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The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    Long day of appointments. I went to my pre-surgery physical therapy and learned what is ahead for therapy, adjusting the walker and cane to size, etc. I have 4 future appointments scheduled. My new glasses were ready so it was convenient to pick them up while I was in Traverse City and between appointments. I went to the allergy clinic to have my reactions to the metal patches looked at. My biggest reaction was Cobalt and the smaller reaction was nickel. So no implant with those metals but my ortho doc says no problem. The implant is ceramic and titanium, supposedly. I had my first Covid test at the hospital today for pre-surgery requirements. The girl was so gentle so my experience was good. I've listened to a lot of horror stories but she said it depends on who gives it.

    So now I'm home quarantining until surgery on Thursday. I have lots of books downloaded and shows and movies saved on Netflix and HBO Max.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    Covid test was negative. Relief! I've been researching Cobalt and orthopedic implants. From what I can tell, titanium alloy which includes Cobalt and nickel is used in many transplant devices. I hope my ortho doc is taking this seriously and knows what he is putting in my knee. I called his nurse this morning to tell her what I read and I just want to be sure I won't react to the one he chooses. You can probably tell I'm a nervous wreck and am questioning everything.

    Laundry almost done, clean sheets on both beds, TV set up in guest room for me to use that bed for perpetual motion machine, exercises, and possibly sleeping. All the geriatric devices needed for getting around, using the toilet and shower, etc. are here. Russ and I have figured out how I will get in the house after surgery with his help.

    I will be relieved when I am 4 weeks post surgery and on my way to recovery.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    I'm ready for tomorrow. My ortho doc is going to call me this afternoon to discuss the cobalt/implant issue to give me peace of mind. I appreciate that! The people that are suppose to drop off the perpetual motion machine to keep my knee bending have not called or come by yet. I told the nurse and she is checking on that. I was really looking forward to that machine and hope it happens because I've been told it feels good and is helpful.

    It is snowing quite a bit here today. I hope the driving conditions are good in the morning. I will call the hospital in an hour or so and get my arrival time at the surgery center.

    Well I hope you are doing well and I will check in again when I am able to do so.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,897 Member
    Oh boy. It's almost time. I am sending you good wishes and fast healing vibes. You can do this!!

    The way I am reading your notes is that it is generally colder in MN? Is that because the water around you keeps it warmer?

    Today was Caleb's last day of holiday break and the other night he mentioned he wanted all of us to go to Omaha for a nice lunch if we could. Bernie was supposed to have holiday Monday but had to work on a machine installation so he took his holiday today and I took a half day vacation today. They wanted to go to PF Changs. It was the first time for Zach and he seemed to enjoy it as much as the boys. The food isn't anything that makes me jump for joy, but spending a fun few hours was one of the best things that happened over break and so worth it.

    I'm sure tonight you are feeling a bit anxious, but maybe you can lose yourself in some grandbaby time.

    Caleb and I are working like fiends on the CPS (school district) Foundation Scholarship packet. There are somewhere over 30 scholarships in the packet. But this one ginormous application works on all of them. The overall general information application, your transcripts, ACT, letters of recommendation, an education quest financial thing, and then each scholarship may have additional essay questions. Of course now it's a time crunch since the deadline is racing up at 1/18 but for the first two months he had it he insisted he would do it himself. A couple of days ago he admits he needs help. Gauntlet thrown. I think he thought I would agree it was too much to do in two weeks. Nope. We are getting it done. I am on a mission. There are too many scholarships he would have a shot at. Not all obviously, since many are need based, but the others. I am realizing how much this scholarship stuff is stressing him out, but I have always told him I will help in any way. I don't expect him to do it all by himself. I am great at filling out forms, reading fine print, proof reading, editing, finding 'fluffy' words. A lot of kids won't go through the process because it is a huge time commitment. So just completing it will be a huge thing. Plus he's done so much work the other years, I want him to see some financial rewards. My sister was reminding me about a scholarship my niece had gotten due in part to our grandfather being a WWII veteran and when I was trying to find it, it was a descendant of a WWII veteran who also went to boys/girls state. Well dang it, Caleb didn't have the opportunity for boys state since the dang pandemic. I need to try to find a contact person for it and see if they have a different requirement since there aren't any NE kids who got to do boys/girls state last year. Anywho, we have made a lot of good progress in the last few days. I would say over 50 percent complete.

    Wishing you a calm night and smooth sailing. HUGS.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    My insurance does not cover the motion machine so the company just didn't call me. At least tell me that. Luckily the nurse called them and found out. Russ and I agree we will rent the machine for two weeks and pay for it ourselves. I've been told it is worth it and feels so good. It bends the repaired knee for me over and over while I sleep, watch TV, etc. Keeps it moving and from getting stiff. I will be doing other exercises and walking around but it will be nice not to get the stiffness.

    Good luck with the scholarships! I hope the hard work and time pays off for C. I'm glad you had a nice lunch at PF Changs. I love the lettuce wraps

    I'm emotionally ready after talking to my doctor and having all the To Do's checked on my list. He assured me Cobalt would not be in the implant and I'll be ok with the one he is putting in. I am nervous about surgery in general because I'm practical and know things can go wrong. I just gave Russ my surgery speech about the Will, cremation, where to spread my ashes, etc. He use to get upset but now he humors me and says "okay".

    Lots more snow today and over night tonight. Yes, Lake MI warms the air and creates more precipitation due to warmer temps (teens, 20's and 30's) not frigid air.

    I'll chat in a few days! Pray for a good outcome, please. Thanks!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,897 Member
    Sending health and healing and HUGS!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,897 Member
    am guessing you are feeling punky and not great today, but still sending you speedy healing and prayers

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,897 Member
    probably another yucky day for you, but you are on my heart.

    Getting ready to hunker down for a few hours of scholarship fun (sarcasm). But I am in don't tell me I can't help you get it done mode.

    As usual I am thrilled it's Saturday, except I got a remind text from a scholarship group/guidance at 5:30 a.m. - what the what!!! and then could only doze after that. My day to sleep in! Sniff.

    Zach is almost ready to head back. Always a heart tug but so proud of how well he is doing. I know you kept trying to reassure me during what was a really scary time when he stopped doing homework and seemed like he had withdrawn from everything that it would work out, but at that time it sure didn't feel like it. Oy parenting.

    Ok, no more procrastinating, time for some form filling out and essay brainstorming.

    Later luv
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,897 Member
    I hope you are home and resting. I'm sure still feeling not particularly great. Try to stay positive and rest and let your body work through it's healing.

    You got this.

    My Z kid just took off for Wayne and his last semester of his Junior year. Wowza.

    Caleb is off at work after having also started his last semester of high school. Also wowza!

    Got a lot of excellent work on the packet done yesterday. Time for more proofreading and final edits this week and making sure we get everything submitted in the proper format to the foundation.

    Healing vibes and HUGS
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    I'm here. I've only managed a couple comments on FB and a few texts to family. Russ has had me on a med schedule t stay ahead of the pain The oxycodone makes me itch, gives me head aches, and makes me see things that are weird. I see things moving out of the corner of my eyes and when my eyes are shut I can see a wall of moving mud.

    I just did a covid test to make sure my headaches weren't that. They have been bad. I've stopped the oxy and need to ask the doctor if he has something else that is less damaging.

    This school year is flying by fast for those boys. Graduation coming up and Z planning ahead for senior year I would guess. Will he get done in 4 years?

    I'm fading and need to get dressed for PT.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,897 Member
    I'm sorry to hear the oxy is not working for you. I hope they will find something to keep you comfortable without the side effects.

    It does look like Zach will be done in four years. He has been moving very efficiently through his program.

    I have been unable to get my eating back under control after the holidays. I have been unreasonably hungry. It's such a struggle!

    I hope today is better! Keep resting and healing.

    You got this.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    The doctor put me on Tramadol instead of Oxy. I take two to three per day in addition to the Tylenol and Ibuprofen. I'm trying not to take unless the pain from exercising is causing misery and I need to get some rest. No side effects that are disturbing as of yet. I had Russ buy a laxative and it worked within a couple of hours of taking it. Yay! I need to work at getting my exercises in each day. It is so much easier to sleep! Yesterday I did two and a half hours, broken up, on the motion machine. It really is a life saver to keep my knee bending and range of motion. I'm not doing so great on leg lifts which I will try harder today.

    PT was torture! I guess that is his job to push me to do the most I can but it hurts so bad when he makes me do the difficult movements. It is going to get worse before better.

    My sisters came and stayed with me yesterday for a few hours while Russ got the oil changed in the car, went to the store and took a break. My oldest sister who has been ill wanted to mother me, make me food, help with exercises...The other just likes to chat. She browsed cook books and we talked about wild rice recipes for a bit. I just wanted to rest and talk. Russ had made up containers of his beef barley soup for each to take home. They were happy about that. Sometimes I feel like Russ and Lynn are judging me. I'm not eating enough, not doing enough exercise, etc. Russ seems happy when I ask him to make me something beyond yogurt or pudding. This morning I'm going to have a fruit and yogurt smoothie with protein shake in it. He seemed happy about that. I told him I may be able to handle chicken drum sticks and salad tonight if all goes well with digestion today. That made him happy too. Is this about feeding their caregiver needs or about me healing? Not sure at times. I don't want to be bitchy but you are the only one I can say these things too right now. I just need to vent without judgment.

    Do you think your eating is related to stress that things are moving fast with the boys and you hope to plan the Hawaii trip? Or just having difficulty getting back in control after the holidays?

    Russ is out walking Charlie. When they get back, I will get dressed and begin my torture routine of exercise, etc.

    Have a good day!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    I'm getting tired of everyone's advice. Rest and take meds, do all your exercises, if you are in pain you aren't healing... PT says do exercises, makes a difference in the outcome. The exercises hurt and I can't do if I'm under heavy narcotics because I'm not with it enough. I try to steer clear of the tramadol from early morning to late afternoon when I'm doing all these exercises for strength and range of motion. I do take the narcotics from evening on. Even medical personnel say different things from one another. Family members have had different ortho docs and were much older when they had their replacements. I need to stop listening to all the voices coming at me and just do what I can. I'll talk to PT about it tomorrow. He seems straight forward.

    I'm frustrated with those around me which is mostly me I'm sure. Russ is cooking for me which I am grateful for but he doesn't know how to make toast in our toaster oven. Every piece he has made is soft and no toasted edges or parts on it. Or he forgets altogether and gives me cold bread with butter. I have to be so literal with requests and sometimes he just sits there like he didn't hear me or doesn't know what to do. I'm worried about his cognitive skills and have been for awhile.

    Shower tonight since I go to PT in the morning. I dread that appt. My sister said she hated PT in the beginning but eventually loved going since she felt so good when she was done with the appt. I hope I get to that point to.

    Well I needed to vent. Sorry you are my go-to for that. You don't need to respond or read. I just need to say it somewhere.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,897 Member
    You are free to vent here anytime. I have definitely used it as a safe verbal dumping ground myself.

    I'm sorry things are feeling so frustrating. I know so many of us just want to 'fix' things even if you just want to rest and ignore everything. I hope it gets better soon.

    I'm sure it's a worry if you are feeling Russ is not as cognitively aware as he should be. But sometimes I honestly believe it's just a guy thing. They are just so unaware.

    Do the best you can. And do what's best for you.

    You got this.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,897 Member
    sending you hope that today is a little bit better!

    Enjoy the food being made for you (stuff you do like) and if you don't like it, don't eat it.

    You can do this.

    This week has felt so long. I bet you agree.

    Covid is surging big time, UNMC - the biggest med center - initiated 'crisis care protocol' - scary.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    Physical therapy went well today. He told me I'm where I should be or slightly ahead physically after surgery. That made me feel better. I discussed with him about everyone's advice. I have decided that PT and ortho doc are the only people I will take advice from unless someone has a good idea for functional living around the house.

    We worked on walking with a cane today. That felt wobbly but he was impressed I was able to walk slowly across the room. I also sat on a stationary bike and did forward and reverse pedaling to stretch muscles on front and back of knees. Overall, it was a good session and not the torture I anticipated. I've been in the recliner reading, sleeping and talking to a friend on the phone. I did some laps around the dining table and living room earlier. I need to get up again and do more laps and then put my leg into the constant motion machine to work range of motion on my knee. Today I begin to strive for bending to a 95 degree angle. I have been at 75 degree angle.

    Tomorrow morning, my retiree friends want to Zoom with me if I'm up to it. I told them I would join for a bit but don't expect a fashion statement. My hair is frumpy, I'm only wearing a bra to PT and doctor and no make up.

    I'm glad I'm basically home and not being exposed to the virus. I'm a little paranoid about visitors because I don't want it brought unknowingly in to my home and setting back my recovery. We all have too much to worry about these days.

    Well tomorrow is Friday. What are your plans for the weekend?

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    I had a rough night last night. Still sleeping in the recliner. I should have knows to keep up with the narcotic since it was a PT day but I tried to just take the Tylenol and Ibuprofen during the day and wait until 9pm for the narcotic boost. Didn't work... I ended up taking the narcotic at 1am and 5am which allowed me to sleep until 8:30.

    I did zoom with the retired group. That was fun and they were happy to see me doing fairly well. I've walked my dining room laps, did some exercises, used the motion machine, and took naps today. I was able to do to 5 leg raises without assistance so that is huge progress. It's amazing how hard it is and how much it hurts to work through that.

    My oldest sister, Lynn, is making her fancy egg salad tomorrow and bringing some to me for lunch when she visits. I don't know what she puts in it but she use to make it for my brother and she says people like it. My other sister, Becky, popped over today and brought me home made muffins. I haven't had one yet but will have one for breakfast tomorrow morning with fruit or yogurt.

    It's the weekend!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,897 Member
    fri yay!

    I was so glad to see that Thursday had been a pretty good day. Bummed to see that a not great night followed. But glad you are feeling some progress. I know it stinks and is so hard, but the progress won't be a straight line. You are doing amazing!!! Keep trucking.

    Winter coming back today. Freezing rain and some snow. Meh. Fortunately we all got home before it really hit. Unfortunately my sister and family and traveling to KC tonight to go to the Chiefs playoff game. Crazy people.

    Scary time yesterday, I had started the oven because I was just going to do a quick pasta bake for dinner and as I was pouring everything in the dish my oven made a snapping/crackle sound. I stopped and looked at it flickering and making that noise and clicked it off as fast as I could. Then staring at it I could see some smoke and something that looked orangey wafting out of the bottom. I was freaking out. I am frantically looking for my fire extinguishers and trying to call Bernie. I finally got through to him to ask him if I needed to open the oven and spray the extinguisher in it, or if I should leave it closed to keep any extra oxygen from being introduced. He's like, just watch it. Great. So I watched it. It didn't burst into flames. Bernie eventually got home and tore the oven apart and deemed it the element. He managed to find an element in town and replaced it tonight. I will definitely feel very nervous for awhile using the oven anyway.

    Just about ready to turn in the foundation scholarship packet. A couple of the people Caleb was supposed to get recommendation letters from seem like they may not be happening. Bums me out. We have already given them a follow up, and we'll just have to let it go at this point. Hopefully they'll still show up. Tuesday is the final deadline.

    Fri yay!

    Hope you have a better night!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,897 Member
    I hope your night was more restful and you are having another day of improving.

    I slept in a bit and then started in on some chores. I found the fabric I had used to cover my kitchen island stools and decided to recover them again since they had faded a lot and gotten pretty dirty. That took awhile. Cleaned the top of cabinets in the laundry room. Yuck. So dusty.

    Trying to keep motivated to keep picking at things.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    It's amazing how worn out I get from having a visitor. My sister came around 11:45am. She brought lunch and we ate and talked. I sat for too long and needed to get up and move about. She and Russ were visiting and I just hit the point of exhaustion and went to lay on the bed and try some exercises. I couldn't do much so I had Russ put my leg in the motion machine. I did some leg lifts afterwards and some stretches but not as much as I should have accomplished today. When I wake up I feel so much stronger and by late afternoon, I feel weak and tired.

    It sounds like you were productive getting your stools covered. It always feels good when a project gets done. It will be awhile for me.

    I feel like I'm going to crash early so I'll check in tomorrow or Monday.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,897 Member
    I hope you had a day of improvement. It is normal to wear out easily. Your body is sending so much energy to healing. Listen to your body and rest, rest, rest.

    Ah Sunday. Kind of a bummer day. Monday eve.

    Oh well.

    I should have gone to church last night, but the surge had me decide not to.

    Michele is back on the travel tour back to Florida this week. So the new duties a few of us have picked up with get put to the test as we have to do them without her back up of being there to answer questions.

    Have a healing night!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    PT was hard work today. I was dripping sweat by the end of the session. I wear shorts and a tee shirt but sweat so easily. Today we stretched my calf muscles, did forward and backward pedaling on a bike (can't go all the way around yet), walked with a cane, did leg strengthening on a machine for thighs, and he checked my range of motion with my knee. Last Thursday he measured an angle of 90-95 degrees and today it was 115 degrees! For only week two, Dave said I was making amazing progress and way far ahead for range of motion. I'm icing now and plan to read and take a nap. Later I will put my leg in the motion machine since it will be stiff. I'm going to request to rent it for another week because the machine feels so good. Any lack of movement makes my knee stiff so the machine helps loosen it and keeps tissue from forming that will restrict my movement range.

    How is life for you right now? Is C doing better emotionally and how is his friend doing? Has he made any decisions on colleges or needs to wait for scholarship offers first? So much to accomplish senior year. Next year Z will be setting up interviews for jobs. Does he want to stay in NE or is he open to go wherever a good offer takes him? What is his major again? My memory is so poor lately.

    Well I feel a nap coming on. Have a great Monday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,897 Member
    How awesome you are doing so well with your therapy. You are crushing it!

    Caleb turned in his huge CPS foundation scholarship packet today. I could tell he felt really relieved. It was dicey here and there with it, but I think he is feeling proud of getting all that done and in. This afternoon I created a 'punch' list for other scholarships and their due dates and posted it on the fridge so we can keep on of things. Next up some sort of 'unique' essay that addresses and answers a question related to urban schools. This is strictly writing so no financial need requirement. Gotta jump on that one. Hopefully we can keep the momentum and chase some 'free' money down.

    Zach is a computer science major and getting minors in security and networking. He hasn't really indicated a location, but I think he will stay close to Nebraska. Unless his 'wild' buddy Derek gets a wild hair to take off somewhere. There could be a chance Zach would be tempted to go with him. But really Zach doesn't like heavy traffic or large cities, so we'll have to see.

    Hope you had another good day!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    No appointments today. I read, did my exercises, watched some sappy movies, practiced with the cane and took a nap. My sister called mid day so we chatted. She is always asking questions about PT and comparing my therapy to what she had. The attitude is hers was the best and am I getting my money's worth. Therapists have different approaches...

    Tomorrow I see my ortho doc. Hope to get this bandage off and hope that the suture is looking good and closed up. I also have PT after my doctor's appointment so it will be a busy day.

    I'm going to bed in a bit and am going to try to sleep in our bed instead of recliner. I'm not getting much sleep in the recliner this week so I need to see if bed is more comfortable now.

    Alternate days seem to be good and rough. Today was a pain day but yesterday wasn't. Weird!

    What a relief C got his packet done. Z will probably have lots of choices in his field of study for jobs.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,897 Member
    Here's hoping your appointments went well and it's a good day today.

    Covid is super rampant. Caleb's schools re-instituted their mask mandate yesterday and will be going to four days a week. I wish they would have done the masks right after break, instead of waiting for the absenteeism to get to 10%. But whatever. So far, this time Caleb is not sick. KNOCK ON WOOD. He said his lunch table is over 50% gone. So, no bueno that.

    My niece is trying to find a test today. Her work (branch in Omaha) started their surge last week and now she is feeling unwell. Finding tests is a bit of a lottery too. So silly. They want people to test, but it's this crazy hunger games thing to find one. And of course, your sick and don't have the energy to deal with. And the big sites are closed for two days due to cold. When will it end??

    Take care!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    It's a rough day today. I had my doctor's appt and he took the bandage off my knee incision. He is pleased with how it is healing but I can't stand looking at it. It is long and scabby! He gave me the form for a handicap sign so we need to apply for that. It will be good for 6 months. I just want it for ice and snow.

    Russ and I went and picked up sandwiches at a cafe/bread shop for dinner. Then we went to PT. It was hard! I was feeling so sore and fatigued. Dave called me Eeyore and he was right. He didn't work me too hard today but all we did hurt like hell. I'm in the recliner now and don't feel guilty about it. I'm done for the day. I'll start over tomorrow.

    This COVID strain is rampant! Everyone I talk to on the phone says they have had it recently. They are vaccinated and boosted so cases are very mild and short but they have had it. I hope it goes ok for your niece and for C's school. These schools just can't figure this out. They listen and cave to parents who don't want masking but then seemed stunned when staff and students are out sick in large numbers. We have tests we ordered from Amazon and requested our 4 free tests from the gov't. Our health department does testing on Mondays and Thursdays so at least that is available too. I am so glad I am retired and can hibernate!!!!!!!

    Weather here is cold, windy and snowy. Luckily we don't have to go anywhere until next Tuesday to PT. I'm sure Russ will go out and about but I can stay put.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,897 Member
    I'm sorry today was such a rough day. You have the right idea. Rest and let your body have an extra healing day.

    My mind is worrying about niece Caitlin who did find a home test and tested positive. I sure hope she doesn't have a hard time of it.

    Caleb's work had several more kids/workers test positive. They want him to work doubles. Eh. He said he was using me as an excuse not to. I said fine. It's just terrible right now. My fear/anxiety level is higher than it has been since the beginning. Trying to find calm when people are literally dropping lies flies. Deep breath. And take another immunity gummie.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,897 Member
    Oh and Bernie said he found my care leaking coolant again - they had to replace a pump what a year ago - and now he's like we have to get rid of that piece of crap. Oy. It's not car shopping time, but OY I don't want to be in a lemon.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    Well hopefully your 3 bad things (C's work, niece' Covid, your car) will be all that you have happening for awhile. It's always something isn't it?

    Lazy day today. I slept in, had breakfast, did some exercises and the machine, walked with a cane, watched some episodes of Outlander 1st season (preparing for new season on March 6th), napped, and read my book. I've been massaging my leg with lotion. The nerves are waking up and sharp pains shoot through my calf, foot and knee. Horrible feeling and very annoying.

    Russ picked up my handicap tag for my car today so I can park close to buildings when I start driving. I want to use it when ice and snow are still present. He went to help my oldest sister with something at her house and she was drilling him with questions regarding my doctor's appt, my incision, etc. I gave her the basics but she likes details she doesn't get from me. She has had two replacements so she compares her doctor, PT and experience to mine. Annoys me but that is how she is. She means well and wants to be a caregiver but it really isn't all her business in my opinion.

    I'm glad C told his boss no, putting it on you. That was a wise decision.

    It is getting boring sitting around here but seclusion from Covid is a good idea and I don't want to get exposed. Nothing much to do outside with my condition at this point.

    TGIF for you tomorrow!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,897 Member
    Fri-yay Eve. Glad to be almost done with this week. I keep hoping it's getting better. It has to. It just has to!

    I was searching online to see if it is possible to change cupboards that have open space/soffit by the ceiling to be all cabinets. It looks like people have changed. I would really prefer that. Way back when we first moved in I was excited to have space to 'decorate'. Eh. It just gets dirty and I really could use more storage space. Something else I can put on my list that will likely never happen.

    Keep exercising!