The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,878 Member
    watch this clip

    this is a legit espn top 10 (only number 4) highlight -

    I just want to run through a wall after watching this game - particularly this highlight of their insane defense.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,429 Member
    My sleeping drink is working pretty well. I sleep pretty hard until about 5am when I have to get up to go to the bathroom. The last 3 nights I have slept most of the night. We shall see...

    Today we went with my sister Lynn to a little town on the other side of Traverse City to shop at one of her favorite little kitchen stores. We went out to lunch and took a drive in the lake area, then headed home. Kris and I went out for dinner and brought Russ home some dinner. His diaphragm is sore from coughing due to his nasal drainage with allergies.

    We are working on the Christmas stockings and making decent progress. She is a fast knitter and is knitting her stocking to the point of knitting the heel, then I take over and she is teaching me to do the heel. I am a slow knitter so it takes me awhile to get to the next step.

    Tomorrow morning we are going to Aqua Fit, sit in the hot tub and then come home and do some wall papering. Not sure we will finish but will do so before she leaves Sunday. We want to take time to go to some wineries and have fun, so maybe a couple of hours of papering each day for two days will do it.

    WTG beating Stanford!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,878 Member
    I am still so pumped after watching the game.

    Nothing much else good to focus on. Focus on the success of others - eh - not a great idea. Just gotta get through.

    I hope you have fun and get to some wineries. What is your favorite?

    I am not much for 'serious' wines, but I like Moscato.

    Keep on.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,429 Member
    I like a cidery/winery close to our house called Two K Cidery and Winery. There are a couple of other wineries that I like that have a nice outdoor space. I am not a Moscato fan. I like wine less sweet and semi dry.

    Kris and I went to Aqua Fit and sat in the hot tub this morning. We did some more wall papering. When Russ took off the vanity light (old one) we had to patch some holes so now we won't be papering any more today. We are going to get cleaned up, go to a winery, and then out to dinner.

    All is well here. Glad you are enjoying the games.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,878 Member
    It's Friday. woo
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,429 Member
    It took us several hours wall papering again today. We have 3 skinny pieces to fit in to tight spaces tomorrow and then done. Kris has been a sport. I owe her! We showered and went to a winery. I bought the drinks and appetizer.

    We have been knitting the Christmas stockings and they are almost all knitted. Then I will felt them in the washing machine and decide how to decorate them. One green and one ruby red. I hope to make two more for the AK grand kids.

    I am tired from being up in the night. Russ has a bad sinus infection and had to go on prescription meds.

    Have a great weekend. Kris flies home Sunday so I hope we get the wall paper done tomorrow morning.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,878 Member
    Sounds like a productive and fun weekend!

    Just watched a nail biter of a husker volleyball game. They almost dropped to Kentucky, but pulled out the win. Whew! Sure added to the Sunday acaries. Not really ready for another week.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,429 Member
    Kris flew back to MN today. We finished the bathroom yesterday. What a job! Whew! It looks fun and happy. Russ will put towel racks and light fixture up this week. I am going to get some new towels. Ours are all old and getting worn.

    Two high school friends came over tonight to chat. One is a year cancer free from Ovarian Cancer. The other is the high school volleyball coach at my old school. We played together in high school. It was fun to catch up. We have all had elder care and aging parents with dementia/alzheimers.

    I haven't been sleeping well so I'm hoping tonight I will. I'm tired but up late so maybe I will sleep through the night.

    Glad you are enjoying the vball games.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,878 Member
    I finally nagged Bernie into moving on a new dishwasher. Which involved a lot of passive-aggressive statements and then ignoring it too. Neat. Anyway, dishwashers are hard to find apparently and he finally located one he thought would be good up in Norfolk (an hour away) - took off Saturday morning to get it. Brought it home and spent HOURS trying to install it. Finally succeeded, ran one load and I was like - meh - but at least these dishes are clean and I loaded a bunch more back up that were scuzzy and set it again. I come out in the morning he's messing with it again. Spends the whole day on with service and pulls it out again and finally discovers this one has leak in the tub and is leaking underneath. Swell. Today he just texts that there are no factory authorized service repair people anywhere near us. Not sure what's next. He thinks the store will 'make it right.' I laughed at him. They won't give a crap. If we're lucky they refund it after he removes it and hauls it all the way back there. But he isn't going to get all the time and effort back. And they may just wash their hands of it completely and I'll be out $1200 bucks. Happy Monday.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,429 Member
    What are the chances of the dishwasher being defective? Do you have Home Depot, Lowes or and appliance store anywhere within a 50 mile radius?

    I volunteered at Power Books today and Russ put up the light fixture in the bathroom. I'm deciding if I like it or not.

    Cool today, only 61. Fall is here!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,878 Member
    Still waiting - he's convinced he is going to strong arm them into doing something. I laughed again - not a happy laugh. The store is going to point to the company and going through their (Bosch) to get fixed and Bosch is like - 'eh, you live in the boonies - whaddaya want us to do?" My annoyance and anxiety is ticking like a bomb everyday. Because now I have a dishwasher sitting in the middle of the floor between the counter and the island. So I have to walk all the way around to get to my dishes, my stove, then go back around to get to the sink, coffee pot, fridge.

    There are Home Depot's and Lowe's and NFM (Nebraska Furniture Mart) in Omaha and Lincoln which is over an hour and will have to be next. Not sure why he went to Norfolk because it's not really that much closer, but whatever we're in this boat and he's still trying to bail it out.

    If you enjoy watching volleyball - you can go online and look for the 1 minute 12 second rally from 9/17 between Nebraska and KU which has gone viral. Possibly one of the longest rallies ever and it was awe inspiring by both teams. What a battle for the point, so many jaw-dropping defensive saves on each side. Kentucky is definitely going to the tourney this year. They have some major weapons.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,429 Member
    We went to my old high school last night and watched girl's vball. My friend is the coach. I saw some people from the past. Leland, my school, won. They have a big game in Traverse City tomorrow eve but I don't know if we would make it. My basal cell removal was canceled this morning and rescheduled for tomorrow morning. I imagine I will feel a lot of discomfort depending on how big of an area they need to remove. Ugh!

    Your dishwasher has become a bigger mess. Wouldn't a Bosch be difficult to service in your area? I don't know but we have LG and after buying the appliances, found out very few if any service them up here. So if they break down, Russ will be on You Tube or we will be buying new appliances. Not our smartest buy.

    I will look into the Vball you suggested. The high school level game has changed so much since I played 45 years ago.

    When I'm done with my coffee I am going to ride my bike for a bit. I need exercise. After my procedure tomorrow, I won't be able to get in the pool for a bit. Hopefully I will feel like riding. I don't know how my chest and upper body will feel so I will wait and see.

    I have to get my eating under control again. I was doing so well until summer arrived and all the guests came and went. I haven't been able to go to the Y consistently or ride my bike. My left knee and right hip are acting up too. I see the orthopedic doc next week for my left knee.

    Layney is walking more than crawling now. Miles called us, with parents' help, through portal before his bed time the other night. He was being so silly. I guess he is getting pretty good on a Boogie Board when they go to the beach, with Jeff's help. He has moved up to the older 2's class at daycare and is loving it.

    Well have a nice day and I hope you see some progress on your dishwasher. What a pain!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,878 Member
    How did your appointment go? I hope you are feeling well.

    I had my annual labs drawn this morning and the appointment for that next week. I hope my numbers are better this year.

    Getting my hair colored right now

    Those g-babies are growing so fast!

    Heal fast vibes
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,429 Member
    Rescheduled for tomorrow morning due to doctor conflict. I will let you know after. I'm worried about how much they need to remove from my chest.

    I got my hair cut today. Chin length and more of a wedge, stacked in back. My next cut will be with a different stylist and all after. My person owns the salon which is growing fast. She doesn't have time for all the cuts so she will do colors. I don't color anymore. She is opening a second salon in the next year in another town on the other side of the county.

    I rode 18 miles today. It was a beautiful ride with pops of red and orange in the trees. The temperature was 70 and the sun was out.

    Just the surgical procedure tomorrow so will be a low key day afterwards.

    How is work going for you recently? It was pretty crazy a few weeks ago.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,878 Member
    Work is terrible. I can't even describe all the awful. They keep driving the people out who worked for Phil and TR and the aura of doom is everywhere. I have so much anxiety Bernie and how our relationship is (and isn't) and his trouble with his jobs (yes, he's working but will it last), Zach not being able to find work (no go on the temp places, they don't seem interested in going outside their normal bubble of just placing floor workers), and how stressful I find my work. Normally I can get away from the anxiety by focusing on other things for a while, but now it's just everything. It's just all so much.

    I need to start using my vacation because one of the new regimes policy was to take away being able to pay it out and any grace period on using it. I need to start taking a few days a month, but I keep freezing up to ask about it, because everyone is so stressed out and buried under their new duties. Because I know the reaction will be a sigh and some sort of, I guess we'll have to figure it out - and then I'll feel more bad, etc.

    So, Bernie managed to get the store in Norfolk (dishwasher saga) to send their person out to verify that it was defective. Of course they didn't believe it because 'it's never happened before' - guy made it yesterday and yep it was defective. They installed another one and well, we'll see. Bernie is pleased because he was right and they did come out and 'make it right.' I'm still overall pissed off. It took him months to get to the point of being willing to replace it and I'm just such a ball of angst I'm not going praise him for doing something he should have done six months ago. Before it destroyed the floors in my kitchen.

    Still sending fast healing vibes.

    Be well.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,429 Member
    I'm sorry you have stress hitting you from all directions. What helps you relieve stress? Is there something you can do for you? Mani/pedi, massage, facial, bubble bath, go to a movie by yourself, coffee with a friend?

    My skin cancer removal went well. The basal cells form a nodule so the doctor just cuts it out. I took my first shower tonight and removed the bandage to clean and re-bandage. The hole is between 1/8th and 1/4" deep and almost 1/4" wide. Hope it all grows in when healed. I napped most of the afternoon yesterday since I haven't been sleeping well. It caught up with me.

    Today I went to my cousin's house in Traverse City to help her pack for her move into an assisted living facility. She is tentatively going for one month until she figures out what her issues are with her legs, inability to walk independently, flare ups where she loses use of her legs, etc. We help her move tomorrow so I helped her pack today. I feel so bad for her. I wonder if she will be able to move back to her house. She has a dog and a cat. A friend is going to move into her house for a month and be with her pets.

    We are back to making recipes for dinner. I am trying to get back on track with weight loss now that life has settled a bit. All will be calm after the 15th, I hope.

    Are you thinking Bernie is going to quit again? How is Z holding up?

    Thinking of you. Hang in there!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,878 Member
    Oh I am so glad you are feeling well. But so sorry your friend is having to move to assisted living. That has to be so stressful. I pray they can help her get back home.

    I looked online at my my lb results. Not super great. I thought with losing a few pounds would help. But still showing just a bit high in the HDL and triglycerides and just over on the glucose. More work to be done.

    Having pizza and a beverage anyway tonight. Volleyball will be on at 8. GBR!!!!!

    Have to go to a funeral tomorrow. My brother in law sister in law passed away. We’ll go pay our respects tomorrow. I guess that’s why I’m still having pizza tonight.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,878 Member
    Gooooo Biiiigggg Reeeed. Go.Big.rRed
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,429 Member
    You are entitled to pizza and a beverage. Enjoy them and do the best you can this next week. That's all we can do for ourselves.

    I'm sorry for your BIL's loss. I don't like going to funerals. it is so awkward and sad.

    The move to assisted living for my cousin was interesting. She moved into the place where my brother died two years ago. We weren't impressed with it then so I hope it goes ok for her. Hopefully short term... We took her very expensive computer to place on a desk in her room. Russ wrapped it up and transported it in our back seat so it would be safe. We took it upstairs on a cart along with other stuff to move her in. My sister Becky was lingering by the cart. We think she bumped it or the screen and it tipped over and cracked the frame and screen. She wouldn't admit to it, just said the computer was cracked. I think one of the staff saw it happen and told my cousin it was Becky. I don't know why she can't just accept responsibility for her actions.

    I am going to start priming the mud room tomorrow. One coat of primer and hopefully the first coat of paint. I have to volunteer at the theater tomorrow afternoon so I will only get so much done.

    I had a piece of apple pie today so I splurged too. Tomorrow I will do better.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,429 Member
    I forgot I hadn't spackled the holes in the wall in the mudroom so did that today. I ran out of time to put the primer on the walls before I left for the theater. My sister called and we talked too long of a time. My day was gone. So tomorrow morning I will prime and maybe get a coat of paint on tomorrow late afternoon or Tuesday.

    I plan to take off my bandage tomorrow morning and let my spot on my chest get air and hopefully heal quickly. I don't know if I should go to swim class on Tuesday. It may be safer to wait until Thursday. I don't want to risk bacteria getting into my spot if it isn't totally scabbed over.

    How was your weekend?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,878 Member
    Weekend was ok. Had a great time having a few drinks with Zach and watching the volleyball game Friday night. Bernie and I went to the service Saturday morning. A torrential downpour was moving through the area we had to drive through, so the drive there was pretty stressful. But we made it, paid our respects and stayed through the service. We dipped out right after and had lunch at a nice place in Norfolk. It was a nice lunch.

    Bernie had managed to get some volleyball tickets for the Sunday night game (last night), but then Caleb decided he couldn't go since he has tests this week. Sigh. I was never interested in GOING to the game especially since I get up at 3 a.m. on Mondays but it worked out. Bernie found a couple of cousins who were thrilled to get the opportunity to go with him. I just wish Caleb wouldn't have said he was like to go to a game. Whatever, it's fine. Bernie had fun.

    Hope you keep healing well. Your wallpaper looks great!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,429 Member
    That would have been hard to get up after the game but being there in person is always exciting. I'm glad you had a nice lunch together after the funeral. That was nice of Bernie to get the tickets.

    My cousin who we moved into assisted living texted and said she has tested positive for Covid. I was with her Friday and Saturday. Russ and my sister Becky were with her Saturday. I don't have any symptoms as of yet and went to Power Book Bags to volunteer today because I didn't know I had been exposed. I am going to take a test Wed morning before my orthopedic appt. If I'm positive, I will cancel and notify the two people I worked with at PBs. I hope we don't have to cancel our trip to Mpls next week. I am not going to aqua fit tomorrow morning just in case I am positive. The spot on my chest is not totally scabbed over yet so I don't want to risk infection. This all really bites!

    We are having beautiful weather and colors are emerging on the trees daily.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,429 Member
    My first Covid test was negative! I hope it stays that way. I will test again on Thursday or Friday.

    First coat of paint is on the mud room walls. Thick paint! I hope I don't need to do 3 coats. I will do second coat tomorrow. I was sweating after the first coat and took a shower. Lazy day, staying home due to the Covid exposure.

    Hope you are having a good week so far.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,878 Member
    Ah Covid. The gift that keeps giving. Hopefully you stay clear. Your friend who is positive is ok I hope too. Today I was back at the dermatologist for more moles freezing. Since I met my deductible back in February no reason not to keep having him working on those spots all over my back. Tomorrow is my visit to the primary doctor. We will see if anything new. Last time I was in their office I ended up getting Covid a few days after. Coincidence?

    There have been another group of consultants at work this week. Michele wasn’t asked to attend the week long meetings and then yesterday the organizers made a big deal because she wasn’t there. 😤. Now she is being painted as not willing to work with people who want to improve the company. I swear they won’t be happy until everyone who worked for Phil has quit
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,878 Member
    The waiting at the primary doctor’s office. Ugh! Now they demand a fifteen minute early arrival and it doesn’t change the time you get back to the room. And then wait more. It’s so annoying
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,878 Member
    Still waiting…..
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,429 Member
    Wow that is really unfair to your sister. They are probably creating ways to document reasons for letting her go? Hope not...

    My cancer removal on my chest is deep. I hope it heals and is not too noticeable. I went to the orthopedic doc this morning. He says my xrays show my left knee could be replaced. I can do PT first and then surgery. I am thinking no later than February for the surgery. We want to begin our bucket list traveling next Fall so I need two good knees.

    You may as well do any medical procedures you need if you have met your deductible.

    Today I met a friend in a town nearby to walk. My knee was struggling. I wish I could find some good walking shoes that help my joints, have good cushion and give good support.

    I finished the painting of the mudroom. It looks good! I am going to re paint the entrance door a creamy white to match the closet nook. Russ will find a new light for the ceiling, recessed, and all will be done. Tomorrow he will install white outlet and switch covers. The previous owner had that off white and they are grungy. Next is the laundry room after my guests leave on the 15th.

    Russ and I are thinking of taking a trip to Nashville in November. It has been on our list for a few years. We want to listen to good music, see the city, and try a few restaurants owned by a Food Network Chef we like. A family friend
    has an Airbnb there so I will see if we can rent it.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,878 Member
    Let's see so each time Michele has gone into the meetings she has either been insulted or yelled at. She has been in tears everyday - and she never does that. Things are so great. I hate these people.

    So yesterday the primary who has never been on me about running slightly high on my lab numbers occasionally, had to give me 'lessons' on what I should be eating. Which is basically how I eat everyday. "Focus on protein - not just meat, whey" - I do protein replace everyday - not too much fruit (only one or two a day is what I do) - limit carbs - I do - etc. I really do work on eating well. Obviously I could do better - but he didn't even mention my nearly 18 pound loss since last year. And making sure I exercise - which I do and told him I am walking almost an hour six days a week. Come on!! Then this time he was all bothered that I had been going to the dermatologist P.A. not a 'real' one - so I need to. A new one came to town recently so I'll try him. The other two 'real' derms I have seen in the past and they were monsters so I refuse to see them again. Whatever.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,429 Member
    I wonder why your doc is being so picky. 18 pounds is a wonderful loss in one year. Did he focus on any positives during your appt? I like P.A.'s. They spend more time with the patient, are thorough and take time to connect.

    Your poor sister. Why is she being treated so horribly? Are they trying to make her miserable so she quits? What does she say about it? Have they been targeting you at all?

    Today my friend Mary (the one I walked with yesterday) and I went to Traverse City and discovered consignment and second hand stores, went to lunch at a place I had been wanting to try and found a boutique going out of business that all was half off and jewelry was $5. I bought two shirts for about $8 each. I found a Vera Bradley Weekend Bag for 30.00 (retails much higher). I don't think it was ever used and the print and colors are so cute. We went to farmer's market that had the coolest pumpkins. I'm going back there after we return from Mpls.. I love the warty pumpkins and they had all kinds. I also saw blue/green pumpkins which were so pretty. I bought some peach jam and mini sweet peppers. We stopped at a bakery that has been around since 1929 so it is the kind of bakery from my childhood. I had never been in there but I remember my Dad use to buy my Mom's birthday cakes there and have them personalized. I always loved the frosting roses on top. We sat on a patio at a burger place since the day was warm and sunny.

    I need to buy some new protein powder for smoothies. I also need to build up my veggie intake like I did last winter/spring. I got a lot of walking in yesterday and today. Good for me since I haven't been to the Y while waiting for my cancer spot to scab over.

    Water yoga tomorrow!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,878 Member
    Oh - what a nice and FUN day it sounds like you had. Shopping, great food and good memories. Win!!

    It hasn't hit me directly because she is standing in the path of the vitriol, but basically the whole team is part of it, because the way we do things is stupid. Mmmmhmmm. Remember none of us are programmers - we (mainly Michele) has had to come up with ways to work within the system to get things done. She/we have always said there have to be ways to get things done 'smarter' but no one IT has time or desire to spend making new programs. So we work with what is there. We have to get *kitten* done and frankly it's disgusting how awful they are to literally the key person to making almost everything in the place work. There is not a single person in this company that doesn't come whining to Michele to make her figure out how to do something all the way from order entry to billing to shipping to engineering to planning to scheduling to forecasting to builds to level outs - in all branches in all business units. The current leadership will be thrilled to get rid of everybody who worked for Phil and TR (the "O.G's"). Because everyone from 'before' knows Jr was never smart enough to be the top leader and every 'new' person he brings in won't know how little his brother and father knew he could handle - and they won't care once they figure it out on their own. They'll just suck up their ginormous salaries while it all falls apart. They won't care about the people on the floor that rely on this place to feed and home their families. In no way were Phil and TR perfect, they did a lot of crappy things themselves, but the culture of family and working together and knowing where things stood is what made people want to climb on their train and stick out the bumps. They were always hard-core true to their building blocks and global values - now it's just.... Hunger Games.

    Sigh -

    It's Friday at least.