russ has been getting bids from two different guys for plowing our driveway this winter. The company we have had since moving here dropped us and our neighbors. The neighbor across the street is hiring a company to do the road and then he will bill us our share. That company gave us a high quote for our driveway so we are seeing if we can get someone cheaper for the driveway. One bid came in only $3 cheaper per plowing session. Lets hope the last one is even cheaper. Gas prices are affecting the bid amounts.

    On Friday, Russ is going to make some deliveries and pick up some books and materials for PoWeR Books, my volunteer gig. I'm going to go with him since he is driving to a city a little over an hour from here. We can do lunch or an early dinner out. If the leaves are still on the trees after this weather, I'll see some gorgeous Fall color too.

    I watched The Voice last night for the first time in several years. Did they change the format of the competitions? It seemed different.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    I have never really watched the Voice (or any of those). I don’t know why since I enjoy singing.

    Zach took off while we were at work today. It was a nice visit.

    Everything is so expensive, hopefully you can find a snow removal option in your budget.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    No baby yet. Due date was yesterday. Babies sure take their time.

    I went to aqua fit class this morning and then sat in the hot tub. Came home and ate lunch and then Charlie and I went to get gas in the car and go for a color drive. It was snowing while I was viewing the Fall color! When the sun came out, the color was so vibrant. With all the wind this week, lots of leaves on the ground too.

    My aqua fit teacher says she teaches a low impact Zumba class on T and Th. I talked to her about it and may give it a try and see how my left knee and joints handle it. I could only go on T's but it would be in addition to the MW aqua fit. Things come up so i can't always get to a class on certain days. If that happens I will do the cardio and weight machines.

    Russ is at work, his last day of this week. Yesterday he got off early because one of the machines broke which meant they couldn't assemble on the line.

    We will get our last bid for snow removal tomorrow. If it is lower than the others, he is going with that guy. Fingers crossed for a mild winter I guess. Heat and snow removal costs are crazy.

    Glad you had a nice visit with Z. Will both boys be home for Thanksgiving?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    Zumba sounds fun!

    We got a hard freeze the other night but it will be over 80 this weekend.

    Beautiful colors in your foliage for sure

    Watching some volleyball. GBR!

    Sending healthy baby arrivals vibes!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    80, wow! Snow flakes have been falling off and on daily for the last few days. Nothing sticking to the ground but it is the intro for what is to come soon.

    No baby news yet! Stubborn little girl. She must be too cozy and not be ready to leave the womb.

    Lynn and I volunteered at PoWeR Books this morning. Russ and I are making a delivery of books to a health dept in
    an hour or so away tomorrow for the organization. He has a long bed pick up truck so we will haul the boxes over there so they can be distributed to families.

    Russ had his 1st session with a trainer at the Y. A person gets two free ones when they join. I haven't scheduled mine yet. We are going to go together early Saturday morning so he can get started and I can get in a 3rd day.

    The guys are here working on the fireplace. New gas burner, new grate and logs, and new doors and screen. It will be usable and a big improvement esthetically in the livingroom. The old insert and doors were pretty rough and dated. The gas burner didn't work properly either.

    The last chores outside need to get done this weekend so we are ready and not caught by a surprise storm.

    You still have summer weather. Do you get much snow?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    No snow. Just cold for a couple of days. Now it’s going the other way.

    It’s already Thursday! Yay

    Have a great day
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    The director and initiator of PoWeR Books asked me if I would like the new paid position of the Birth to Age 5 coordinator. It is only about 15 hours per week and I could make my own hours so very flexible. If I'm gone or not available, that would be ok. I would be coordinating book deliveries and contacts with the health department's early childhood programs (WIC, Maternal and Infant Mental Health...) around the northern half of the lower peninsula of MI. We are going to talk further, but I'm interested. It would pay my health insurance with a little left over for the year. Stay tuned...

    I was asked to volunteer at the theater tonight for the 7pm show. I'm guessing the people that normally do it on Friday eve are going to the annual Wine and Artisan Walk in town. I agreed to fill in this week but don't want to do Fridays regularly.

    Russ and I delivered a truck load of books and learning materials to the Gaylord Health Dept today (1.5 hr drive each way) and picked up materials from United Way of Gaylord for PoWeR Books. They had 12 people volunteer to help with stickering books, packing book bags, etc. We weren't able to fit all their completed materials in Russ' huge truck but it was filled to the top and also the back seat. I guess another lady is going to get the rest on Monday. Color was past peak in most areas but still beautiful. There were patches of snow on the ground. The area we went to is a snow belt area and gets a lot of snow. We ate our meal of the day out at a tavern and drove a different way home to see more of the area.

    Any weekend plans? TGIF!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    What an exciting offer! Your posts have been so animated and upbeat since getting involved with the group. That position sounds like your spirit animal. Happy they recognize your awesomeness! And wow so many donations they couldn’t fit in your truck? Wow!

    Today didn’t go how I planned. I felt a little blah this morning but headed to work as normal. Started feeling headache a bit later and then at 12:30 I suddenly felt like I was going to throw up. I packed up said I was leaving and bolted for home. I made it home and didn’t throw up but slept for four hours. Not sure what that was about. It’s almost fiscal year end so we are super busy and I feel so bad about bailing but….

    So just resting and hoping it’s over

    Have a great weekend
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    The flu is on the rise in some states. How about your area? It is suppose to be bad this year since people were home during Covid. I got my flu shot so I am hoping that keeps me well. I get another Covid booster next Friday.

    I do love volunteering at the book program. I'm just not sure about committing to a paid position and responsibility. Having some additional money coming in to just pay my insurance is a motivator though.

    Becky and I went on a 16 mile bike ride today. We stopped at a local tavern for lunch and then rode back to her house. It is a beautiful Fall day here with temps near 70, sunny blue skies and Fall color. It may be my last ride of the season unless we get some nice days in the next two weeks.

    Hope you are feeling better.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    I did my flu shot last month. I think it was maybe a migraine that just hit really fast and hard. So far I feel better today.

    Went to hobby lobby today and picked a new tree. It’s skinnier and I should be able to muscle it on my own if needed. I’m actually going to go get one more and put one on each side of the fireplace. I think I’ve finally figured out Christmas tree(s) in this house. I have never been happy with the various spots I have tried over the years.

    Have a great day. Saturday!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    We don't have a great spot for a tree in our house but we put it near a large wall offset from our fireplace. Not the best, but the only place that makes sense without re-arranging the room. Two on either side of your fireplace will be pretty. I love the Christmas lights from a tree.

    Another beautiful day here. We are going to meet the director of PoWeR Books to drop off what we brought back from Gaylord. Then I am going to haul the last garden stuff to the pole barn and cut and pull the veggie plants. I am going to throw down my seeds today and hope something grows next summer out in the field.

    I volunteer at the theater at 3pm today. Not crazy about twice in a weekend but it was nice to help out on Friday eve. Not sure I was really needed though.

    Well enjoy your Sunday.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    Tossed and turned in my sleep last night so was tired today. I went to aqua fit class, dropped off our absentee ballots at the township hall, ate lunch and took a nap. That is the extent of my day.

    Tomorrow I am hoping the rain is light or holds off. I need to plant bulbs and harvest the rest of my herbs to preserve.

    I hope your Monday was ok. I don't miss those "back to work" Mondays.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    No baby yet. Chantrelle told me they will induce if she doesn't have it this week. They jinxed it when they told her she was going to have it last week or the week before.

    I think I stressed out the director of Power Books by asking for her vision of what the Birth to 5 Coordinator job entails and what is the job description. I asked her what her 5 year vision was for the program and told her I was concerned that the position would grow bigger than I want. She is so overwhelmed right now that she hasn't focused on it, she just knows she needs someone. I don't want to commit to a job that may be more than I want to take on. So we are on hold for now. I will keep volunteering and see what evolves. I still need to get a larger understanding of the whole operation and that will help me give her input on what the job should be at some point. She is dealing with this growing non profit, home schooling two kids, her Mom with dementia just moved in with her, and she is trying to get grants to fund the books. Her volunteer coordinator quit in the middle of it all due to family stuff and it is getting close to the time when many volunteers go south for 6 months to be in a warm climate. Yikes!

    Aqua Fit tomorrow, I need it.

    How are you?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    Doing ok. It’s the week of fiscal year end so extra special work crazy abounds.

    Hopefully your heart will guide you in the right direction with the group.

    Still sending healthy baby vibes.

    Did you go to the Zumba class?

    Have a great week!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    I haven't gone to Zumba yet. Not sure I will. I really like how the water class makes me feel with no impact on my joints. I'm thinking I will stick to water and fitness area with weights and cardio machines.

    No baby yet! Wowzer...she is a week over due at this point. I'm guessing she will be induced soon. Chantrelle is 36 so considered a geriatric pregnancy I think. They won't risk having the baby in too long.

    I went to aqua fit this morning. It was a good class and she had us do a lot of different exercises and interval training. 20 minutes in the hot tub felt good, came home to shower and am relaxing for a bit. I may go over to help pack books for school distribution. I don't normally go Wed's but I'll stop in and see if they need another body. If not, I may do a little Christmas shopping.

    My nephew has been in town from Portland. He drove out here with his bull dog and is staying with my oldest sister Lynn, his Mom. Lynn is stressed because Cam only thinks of himself and is very rude to her. He has always been self-centered and my boys didn't like him much growing up. He refused to spend any time with them when we came back to visit family and they were hurt. They looked up to him for a bit and then decided to ignore him. He wouldn't spend time with any of us back then. Recently, he shows up at family weddings and acts all chummy. My sister Becky told me he is acting horribly to Lynn as he is a guest in her house this week. He texted me to stop by and visit but I was still at gym. When I texted back and he too busy and has commitments with his Dad this afternoon. I'm relieved because he can be very draining to be around. He is 38 or 39, a bachelor, and still very self-
    centered. Lynn will be relieved when he leaves, I think.

    Windy and colder today. The rusts, golds, and yellows in the cherry and apple orchards are breath taking!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    That’s too bad your nephew is difficult. That has to be hard on your sister.

    Just got my hair colored and my walk in.

    Eating my chicken and waiting for the volleyball game. GBR!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    I packed books for school age kids today at Power Books. My body feels it! I packed 13 boxes with 30 books in each box, lifted and stacked them. My body is tired. Tomorrow I am going to try water yoga at the Y and see if that feels good on my muscles and joints.

    Russ and I went out for Detroit style pizza at a place in the county. It is the best pizza around here but difficult to get in during the summer when the tourists are here.

    Chantrelle went to the doctor today. Baby's head is down but it was turned as if she was looking over her shoulder. Chantrelle was given some exercises to do to get her to move it. Last she texted contractions had started last night and were 5 minutes apart lasting 20 seconds each. She is hoping baby is born tonight. Maybe I will have details tomorrow.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,879 Member
    Go baby go!

    I think I would like Detroit style pizza

    Audit tomorrow.

    Hope you get to your class tomorrow and that it helps your soreness

    One more day
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    We have a baby with no name yet. Baby girl was born Oct. 27th at 9:10pm Alaska time. She weighs 7lbs, 10oz, 20.5" long. She was born alert, screaming and has good color. I don't have any other details yet.

    Stay tuned...

    Covid booster and water yoga today.