The New Water Cooler



  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    There's the first presumptive case in the province next to me. They are saying where specifically. New Brunswick (the province next to me) has imposed strict guidelines on those coming back from March break. Those that came back on a certain date, must self-quarantine themselves for 14 days. Nova Scotia (who has their March break next week) only says to stay home if you come back and aren't feeling well. Considering this virus can take up to 14 days to show symptoms for, that's not a very good guideline!!! Just like New Brunswick saw their first after March break (the person has been to someplace in Europe, I forget where), it's very likely that's when we could see it here Nova Scotia.

    I'm not worried about myself. I'm young (well some days I feel young!) and am in the low risk category. However, I do have concern about my parents. My mom is 65 and is prone to pneumonia. My dad is 72 and has pulmonary fibrosis. I worry about him getting it the most.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    The U.S. gov't really handled all of this poorly. Cases in MN are increasing and testing has begun. I canceled my flight to MI and am driving there and back. I did not want to risk being in 3 different airports and then spending time with my siblings who are 69 and 71. My brother has prostate cancer is not receiving treatment by choice (eating the cancer diet on his own) and my sister is a smoker and overweight (I worry about her wheezing already). So I can control and minimize my exposure to others by driving through the U.P of MI to go home. Pretty remote up there and I really don't need to have contact with people to get gas and food. I'm leaving at 5am tomorrow morning. I hope to drive all day rather than stay in a hotel and finish drive on Sunday. We'll see if I can do it. Not a youngster anymore.

    Two week break ahead! At this point MN is not closing schools so the break has not been extended.
    Stay well Ang now that it has reached your area.
    How are you Marla?

    I'm taking my computer so will check in during my MI trip.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    So far ok. The fear is prevalent of course. Most colleges are going to online for the remainder of semester. Wayne has not yet. Omaha schools are closed for the rest of March mostly. C town has not pulled that trigger yet as our town has not confirmed any cases yet. It’s likely more bc of not enough tests. Work issues arising bc people want to work at home not enough laptops plus obviously production can’t. It will only take a couple saying they’re sick and the whole thing collapses. Our business will be vulnerable. College World Series is cancelled. Not sure the curve has been flattened yet.

    Have a safe trip!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    at work like any other Monday - doesn't feel like any other Monday. I really want to go buy more food supplies and hunker down - you can't get away from the dire news stories - anxiety is super high!

    Just trying to force the calm, turn it over and do my best
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    My drive to MI was the easiest I've ever done. It was like a pre-apocalypse, hardly any cars or trucks on the road. I left at 5am and cruised at 80 mph all the way to Green Bay, WI. Moved on to the UP of MI and only a handful of cars most of the time. 80mph across the UP and over the bridge. I beat the airplane I would have been on with a 3 hour layover in Detroit. It was a beautiful day, I cranked the tunes and only stopped twice. Made it in one day.

    I've been busy. I bought a couch, two chairs and an ottoman for the den. I also bought a queen bed set for the guest room. Today I picked up carpet samples but the cost for two bedrooms was higher than I anticipated. I may need to look at the lowest value carpet but it doesn't last, ugh! Tomorrow I'm looking at a couch and loves seat for the living room and going to an Amish place to look at a dining room table.

    School is closed in MN until 3/27. I'm on break until the 30th. I imagine this will be extended. MI has closed their schools until 4/1 so far and today all bars and restaurants closed at 3pm. Only take out food available. Tomorrow MN closes bars and restaurants. Poor Italy...will this be us in a month?

    Hope all goes well in your communities. Stock up on non perishable food and necessities in case you have to stay in. Shelves are empty every where.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Nova Scotia how has presumptive and confirmed cases. Depending on who states it or where you look its between 7-13.

    So many things are closing down. Schools have 3 weeks for March break. Gyms are closed. Libraries are closed. Rec centers are closed. I take the bus. It's limited to seated passengers only, and and as of tomorrow are free and we have to board from the rear of the bus.

    I was out Saturday to do my normal shopping. The only thing I really wasn't able to get was canned pears that I wanted. I just got more canned peaches and fresh fruit. The TP aisle at the grocery store was completely empty. There was a line of up over 20 people waiting for the pharmacy store to open. It's pure chaos. People are panicking. I'm trying to stay calm.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I'm still in MI. I've been doing errands for the house. My sister and I have done some errands in the city but now she is staying home. I have to go in one more time. We've only heard of 2 confirmed cases up this way and they are hospitalized. After I return carpet samples and meet the plumber tomorrow I'm done. I may head home to MN Saturday so I get there before any state border restrictions occur.

    All bars, restaurants, libraries, schools, etc. are closed. Restaurants can do take out or curb side pick up. My job will be done remotely as of 3/30. I will not go intro homes to coach parent and work with child. All will be done by phone, face time, etc. Not sure of details yet. I've heard predictions that when this is over, over 1 million Americans will have died. Not sure what's true but it all feels surreal.

    Stay well my friends,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    I'm not sure what to say besides I'm scared. I am trying to give it to God. Faith over fear. To Be still. But, I'm still scared. I am doing everything I can to follow guidelines - boys home. Me and Bernie only go to work or to the store. If we've been outside all our outside stuff stays in the laundry room and we go shower. But I'm still scared. I'm sure my parents are still running around doing their normal shenanigans. I've been to chicken to call, because I don't want to hear them say it's no big deal. I can't make them follow the rules. But I know they will become ill. No one will be able to help them. We won't be able to visit - or if it comes to it - have a funeral. It's just scary right now.

    The boys and I watched church on the couch last night in our pjs. The most peace I have felt in two weeks. I am striving to do more of that - less of the news. We are hopefully going to get our home fitness center set up in the basement this weekend - a tv and dvd for videos - the machine and weights all in one spot. We all need some good endorphins.

    Be safe - virtual hugs
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    My anxiety is probably a four or five on a good day. Right now it's like a 44. I haven't bothered to take my bp -
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Cases increasing in MI. I think I will head back to MN on Saturday. Russ is sick with the cold I had two weeks ago. I've cancelled all my activities this next week but wonder if I can still get my second shingles shot. I'm going to check and see if I can get it at a pharmacy instead of going to the doctor's office.

    This is all scary. What a strange end to my career to not see my students in person and work remotely. I'm not clear about what we all do our first day after break, report to office or stay home and contact families. Hopefully some direction this next week via email.

    I'm glad you are doing ok even though you are anxious. How are Z and C? How is Bernie? Everyone has their own idea of whether this is not as serious as a flu, a hoax or a democratic plot. Lots of conspiracy theories and crazy nuts. Italy and New York should be evidence this is bad. Most of us may get it, but it's whether we recover. Drink lots of water, eat healthy, wash hands and use clorox wipes on surfaces, knobs, steering wheels, cell phones, etc.

    Take Care,
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    My April race has been cancelled. I'm deferred to next year. My May race (Nova Scotia's biggest race) is postponed to fall. My June race has halted registrations as they decide and wait on what needs to be done. I have signed up for 2 virtual races! They cannot be cancelled!

    Nova Scotia has announced more cases, and the first hospitalization. Libraries, rec centers, stores and so many places are closed. Restaurants are take out or delivery only. Grocery stores, drug stores and they few remaining opening, are down to reduced hours. All of them are dedicating their first hour to seniors and people with compromised immune systems. If the stores get to busy they will not let some in until some people leave. Gatherings are a max of 50 people. It changed from 150 to 50 people in the space of only 3 days. Mandatory self-isolation for 14 days when returning from out of the county. IF only people obeyed it!!!!!! A 51 year father of 3 in Ontario died. They believe it was community transfer.

    Work has gone down to reduced hours (by only one hour) and shorter lunches so the lunch room can be cleaned between each one. We are doing our best to not have clients come in. Thankfully the land registration system (I do property) is working with us. We only need to get the banks to agree we don't need to meet clients in person to have them sign the mortgage.

    Our government is working well to get people money that are out of work. They have removed the wait from Employment Insurance so it can start right away for those that need it. One thing that will benefit me, is for one time only (next month) the GST money I get is going to from about $100 to $400. My Canada student loans are on interest relief for 6 months.

    I use the bus to get to work (I don't drive) we have to board and exit from the back. (Fees are waived). The driver is sectioned off so we can't sit near them. As of Monday, they are going down to reduced times. The ridership is down nearly 50%. I will loose my express buses I take during the week. It will take a little longer to get in (maybe! There's no traffic) but at least I still can for now. They won't pull them unless it gets real bad. The province is less then 20 (all confirmed within a week) but most of those are in the capital city where I live. I have spoke with my office admin about possibly working from home if it comes to that and I can't get in. I'll have to wait and see if my work does more

    In the meantime I need to run!! I may not be able to do much else with places closed, but the great outdoors isn't!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Work is crazy busy for both of us. I work in Agriculture Manufacturing. So with people worried about the food supply, that means farmers are being asked to produce more which in turn means more business for us. We are certainly not recession proof, but for the moment. So super busy. But as more people have to leave for illness, quarantine, etc who knows how long we can keep up. Bernie's plant is getting a lot of capacity from their East coast plants due to the fact that MA is getting hammered at the moment. So they are crazy too. He is also not sure how long they can keep up. Yes, people may be out of work from other places, but HR doesn't want to come in and do the hiring process, add more potential unemployment, STD pieces etc. We can't just fill those spots that easy. Plus many of the jobs are 'skilled' take specific pre-knowledge or training and that is hard to accomplish at the moment. Lots of road blocks, but we are doing all we can. We know we are lucky to still be working, but it does add to our fear knowing we have to still be working.

    I worry about the lack of medical supplies - our health care workers, retail and grocery workers, small business. So much to worry about.

    My sisters dog died this week too. So, add in some extra grief. He was a ding-dong, but our ding-dong.

    One of the guys in our team, his wife works at Walmart and came home from work with a fever last night. She told him to stay home (he is definitely critical to our team and this plant.) So it begins.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I woke up to a very windy, snowy day this morning. My sister and I have not left the house. We've bunkered down, watched movies, bake and ate cookies, etc. Tomorrow I will meet my brother one more time at the house to finalize paint choices. I will leave here early Sunday morning and drive through to MN.

    I still don't know about my work plans when I go back. Hope for an email with instructions this week.

    Wow Ang! Your area has caught up with the restrictions in the U.S. Very scary! I'm glad they are taking precautions to keep people away from one another.

    Marla, I pray that you and Bernie stay well as you continue to work. A Catch-22 to be able to work and get paid but also exposure to others. Is Wayne doing remote learning for Z?

    Please be careful friends!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I drove home yesterday. Easy drive but I was tired and had to stop a few extra times. Still made it in 11 hours. Glad to be home for now. Waiting to hear what work will look like next week. Staying home today rather than going to pick up my computer at my desk.

    I couldn't sleep in, up at 5:30 like it was a work day. Time to get dressed and walk Charlie soon.

    We are stocked up with food, TP and cleaning products for a couple of weeks or so. Russ still has to report to work each day so if he is exposed I will be too. Washing hands, showering, laundry, and sanitizing...

    Take care, stay well...

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    hope you had safe trip back to MN dear J. Zach had his online sessions start today. Hope it went smooth. We debated moving him out this weekend and ultimately didn't do it. Gossip is Caleb's school is working on online stuff - but there has been no official announcements. He does have some online meetings/chats today. We'll see whats up. Would be good to know plans. At least according to the exposure maps I've seen today it looks like NE is doing a good job at flattening - last week our number was high compared to other states, this week it's lower as other states spike. I hope we are doing well and just not under reporting, plus I worry about all the others with the spikes and it spreading out here later - and worry for all the ones on the front lines - so much for all of us to pray for right now.

    Be well, be safe. Virtual hugs.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Our restrictions were increased. Gatherings are now limited to FIVE. Our premier was NOT impressed with the countless people that went to the beach and other public places on the weekend. (Who wants to go to the beach in March anyway!) We are no under a provincial state of emergency. While several provinces have called a state of emergency, our Prime Minister has yet to call a national one. There are fines if you break the restrictions. Individuals - $1,000. Businesses - $7,500. I am being set up to work from home, probably by next week as the company we use is so busy setting up others to work from home. It's going to be interesting to work from home.

    On the weekend I took an inventory of my freezer and cupboards and meal planned for a 4 weeks. The only thing I should have to go out for is milk. I'm getting low on garbage and recycle bags, but I ordered those on Amazon.

    I think the hardest thing for me is that I live alone. I don't have my church family I can see anymore. I can't go see my brother and his family, as that would be a gathering of 6. I told me Dad to stay away, as I'm out on the bus every day to work and I don't want to risk anything. I can still get out for my runs, but that's it. I'm avoiding needless trips to the store just to get something I want, just to get out. That's exactly what we are NOT supposed to do. I do pray this doesn't last long.

    Saturday I got out for my first run in 8 days - in my new shoes! It felt so good! And quiet. My old ones were so warn out, I could hear my feet hitting the payment. I can't with these ones!! I'm still going forward with my half marathon training and am still running it on April 18. Race or no race. Medal or no medal.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Ang- to my knowledge we don't have fines but that could come if people continue not to follow "shelter in place" guidelines to stay home and only go out for necessities. MN hasn't called for "shelter in place" yet but I bet it happens by the end of the week.

    I went to my office and gathered up my computer, personal items I care about, and resources I might need for remote teaching. Only one other person was on my floor. We talked briefly and she left. I quickly searched my cubbie for stuff I wanted, wiped it down with Clorox and left.

    Charlie, our dog, seems very nervous. He has to be kenneled when we aren't home because recently he has peed on the rug when anxious. Now when in his kennel, he must get anxious and messes up the pillow and pushes the bottom tray out the slot. He must be sensing our anxiety about work, our kids, etc. Russ came home from work agitated. He put together an emergency bag for Charlie and a townhome key for Rory in case he and I get sick and can't care for Charlie. That way Rory can take him to his apartment or drop off at our sitters if she will take him. Russ still has to report to work every day but isn't doing much while he's there. He won't let people through the door of his office and won't go to meetings in small rooms with other people. We both think there are people in the district that are not taking this seriously or practicing social distancing.

    I've seen the U.S. map and Nebraska has kept their numbers down. Hope it stays that way. I think we will see an increase in MN this week as test results come back for people with symptoms.

    I hope schools are just closed so Russ can stay home and I can be done with work. I really don't want to deal with all this and just want to stay in away from others.

    Stay well and stay in touch,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Oh goodness - we are so freakin' busy at work. Apparently everyone in the USA NEEDS stock tanks. Right. Now. Trying to add more shifts, hire, get material in is nearly impossible during normal - nothing is normal. Again, grateful our business is needed, but I do wish I could just stay home sometimes. The stress is getting to me - but probably maintaining that normalcy is better than staying home. Just don't want to drag anything bad home. Good job being prepared with your dog. I need to sit down with the boys about what they will have to do if Bernie and I fall ill at the same time. I have the mortgage and most bills auto drawn - but I need to get the credit cards set up too - and get them to be able to sign in to the online bill pay to watch if necessary. Crazy, we just updated our wills in the last month - changing it from the insurance and estate going through a trust to going straight to them (as it was set up nearly 20 years ago and you don't know if they will be savers or spenders) - they are both savers it appears. Just weird to think about it kind of being real.

    I'm glad you are home J - hopefully Russ will be able to stay put soon too. Our public schools are announcing their distance learning intentions later this week. It has to be so hard for those seniors and their parents to be faced with maybe never going back, and a real possibility of no graduation ceremony. It's looking like confirmation is out for our church since they always do it on Palm Sunday - I mean the kids will still have learned the lessons, but the ceremony of it will be not happening. Again, tough for them and the families.

    A lot to try to wrap our minds around.

    Be safe, be well.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    MN governor announced "shelter in place" will begin Friday night at midnight. Essential employees and businesses stay open. Schools will do remote learning until 5/4 and shelter in place is in effect until 4/10. These may be extended but he is trying to give hospitals a break as cases rise. Russ doesn't know how this affects him yet. He has to talk to his boss.

    Marla- is your company agriculture? Farmers getting ready for planting so sales are up?

    I walked Charlie twice today for 10-15 minutes. I will do that every day so I get out and get fresh air and he gets exercise too. We also have the neighbors fish until next week. What a boring pet to have! He hides in his tank and basically does nothing all day long.

    Well hang in there. I pray NE doesn't get as many cases of this virus. Ours will be rising in the next weeks as testing occurs and those exposed show symptoms. I don't want to be one of them.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Yes - Behlen is an Ag Manufacturer. Behlen Country does farm and ranch products like gates, corrals, tillers, stock tanks, chutes, kennels and much more. There is an Ag division that does grain storage systems (grain bins), a building division for steel buildings and IDP which does things like pieces for cell phone towers and presses. Bernie works for FlexCon which does pressure-sensitive material (sort of like stickers) one of their applications being for medical products (putting labels on Rx bottles, bags, etc). So yeah. We are so busy. I am freaked out. My coping skills are maxed out. I had a headache yesterday and today my brain is trying to get me to believe that I'm getting sick. I don't really think so, just getting stressed out and freaking myself out. I have a feeling NE's number are relatively low because of the low number of tests. They are only testing very specific persons due to low number of testing material. So, we are probably not as 'good' as it looks.

    I have seen a cute meme with dogs laying out exhausted from all the walks they are getting now.

    I ran to Walmart (which I hate with a passion) I was desperately hoping to get some more of the poppable 'chips' I have been living on - but they are hard to find during 'regular' times -so sad for me- but I bought a bunch of other snacks for the boys. It is so freaking hard to shop and keep anything in the house. I look like I'm hoarding, but teenage boys (and the other big boy)! On Saturday I bought two huge bunches of bananas, two bags of cuties, a bag of grapes, a bag of grapefruit, two bags of apples, mushrooms, carrots, lettuce and sweet potatoes and onions. The only thing from those fresh section left are the sweet potatoes. The rest has been gone for over a day. Four and a half days - and I don't want to go for another big trip until Saturday. I seem to have become the designated shopper. Bernie keeps quoting the stat that men are dying by more than 50%. I told him I let him live so far.

    I told them last night they had to sit down with me and learn how to sign on to online bill pay. They all nodded their heads and then disappeared into the man caves. Sigh....