The New Water Cooler



  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Jenny - The meal along side you never happened. We got a storm up here Thursday that was worse then expected. While we only get about 2 inches, the city came to a grinding halt. I got off work at 4:30 and walked in my door at 9:34. FIVE HOURS to get home. I never want to repeat that again!

    I had a 5k race on Saturday. The entry fee was an unwrapped toy. It was just a fun run, and not even a full 5k!! I kept going after the finish line until my watch told me I was at 5k. It was windy and cold. I nearly froze waiting for it to start, but was fine once I started running. It was definitely a day to wear layers when running!

    I'm happy my choir practice that was to be today, was moved to yesterday, so that I can go by to the BodyPump class tonight. I brought my gym bag with me incase I need to go right there. The transit system last week brought the next stage of their "Moving Forward" (dubbed by some people "Moving Forward Without Me") last week. It's making my commute home a little longer and with more weather coming tonight, I brought it to be safe so I can straight there if needed!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    I would have been a basket case if my commute took five hours.

    I am still struggling with what is almost a depression with how I am feeling these last few weeks. I am really not on a even keel right now. I know it is tied to Zach going off to school and that it is normal. I am just surprised by how bad I feel. I really didn't think I would go into such a funk. Just trying to work my way out of it.

    I sure wish every week was two days worked and five days off.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    WTG Ang on your run in the cold. Don't you get a lot of snow up there where you live? You would think the city could handle the weather and transportation a little better. This year is odd with all the weather systems and it's happening earlier and will probably last longer. Winter seems to be surpassing 6 months in some places.

    Marla, time goes so fast with kids and then they are venturing out on their own. You will adjust and you will enjoy seeing what they become and spending time with them as adults. It's pretty great! Do you have any girl friends or hobbies you can pursue and spend time with or doing to fill the gap of Z being gone?

    We got some sad news today. Russ' brother (last surviving immediate family member) is not going to beat his cancer. Treatments have stopped, the cancer is spreading at a rapid rate, and his body can't sustain any more treatment. They've tried everything and there are no more options. He's 59 and his wife is in her mid 30's, no kids. They are closing their restaurant in Pelican Rapids, MN on 12/15. He's on hospice now at home, and they are making arrangements to move him to Minneapolis so they can be close to family and get the medical care he needs until the end. The doctor said he has weeks left, could be a few or up to 12 weeks. He and Russ were not close but still brothers and would be there for one another. Bob called Russ today to tell him he was dying and said, "I fought as hard as I could".

    A bittersweet year for us. Retirement, moving, losing Bob, lots of change and loss.

    Early home visit tomorrow so up to bed now. Have a good Wednesday.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Oh man Jenny that is tough, sad news. I am so sorry for Russ and Bob and the family. I remember you talking about how he would sometimes make the holiday dinners years ago. There are no words except I am so sorry and will be praying.

    Prayers for the peace that passes all human understanding.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Jenny - So sorry to hear about Russ.
    The last couple of years it will snow and then warm up and rain and melt the snow. That snow last week was the first storm of the season and was a total disaster!
    Leaving a drawer open in your desk can be hazzardous to ones leg. I left a draw open, (metal filing cabinet drawer) walked back around my desk not paying attention and walked smack dab into it. Ouch

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Russ has been communicating with Bob's wife. He plans to go visit Bob on Saturday to sit with him and say things they may need to say to one another. I'm staying home with the dog. They live 3 hours north of us so Russ will go up and back in the same day. With the hospice meds to control pain, Bob may not be conscious in weeks to come so Russ wants to see him sooner than later. No prediction on when he will pass. It is so sad! It also scares Russ since all his family members have died of cancer. He said, "When is my turn coming?". Hopefully it won't.

    Tomorrow is my office mates 30th birthday. I organized treats and made her a chocolate peanut butter bark. She loves Reese's Cups. I also bought her favorite bottle of Moscato and a funny stemless wine glass.

    I almost have the boys shopping done and can get Jeff and David's boxes ready to send so they get them in time for Christmas.

    I need to finish up my packing of treats for tomorrow.

    Sleep well,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    That is something so difficult to deal with. I know that is part of what weighs on Bernie - his folks were relatively young (60 ish I think). And now that we are past mid-40 that is not that far away. And then with this recurring MRSA-type cr@p it's scary. He is having another flare this week. And that is strike three. Three times in one year. He needs to get back with the infectious control people and ask some hard questions. Why does it keep coming back? How can we go away knowing it could come back at any time and needs to be immediately treated. What happens when the meds stop working (which as we know with bacteria, they will figure out a way to 'live').

    Good job with the shopping - I'm just ignoring it still.

    Just a few days until finals start for Zach. Yikes!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Marla, isn't MRSA contagious when a person's MRSA is active? What precautions do you have to take for yourself and the kids? Poor Bernie! That must be awful and scary to have re-occurring flare ups.
    Is there a severity rating like 3 times in one year is the most serious? What do they do to treat his flare ups? Is there ever a cure?

    Treats went well today and Elizabeth was appreciative and liked her gift. The Reese's Chocolate Bark I made for her was really good. She took it home to share with her boy friend.

    Our office is registering 81 degrees again today. Feels like a sauna. The lunchroom was even warmer. I don't know who controls the heat but they are way off.

    Z should be home soon then for a significant amount of vacation time. That will be nice for you. I hope he had a good semester.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    so far we have been told his issue isn't contagious - I pray that is honest. But there must be something re-infecting him. I don't know if it is not getting fully cleared, or he is still coming into contact with the contagion. I can't blame it on the YMCA this time as he stopped going after the last relapse. I am hoping he talks to the infectious control people today.

    I hear you about the ''heat'. It's hot in the summer because of the actual heat and then in the winter it's hot because of the furnace. Some days I am wishing I was wearing capris - though it's too cold outside for short pants. Just be normal!

    Friday, friyay.

    I too am hopeful for a successful semester. We'll see if there is any chance he gets to keep his scholarship. Getting and maintaining a 3.5 (I think was the requirement) GPA in college is no joke - especially since that wasn't something he was successful at in high school.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Jenny - Can you share some of your office heat? I went for a run on my lunch break today (which I dressed to warm for) and now I'm freezing! I wore a sweater today, so I put my jacket on.

    Marla - Yeah for Fridays is right!

    It's going to be a busy weekend!! Tonight is the Christmas party for the kids program I work in at my church. I'm in charge of it, as my SIL, who usually is, is away. Tomorrow I have a 5k race in the morning. Around 3:00, I'm heading down to a church about 2 hours away with other choir members from my church to perform our cantata for them. Our choir director and pastor talked it over and wanted to take it and perform it for other area churches in the province that are two small to do something like this on their own. Sunday is the normal Sunday school and morning service, choir practice and evening service. I hope sometime between all that, I will have time to work on my Christmas cards I'm making!! I got the 30 done that I needed to mail, but still have a further 60 for my church family and work. Plus with all the other normal things I do on the weekend I hope to get some sleep this weekend
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Russ drove north to see his brother today. The visit went well and he's glad he went. They are looking for an apartment to rent not far from us in the suburbs. Both Bob and Shauna are remaining positive that he will live longer than the doctors predict. I think he just wants Shauna to be settled in the cities before he dies so she is near family and friends. Russ said he is so thin he could play a prisoner in a concentration camp. All bones with skin. So sad!

    I had a nice lunch with my two friends today. We visited for a couple hours over some good food. One of the friends is the stylist that colors my hair. I've decided to embrace my gray and start letting my color grow out and go natural. She and I made a plan to do that starting at my next appointment end of January. We'll see if I can do it or if I cave.

    The temps are going to get cooler this week. No sub zero yet but it's coming. Tomorrow I plan to work on my Christmas boxes and see what is left to put in them or if I'm done. I need to get VISA gift cards for each and hopefully that is it.

    Well watching Ken Burns History of Country Music part 7. These have been great shows.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Went to BodyPump last night again. Happy I went again. Of course I feel it again today! Once I get going enough, I'm sure my body will get used to it. She did one move, with just holding the weighted disks in our hands, that had me totally lost. There was another time we did a move with using the platform; however, mine wouldn't stay still!!! We are doing a plank, something I can do, but out feet were up on this platform. We had to do a side step off the platform. Mine wouldn't stay still!!!!

    Today it's raining with high winds. The wind is starting to die down a little. We are supposed to get a little snow tomorrow. My oldest nephew will be happy with that. Tomorrow's his 13th birthday. THIRTEEN!!!! How did that happen????!!! It seems just the other day I was holding him for the first time within hours of when he was born. Now he's taller then me.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    The Z kid has his first semester college finals today and the next two days! I am keeping good thoughts and hoping these are the first successful set of finals of many (or eight ;>))

    I am struggling to find the holiday hoopla spirit. Did get my cards out and the tree is up. But that is basically it. Just really bleh.

    I think of your brother-in-law and your family often and am praying for peace and comfort Jenny.

    Be well.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I spoke too soon. Freezing here! Single digits and sub zero windchill. Our garage door has difficulty going up and down so I may need to park in the driveway which means my car may have difficulty starting in the morning.

    Bob and Shauna are closing their restaurant on Thursdays when she runs out of food items to make for customers. Russ says their house is packed and ready for a move, they just need to find a place to rent in the cities. I haven't seen Bob so I don't have a vision of how he is doing. Maybe he is hanging on to get Shauna settled and then will allow himself to go when he knows she will be ok. I would like for him to make it several months but can't imagine the pain management that is needed to try to keep him comfortable.

    I have knitting group tonight so on my way in a few minutes. Hostess is a good cook and I'm starving! I'm trying the intermittent fasting again where I eat within a 7 hour window of time. This was day 2 and my body is still adjusting. My scale needs a new battery but I got on this morning and hadn't gained from last time I weighed months ago. Happy about that.

    Marla I hope you can get some energy for Christmas and spending time with the kids. How's Bernie?

    Ang, it sounds like you enjoy your class and are getting a good workout when you go. Good for you!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    long Wednesday night getting ready for the church choir program this weekend. A few more days and that will be over. A few more days and the Z kid will be home!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I finally got my Christmas letter to print. I need to get to the office and get holiday paper and envelopes. I can't find the paper and envelopes I thought I packed and brought to this townhome. Russ says it must be with his missing food processor.

    I finished the book for book club. Awful! I feel so dumb because I really couldn't follow it. I know it was about racism but it was just so weird. The Bluest Eyes by Toni Morrison
    Should be an interesting discussion tomorrow night at book club. What a waste of my time to have to read it. Glad it was shorter than most books we read.

    Another snow storm headed our way that should arrive sometime tomorrow. Not sure how much snow we are expecting. So cold here, single digits and negative windchill, so I wouldn't expect lots of snow.

    Glad you will get to see Z, Marla. Enjoy your time with him. Let me know if you think he has matured. My boys definitely had after their first semester and by the end of the year.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    It snowed yesterday. Not much and it won't last. LOTS and LOTS of rain scheduled for Saturday. My hopes for a white Christmas are dim like they always are.

    Apparently the LEGO set I gave my now teenager nephew, is the LEGO set my youngest nephew (he's 7) wanted. The oldest let the youngest put it together. I think I know now what to get my youngest nephew for his birthday in March!! He is getting a LEGO set from me for Christmas, just not that one! Though the 3 nephews combined are getting the large LEGO set they asked me for! I managed to get the set that retails for around $110 for $69! I didn't imagine I would get it for that price! (and that was before Black Friday/Cyber Monday)
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member

    My college kid is home!!

    Yucky long church music program weekend. I hate it. I love it. Sigh.

    Happy weekend all.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Music programs are done for another season. Relieved sigh. They went well enough. It was odd without the music director we have had for over 10 years. She moved to Omaha and took her energy with her. More adjustments in an already difficult year of adjustments for this gal.

    Zach is home, he's all sorts of schedule messed up. Just like a baby, seems to have his days and nights mixed up. Two of his classes have posted his grades - two A's!! One of them being his fiction writing class which was an honor class. Holy cow!! For my Z kid this is a huge deal!!! Waiting on pins and needles for the other three.

    I remember when the boys were into legos. I loved that they wanted them because they weren't electronics, but dang were they expensive.

    I did a little Amazon shopping on Friday, but still feel very incomplete. No clue how to finish.

    Caleb has semester tests in every class and several projects as well this week. So he is quite grumpy. Plus it is terrible Tuesday the days strength and conditioning class tried to kill them - each week I get the number of kids who ended up throwing up. I don't know why the school allows a class (not an after school sports practice) to be so intense that it makes the kids sick - they have real classes to try to complete after going through that. Throws hands up in the air. Not that there is any recourse. Nobody cares.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Sorry I've been absent. Busy getting presents for students ready, packing boxes for David and Jeff and sending off, and a busy week at work.

    Yay for Z! Do you remember I told you that when he had internal motivation to do well he would nail it? Boys really mature in college and seem to do well when they are not under our watchful eye.

    C has a lot going on! How is he holding up?

    Ang, don't you live in Novia Scotia? Not too snowy there? It's difficult to shop for boys. At least it was for me with my sons.

    3 days of work and two weeks off. Counting the hours! I'm just relieved I mailed off the boxes for David and Jeff last Saturday. Hopefully they get them tomorrow or Thursday.

    We finished a horrible book for book club. Only two people liked parts of it. Glad that one is done. Russ and I have an open house to go to on Thursday eve. It's a thank you gathering by our realtor to her past year clients.

    I am knitting a shawl but not as fast as I hoped. My arthritic hands get tired and achy so I can only do a little at a time. My body is not holding up! I've been doing intermittent fasting for over a week and lost 1.8 pounds. I eat between 11:30am and 6:30pm or a 7-8 hour window. Then I only drink water, coffee, tea the other 17 hours. I feel less bloated. It is suppose to help insulin spikes and the body to use up stored fat. We'll see if I can maintain this. It's pretty easy and Russ is on board since he is the cook. He's going to try it too. I'll keep you posted.

    Russ' brother's wife sound them an apartment to rent here in the metro. They will be moving down here in the next week. I'm sure Bob will be happy to see Shauna settled before he passes away. I haven't seen him so don't know his condition. With him closer, Russ will be able to visit and spend some time with him, hopefully.

    Well time to get ready for bed. Have a nice Wednesday.
