The New Water Cooler



  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Jenny - That sounds so nice!! Way to cold up here to walk the beach. Though with the rain we got on Sunday almost all the snow on the ground is gone. That won't last long. Another Sunday storm moving in.

    I ran at home last night! I've been doing my runs on my lunch break to run in daylight. On the weekend I struggle to get out as the scenery is so much more boring. Running is mind game for me. Once I get out the door it's fine. It's the getting out the door when I get home from work, or getting out the door in the morning (and up on time if I want to do it before work) that is the real struggle. I'm working on it!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    The C kid is not feeling well this week. It's no wonder with all the terrible stuff out there - just hoping he doesn't get any of the serious stuff and can recuperate quickly.

    Have to go to dinner with my folks Friday. Not really looking forward to it. Just in a blue mood.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I'm still here. It was a busy week! I had so much paperwork to get done at work but I got caught up and now need to move forward with what is due next. We work this week and then have the next week off returning the Tuesday after President's Day. We will take off for Orange Beach, AL on Saturday morning. We can check in to our condo on Sunday at 4pm. I'm looking forward to getting away. I hope we can find some good bbq and seafood in addition to creole food when we are there.

    I told myself that I would never do another commercial "diet plan" but I'm desperate to get a jump start so I bought the BOGO month free Nutrisystem and started today. We will see how it goes. Unfortunately, my order of food took long to arrive. One box had to be resent because the first one never made it. I would like to have been done with week 2 this next weekend but didn't happen. As a result, I will do what I can while we are gone. The first week is follow the plan on their food exactly while adding in veggies, proteins and carbs with each meal and snack. The second week allows Flex meals where I can eat a couple of breakfasts, lunches and dinners on my own following guidelines for nutrients. That will be nice being on vacation. I plan to take my unfrozen foods so I can eat breakfast and lunches when we are at the condo. I hope to eat seafood while we are there.

    Sorry C doesn't feel well, Marla. There is so much crud going around here too. I've had families cancel often due to illness in household.

    We close on our new house on Feb. 21st. I will be flying out on 3/14-3/23 and staying with my sister. I will order furniture, carpet and check out appliances to be ordered later. Russ will retire May 27th and then head out to the house for a couple of weeks in June while I'm still working. He will be there for deliveries of furniture, appliances and carpet install. I hope he will also install a closet organizer in the master closet so we can unpack when we arrive.

    Lots happening!
    WTG on your running Ang. You're doing great.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    You have a lot going on! I tried nutri system like fifteen years ago. I hope the food works for you. I couldn’t eat most of it

    I have been tracking my points since New Years and haven’t lost anything. I feel like I am being honest and accurate but I must be flubbing something up since I’m not losing. Just gotta keep trying.

    Keep swimming all
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I did Jenny Craig years ago. The Nutrisystem Food is similar. I like that I don't have to meet with a counselor and they send the food to me. I won't be able to do it more than 2-3 months I would think. Boxed and pouched food through April or May and then it's up to me. We'll see how it goes.

    How old are you now Marla? I know it gets harder to lose as you age and you have to work 2-3 times harder which is why I am not successful for long when I start an eating plan.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Things have slowed down at work. I'm hoping it picks back up again soon! I'm helping a couple of the other girls in the meantime, so I'm not sitting here doing nothing.

    Saturday I ran 10k - WITH NO WALK BREAKS!!! I haven't been able to do that in over 2 years! It felt so good! I really hope I can get out this Saturday for my long run. Thursday we are getting some snow into Friday, which will turn to freezing rain and then rain as the temperatures go above freezing. Then it's supposed to rain. A LOT. Over night Friday the temperatures go back down, I'm worried about what the side walks will be like on Saturday morning.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    I'm 46. I have always had a hard time losing - it's just starting to get ridiculous. It is so disheartening to be trying and from what my tracker says succeeding, but scale and clothes say I am not.

    At least it's Thursday. That's about the only good thing I have for this week.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I hear ya Marla. 50's are really tough and I struggle. The weight comes on whether you eat or not. I saw a picture you posted of the boys, you and Bernie on Facebook. I thought you looked great.

    Ang- WTG on your 10K. Be careful on ice. The older I get ice is my enemy. My winter goal has been to remain upright when walking on sidewalks and parking lots. So far so good!

    My laundry is done and my list of what to take to the Gulf Coast is done. Tomorrow eve I will pack. I drive the dog to the sitter late afternoon and then come home to organize and throw stuff in a suitcase. Luckily we will have a washer and dryer in our condo so I'm going to pack light. I've been focusing on not over packing when I travel. Mix and match, do laundry, etc.

    Nutrisystem is going ok. I have to get use to eating 6 mini meals a day and drinking the 8 glasses of water again. I do feel much better when I'm hydrated and eating this often does boost my metabolism Why don't I practice this stuff as a part of life?

    David and Chantrelle are coming to visit on 2/25. We haven't seen them since their wedding last February. I'm excited to see them.

    Well time for my snack and planning for tomorrow. Sleep well ladies!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Friyay - hoping to find my mojo this weekend. Just so blah
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    We are in Orange Beach, AL. The drive down was uneventful. Interesting driving across country on obscure interstates and state highways. Lots of poverty! We've tried a few seafood places and have had steamed red shrimp, red snapper, grits and fried green tomatoes. Yesterday was sunny and 70's. We explored Gulf Shores and Orange Beach areas. In the afternoon I put my suit on and sat by the pool reading and resting. I actually got some color without burning using 50spf sunscreen. We took a walk on the beach but I couldn't go too far with my knees. Sand walking twists my knees in different directions so I was pretty sore last night. I'll keep at it for exercise but not today. Fog rolled in during the night and today we can barely see the beach in front of our condo due to the fog. We are staying in, reading, doing laundry, eating healthy and relaxing. It is very humid outside from the moisture in the air. I brought Nutrisystem food options with me for breakfast, lunch and dinner so I could fit them in and not go totally bonkers. Today is a Nutrisystem day. The food isn't great but I can tell I'm dropping some weight because of how my pants fit. This week is my second week so I get Flex meals. I've been trying to make better choices when we eat out with veggies and fish, food that is not fried but grilled or steamed. I'll follow the plan strictly again when we get home.

    An old high school classmate lives in Pensacola. She saw we were here and wants to have lunch so we are meeting her on Thursday on her lunch break. I haven't seen her since 1979? Should be interesting catching up.

    Hope you both are having a good week.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    sounds like a very nice getaway. My sister has been in Sarasota FL for over a week working on a new acquisition our company made. They have to do a complete physical inventory as part of the purchase and this company has no computerized system, does everything by hand, no part numbers. So it's been beyond a nightmare. They are up to over 8000 lines in a spreadsheet and not even close to done. I don't know when she will be back. I was hoping to take a day this week to hang with Caleb since he will be off b/c of p-t conferences - but that's a no go and I won't even mention the thought of it because 1 - I haven't talked to her in a week - 2 - she doesn't need me to add to her stress.

    I am looking seriously at Alaskan Airlines for out Hawaii flights. The only other decent length of time options are United and I have heard so many horror stories about them and they are the smallest seat (big husband and kids). I really don't want to go that way if I don't have to. Have you ever done Alaskan? Delta is my preferred but there flight options are terrible. Southwest I like too - but I would have to hook in to them and it seems risky.

    Good job on eating well! Caleb is doing so well, he is less than 7 pounds from the next weight class (he has lost at least 15) - he is putting me to shame! I am still trying.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    We love Alaska Airlines. We even signed up for their credit card because you get one companion fare per year (buy one ticket, get second for only cost of taxes and fees) so we could fly to AK when retired for cheaper to visit David and Chantrelle. Friendly airline, was on time within a minute for us every time we flew it (Anchorage and Cabo), roomy seats, and clean. United is very tight seats and leg room. Both airlines it will depend on what plane you are seated on for comfort but AK airlines was a good experience. I'm not a fan of United but do fly them to MI because their fares are cheaper. I would suspect they can charge less due to how many seats are crammed into the plane.

    Last day in Orange Beach today. Beautiful and sunny but cold for down here. I laid by the pool for awhile yesterday and my sunscreen failed me on my arms. Luckily I didn't stay out more than an hour or so. We had two days of fog and rain mid week. We met a high school classmate of mine for lunch on Thursday. I hadn't seen her in 40 years. It was fun to catch up.

    Lazy today...still in my pj's. Need to shower and begin to organize for packing. No plans for later but to relax on the balcony or by pool if sun gets warm. Nice to relax. We've had lots of seafood and bbq this week. I'll get back on track with Nutrisystem on Tuesday when I return to work and regular schedule. David and Jeff are both coming to town next weekend so that will be nice to see them. We saw Jeff in July and David last February at his wedding.

    Sounds like work is tough and you have a lot on your plate. Kudos to C for losing some weight. All we can do is keep persevering at it.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Sounds like you have had a great getaway!

    I booked the flights. On Alaskan! Another huge step closer. I was tired of overthinking it. This weekend I am trying to figure out if we need new carry ons.

    We are under 100 days!

    Brutal cold last week and upper40s today. No one singing tomorrow morning means no alarm clock. Yay

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    We arrived home today. Snowing tonight but should warm up by weekend. I don't want to go to work tomorrow but know that ticking off the days gets me closer to being done. I really just want to move now and begin work on our house. The closing will be final next Monday.

    I really need to do some serious cleaning in this townhome. Something smells weird and I can't figure out what it is. It's driving me nuts. Charlie has thrown up a few times but I cleaned the spots with my Bissell Pet Spot Cleaner Vacuum with product. I can't wait to get out of this townhome. So dreary!

    David, Chantrelle, and Jeff will all be in town Thursday. They will head to their Dad's house in WI Friday and return Monday. I'll see Jeff Thursday afternoon and then next Monday night before he flies out Tuesday. David and Chantrelle will go to Duluth after the weekend and then come down Tuesday to stay with us for a few days before driving back to AK.

    I will begin Nutrisystem again tomorrow since vacation got me off track. With the kids coming home that will be another distraction and then I leave for MI in 4 weeks for 10 days. I have another month of food on the way and I'll probably cancel if I can't make it happen with all the interruptions.

    Happy Tuesday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    and here comes another snow band. Bleh.

    I was so excited this weekend to see a slight dip in the scale. And today it's completely gone. I have to cling to the fact that I know I haven't eaten enough to gain 2 pounds in two days. But it's SOOOO maddening. The whole it's just a number doesn't number doesn't work - I need that number. If that number doesn't reflect the work I have done, I can't keep doing it. I'm so weak.

    I bet you are excited to see David and Jeff! I hope you are finding success with the Nutri.

    Caleb is making noises about not playing football next year. I get it. It's so much pain and suffering if you never find the field. I am torn between hoping he sticks because football! I have a weird hopefulness that they'll finally see him and play him. But I also know all the other cool things he could do besides (Quiz Bowl, Robotics, SkillsUSA, Musical, Speech, New Worlds Singers) - I mainly tried to focus on what he truly enjoys most. Because getting good grades is only part of what he needs to for the big schools - he needs activities too. Next year will be the most important year he has left for making everything pretty. I think he could really have a shot at NSAA Believers and Achievers if he sticks with something NSAA (an approved sport) - his teachers and counselors all really appreciate him and speak highly of him and recommend him for things - we'll see what he does!

    Later dear ones.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I remember David and Jeff dropped out of football because the amount of time practicing for only 10 games and not playing was discouraging. I figured it was their decision because they were the ones putting in the time and if the passion wasn't there, then don't do it. However, joining something else was important so they were involved and had some structure to keep them out of trouble.

    Marla, do you think you are eating enough in a day? As we get older our metabolism slows and eating 5-6 mini meals/snacks keeps it revving. You may try switching up frequency of eating and focus on proteins and good carbs. See what happens...

    I haven't had consistency on Nutri to see any difference yet. Too many interruptions with vacay, kids coming to town, and my next vacay to MI. I'm frustrated! My second month of food is on its way. That will take me through March. We'll see how I feel at end of March.

    Freezing here!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Kids all arrived today. Jeff and Rory ate dinner with us and Dave and Chantrelle came over after they flew in. We just said good-bye since they are on their way to their Dad's cabin and Rory went home. We will see them again Monday/Tuesday.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    TGIF!!! A few days of really nice weather - and then back to snow next week -

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    We signed the mortgage closing papers on our house today. They will be processed Monday and my sister will be given the keys to the house. Let the fun begin! I am very eager to get out of this town home and have space again.

    I've done ok with Nutri this week. I did eat with everyone last night and had salad and mac n cheese (home made with cauliflower in it). I am allowed a few flex meals per week and am working on choices, balance of proteins and carbs, and portions. My next month's food arrived today. I had picked some foods and cancelled some of the ones they wanted to send me. Quickly learning what I won't eat of their food. Most is palatable but some are not good (thick crust pizza, ugh!).

    I have some shopping, cleaning and work due process to complete this weekend. I need to apply myself and not procrastinate.

    Have a nice weekend!

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Congratulations on the new house Jenny!

    I haven't been coming on the community board here for awhile. I've been hit and miss with recording. I was holding steady for almost a month at the same weight. I was nervous about stepping on the scales this morning, as I did basically nothing last week and turned my stress at work into eating, I was actually down 3/4 of a pound! That made me happy!

    I am so looking forward to this week. Above freezing temperatures all week long! It will be great to get a run in without needing to layer! I need to take my 3 scheduled weekday runs and spread it out over 4 days. Instead of 3 6k runs, I need to do 2 4k and 2 5k runs. I need to get my runs in daylight. My reflective vest broke and I'm waiting for the replacement parts to arrive. (I have the Noxgear Tracer 360) Last I checked it was in New York still on Friday. I hope it arrives this week. Though soon I won't need it as the time will change and I will have lots of daylight still when I get home from work to get my run in.