The New Water Cooler



  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Jenny - I do live in Nova Scotia. We will get some snow (we did last night) but usually within a day or two it rains and then its gone. I hope this sticks around for at least a week. I want a white Christmas! It's been a few years since we've had one.

    Ugh. The new law firm I'm at does a firm photo Christmas card they send out to all their clients. We did the photo the first of November. Before I re-started this weight loss journey. I looked at the photo and hate how I look in it. It's the first time I've looked at a photo and said that I looked fat. I've never seen a photo of me before where I thought that. I do have to consider I've lost nearly 10 pounds since then, but I hate that photo of me.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    great job on the loss!!!

    I bet it is a relief to Bob that Shaunda has found a place near you - and I hope him and Russ get to spend some time together.

    Hump day at least!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Z kid got all his grades in today - A, A-, B+, B and B - with the dual credit transfers (which includes a couple not so great grades) his gpa ends up being a 3.4. Which maintains his eligibility for his scholarship! I am so proud and excited for him. He worked hard and it shows. Happy dance, happy dance, happy dance!!!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Wishing all my water cooler friends the Merriest of Christmases and a Joyous New Year.

    Talk to you soon!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Oh and it looks like all his high school dual credit courses were accepted so he has 32 applied credits already - 17 from high school and 15 from first semester. Exciting!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Wonderful news for Z! So glad he gets to maintain his scholarship. That is a great GPA for first semester freshman!

    WTG Ang on your 10 pound loss! You're doing it!

    Are you both ready for Christmas? I have a couple of coffee cakes to bake and maybe a pie but all is wrapped and ready to go.

    Shauna and Bob move down here on Sunday. Shauna messaged Russ and said Bob is deteriorating fast. She just wants to get him here because that is his request. I hope he hangs on past Christmas Day. I feel so bad for Russ and Shauna. Bob has been remarkable in his ability to stay positive and fight this cancer.

    I need to get the dog outside for a walk and then start cleaning out my work materials and re-organizing them.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Merry Christmas ladies!

    I spent nearly all day Saturday in my kitchen doing baking. I am done and ready for Christmas!! I gave away a dozen gifts of baked goods. For all of them, I made 4 batches of cookies, fudge, a batch of muffins, one thing of squares, and a batch of truffles. I'm done with baking for awhile! I did have my youngest nephew over Saturday for a few hours. He helped me with the sugar cookies and decorating them.

    Yesterday was the Sunday School concert at church. They re-did all the costumes this year and the kids looked great! As always they did a great job and were so cute doing them! Right down to the horse who had a meltdown on stage. They put a lot of work into it this year and it was really well done.

    I only have the rest of today and half day tomorrow and them I'm off for the rest of the week! I'm looking forward to a nice Christmas vacation. I barely have any plans which is great! My biggest plan is NOT setting an alarm clock for Dec 26-Dec 28. I will need to Christmas Day. I want to get a run in the morning before going to my brother and sister-in-laws for Christmas.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Russ went up north Saturday to spend time with his brother. Bob's wife Shauna said he could pass at any time. Bob was scheduled to ride in an ambulance on Sunday morning so he could pass in the city rather than up north. I think he wanted Shauna back here with family when he died. He made it to his in-laws Sunday morning. Russ and I went over there and spent the afternoon yesterday with Bob and Shauna. Bob was not able to speak and seemed to be in his own world. We sat in the room and talked while Shauna gave him meds and tried to keep him comfortable. We left last night about 6pm to go home knowing he may not make it through the night. We told Shauna to call us in the night if he passed and she called around 3:15am. He passed peacefully in her arms. He fought that cancer so hard but just couldn't beat it. We are glad he went quickly after being diagnosed terminal. He is now with his parents and younger brother in heaven for Christmas. Russ has a lonely feeling with all of his immediate family gone now. I hope moving to MI and having my family and cousins around will help him feel he has more extended family. He is not close with his cousins here in MN.

    Ang- that is a lot of baking! I'm sure your family and friends love receiving your treats.

    Marla- hope your time with the kids is going great!

    Merry Christmas to you both!

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Jenny. So sorry for your loss. Praying for your family.

    It’s not even 9:00 and I want to go to bed. It was a good day with family. I got everything I need to satisfy my love of reading, crafts and chocolate. I ate so much today I can’t even think of eating again!

    I did get out for a 5k run this morning. First ever Christmas Day run. Glad I did !!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Merry Christmas friends.

    I am so sorry for Russ and your family. Prayers for peace and comfort.

    I booked a condo on the Big Island in May. I am taking my family to Hawaii in 2020!

    Time to sleep and try to digest all the food I’ve eaten.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I talked to my siblings on the phone today. The ones in MI had a nice gathering with cousins last night. My brother in AZ spent his alone. One of his daughters and husband is in Japan, two were going to be with their Mom in AK, and he does not want to fly to AK in winter. Russ, Rory and I had a nice time together last night and today relaxing, eating and talking.

    Ang, WTG on getting your run in this morning. That is dedication! Glad you got what you wanted for Christmas. Your family knows you well.

    Marla, I hope your Christmas was great. Glad you were able to book those tickets to Hawaii. That will be something great to look forward to through the winter.

    We leave for Orange Beach, AL in about 7 weeks already. Even if it is cool on the Gulf of Mexico, it will be warmer than here. I love looking at the ocean and walking the beach. Russ and I do well on car trips together and actually talk quite a bit since we aren't connected to electronics.

    Tomorrow my friend and I are going to see the Mr. Roger's movie, have lunch and then go to Little Women. Two movies and lunch in one day. Russ has to work tomorrow and I'm off until the 6th.

    Now that the holiday is over, relax and destress!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    We just went as a family to an escape room. It was so fun!!!

    One more day off.

    Going so fast.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Marla - Were you successful??

    I hope you ladies had a good Christmas. I had a nice day with my family and nephews. There was some good natured fighting over the LEGO City Hospital set I gave them that they wanted. The two youngest were trying to grab it and proclaim it "Mine!" I'd have to say it was huge hit with them.

    I got everything I need to satisfy my love of reading, crafting and chocolate. I used the gift cards I got to satisfy my love of running!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I've never done an escape room. I would need a lot of help to get out. Glad you had fun, Marla.

    I would agree that kids fighting over a toy makes it a hit. Nicely done!

    My friend and I saw the Mr. Roger's movie. It was good but not what you think. We couldn't get seats together at Little Women so we are going tomorrow and then having lunch after.

    Russ and I are going to make an appearance at a friend's New Year's Eve gathering tomorrow eve. I just made a sweet snack mix to take as our contribution. Russ doesn't want to go and we haven't gone for the last 3 years, but I said we needed to stop in since we are moving out of state in the summer. He is reluctantly going but wants a definite end time that we leave. Too funny!

    Snowing today so I'm glad I don't need to drive anywhere. As soon as my snack mix is spread out to cool I will take Charlie out to pee. It's coming down steady so hopefully he will go.

    I can't believe 2020 is almost here. It will be a big year for Russ and I with lots of change. If I don't get back in here by tomorrow eve have a Happy New Year's Eve!

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Happy New Year ladies!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Happy New Year to you both!
    I went to a movie, Little Women, today with my friend. We went out to lunch and then I came home. Russ and I are stopping in at a party later this evening for a couple of hours. I'd rather be home but feel we need to go since they invite us year after year and we've not gone for the past 3 years.

    When I came out of the movie today, my car was blocked in my space by a car parking in front of me and a car behind me. The car behind me made their own parking spot by creating a 3rd row and didn't seem to care that I couldn't get out. Other cars parked next to that car creating a 3rd row that pinned in several cars. Is the IQ of the average American dropping or do people just not care and only look out for themselves? I had to go talk to the manager of the theater. He was aware of it and was looking for the owner of the car. If he couldn't find them he was having them towed. Luckily the car in front of me was pulling out and I didn't have to wait for the other to be towed.

    We are starting the process of getting pre-approved for a mortgage to buy in MI. Russ just needs to find some paperwork and then we can fill out the application and send it in. My sister says they think there will be fewer houses on the market this spring which means more buyers competing for fewer homes. Ugh!

    Well enjoy your evening. We will talk next year!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Happy New Year!!!

    Back at work and missing being at home just lazing around.

    I guess we were technically successful in the we solved the puzzles - but we needed four clues (one more than the three 'free' clues) to be eligible for the 'leaderboard'. Not that we probably would have made it, we were pretty close the hour mark. I am hoping to get us into another room tomorrow night, we'll see if we are faster now that we have a little idea of how it works. A couple of the places I balked at taking apart ended up being our clues (like the clock on the wall, the burners on the stove) - I definitely would never get any of the puzzles on my own - but my kids are pretty freakin' smart so I figured all together we would have a decent shot. It was just a lot of fun - and just doing something together made it even more fun.

    My sister is on vacation so we have her dog - he is such a baby. Not age wise - just so needy and needing out all the time. He's a good boy, but I'll be glad when he goes home. Caleb goes back to school on the 6th and Zach still has one more week. Unfortunately he did end up with an 8 am class because of the mix up with his dual credit Calculus not being accepted before registration started. By the time it got sorted out the later classes were filled. Bummer for him. I hope he stays motivated and keeps up the good work. I remember 8 a.m. classes as a freshman and they were super hard to go for me too. Learning how to get up on your own is hard.

    Jenny have you looked online at any places?

    Good job on a successful Christmas Ang.

    Yay for a short week!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    We are pre-approved for a nice mortgage amount so time to get serious on finding a home. Not much on the market right now but we are ready when houses begin to get listed again. We easily qualify for the range we are interested in so that is a relief. I contacted a camp ground in MI about a monthly site rental for July and August but he has not responded. I want to know we can live in our camper while we hunt for a house if we don't find something this spring. We both would like to be in MI by July 1. We watch the MLS listings and Pretty slow right now.

    That puzzle room sounds fun! I would need help solving the clues. Do they open the doors when time runs out if you haven't solved it?

    I go back to work on 1/6. Vacation has been way too fast but then another day done gets me closer to my last day. 5 weeks until we drive to Gulf Coast which will be a nice road trip.

    I thought 8am classes were hard to but I made myself get their at least 3/4'd of the time if I could get notes from someone. If not, I was there. My room mate senior year didn't go to her 8am's unless she had a quiz/test. She always had someone that would give her their notes. Drove me crazy.

    The New Year's Eve party was ok. Not many guests but we knew everyone. They had noticed we hadn't been at gatherings for a long time. Someone mentioned we must be coming to say bye before we leave the state. Very true!

    Well have a good weekend!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Caleb is back at school today and Zach has one more week - lucky guy!

    I got so mad Friday when I got home. There was a graduation announcement from one of Bernie's older brothers kids (college). The same brother who said he didn't have our address and that's why we weren't invited to a different kids wedding this summer. Huh. I guess you do have our address (which I knew, because I send Christmas cards, confirmation invites, grad invites, etc). It just pissed me off. Also b/c Bernie left it in the spot he leaves all the mail stuff he doesn't want to deal with. Bills, junk mail, etc. Bernie gets the mail and often takes things he doesn't want me to see. But he leaves that and doesn't think I will come unglued? He thought I would want to see it. Why? Why would I give any d*!ms about it? Not even a card when Zach graduated. Not invited to the niece's wedding. But that he thinks I should care? So I did. I filled out a card and put in a gift and in the mail it goes. Just like I did for the wedding even though we weren't invited. That frickn' family can kiss my glass. So can Bernie for making the situation worse for all the years he snuck around seeing them and letting them carry on believing that I am the problem and only recently getting fed up with them.

    THEN taking the tree down and finding that Bernie didn't put all the ornaments on. Because? Because it had plenty. He cherry picked leaving off some of my precious hand made ones from the boys. Why leave those off. Why do it if you can't do it the way I want it done.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Marla, sounds like a rough week. Why did you send a card and gift to his family member when they don't acknowledge your family with an invite? I wouldn't give anything even though it is the high road. They are showing they don't want all of you at the events for some reason. If Bernie wants to send something tell him to do it. Why do wives always get responsibility for their own family and their husbands with bday, graduation, xmas cards, etc.? Russ gets the mail too and gives me junk mail to open which I hate. He gives me stuff with his name on it he doesn't want to deal with. He use to hide stuff from me and sometimes he throws out unopened envelopes that are important but he doesn't look at them. I don't understand it. Irresponsible!

    First day back at work. It was ok. I didn't go to the office. No reason too. I worked on my computer remotely and went to my home visits.

    College vacations are always so long. I loved that! Lucky Z!

    Cold weather coming...
