The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Congrats on your retirement plan coming together! Wahoo!!!

    Feeling a little punky - the creeping crud is trying to get me.

    My sister finally made it back after a three week physical inventory at the new plant - not sure how long before she heads back. It's a nightmare.

    Monday is almost over at least!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    WTG Ang! Good idea to change up your run distance and days until more day light.

    I am doing Nutrisystem because I need a "no think" eating plan where someone tells me what and when to eat so I can take off some pounds and find my mojo. So far it is working. I've had some interruptions with our beach vacation and the boys in town this weekend but I've managed to lose almost 8 pounds in 4 weeks despite the interruptions. I'll take it. I will continue for 2-3 more months if I can tolerate the tasteless food while trying to build in flex meals of real, tasty food and then phase out the diet food. I am more conscious of drinking more water and see some real benefits. My digestion is better, my eyes aren't so dry, my skin is less dry and I have more energy.

    David and Chantrelle come back from Duluth tonight and will stay with us for several days. Jeff stayed here last night so we went out for Indian food last night and had a nice visit. He flew back to
    Atlanta today. Hope to see him in MI this summer after we move.

    Have a nice night.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    2 days in a row of beautiful spring like weather, and another today! Not so much tomorrow. I might be running in some light snow fall tomorrow on my lunch run.

    My replacement piece for my vest arrived in Montreal, QC Monday night. It may get to me here in Nova Scotia by the end of the week, if not I should have it first of next week. Just in time for the time change! :D:D I will need it Wednesdays though. Wednesday runs need to be either early (very early) in the morning or 9:00 at night. That's just the way my schedule is.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    great job ladies!

    I am still feeling yucky - I am hoping tomorrow is better - giving myself a pep talk. Plus it will be Friday and the Z kid is coming home (needs Mtn Dew ;>))

    Looking forward to good weather this weekend!

    Not looking forward to my sister and brother-in-law having to travel for work next week and keeping their dog - he's getting very old and has some issues that are typical for that - like needing to go out ALL THE TIME - oh well. Hopefully only a week.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Sorry you are feeling sick Marla. Watching the news about Coronavirus is freaking me out. I hope it doesn't spread as much as they say it could. Glad you will see Z this weekend.

    David and Chantrelle are here until Sunday morning. It's been nice to see them this week. I wish I didn't have to work. Tomorrow eve we are going to do one of those Escape Rooms. I've always wanted to do one of those. We'll see if I get to be included. They take 8 people and their may be 8 and I would be 9. Who wants the old lady hanging around?

    We had Thai tonight for dinner so that was not good for my weight loss. Once they leave I hope to avoid those pitfalls. I have had so many interruptions with this eating plan but I guess that is life.

    Well I'll be glad for the warm weekend coming up!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member

    I hope you get to do the escape room - I had so much fun doing it with the boys - they are the smart ones - but just being with them was a blast -
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    We are doing one tomorrow. There will be about 8 of us. I can't imagine I will contribute much but it will be fun to see others figure out the clues. I've always been interested in trying an escape room.

    The kids are at Top Golf tonight. They invited me but I'm beat. Chantrelle and I did go to the fitness room today. I did 15 minutes on the treadmill and 5 minutes on the elliptical. Then I did some upper body weight machines and an abdominal machine. I figured 30-35 minutes of workout was enough for first time in almost a year.

    I'm not in the mood for a Nutri dinner so I think I will pop some popcorn.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    edited March 2020
    I hope you had fun doing the escape room.

    Caleb got sick Thursday night. Not sure if it was what I had - he popped off a pretty high fever, which I never did. Made him stay home. Hoping he doesn't overdo it today.

    Yep - the fear factor is super high with the media all over the COVID. Even though thousands more perish from influenza, they still have me thinking my vacation is a mistake and I need to hoard food and water and prepare to shelter in place for a month. Fear!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I don't think we will be stocking up for Coronavirus. Russ thinks it's an overreaction. We'll see... He thinks he knows everything. I'm letting this one play out. A coworker told me she and her husband did their prep over the weekend, canned goods, etc. I'm hoping my flight to MI on 3/14 doesn't get cancelled. I go through Detroit so hope it's good. I can see why you would worry with Hawaii. Lots of flights from all over landing there, especially from Asia. Airlines are cancelling some flights so keep a watch for that. I imagine you would be able to reschedule your vacation and flights if you bought the insurance or your credit card covers such a thing. If the airline cancels they would probably give vouchers for future flights. Nothing is definite anymore is it? There's always some crisis, weather, illness, terrorists, etc.)

    Sorry C is sick. I've been lucky with my daily kid exposure that I haven't gotten sick.

    David and Chantrelle are still here. They had car trouble and it's getting fixed. They came home to pick up the van they keep at his Dad's in WI. It sat all last winter even though his Dad drives it occasionally. Major oil leak and an expensive fix. They will get it back Thursday and probably leave that morning.

    Hang in there. Don't dwell on the pandemic until the CDC says we need to worry.


  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I think the media is just causing fear mongering with the reports on the virus. There are no reported cases in my province (only reports cases are in BC and Ontario) and yet I've seen reports of people here stock piling. I'm not planning on it. If you practice good hygiene you should be good. The flu has killed more people this year then this virus.

    I finally get my running vest fixed!! The fiber optic cable had snapped at the connection point on me. I got the new cable last week, it took several tries (and some help!) to get it fully apart. I was able to get it back together myself. The screws putting it altogether are tiny and they were tight. It was neat to see the inside of my running vest! The portion that makes it all work is so small compared to the size of the back compartment!

    The funny part is I got it fixed just in time for the time change! By next week I won't need it as much as it will be plenty of day light still left when I get home to get my run in before it starts getting dark!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    agree - Media stop the fear campaign!! Even in Nebraska they want us to stockpile water and paper supplies - prepare for like a snow storm - we don't prepare unless there is one - because you know milk and bread are perishable - and not a word about hey the floods are coming again - how many did we lose in the floods? How many have perished from flu? It's all a terrible tragedy when people die.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    People are stockpiling here too. We aren't. I've heard Target is out of hand soap, shelves are empty in different sections of Costco and Walmart for bottled water, medicines, paper products. We don't have the room nor do we believe it will be a total quarantine of the metro area.

    David and Chantrelle leave tomorrow. They are traveling to Montana and then crossing border into Canada to AK. They plan to stop and ski at a couple places on the way home. They don't have as much time as they did due to auto problems. Fixed now so they are good.

    I'm tired and off to bed. They will be up early so I'll say bye to them in the morning.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    The issue with people stockpiling here, is not just because I find it complete unnecessary, especially with no reported cases in my province, but there has been blockades on the tracks. With the blockades, supplies haven't been able to get in. The blockades are starting to come down and trains are moving again, but it's going to take sometime to clear the backlog. Both Vancouver and Halifax ports had to turn away the ships coming in as there was no more room for them! Not sure if that made the news down where you ladies were or not.

    The weather for tomorrow keeps changing so much! I need to run 14k tomorrow for half-marathon training. At the start of the week if was giving 15-20cm of snow. By mid-week it was going to be sunny but cold. Now its about 5cm with high winds. Then again that could change as the system could shift yet again. I wonder what the chances are that the wind would keep changing directions on my run, so that it's constantly on my back and I don't have to run into the wind???
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    we had crazy winds yesterday - and this weekend is supposed to be 70. 70!!

    The Z kid is home for spring break and the C kid will be done at the end of the day. I am trying to remain hopeful that I will get to take some days next week and just be with them. Maybe we'll go on a stockpiling run ;>) -

    But I still have my sisters dog and I am ready for him to go home. He misses his people. So he's snappy and that makes me snappy. She claims tomorrow they fly in. Fingers crossed!

    I am not enjoying the new choir/music director for church. She is super picky (which generally I don't mind) but not very nice about it. And I hate the music we are doing and she just gave us the Easter pieces which are ultra high. Like 14 pages of E through A flat. I'm like, uh, that's not going to happen. If I were in high school and practicing 5 days a week for an hours a day, maybe, but once a week for about 40. Nope. And I am the strongest singer in the soprano section - the others can't even match pitch most of the time. And then an even higher descant on the other piece. She crazy. I feel like leaving for the season, it's not worth being miserable.

    Anyhow - friyay.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Lots going on for both of you. Our weather is warming up too but only in 60's on Sunday then cool down Monday. I'll take it as long as it does not go below 32 and snow. I want an early spring. It is so messy out right now. Charlie, dog, is white and he stinks and is dirty. The snow is dirty and everything is covered in dirt in the streets.

    I do not want a retirement party. People keep asking me if they can "host" a gathering at their house to honor me and say good-bye. I don't want a large gathering and I know it will turn in to that. I don't like large groups because it is so superficial. Shallow, brief talks with people answering the same questions over and over about the move. No thanks! No matter how many times I say no, the same person or more people keep offering and asking. What is it with extroverts? Just because they love a gathering doesn't mean the rest of us do. I want them to quit projecting their sense of fun to me. No offense to either of you if you are extroverts. My department at work is full of them and they are relentless. Any advice on what to say to them? I am not going to give in. I'm fine with meeting a few close friends (no more than 5) for happy hour or dinner somewhere on a restaurant patio or deck but no organized house party with lots of people.

    I have acquired a cold with coughing, sneezing and a stuffy nose. My first one of the year.

    David and Chantrelle crossed the border into Canada today. I imagine they will be skiing tomorrow.

    Have a great weekend,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    I am an introverted introvert so I totally feel you on the gathering. I don’t know what else you can do besides say no thx. Maybe if there is one you are particularly close to just tell them you want only a tiny, brief happy hour with x people. Good luck!

    Happy Saturday
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I've tried that Marla and I know the happy hour will grow to a bunch of people. I'm at a point where I don't even want that because no one will respect my choice and they keep pushing.

    I have had the flu since Saturday. No stomach stuff but extreme congestion, coughing, sneezing, achy, low grade fever, sore throat. I missed work today and will stay home tomorrow too. I jinxed myself when I told someone last week I hadn't been sick this year. I fly to MI Saturday so have to get better. I feel guilty for canceling students but I can't work like this anyway and I can't help it I'm sick. I'm drinking so much water all I do is pee and am up several times in the night for water, peeing and ibuprofen.

    We have stocked up on Clorox wipes, toilet paper, kleenex and purell. Do you think we will have to stay in for a couple of weeks during this spread of the Coronavirus? Russ will pick up some meat for the freezer and some soups just in case. Hope it doesn't come to staying home.

    Well enjoy your week. I'll try to get back on before leaving. I'm not taking my computer so won't be on at all next week. I can't access by my phone or tablet since the password I keep entering seems to be unacceptable.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    I hope you feel better soon -

    also hopeful the fear quotient dials back - its making me more anxious than normal

    boys on spring break - schools in a town near us have canceled due to having a confirmed COVID 19 case at their YMCA recently when a special olympic ball tourney was going on - we have been notified that could translate to possible exposure here as well since there were special needs students for C-town at the tourney - AND Caleb has special needs kids in the history class because it is one of the co-ed classes... sooooo.... cool. The thing is as with most illnesses - you are contagious before you show symptoms so people have been in contact and out and about its just pretty impossible. I am just pushing the hand washing, emergen c, and praying.

    trying to get a lot wrapped up so I can take off the next few days. Have a great time - feel better!!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Hope your feeling better Jenny

    I haven't done any prep for the virus. Maybe when we get a confirmed case in Nova Scotia, I'll consider it a little more. Right now I see no need. That and I don't have any money to!! Payday is Friday. I filed my taxes on Sunday and should have my refund within a week. I MIGHT use some of those funds to get a few extra of some things. I really hope I don't have to self-quarantine. I can guarantee I can't afford to loose two weeks or more off work!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I'm going back to work tomorrow but still have sore muscles from all the coughing and a stuffy nose. No morning appointments. My 8am chose for me to wait until after the two week break coming up.

    I'm hoping my flight is not canceled on Saturday.
    There has been a 3rd case of Coronavirus in MN and it is in the county I work in. Our school system which is the largest in the state has not made any statements on what the plan is if we need to close. They tend to be reactive rather than proactive so a student's parent or student probably has to get it before they do anything.

    I plan to take Clorox wipes on the plane to wipe everything down. I'm a chronic hand washer so that works well for me.

    I hope your town is ok Marla. No need for any of us to overreact but keeping away from people if you are sick or they are and hand washing is the right thing to do.

    More before I leave,