The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    I think you're normal regarding your home. So many of us know what we should be cleaning, organizing, etc. but the weekend is so precious when you work full time that relaxation wins. Don't beat yourself up and take it easy. You earn it every week.

    I unpacked 5 boxes of books and put them on our new book shelves in the den. I love seeing my books again. Most of what I read is on my tablet but I have many paper books yet to read or read again. Now I'm relaxing because I don't want to over do being on my sore leg. It is so much better and I don't want a relapse.

    We had a little snow overnight but it is already gone. Such a strange December in MI. It is nice not to have to deal with icy roads and sidewalks. This week I need to get some local shopping done for Christmas and for the house. We need shades in the basement overflow sleeping room and I want to change out the toilet paper holders in the bathrooms. We also need some towel racks and hooks in both bathrooms.

    Well enjoy your day and try not to think about tomorrow until it comes. Yoga and meditation might help you feel better to clear your head, stretch and feel calm. I need to take this advice too.

    My brother called me this morning. Surgery went well and time will tell how his legs feel. He sounded loopy from the pain drugs buts sharp.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    That's good that your brother felt the surgery went well. I hope the healing does too.

    A huge step today at work, the scanning/transaction collectors were starting to be brought back up. Tim (the main software IT guy) took the last version from the test system and they made a huge step to being almost automated.

    I love how nice the weather has been. I know the lack of snow means bad for the spring/drought. But it is such a joy to not have to drive on ice and to not have to worry about the boys driving on ice.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Russ and I went to Traverse City for errands today. My leg muscles tightened up the more walking I did. So frustrating. We bought some fixtures for the bathrooms (hooks, tp holder, etc.) and rugs that catch ice, grit and snow at the entry doors. We also went to the cherry store our neighbor owns and bought some presents and stocking stuffers. Tomorrow I get my hair cut in town and will try to shop a little more locally for the kids.

    Our fake tree is up but I still need to spread the branches before decorating. The Christmas boxes are in the living room so I'll work on decorating as I can tolerate it.

    Good news at your work. Maybe it will be a little easier now.

    I don't miss ice either. I just want a white Christmas.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Today I got my hair cut and shopped in the small town near us. I was one of only a few people out shopping. It is so quiet this time of year. There is one main street with shops and restaurants. The rest are residential, library, school, churches...

    I found some baby stuff for each baby and a couple of items for Karah, Jeff and Rory. I bought the local fudge to send to David. He always loved that fudge. He hasn't had it in years. Tomorrow we go to another town to hopefully finish up shopping. I want to bake a coffee cake to send off to AK and have the box in the mail by Friday.

    My brother went back to the nursing home today for rehab. I got a call from the social worker there and he wants me to be included in the care conference on Friday morning via phone. I guess I'm his new favorite sister. I told my oldest sister that and she was glad he invited me and not our middle sister.

    I am determined to have the house decorated by the end of the weekend. Rory arrives a week from this coming Saturday. Hard to believe it is almost 2021 but hopefully it will be a better year for all.

    My brother was exposed to COVID through a health care worker at the hospital that was asymptomatic and didn't know they had COVID when working. He gets tested twice a week at the nursing home so we'll see. If he gets it and it is respiratory symptoms, I imagine he could get pneumonia and that would be it.

    Well I hope your Monday was great.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    sounds like a nice day getting your hair done and shopping. I bet it's great to be out during the day when it's less busy.

    Is it hard not to overbuy on the baby stuff? I would struggle with all that cute stuff. It's so hard to shop for the boys right now.

    I am thinking I want a smaller tree. It's just so hard for me to get upstairs and while it's not hard for the guys to do, usually when I am mood to get started they aren't. Do they still make those thinner pencil trees that were all the rage a few years back? I'll have to look after the season and everything is on sale.

    Sure hope your brother avoids the COVID especially with all the other stuff he has going on. Yikes.

    Wednes - Yay
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    I did see a tall, thin fake tree at Lowes. It only had white lights and I like the option of both. I think you can still find them.

    I went and had blood drawn early this morning and now I am off to chiropractor. I feel so much better. Just a little muscle tightness if I over do it.

    I am going to work on getting David and Chantrelle's box ready to send to AK today. Then I'll tackle the tree and decorations.

    Have a nice day.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Woosh - it's already Saturday! We got snow yesterday. It was a nice reprieve while it lasted. I guess they eased up restrictions again at 12:01 am because the hospitalizations eased. Good heavens. Can't they let the easing stick for a few weeks before they ease? I mean good grief.

    I am feeling really just done with Bernie. He apparently had to burn a few days of vacation and was home Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. On Thursday I was checking my 'find friends' to make sure Caleb made it school. (I like checking it for that because they never remember to text once they are there). I noticed that Bernie's was way up North. Close to where he went to high school and his little brother lives. So I texted him what was going on. He of course ignores me for awhile and then hours later says he is just driving around checking things and why am I checking up on him. I remind him that he was the one who paired his phone for the find friends and saw it while looking for Caleb. Fast forward a few hours. Caleb gets home from school and it annoyed that his dad isn't there because he was supposed to be waiting for Caleb to get home to take care of a car issue before he had to go to work. I just jumped in and filled it with gas to get him through because as far as I knew Bernie was not around. I get back and Bernie was back and spitting mad at me for not waiting for him to do it. I'm like, Caleb has to leave for work in minutes and I didn't know when you were getting back. Well check your special locator. Enough. So, yeah Thursday was definitely another day I wondered if it is worth it to stay together. It's probably not, but I probably won't ever take that step. It's just easier to stay together. It's not like there's some prince out there for me.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Sorry for your marital stress. Marriage is tough no matter what. Russ and I have a heck of a time communicating with one another. It is like we speak different languages much of the time. We've had our struggles over the years. but both have been divorced before so just stuck to it. I don't know what to tell you except would you be able to do counseling together?

    Snow has been falling all day and it is beautiful outside. I hope it stays and continues to accumulate so we have a white Christmas. My decorations are out and the tree is done. I need to finish up stocking stuffers and wrap the kid's gifts. I sent a box to Homer, AK yesterday. Chantrelle just texted me to say she is having a lot of contractions and lost her mucous plug. So baby Halen is on her way in the next days. Yay!

    Tomorrow we go back to my brother's house to continue sorting and tossing. He is back at the nursing home after his surgery. Discharge from there in 1-2 weeks. He will go to my sister's house. She is stressed and freaking out. I think it may be PTSD from when her husband died while on hospice in their home. I feel for her but her house is the most handicapped accessible and Steve will be using a walker and wheelchair. She has wide doorways, master bedroom and bathroom on first level with handicap bars and bench in the roll in shower, etc. No steps to enter her home.

    Well I hope your troubles pass and you enjoy having Z home for the holidays.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Oh my! I didn't realize Grandbaby #1 was so close to making the appearance. WOW!!

    I'm sure it has to be extra stressful having someone so ill come to your home. Hopefully it won't be too much for her.

    Good wishes for Baby H's arrival.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Long day for Chantrelle and David. Chantrelle had braxton hicks contractions yesterday and the night before. As of last night she lost her mucous plug and contractions increased to 16-20 minutes apart. They were up most of the night and by this morning contractions were 3-4 minutes apart. They live two houses away from the birthing center where they will deliver. They told me they were staying home as long as possible. Of course that made me nervous and how does a woman in late stage labor walk to the birthing center? Well as of 12:30pm AK time she was effaced 85% and dilated to 3 cm. They decided to go home and sleep/relax. What? Anyway, last I heard she was sleeping and David was a nervous wreck. No sign of Halen yet. I hope all goes well and heart beat stays strong.

    We had a snow storm yesterday and it is beautiful outside. The tree branches are heavy with snow and we have at least 5 inches on the ground. I'm sure it will melt but it has been so pretty. I really want a white Christmas and then it can go away.

    My sister's and I worked at my brother's house today. Ugh! It is so dusty and so much crap. We found boxes in a closet full of my Mom's old mail, receipts for charitable donations ( from the 90's). Bank statements from the 90's to early 2000's. He must have taken the boxes from my Mom's condo when he moved out and we sold it. She has been dead since 2012 and was in assisted living and then memory care since 2002. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. My Mom kept everything only she was a clean fanatic.

    I imagine by tomorrow morning I will be a Grandma of a beautiful little girl. I pray that all goes well and mother and baby do well.


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Halen Rea Major has arrived. She came in to this world at 4:04am AK time on 12/14/2020. Halen (short A) weighs 7 lb 4oz and is 20" long. Parents and baby are doing well but very tired. I can't wait to meet her through Facebook Portal later today (hopefully). They are all sleeping right now.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Wonderful, wonderful. Congrats Gramma! What a strong momma.

    Prayers for an easy recovery and post-partum time.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Halen is perfect! We saw her on the Portal last night. David holds her constantly and seems to be in awe of her. Do you remember that feeling when you first held Z and C and thought, "we created this little being"? Such a miracle. They are all tired but enjoying relaxing together, learning to change diapers, breast feed, etc.

    I finished my Christmas shopping today. I've never been done this early. Since we chose names I went small for other gifts and did buy stocking stuffers.

    How are you progressing with Christmas?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    My Christmas progress is non existent. I only have a couple of things taken care of. I am just stuck.

    So excited for your most amazing gift.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    It was hard to buy for the boys when they were young. They really wanted cash so I would put $100 in an envelope for each of them and put it on the tree branch. Then I bought them flannel pj pants, book, new video game they told me they wanted. Their presents were never a surprise when they were teens of early 20's. Two of them liked nice clothes like a sweater, soft crew neck sweatshirt to wear with jeans, and/or nice flannel shirts.

    This situation with my brother is so over whelming. He will be discharged from the nursing home on 12/24 in the morning. He will go to my sister's house but not sure how long he will stay there. She has this idea he will die within a few months but I think he has longer than that. We haven't seen him in 6 weeks so we have no idea what to expect. I spent an hour on the phone today with the palliative nurse. She had a meeting today with Steve and then called me to fill me in on what they talked about. It was confusing and still leaves a lot of unanswered questions. She said that usually her initial meeting ends with a care plan in place but that didn't happen with Steve since there are so many unanswered questions. He rejected the idea of going on Hospice right now. She doesn't think he understands that his treatments are palliative for comfort, not a cure for his cancer. He has been told many times by his medical team that they are for comfort and he has said he understands that but I think his goal is to do all that they say and buy another 2 years. Doubtful he has that long but who knows? He can't live at my sister's for more than a few months and he probably can't live alone. He is as cheap as the day is long and will not want to fork out money for assisted living but he may need to do so. My sisters and my mother have always walked on egg shells with him. He has lived alone his entire adult life and has had no need to compromise with others. Well that time has come to an end in my opinion. So this should be interesting going forward with him at my sister's house.

    I'm drinking a gin and tonic. I may become an alcoholic by the time this all ends. So stressful!

    Tomorrow we go back to his house to pack up all his clothes and bring them to my sister's house. We need to make sure he does not go back to his rental home and see what we have packed up and tossed.

    Maybe instead of gifts you could plan a family vacation again that the boys could look forward to after the vaccines are available? Would you all like that since you couldn't go away last spring?

    Well I hope you figure out the holiday. Why is it the woman always has to do it all?

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    My sister and I packed up all Steve's clothes today and removed them from his house. They are now in bags in my sister's garage and she has a duffel bag full of clothes to wash that he will want to wear when he gets there. She received a call from Kim, Social Worker, that Steve made the decision this morning to go on Hospice. This is a huge surprise to all of us. From what I understand the social worker/nurse, whomever at the rehab facility told him he has about 6-7 months left (mid summer) and hospice would take care of his medications, pain management, etc. This is the first we've heard a prediction of how much time he has. Not sure where those numbers were pulled from and who was the source. Very odd!

    All I know is we can't tell him what we are doing at his house. He just doesn't get that we aren't dusting and cleaning toilets. We are hauling out boxes of crap, packing up hundreds of books (weird books) and sorting through years of papers, boxes of mementos, etc. Tossing, packing, sorting and then we will get a dumpster and have a cleaning service come in and clean as best as they can. Then he can give notice to his landlord that he is moving out.

    This motivates me to purge more stuff and clean up my files. No one should have to do this for another person beyond what is normal amounts of stuff. It's just too much!

    Well I have a mammogram tonight. Yes, this clinic does evening appointments. 7pm is what they had available so I decided to get it over with before Christmas. I'm over due and didn't want to miss a year. Better late than never.

    Our snow is suppose to melt as temps rise in the next days. Boo hoo!

    Well it's almost TGIF,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Good job on the mammogram. I am needing to get mine scheduled for this year as well and have been avoiding it - just because I don't really want to go to the hospital. I know, it's fine. I will get it done before my next annual doc appointment - I have until September.

    I finally wrote out a bunch of Christmas cards this afternoon. Ouch. There is no picture or letter (I always do a newsletter and some sort of picture collage). Just didn't happen. But I just felt so bad about not sending anything out especially for those that did send. So at least I got a card and the good wishes. It's something I guess. And YES - why does it all have to be me? I have to do the cards (and announcements, invitations, gifts, thank you's, etc, etc, etc). All that stuff. Bah humbug. And if I don't do it - it doesn't happen. And no one ever looks at him and says - why didn't you do it? But I get the side eye.

    Love the pics of your beautiful lil' girl. So precious. Bet you love checking in on them.

    That has been a lot you have had to go through cleaning and figuring things out with your brother. But, I bet you guys are relieved he has decided to do hospice. That should be a big weight lifted off of everyones shoulders. I mean, it's obviously sad because it means an end will be coming. But it seems like most people feel hospice does a good job. Hopefully you feel the same way.

    Happy Friyay

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    I finally found a vintage/antique crank phone at a price point I was willing to pay. I have been wanting to get one for a gift for my sister for years, but they are usually $200-$300 - but I found one in a town close to us and got it for $100. Still a quite a bit more than I would normally do for a gift, but it makes me happy to have found it and think it will be something she treasures. Our grandpa had one very similar to it in the basement of the farm and while all us grandkids played with it, she was always his favorite and she and I always thought she would get it. It didn't happen that way so I have always wanted to get one for her. She's really into antiques anyway. A few years ago I got her an old pop crate for some bottles she had pulled out of the grove. I bought a couple of gnomes yesterday that seem to be so popular this year. They are cute. I have plenty for mom, dad, Michele, Dan (brother-in-law) and nephew. Still stuck on niece - may have to fall back on shopping my closet for apartment starter stuff, like some cake pans, spatulas, towels, bowls, etc. That was Michele's only ideas for her - she will be graduating from college in May. I guess it's ok. I just usually have a better idea for her. I think for the boys I am just going to tell them I am going to take them to the 'good' shoe store Browns for a proper fitting and nice new pair of tennis shoes. I can't believe the difference it made when I did that a couple of years ago. I was wearing the wrong size completely. They are pretty spendy though. I don't know, seems kind of lame I guess.

    Hope things are going great for the baby and you are doing ok with your brother's stuff.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Hi, it's been a few days since I checked in. Friday I was preparing for Rory's arrival and he got here on Saturday. It's so nice to have him hear no matter how short a visit. He seems to really like Hannah, the girl he has had some dates with. I would love to see him have someone special in his life that provides good balance and is not controlling of his time. Stay tuned...

    Our snow is melting as the temps rise. I'm hoping for some new snow before Thursday to freshen it up and make it feel like Christmas. We won't be snow shoeing as I hoped but white is better than a brown landscape. The sun rarely shines here due to the moisture from Lake Michigan creating cloud cover in the winter. As the lake cools off the moisture accumulates in the air. Thus the rain and snow that we get but also just gray days.

    I'm watching the morning news. A new variant on the Coronavirus? What the heck? They are discussing the vaccine's effectiveness. The variant strain is now in the UK but I'm sure will be here shortly.

    It sounds like you've made tons of progress on Christmas. You seem to be a very thoughtful gift giver. I think the shoe idea with the boys is a good one. Two of my boys liked their tennis shoes to be nice and wanted certain kinds. It got to the point that we paid a certain amount and they paid the difference unless it was a gift. Funny what boys vs girls like. Do you and Bernie exchange gifts? We don't so no pressure there. Our house and all we've spent is our mutual gift this year. Getting settled and small updates have added up.

    My brother gets discharged Thursday morning and goes to my sister Becky's house. I'm nervous going forward. What condition is he in? How much more weight has he lost? Is he going to be demanding and irritable or be willing to compromise while staying at Becky's? It will be difficult on both sides as he deteriorates. It's so sad to see someone that was vibrant and independent become weak, frail and dependent on others. I guess it is the circle of life but I don't like it.

    Rory and Russ are going to my brother's house today to bring back 4 pieces of furniture that I'm going to put in my basement room. I need to clean it up and bring back to life. Right now they have years of dust on them. They were all my parents' furniture and Steve took them when we sold my Mom's condo. He isn't going back to his house or living alone again so I will salvage and fix them up.

    We are going on portal tonight with Jeff, Karah, David, Chantrelle and Halen. We haven't tried with everyone yet so we will see how it works. Jeff and Karah will drive up here on Wednesday. I just need to pick up pies at the bakery, make an artichoke dip for Christmas Eve, and make some coffee cakes and egg bakes, then I'm done with my responsibilites. Presents are wrapped, baby stuff has been put in a cute basket, but I need to make the guestroom bed and stuff stockings. I'm ahead of the game this year since we have a simple plan for all.

    I think it is very normal that the wife does it all! Russ only does what I delegate and it is just easier to do myself most times. I know some husbands that doe the Christmas letter/card but very few. I will do a Happy New Year letter summarizing our year in January. It 's easier for me to get that done when all is over and I think people like the surprise of the letter at that time of year.

    Well I've run on so signing off. Have a good Monday.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    As usual you have so much going on! Did your brother change his mind about hospice and is going 'back' to the staying with your sister? Either way - I'm sure it will be difficult. I hope you all take care and get through it well.

    I bet it is wonderful having Rory around and looking forward to Jeff and Karah.

    I have read about the COVID variant. Good grief. Please no more. No more.

    I worked Monday and Tuesday (done for the day now) and am taking tomorrow for one of my remaining personal days and then have Thursday and Friday as holidays. I am still stressed with not being all done (or feeling completely great) for gifts - but excited about having the time off. Maybe I'll be productive for a nice change. ;>)

    Enjoy your family time!