The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    My parents were tboned in a blind intersection on a gravel road yesterday. Mom is ok and dad was life flighted to Sioux City in a coma with a brain bleed. The last 30 hours have been intense. Driven back and for twice. Got to see him for a few minutes. Prayers appreciated. Hugs friends
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    We had torrential rain yesterday that flooded streets in town. The winds were so strong that huge old trees came down on some houses. The winds were pushing the rain horizontal and we couldn't see the orchard in front of our house. It was all white. It passed and a couple of hours later I was doing water jogging and floating in my sister's pool. Today is sunny and windy. Tomorrow is suppose to be cooler.

    We've seen that Mpls has had high temps like you. Bad storms with hail. Did you get that weather?

    Lazy day here. I'm reading and watching Hometown on HGTV. No motivation to do anything. I did two loads of laundry so that's something.

    I hope you've had a good weekend. Did you go to church yet?

    I did put in a request for a hair appointment at a new salon in our little town. It gets great reviews. They just opened this summer. We will see how quickly I get in. I'm not in a hurry but my hair is pretty rough right now.

    Well have a nice night,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    My dad made almost miraculous progress in one day. He was extubated yesterday. Woke up. Moved to a regular room today and started therapy today. We couldn’t see him but sister talked to him. Oof. We’re all exhausted already. But amazed at his progress
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    I'd say God has truly blessed my folks. Dad is making almost unbelievable progress. He is complaining about the food. My mission today is to make the four trip to pick up his cell phone and get it to the hospital. We will also let the horse out of the barn and clean out some more belongings from the car. I am hoping mom got in touch with the sherriff to make sure they didn't do a no fault - because their car was hit on the back panel - they were definitely more through the intersection.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    Wow Marla, I think I missed the post your parents were in an accident. I'm sorry to hear about your Dad's injuries. I'm so glad he's making a rapid recovery. Scary! Prayers that he continues to heal well.

    These cooler temps are so nice! 60's and 70's without the humidity. Today I met a friend at her dock and we kayaked for a couple of hours talking, floating and paddling. My arms feel it! We then sat in the sun on her dock and talked watching the boats on the lake. It was a busy day on the lake.

    Russ put the deck chairs and table together and we ate out on the deck tonight. That was nice to be outside. There is an electric awning that comes out over the table with lights if we were to sit there at night. As late August and early September arrive that will be nice to have the lights. The awning is nice if it rains and isn't windy.

    The farmers are shaking the cherry trees this week and next. I stopped to get the mail and they had spilled some cherries from the boxes as they left our road. There are orchards across the field from us and up in the hills. Our road turns into a dirt road and then a two track road up into the higher orchard. We can hear the shakers and see the trucks running the cherries to the processors or wherever they go after the tree.

    How long will your Dad be hospitalized? Hang in there.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    Your outdoor area sounds nice!

    Dad seems to be progressing at a rapid rate. They want him to do in patient rehab for some therapy things but mom is being crazy about wanting him home. I’ll try to get more into when I’m on my keyboard. Oh so exhausting trying to do deal with this and all over the phone and my mom being kind of irrational.

    Caleb started his job today! He’s so excited
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    Does your mom get nervous being home alone or is she nervous about your Dad being in the hospital too long and catching COVID or an infection? Hope he is ready for discharge soon.

    How does C like his job?

    We hung a new light fixture today, went to a local shop and bought their home made sourdough bread and croissants, and went for a drive to see the orchards hanging heavy with cherries.

    Lazy day!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    This whole thing is such a crap show all around. Yes I am very grateful that my mom is ok and dad seems to be making a miraculous recovery. But it's all this after stuff will likely kill us all. Probably including mom - I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up hospitalized at some point. She just doesn't do well with medical stress. I had heart problems growing up and would hide them from her when I was having an issue, because she freaked out so bad. When my grandparents were ill she would have to have us kids deal with it.

    So much I want to try to download on but there is SO much.

    THankfully dad was released yesterday. We'll see if they do what they must do and stay home and finish recuperating. Michele had to tell them multiple times they can't be running around. I will plan to go up later this afternoon after work and Caleb's shift today (day two! so far so good.)

    It sounds like even the folks own insurance company is trying to lay it on mom. Unbelievable. First off, the accident report isn't done yet. And, it was a gravel road, unmarked intersection with the folks going north/south - and the way the other driver/guy was on a minimum maintenance road east/west. Yes, he was on the 'right', but mom was more than 3/4 through the intersection which you can plainly see since he hit her on the back panel of the car. Plus, they have this HUM thing that tracks data and she was going no faster than 27. I can't believe they are trying to put the fault on her. What about the other guy? They are screwed if they fault her, plus even no fault - they only have 100,000 on their car medical liability. This is why we bumped up to million a bunch of years ago. Their insurance company is telling dad he can sue mom. But they aren't going after the other driver at all? I have been saying since day one they better get a great lawyer. This could financially devastate them.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    I tried to maintain a positive attitude about the hospital itself, since they did save his life, but after moving him out of ICU he soiled himself 5 times because they wouldn't answer his call for assistance to the bathroom, left him alone in the shower without telling him to not get his staples wet and him being extremely unsteady and sent him home without being to talk to us with this 'special packet' of information regarding his release, the packet belonged to some homeless person. No clue or care what happened to dad's personal information. So, yep, I'm firmly on the they need to get better at their jobs camp. There's more of course - but those are the lowlights.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    Wow Marla! All doesn't sound good. Was the other driver hurt badly or have a pretty wrecked car? If he was coming from the right was his road a main road and your parents were coming from a farm road? I don't get it. The hospital sounds like a nightmare but I'm not surprised. They are really under staffing the floors these days with a nurse having too many patients and the CNA's running from room to room (not enough of those either). Remember when I *kitten* about Russ' experience in the hospital and nursing home? The lack of staff availability when you needed them was real. In the hospital I had to request he have a sponge bath and get his teeth brushed. It was not a priority to make a patient feel as comfortable as they can. He fell off the roof onto pavement and dirt! He was in ICU for 3 days and the next level for 7. Don't they think a patient would want to be cleaned up and have their mouth feel better. Not to mention neededing assistance with bedpans!

    Well your situation and worries are very real and stressful. Try to meditate or soak in a tub for 20 minutes or so to give yourself some time to regroup if you can.

    Nothing new here. I went to the city and bought more fabric for my table revitalizing project. Now to pick out paint color. Visited my niece's house and played with my grand niece. She's a cutie.

    Hang in there. They definitely need a good lawyer on their side!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    Gravel road all ways. The north/south my folks were driving is the more frequently traveled and the east/west the other guy was on is minimum maintenance. I don’t believe he was hurt at all. And as he was in a full size pick up vs moms Taurus hi truck was probably in better shape. I didn’t see pictures though. Moms car was totaled out.

    My sister has to travel again next week. Oy vay. I’m on my own with them. CALGON!!!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    It's only been a week. I'm so tired already. I texted mom hours ago to see how they're doing - haven't heard anything. I just know they are out doing something they shouldn't. Going to the farm to check on the horse, going to Omaha for a prescription. Something.


    I feel a million years old.

    Super hot and humid too.

    Are you sewing something for your project? You could paint some rooms in my house! I really want to get new vanities and light fixtures in both the upstairs bathrooms. Just hate what's in there. The dishwasher is giving me fits, Bernie says its just a simple part, but is too busy to take care of it. Maybe this weekend. There are a couple of grad parties this weekend that barring any major parental catastrophies we are going to. They were good buds to Zach in music ministry and we need something normal.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    My first project is painting a table that has a glass insert top with fabric under the glass. I bought new fabric, washed the wood table and am waiting for Russ to glue to rim and make it strong again. I ordered a blue fusion/chalk paint which will arrive early August. I'll paint the table and put in the new fabric. It's a very small table that will be put between two chairs either in the den or livingroom for drinks if someone is sitting there and needs to put their glass down. It will be cute if it turns out. I washed a head board that I bought from the sellers today. I'm debating whether to paint that instead of leaving it wood. It's not in the best of shape but then it's old and that's expected. I do plan to paint both bathroom vanities which are ugly. I don't want to replace at this point. I am going to paint the master a charcoal gray and the guest bathroom either ivory or a very light gray. I'll do the master first.

    We kayaked for 2 hours yesterday. My arms are sore and Russ is very sunburned. He did not wear sun tan lotion like I did. I use 50 SPF. I'm fine.

    I'm off to my sister's pool since today is very hot.

    I hope your parents are staying out of trouble. Have fun at your parties.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    I think your table sounds very cool. I always want to try painting things - but they are always wood (nice) and it's basically a sacrilege to paint wood in my family.

    So freakin' hot.

    We went to visit my folks Saturday. Dad is doing well. He is going to go to outpatient therapy for awhile. Hopefully he actually goes and does the exercises. While he is doing great, I can see that he needs some, tweaking. He is drooling a bit and not the steadiest when walking. I can already see that mom thinks he's fine. And dad is doing great, but the therapy will only help him. I made a big casserole to take to either eat or they could save. I am so sick of doing drive through every time we are there. I hate to cook, but enough. I guess mom is done cooking suddenly - she said she signed them up for meals on wheels. Which I guess is fine, but she has always given me a hard time because I make no bones about hating cooking and I often don't cook and make everyone just fend for themselves. She's always - it so easy to whip something together. Huh, not anymore? I'm more than a little annoyed with her. After spending all day - bring them a nice meal which we shared - I was more than ready to go. I was broiling in the house. She kept going on about how great the air is there - well maybe for her since she is suddenly cold all the time, but I was literally roasting and getting sick. I made the noises to get ready to go (been there almost 7 hours) and suddenly she had to have us stay for dinner - something she'll just have us pick up. I tried to get out of it. They didn't need to feed us, no more takeout necessary, we had shared a meal, but she was insistent. I finally said fine. Then she goes - well unless you really need to go. I say - well you wanted us to stay. "Oh and now you're mad at me." Because you're manipulating me!! Then she goes and leaves dad to go to Omaha (for prescriptions maybe?) and he must have forgotten and tries to call both me and Michele but we can't hear him, they don't have a landline and we are an hour and half away anyway. Arrrgggghhh.... Michele got pissed too. We told her she couldn't leave him alone. She insisted on getting him home, she needs to keep her butt there. I'm over this. They want to live in Wayne? They need to get all their four thousand prescriptions up there, doctors there and do the shopping there. We live too far away to get there quickly. Argh. Done.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    Taking care of aging parents or dealing with their actions and attitudes is difficult. Many of my friends in Mpls and here are in that stage of elder care. They all pull their hair out! My Mom's dementia was a challenge but the more her memories disappeared the easier it got. Very sad but she didn't know any better or remember her independence at that point. Unfortunately, it is a long road ahead. You and your sister will have to tag team to keep each other from burning out as time moves forward. Otherwise you will be both be feeling crazy all the time.

    Our new dining room chandelier has to be sent back. Didn't come with a long enough chain and wire. Now I have to pick out another one. Not a major world problem but just want the details done. There are not many attractive light fixtures out there these days that fit my taste. I don't want trendy, just traditional. My brother is going to paint our fireplace starting this week. It is a large feature that divides the dining and living room and is currently a dark navy blue. The color compliments the tile on fireplace front but is pretty dark and heavy. It makes the living room feel darker. I'm currently picking out a lighter color to compliment the tile on the front. We are going to paint the sides and back (dining room side) the same color as the other walls. The front will be an accent color. So I'm going to get some samples tomorrow at Home Depot and he will begin painting on Thursday.

    Jeff and Karah, possibly Rory, are coming to visit 8/22 for a week. It will be so good to see them and have some time to do fun things.

    Cooler, comfortable temps and humidity today. AC off, yay!


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    will that be the first time your kids see the place? How fun!

    My AC will run until the heat goes on. My allergies are killing me. Caleb too, poor kid. I never used to have terrible allergies, but the worse Calebs bother him the worse I seem to feel. Weird.

    Even though I am super tired, all I do at night is toss and turn. Just can't settle and quiet my mind. Yuck.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    so the high school (and the elementary and middle school, but I only 'care' about the hs) released their plan for school yesterday. Since C-town is considered 'yellow' they are focusing on returning with things like masks at all time except for PE, distanced in classrooms, increased cleaning, built in time for hand washing, and only grab and go lunch and spread out lunch times. Boy do I still have a lot of questions. What about choir (and band) - those are large groups and no way you can distance and the very point of those activities are to forcefully move air. Where do they eat lunch? I guarantee they won't distance. They will be in their groups. And if you spread out the times to make smaller groups some will have to eat at 8:30 and others at 3:30. Silliness. I really want him back in school, but this plan has a lot of issues I see. Oh and they can't arrive early. So you want all 900 to arrive in the same 10 minutes? Good planning. The comments on FB have been entertaining so far too.

    I still feel like they are putting things out there that they know won't work just so they can say, "See? We can't make school work."
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    I can guarantee the kids will become complacent with masks and distancing as they get use to being with each other again. Staff will have to police all that and it will be a nightmare. What does C think of it all?

    Yes, that will be the first time our boys see our new home. They have seen pictures but haven't seen what we've done to spruce it up on the inside yet. They are happy for us being here.

    I think MN governor announces tomorrow whether schools will open or not. Then districts will have to decide how to provide education based on guidelines if they do open. So glad I'm done!

    I got my first hair cut today since COVID began. My last cut was January. I went short (chin length) to get it off my neck in this humidity and also to cut off some of the old foil that is too golden. I look like a calico cat with the gray, dark brown, golden brown and blonde streaks. She cut off 5-6 inches in a bob with it stacked a little shorter in back and slightly longer in front. I love it and it will be easy. Now I can get my drivers license renewed if I can get an appointment. Russ went in for his yesterday. We are checking canceled appointments to slip in to locally. Otherwise I have to drive an hour away in September for a scheduled appointment. Hopefully I can get one next week for me in our town.

    My brother comes to paint the fireplace tomorrow. I went and bought samples of paint for the front to compliment the tile. I have to paint them on and see what I think. He is painting the back side of the wall tomorrow with first coat.

    Well let me know if you get your questions answered regarding school. It's going to be another crazy year and not normal for anyone.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    I finally realized I kept assuming that my C kid was anxious to go back to school, but I had never asked him. I talked to him about the 'plan' loose as it is last night. He said he's worried he'll make us sick and that somebody will die because of him. Awww, that poor kid. I told him nothing that happens will be because of him. We've been out there for months and are doing ok. But if he wants to look into homeschool we can. I bet there are a lot of other kids out there that have absorbed their parents and the media-played fears. We are honestly still a long ways from actually getting kids in classrooms. I still don't really fully believe it will happen.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    MN is leaving it up to the districts to decide their model but schools can open. My friend is freaking out because her kids are middle and high school age. She doesn't want them back in school. C is so sweet! How awful he is feeling he would be responsible. He's putting a huge burden on himself. Kids shouldn't have to think about that. I love the way you responded to him.

    Our belongings from the POD are being unloaded to the pole barn now. The movers emptied the POD and brought everything up this afternoon. Now we can see what we own! Happy 27th Anniversary to us! Russ had to drive down state to unlock the POD and meet the movers and then drive back. My brother started painting the fireplace wall today. We are going with the creamy off white we put every where else. It will brighten up the dining and living rooms. I bought 5 accent colors to compliment the tile and hated them all after I painted swatches on the wall. We are going with the off white. I will hang one of my framed prints above the mantel and it will look nice with the off white background.

    Beautiful weather here. We haven't needed our AC this week. Any plans for your weekend?
