The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    glad you made it back safe! I haven't heard yet if sister and niece were able to get back from West Virginia through the gas drought.

    Have a relaxing day!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Relaxed yesterday. Today I painted some trim pieces, visited my brother and dug up an overgrown garden on the driveway island. I will get some plants and transplant a few there.

    Beautiful, warm day today.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    A perfect weather day today. My sister, her friend and I rode our bikes 24 miles on a beautiful trail. I'm trying to lose weight before the wedding so I'm drinking a ton of water, trying to be more active, and eating 3 meals and 2 snacks per day that are high in protein. I'm trying to stay away from junk food too.

    I visited my brother yesterday. He wasn't feeling well and looked awful. I hadn't seen him in over a week due to our trip. His skin looked yellow and he looked clammy with sweat. I feel so bad for him. His quality of life sucks, he's dying a slow death, and it has to be so scary. I'm guessing his liver functioning is off.

    Hope you are enjoying the weather.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    My sister and I went to funeral home to preplan for Steve when he dies. We did this 12 years ago for my Mom. We ate lunch out on a patio afterward. Hot here! We turned our AC on. The house was so humid. I visited my brother this afternoon.

    Tomorrow Russ and I are going to buy annuals and some perennials. We are having another couple over for dinner Saturday eve.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    I'm so sorry you're brother is suffering. I will pray for peace.

    It's quite humid here, I have had my a/c on.

    I can't believe the whole week is over. Zach is back at work and put in his 40 hours as well. Already knee deep in IT projects. I'm glad he enjoys what he is doing. He got bumped up to $16/hr. Wowz! He is making almost as much as I do. That should bode well for him being able to support himself well in a few years.

    I bought a few flowers last weekend. I should get them in my pots tomorrow.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    Well, I did work on my few flowers yesterday. Very sweaty. And I may have waited too long. They looked great in the garage all week until yesterday. I'm not sure they will survive. Now it's wait and see. I have not a green thumb.

    Zach and I went to church last night. It was Zach's first trip in well over a year. Caleb was still at work or I would have had the 'dream' of the three of us together. Bernie is still struggling with whatever had infected the house a couple of weeks ago. Caleb was feeling unwell for nearly two full week, I had about five gross days and Bernie's seems to be lingering like Caleb's did. Fingers crossed, Zach seems good. Not sure that will last - Bernie doesn't usually do a good job of keeping germs to himself.

    It was sad to read of Starla's mothers sudden death. I didn't realized she had been living with them taking care of the baby during the day. What a tremendous blow. Very sad. We just never know. I wish I was better at staying in the moment. I just worry so much about things really not worth worrying about.

    Caleb has two and a half more days of school. Then officially a senior! We have a visit at UNL tentatively scheduled for 7/16. And I just reached back out to school of mines for a June visit. Boy did the hotel rooms jump in cost! Yikes. Even though he isn't interested in USD (his claims) I still think we should swing by it on the way up to Rapid City just because we need to get more visits under our belts and Caleb doesn't have many schools he is claiming interest in.

    Pancakes sound good. Do I have the ambition to make a mess?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    We have our AC on too. The humidity is too much for me and I hate sweating everywhere I go.

    Z is going to do well in life. Rory got the call from the MPLS electrical union. He applied over a year ago and then COVID happened. He starts as an apprentice in mid June and will work towards his journeyman's electrician license. He has decided not to use his B.S. degree from University of North Dakota.

    I finished planting my island garden. I put in mostly perennials (daisies, daylillies, a prairie grass, and one other) and then tipped over a pot on its side and filled with potting soil spilling out. I planted bright colored annuals in and spilling out of the pot. I hope it all grows and blooms throughout the summer. I also hope the perennials come back next year. I want to buy some bulbs and wildflower seed to do some random plantings on our acreage in the wilder parts we don't keep up.

    I'm so sore from planting. Being out of shape and this aging thing doesn't help when trying to get things done. Today I'm taking it easy and will go buy annuals for my pots tomorrow. I plan to put two on the front porch and two big ones by the garage doors. I hope bright flowers will distract anyone driving up from seeing how overgrown the landscaping is. That is a work in process.

    Our dinner we hosted with the couple (she was in my class in high school) was fun. Very low key, talked and ate out on the deck. Russ grilled burgers and made potato salad and his calico baked beans. Kathy brought a cherry cheesecake dessert. It was our first time hosting someone that isn't family since we got here.

    Happy Sunday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    Bleh - my flowers look so sad today. I'm always so excited to pick up those pretty little pots, and such a sad disappointment when I yet again kill them.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    Oh - and electricians are very in demand and should be setting himself up well. Always plenty of work to do. I hope he enjoys it.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    I'm betting it is a matter of days before deer and rabbits eat my blooms on my perennial garden I planted yesterday. Charlie went straight for the prairie grass and peed on it. Yes, lets kill it day 2!

    I've relaxed all day. Tomorrow I'll plant again and then hopefully be done with that project. Russ will do the hard part of pulling out old bushes and killing down the weeds, etc.

    I need to visit my brother tomorrow too.

    Have a nice Monday,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    Capstone concert tonight. Last choir concert of the year - obviously. Hopefully the last one we have to do masked up - and the last one they have to perform in wearing masks. Most places here completely dropped all pretense of masking and all other guidelines. One press release about vaccinated people not needing to mask up outdoors and they are just done. I'm annoyed that in a few weeks there will be an anniversary celebration at Behlen and they will have a crowd and 'dignitaries' and we will all have to be packed into the outdoor tent for the mandatory self-congratulation speeches. And I bet only half will be vaccinated. Whatever. I guess we have reached our limit on caring about other people.

    Hope your brother is having a good day.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    We portaled with Jeff and Karah tonight. Miles has backed on the baby weight and looks different from even a week ago. He is so cute and huggable! He has chunky, baby rolls now on his legs, neck and arms. They are going to FLl in June and going to check out the Jacksonville/St. Augustine area. They would like to move there but want to know the area to figure out where to buy/build a house. I guess we will be snow birding in FL near them in years to come if they actually move there.

    I went to Meijer's today to their garden center. It's like a big Walmart. They had beautiful flowers and tons of pots that were already arranged with annuals. They were more than $30 cheaper than the other places I've been this week. I decided I would spend more on pots, flowers and dirt than what those pots cost so I bought 4 and saved myself the time and soreness. They are really pretty. I put two on the front porch and one on each side of the garage doors. Now to keep them alive. I even bought plant food which I usually forget.

    I'm riding on the trail tomorrow with my sister and her friend. I hope we go at least 20 miles round trip.

    I hope your concert goes well. I know what you mean about the masks. I think it is weird that one day we need to wear them and all of a sudden we don't. I have a feeling that we will have another surge of COVID late summer/Fall.

    Enjoy the singing,
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Good bike ride with my sister and her friend today. We rode 18.58 miles. That makes my total for the season over 6 rides at 99 miles. Not bad and it isn't even June yet.

    My brother arrives tomorrow from AZ to visit my brother with cancer. Russ and I will host a family dinner sometime this weekend so Steve can come over and get out of his assisted living environment. I've assigned what my sisters need to bring to contribute to the meal.

    It is really windy today. I think a storm is blowing in tonight. We could use the rain.

    Any special plans for Memorial Weekend or Memorial Day?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Weather went from hot to cool overnight. We had a lightening, thunder and rain storm last night so cooler temps blew in. Still windy today.

    I visited my brother this morning and have been relaxing all afternoon. I talked with my DIL and son from AK. We are planning to spend a few extra days with them after the wedding in November while in GA. We are looking in to driving to either Tybee Island, GA or Panama City Beach, FL to spend a few days at the beach eating sea food, walking the beach, relaxing... Tybee is only 18 miles from Savannah so we may go there and spend a day in Savannah checking it out. They will go back to Atlanta to fly out and we will head home. That way we get more time with Halen too!

    My brother should be here by now. He is visiting my other brother and then will head to my sisters. I imagine we will see him tomorrow sometime.

    Russ must be bored. He spend the day re arranging the pole barn. I really need to start painting my furniture out there and opening up boxes to see what I find in them. A good load to the thrift store is in order in our future.

    Hope you are having a good week.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    I'm not in a great place with how I feel about work. There is a new 'team' member who is absolute poison and I just want to quit. Michele knows most people hate her, but she didn't hire her she was given her and has to keep her. But Michele also doesn't understand how bad she is due to her (michele's) travel schedule. She is rarely at her Columbus desk to really get a feel for it. I am trying to like her, but she talks constantly, loudly and is always insulting someone (me included). She has only worked there for less than six months but acts like she knows it all and can barely do the one thing. I just HATE it. I don't think I have ever such strong negative feelings, and I can't share them with Michele just because. Sigh. I'm miserable.

    Poor C kid. He expected his physics grade to end up an 'a' after all grades were finally input - and it is an 89. Teacher didn't do all grades until after school was officially dismissed and now is claiming it's final. The kid has an email that states his grade would be up once everything was updated. Such b.s. Kids can't fix things when teachers don't do THEIR work. I mean I have so many examples of their tests and assignments getting entered wrong and the kids have to point it out, but they have no recourse when they don't do their work until they turn it in. Azhole

    I hope your other brother makes it safe and you have a good visit.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    And now I'm in an email *kitten* war trying to get him to do the right thing. I am so tired of hearing - well it's too late and that's just the way it is. I have spent years listening to other parents and students talk about how they got grades changed after it was supposedly final.
    They just got after the teacher and it magically happens. I've always been too - I don't know - don't rock the boat, to do that. EF it all. I'm rocking the damn boat. He won't have Townsend again and if teachers make adjustments for some, they can do it for all.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Another battle at the school. It seems like there have been a few over C's high school years. Some teachers take the easy way or won't back down. In my experience with my boys, administration backs the teacher, not the parent. Good luck! I hope you get the grade changed.

    Brad arrived and has been spending time with Steve. The hospice nurse called my sister today after she saw Steve. She thinks his liver is beginning to fail due to the jaundice in his eyes. I noticed the yellowed, sallow skin color two weeks ago but my sister convinced me he was getting sun outside and it was the beginning of his tan. He is also very swollen with fluid so I would question if his kidneys are also beginning to fail. Without blood being filtered, organs are going to fail. I hope for his sake, it happens fast. Unfortunately, my family members who have faced death, go slowly.

    What is C's job this summer? Is he still at the restaurant? I'm sorry you have a bad coworker. That makes the work environment so unpleasant. My guess is she is insecure so she is louder and attempts to get attention by being a know it all. Maybe she has a history of not having friends so she acts superior as a defense to others. Or...she is just an egomaniac.

    My sister had to cancel our bike ride tomorrow due to work. I hope I can get out on the trail on my own in the morning. It's chilly here now but I can't wait for consistent nice weather. I'm not sure it is going to happen.


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Our family dinner we are hosting on Sunday has grown to 11 people. I invited two cousins. I'm glad I asked each attendee to bring a part of the meal. I will do a light cleaning tomorrow.

    Today I am attending a visitation/funeral for my former neighbor in Traverse City. We lived there when I was in 4th-7th grade. Her daughters were my friends and she was a wonderful Mom.

    I ordered Midwest Wildflower Seed Mix to plant around our acreage near the house where it is more meadow. I will reserve some for when we get some landscaping done so we can attract butterflies, hummingbirds, etc. I also ordered myself one of those gardening benchesk which allow you to sit and kneel while weeding/planting.

    Well I better get dressed and get ready for the funeral.

    Happy picnicing if that is on your agenda.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    I'm sorry that brothers health is failing. I really understand that hope his ending is on the faster side. Watching loved ones suffer is another level of pain, that doesn't make any sense.

    I hope your meal goes well and you enjoy the time together.

    Caleb is still at Runza and will be working there as much as he can this summer (his choice). Surprise, surprise we actually got Caleb's grade amended to the A he was told it would (and should have been.) I actually didn't think it would happen and I really feel gross on the inside because I feel like one of those entitled parents that 'not my kid' but there have been a lot of years of pent up anger (hello turning their back on Zach when he went through his black period) and Caleb actually had earned the A. In my mind it wasn't trying to get him something he hadn't earned. Anyway. I'm sure at point it we will face a backlash from somewhere. Nothing ever works out for us that smooth.

    Happy Saturday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    Caleb's Runza and the Arby's are currently the only local fast food places able to keep their dining rooms open in the evenings. At last look all the others are unable to staff and go to drive through only for most of their hours or even have closed for part of the day. Sad. We have over a hundred open jobs, Bernie's plant has around a dozen. It's just nuts.