The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    exactly! Irresponsible and partly to blame for bad feelings - because I literally couldn't keep up with all the occasions in that family because half the time I would't know - but when I complained he would just say so don't do it. No one is making you. Yep - but it's always me (the wife) that gets the blame. No one ever blames guys for not sending cards or gifts. So infuriating.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Yesterday we got 30cm (roughly) of snow. It's going to be another day or two before the sidewalks are clear enough to run outside again. By the weekend they will be as there's a huge rain storm coming! As long as there's no freezing rain as part of the weekend rain! I plan to get to the gym tonight to get a run on the treadmill (better known as the dreadmill. I hate running on them.) I hope the gym isn't to crowded.

    Work today has been crazy. We were closed yesterday because of the weather. For most of the day I felt like I've been rushing to get files done. It's Thursday, but it felt like a Monday! I'm looking forward to the weekend.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    TGIF!! Fast and busy week. Work has gone fine and I've met a couple of new students. Russ and I went to a retirement meeting tonight regarding school district medical insurance we can pay for when we retire, severance pay, submitting notice of retirement, etc. We have both completed our applications for our pensions and will hand deliver them next week. My notice to the district is due by Feb 1.

    My sister is checking out a house for us tomorrow morning. She says it has a lot of showings and may have current offers. She's going to find out, go see it and video tape and if we have a chance, we will fly out to see it. I have a feeling they will have gotten offers and it will be under contract before we can get there. I'll know tomorrow morning. It is going to be a challenge to find a house while we still live in MN.

    Ang be careful on the ice. It's my biggest fear that I will fall and get injured this winter. I don't want to have to take any sick days that aren't necessary. They are worth money to me in my severance package.

    Marla, marriage and family can be hard. I hope things get better for you. You can look forward to Hawaii!

    Sleep well,

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    full week - and now a long time until any breaks - boo

    My Z kid leaves on Sunday. Sure gonna miss him. Just having hanging in the house was nice. Wishing and praying he has another amazing semester.

    Snow moving in tonight. Hopefully minimal. Really enjoyed the mild temps the last few days.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Getting colder here but the sun is out so that's a win. We were suppose to fly to MI today but weather was going to be so bad we knew they would be canceling flights in Chicago and Detroit so we didn't purchase the tickets. My sister previewed the house and gave it the thumbs up. We hope to get out there next weekend if still available.

    Lots of paperwork piling up at work. It will be a busy week.

    Watching Diners, Dives and Drive Inns on Food Network. He is visiting Asian restaurants and the food all looks so yummy. My favorite! The Vikings play the 49ers this afternoon so we are just having appetizers for dinner while we watch the game.

    Hope you are both having a good weekend.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Shoutout to my C kid who crushed another semester. Straight A’s. Another 4.0 semester. He should have a great shot of staying in the top ten percent. What a hard worker. So proud. Solid college start for Z and super C.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Marla, that's wonderful! Two smart boys. They are motivated and moving toward their goals.

    Busy day today and tomorrow. Russ and I will hand in our applications for retirement tomorrow at our pension offices. I need to write my notice of retirement letter and give to school district within next two weeks. We hope to go to MI this weekend to look at a house weather permitting.

    Well David is out fishing in the Aleutian Islands off Alaska. He said it won't be dangerous and they will stay close to land. Scientists on board studying Halibut. The boat is chartered by the scientists so they take them out and catch the fish they need to study. He will be out about a month.

    Haven't heard from Jeff. He doesn't respond to my texts so I'm going to need to bug him by calling. Rory stops by for his mail and for food once in awhile.

    I thought this week was suppose to get really cold but it's in the teens and 20's during the day. Heat wave!

    Stay warm!

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Marla - That's amazing! I wish I could have done that well when I was in college!

    I went to BodyPump last night. Haven't gone in about a month. I can tell this morning. :p

    I also got my run in this morning BEFORE work! Amazed myself in getting up on time and getting out the door. I had to. I won't have a chance to run on my lunch today, as one of the brokers through my work wants to take the one of the lawyers I work for and me out to lunch. It's my first time in the 8 years of being a paralegal, I've had a broker want to take me out for lunch. First lunch meeting ever! (I've had one with just coffee, also only after I started working here.)
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Good job Ang!

    It has to be hard having your son so far away Jenny.

    Caleb is trying to drop a weight class for powerlifitng for the meet that is in a couple of weeks - for the most part I think he is being smart - eating fish and fruits and vegetables at night - but I am worried he is eating enough the rest of the day - I told him to sign up for MFP so he can track and make sure he is getting enough. With the strenuous lifting he needs to not cut too much and keep his protein high.

    Cold weather moving in - I know it's January but boo
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Turning to single digits here and colder tomorrow. Will be about -25 windchill tomorrow. We have reservations to fly out tomorrow afternoon to MI for the long weekend. We are trying to fly ahead of the snow storm that will hit MN on Friday. I have Monday off for Martin Luther King Day. We will look at a house we are interested in on Friday morning. We've studied photos and videos so if we like it we will put in an offer on Friday. Exciting!

    Charlie our dog has been anxious again for some reason. He peed on the carpet and on my dining cabinet. It took me awhile to notice. I bought a Bissell Vacuum Spot Cleaner for this purpose and just tried it. We'll see when it dries if it was worth the money. Easy to use so that was nice.

    WTG Ang on running before work. I can't get out of bed to exercise in the morning. Maybe when I'm retired and put my mind to it. We'll see.

    Stay warm and I'll be in touch after the weekend. Maybe we will be home owners again!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Good luck on your house hunt trip!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Brrrr Temperature is dropping. It was some blustery this morning with the blowing snow. The temperature has only been dropping since then. Supposed to get down to around -25C. I know it's a lot colder then that out in Alberta, so I'm not going to complain to much! It will be hard to get out for my run tomorrow morning. The coldest I've run in is -17C, and that was only because it was a race I had signed up for!

    Jenny - Hope you were able to get away for your house hunting trip and that it goes well!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    oh the snow! Oh the ice! No, no, nooooo

    Stay safe and warm all.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    We made it home very late last night. What a busy weekend! We got to my sister's house Thursday eve at midnight. Went to bed and got up to visit house Friday morning. We liked it! It's perfect for us and checks our boxes for what we want. It needs a few cosmetic updates and touch ups but we are willing. We made an offer contingent on inspection and it was accepted. The inspector was able to meet Russ Monday morning to complete it since it is slow season and he had an opening. Lucked out! I want to extend dining room wood floors into living room so I called a wood floor guy that everyone recommended and he also met us at house Monday morning. He will be doing the job. We noticed a cracked tile on fireplace hearth so floor guy called his tile guy and he met my sister at house this morning to see if he could repair without changing all the tile. They found a few extra tiles in the garage so that worked out. He will do the job before wood floor goes in. Both guys are friends of my sister and one I knew when I was younger. I forgot how small towns work. Everyone knows one another and people will tell you who to call for different needs. It worked great and everyone was so accommodating. Russ and I browsed furniture stores and I will go back in March on my break and order what we've decided upon. It's happening!

    Our flight home took forever due to air traffic at O'Hare in Chicago. I hate flying through there. We got into Mpls last night at 9:30. When we got to our car battery was dead. It was so cold! Luckily a tow truck came and jumped the car. We got home about 11pm. Early this morning (5:15) I hear Russ yelling at me that he needs my help. He fell down the last two steps and hit his face on the metal dog kennel in livingroom. Of course he did not turn on stair light. He had two cuts on his face (lucky he did not lose an eye) and one looked like it needed stitches. I drove him to ER at 5:30am. Two stitches and cleaned it out, also a tetanus shot since he was due. Crazy, chaotic weekend and arrival home.

    Hope you both had a good weekend. Sounds cold where you are too.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    oh gracious Jenny! Wow - congrats on the new place! The retirement place! I'm glad Russ wasn't more seriously injured. Definitely not how you wanted to start the day.

    It is so cold. More ice and snow for the next four days. Boo.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Did I mention ice and snow for four days? We get it, it's winter. :<(
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Jenny - Congratulations on the new house! Glad Russ wasn't injured to bad. Hope this means he will turn a light on now!

    I've had a lazy week. Not fully eating right and not running. I did 5k on my lunch today with NO walk breaks. My time is getting better which is good! I'm getting closer to that fact I can hopefully set a new PB this summer! I've got 3.5 months to go before my first 5k,
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Great job Ang! You are doing it! I admire that you get yourself out there in the winter and aren't a couch potato like me.

    We are moving forward with the house. All inspection reports were good. Russ and I turned in our applications for our pensions today. On Monday or Tuesday I will turn in my retirement letter to the school district. All written and ready to go.

    Russ is crabby but otherwise doing fine physically. We are both tired and it has been a crazy week with the house, answering mortgage emails and signing documents via email, plus work and Russ' fall. Life needs to slow down!

    Well have a nice weekend. I have paperwork to do for work, haircut and color (easing me into gray), and shopping for new entry rugs, ours are gross and ready for garbage.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    What a day. Up at 3 am to food prep. Hit the road for Caleb’s powerlifting meet at 4:40 am. All day at the meet. Home at 7:30 pm. Whew. I didn’t do anything but sit but I’m whipped. Caleb did ok. He’s pretty small compared to the others in his weight class but he learned a lot and PR’d his deadlift.

    Later ladies. I’m for bed!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I handed in my notice of retirement letter this afternoon. Yay! The only think left is to choose our medical insurance plan for next year through our employer.

    In two weeks we will be in Orange Beach, AL looking at the Gulf and walking the beach. Hopefully it is at least 60 degrees when we are there. I don't care if I sit by a pool but some sun and warmth would be nice. So ready for winter to end. I'm tired of the ice and trying to stay upright.

    WTG Caleb! Good for him for lifting and competing. Your boys are doing great Marla!

    Temps are in the 20's here so win for us!
