The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,258 Member
    Similar employment issues here. Lots of for hire signs but not enough people can afford low paying jobs and be able to live here. Housing is either seasonal weekly rental or very expensive. Houses selling fast too. I'm guessing high school kids have sport stuff all summer and not all can work.

    Put up my hummingbird feeder and not 5 minutes and one came to check it out. Yay!

    I'm glad you got the grade changed. You were right to fight it. If he hadn't earned it you wouldn't have done so.

    60 and windy today. Chilly wind. I am becoming a weather wimp.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,710 Member
    Just having a lazy day. I got Zach to go to church with me again last night (Caleb was working). Picked up pizza. Have been eating like garbage since Friday night. I know my waist will make me pay for it, but the stress is coming through with the anxious eating. Of course I haven't done what I said I would do - get my resume officially updated. I have spend some time on the department of labor site, but the posted jobs are mostly manufacturing and I really don't know what I would want to moving to. I might be miserable, but it is the 'devil I know'. I think a job would have to have something special sounding to really get me to pull the trigger. I'm so sad - not brave enough to try to find something happier. Meh.

    Bernie got himself a smoker grill and has been busy smoking meat for the last few days. He also had to go help my dad on the farm. Sigh. That's never going to end. Dad can't do it - it's such a pain to have to drop everything and run up there (two hours each way) and then it's yet another day/weekend/ week/month that my projects don't get done.

    I am very much looking forward to my Monday off. It's one of only two guaranteed each year Memorial and Labor Day.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,258 Member
    Russ wants a smoker. I'm all for it but he hasn't shopped yet.
    We hosted a family dinner tonight. My brother with cancer requested it while my other brother was here visiting. A cousin was also in town so we invited 9 people besides us plus my great niece. My brother called early afternoon and said he wasn't feeling well and didn't feel he could come. I could tell he was upset about it. He sounded very emotional. We are all waiting to see if he is at a turning point in his cancer journey. His liver may be starting to be compromised amongst other organs. I feel so sad for him. It's a slow and painful way to die. I don't know what we can do for him but be there when he needs us.

    Tomorrow my sister and I are going on a long bike ride. It will be good to burn some calories. I'm going to pack us a lunch and we will bike to a beautiful beach and eat, then bike back to our cars. It will be about 22 miles or so.

    I am so tired tonight. I should go to bed early and get up early to pack lunches and fill my bike tires. We are hoping to get on the trail by 10 or so and possibly avoid the other cyclists. Busy weekend here in the county with lots of tourists.

    Have a relaxing Memorial Day. It's a good idea to update your resume so you have it if you ever see the right job that interests you. It is scary to make a change in mid life and mid career but change can also be rejuvenating.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,258 Member
    My brother still isn't feeling well today. My sister said he sounds weak and his voice is breathy. My brother went to spend the day with him and they requested hospice make a visit today to check on him. This really could be the turning point...

    My sister and I rode 26.71 miles today along the national park trail. I hadn't ridden that part of the trail. A few miles of it is a covered with tiny gravel on top of hard packed dirt. Too much gravel made it treacherous. My tire got caught one time and I almost lost control. My joints and muscles were really sore last night after everyone left from the dinner at our house. Cleaning and setting up put me on my feet more hours than normal. I didn't feel well and got in bed at 9:30 last night. Today I woke up still sore but thought the ride would help my joints get lubricated. It was the first ride where my knees were sore the whole time and my hands hurt too. When I got home I soaked in an Epsom Salt bath for about 45 minutes and then took a nap in the recliner. We just ate left over brats, beans and coleslaw and now I'm relaxing.

    Russ made our reservations for the night in Mpls before we fly to AK and for leaving a car near the airport. I had to remind him this morning that he needed to do this.

    I hope you had a nice, long weekend.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,258 Member
    Heat wave coming on Saturday. It is suppose to be in the 90's the next week. Too early for such high temps.

    Different hospice nurse saw Steve today. Confirmed his jaundice and beginning of liver failure. I will visit him tomorrow afternoon.

    Haircut in the morning. Then I'm picking up sandwiches at a deli and taking my friend lunch at her shop. We will eat and chat on her break.

    Russ cleared another area of old plants and shrubs. We have some perennials to transplant and new shrubs and hosts to plant.

    I want to kayak during this hot weather.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,710 Member
    Heat is here too. It is over 90 today. After it was like 58 over the weekend. Bleh. I am not a fan of the heat.

    I'm sorry your brother is in decline. You are all in my prayers.

    So far the plants I was worried I had killed by waiting to plant seem to be hanging in there. A couple of them actually may be establishing. I'm not sure the begonia will make it, but they are not as hardy and I knew that. I think the petunias and geraniums will be ok eventually they are pretty sturdy. Plants at my house have to be resilient.

    I had an eye appointment today so I left early. I ordered new glasses. Pretty nervous, first off trying on glasses with the mask was super hard. They look really different with the mask on vs off (I pulled it down a couple of times) and I was shocked by the change. I don't normally struggle so much, but I did have in mind to go with the plastic/resin type frames that are popular now without the nose piece type pads. I haven't had frames like that since high school and it's probably a mistake, my prescription could make them too heavy to stay up. But I think they were cute, maybe, who knows. I'm committed and with the bifocals and no line they are pricey.

    Tomorrow Zach and I will do a half day, he has a dentist appointment and then his second shot. I am going to hang with him. I sure hope he doesn't feel as horrible as Caleb did. I hate putting them through that.

    Less than three weeks until Caleb senior pictures. I need to get him shopping - want to get him some new dressy type clothes for his dressy picture. I think I have the shorts and shirt/hoodie for the casual.

    Hope you are feeling better from your big rides.

    Take care dear J.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,258 Member
    Beautiful,hot day today. My sister and I rode from the last town on the peninsula to the northern tip where there is a state park and lighthouse. It was a beautiful ride along Lake Michigan and cooler than if we were inland on country roads. We did a round trip and ate lunch in Northport outside on a picnic table. My Biking Northern Michigan: Lower Peninsula came today. So many great ideas for rides both locally and north of us to the Mackinac Bridge. The author included trips on road ways that have a wide shoulder and very little traffic. Nice to know those routes.

    Russ worked on the landscaping today. He has one of the front areas by our front sidewalk to the front door cleaned up and put mulch down. It makes a big difference on curb appeal. I will be glad when we have the whole front done. It's the most visible and the worst to look at.

    Chantrelle, DIL, and I are choosing a beach front condo in Panama City Beach for November so we can spend some laid back time with her, David and Halen after the wedding. It's a 5 hour drive to PCB. We will have 4 nights there together and then take them back to Atlanta to catch flight to AK. Russ and I will head home from there. I'm sure spending in November will break the bank so Christmas will be minimal.

    Nice that both your kids will be vaccinated. Rory is our only.

    Stay cool,
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,258 Member
    I transplanted some spider wort plants. Russ weeded and put mulch down in front of house again. Two more front areas to go and finish under tree on island. Looking better already.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,710 Member
    The last time I saw Z a few hours ago he was doing good. I'm praying it stays good. C kid was so sick after his second shot.

    I got really emotional last night/today. Bernie had been on the phone for awhile last night and eventually he came around to talk to me about who it had been. It was one of his guys from work, older guy with his own health problems, getting close to retirement and his wife apparently had just had a major stroke and been life-flighted to Omaha for treatment. I said all the appropriate, empathetic things, listening to B go on about this guys situation and realizing he has been listening to this guy before and it just hits me. I ask B a bit later, why can you spend a huge chunk of time listening to, and offering a shoulder to someone you work with, but can't do it for your wife. It just hit me like a tidal wave. I haven't had my sister to talk to for weeks due to the new toxic person situation and other things and I just lost it. Just washed over me how alone I am. Honestly, I've never had a husband to lean on. He's just too damaged from his upbringing and I'm just too stubborn to give up. But I've always had Michele to talk to when I really needed to unload and now I have no one. And it just smacked me between the eyes that Bernie CAN listen and be a shoulder - to other people. He just won't for me.

    Ah well. God doesn't promise us happy. I still have a lot to be thankful for. I have to refocus on that. And I will. Just not today.

    Hope you are staying cool.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,258 Member
    If it is any consolation, Russ listens to others before me. My ideas are usually wrong or ignored but if a guy friend says the same thing it's good. He typically discounts what I say or puts it back on me rather than reflect that he could be wrong or at fault. I've had other friends tell me the same thing about their husband's. It's very demeaning and frustrating. Men don't value women as they should.. Maybe he will think about what you said. If you ever want to talk directly, call me at

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,710 Member
    Thanks for listening. I appreciate the ear and shoulder!

    Have been including Steve and your family in my prayers. Praying for peace and an easy transition to his next life.

    Another hot day, should go check to see how my flowers are faring.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,258 Member
    The only thing harder than marriage is raising kids, especially teens. Sometimes I get so tired of compromising or giving in to someone else's preferences. Other times it is a joy and comfort having someone to share the ups and downs in life.

    Steve is having more uncomfortable days than good ones lately. Hospice increased to twice per week and state his liver is beginning to fail. I visit him twice per week although haven't made it there since last Thursday. Tomorrow I'm busy so Tuesday will be the soonest.

    Our weather has been hot for here. It seems early in the summer for this. I don't know how you handle the extremes you have in NE. We need rain badly! I'm hoping this week although the chance is slim. We have been planting new bushes and transplanting plants. Lots of watering to help them to get established. I received my wild flower seed so I will begin planting those on Tuesday too.

    Tomorrow Russ and I are going to kayak in the afternoon if he doesn't bail on me after working in the yard tomorrow morning. He's been working so hard and has made so much progress. I really want to get out on the water while it is so hot and have some fun.

    I feel like I'm watering my flowers daily. I fed them last week. Am I suppose to feed them weekly or twice per summer? I better read the plant food directions again. I am managing to keep the tomato plant alive but the herb garden in a pot isn't doing well. I may be over watering that. The parsley turned yellow.

    I was suppose to bike ride with a friend today but she never called to set a time. She had an appointment with a gardener or someone to help with her landscaping this morning. She seems somewhat spacey and doesn't organize her schedule very well. It was windy and hot so I decided not to go on my own.

    Hang in there and I hope you have a good week.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,258 Member
    HOT! I planted some wildflowers. Now to see if they grow. I did spots here and there in the meadow. I cleared some areas and dumped seed in others. We shall see. I wish rain would come. Watering is a pain.

    Stay cool.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,710 Member
    Super hot for this early in June too. Watering every day too.

    Hoping things are going ok with your brother - I know not really

    OMG - I can't find my resume!!! I know I started updating it recently and now it's gone. Arggghhh - I must have been doing it at work and I lost it during the 'meltdown'. NOOOOOO. I cannot believe I have to start over. Bollocks
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,710 Member
    ERMAHGAAAAHHHH - trying to rebuild my resume. HAAAATTTTTEEEEEE. I had it pretty well done - and I must have only been doing it on my work p.c. I'm so stupid.

    By the time I get it decent the job I saw that was kind of interesting the posting date will be over. Of course, it's up at the community college, and I have applied up there like four times in the last 20 years. Never got in. Don't know why I should be bothering, but I am going to work on my resume no matter what.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,710 Member
    picked up my new glasses tonight and there's something not right with the top/distance part. I can't read my phone or computer at all out of the distance. I never had to use the bifocal for my laptop or phone unless I was actually reading. I actually put back on my old glasses. I know it's always a bit to adjust to new lenses, but I have never switched back. Ack. Now this is going to be a mess, I already called and they're like give it a week. No way am I going to suffer for a week. I'll call again tomorrow or Friday and try again.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,258 Member
    Frustrating to lose your resume. They are horrible to update and make stuff fit so I'm sure you are disappointed at the loss.

    We went to a farmer's market and did some plant shopping this morning. I planted some annuals and put my fairy garden together. I need. Some moss and succulents to complete my little scene.

    I'm sitting in the shade staying g cool while I look at my new gardens. I need to prune a tomato plant.

    Stay cool,
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,258 Member
    Fingers crossed we will get rain tomorrow.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,258 Member
    I planted more annuals and pruned and dead headed my pots today. I've given my pots more attention than when I worked since I have time. I now have 3 tomato plants, 1 herb pot, and will look for a jalepeno plant tomorrow. I saw one and hope one is left.

    We have been invited to a cocktail party tomorrow eve. It will be interesting if I see people I knew from 40 years ago. Casual attire and just drinks and snacks.

    Cooler today but intense sun.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,258 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHHDAY!!!!!!!!! I hope you have had a good day.