The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Safe travels!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    I hope you are safely away and through the travel yuck and having amazing family time. Can't wait to hear about Haven and the new-ish parents!

    Glad another week is wrapping up.

    Take care dear J.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Satur - YAY!

    Hope your family time is ah-mazing.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Hi! The trip was long and the 4 hour time difference is an adjustment. Halen is adorable and Homer is beautiful. Literally the end of the road.

    We have toured Homer. Chantrelle took us on a wild life cruise on her water taxi. We saw Orcas, seals, sea otters and various sea birds. They took us to a nice restaurant. Tonight we have a BBQ with Chantrelle's family. We get to baby sit Halen for a day while they go hiking or rafting.

    Hope all is well. More college visits coming up?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    So happy for your wonderful family time. The pictures are breath-taking. I can't believe they had an earthquake too. Crazy.

    The weather has been brutally hot this week. It is supposed to ease off tomorrow.

    Caleb is off with his friends enjoying the 'big city' (Omaha) hanging out, eating and doing an escape room. I'm nervous because of the traffic and all that, but hoping he has a great time (and that Bernie doesn't lose his mind when he realized they are in Omaha).

    Zach was supposed to spend some time with his buddies this weekend celebrating one the groups 21st b-days, but one of them ended up in isolation with the Delta variant Covid (he's been vaccinated) he's not very sick thankfully, but can't be around people yet, and then some of the others backed out too. Zach is hopeful they will get together soon. I can't believe my baby is almost legally old enough to drink! His 21st is 10/24. Man - I remember how insane some people would get on their 21st b-day's. I have a hard time thinking about my kid's doing that stuff.

    Fri-yay eve!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    We flew to MPLS yesterday. Staying at a friends for a couple of days. We found out late last night that David tested positive for Covid yesterday(not vaccinated, nor his wife and her family). Her sister also has it. We had that bbq with her family a week ago. We've been vaccinated but did a rapid test this morning. Negative as of now. Suppose to gather with 30 people tonight so have been letting all know about our exposure. Jeff and Karah haven't been vaccinated either so I sent a strong text to them to get it done. I hope Z hasn't been exposed.

    Picking up Charlie soon from sitter. We are tired and this exposure is stressful. We will find out how protective the vaccines are.

    I'll be in touch after we get home Wednesday.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Ugh - I'm so sorry you're amazing trip ended with the Covid exposures. How are you doing? Zach's friend who had it fared well in not being very sick since he had been vaccinated. So far, Zach hasn't been exposed that we know of since he stayed home. But I know it's going around work again even though they have stopped with the official weekly announcements. It really pisses me off, I know the guy I enter time for has it, only because I had to enter it in the system. I asked Michele when it happened since he stands by me everyday when he is there to fill out his time. She's like, well he didn't come in after he was sick, so it's fine. I'm like, well, he's contagious before he shows symptoms per all the released data. But whatever. It's not like I didn't think I was dying last time. It's fine. Grrr. I don't know if I can do this again!

    Caleb had such a good time at the escape room in Omaha he wants to go back to the one we have here in town with us! Yay!! Doing that tonight.

    Be well!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    We are home. Heavy tourism traffic so took 11-1/2 hours. We are tired! We will do another rapid test tomorrow and see if it is still negative. Ive had stomach cramps and constipation but it may be the med I'm taking. Laundry tomorrow and getting items at grocery(produce, milk, etc).

    I hope Z stays healthy. Can you get an antibody test or did you get vaccine? Maybe you are resistant now.

    Escape rooms are hard. I did one with the kids and their friends. I didn't help. It made no sense to me.

    Time to veg and relax. More soon.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Hot here today. I'm relaxing and making appointments I need to schedule. Russ went to the grocery to pick up some food and now he is mowing the lawn. He can't stand looking at it. Such a change from when he was working full time. It would take him awhile to do yard work and he didn't seem to mind how bad our lawn looked. Now it is his mission to get it looking decent. I'll take it!

    I'm going to read and nap today. I am doing laundry and will get that done soon. Otherwise I'm tired and no motivation. When Russ comes in from mowing we will do our second Covid test.

    Have a great day.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    I'm sure you are super tired after that big trip. And yikes 11-1/2 hour drive home. Wow.

    I bet it will take several days or a week before you feel caught up.

    Today was a gnarly day. Boy did I pop my top. Maybe I'll try to break it down later. For now, glad to be home.

    We did go to the Columbus escape room Wednesday. Caleb picked the 'new' one which was ranked the hardest. He was pretty cocky and I honestly thought they (I knew I wouldn't help much) would do fine since they have done several. Boy, we bombed it. It was so hard! But still super fun. Then we took the 20% discount for doing a back to back and did the one last one they had we haven't done yet and did it. It was slightly easier and we nailed it. So much fun. Hard one was Blackbeard's Treasure and Less hard was Jart's Castle. They are working on a new one - a Tick Tock Stop the Clock - you start a bomb ticking on an old army base. Sign us up!! Hoping it will be done when Zach comes back for fall break.

    I'm ready for a glug of Benedryl and a long snooze. But Caleb closes tonight, so I have a ways to go.

    I dvr'd the volleyball game from last night and watched that. Ladies going for the gold. Three Huskers on the team.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    You are a good sport to do the Escape Rooms. I think they are cool but I am really no help at all. We did a hard one last year so maybe an easier one would be my speed.

    I haven't watched much TV since I got home except news. I'd forgotten about the Olympics. This time of year always feels so busy.

    My Aunt Ellie, last surviving Aunt, is dying. She has been on hospice for two weeks and moved to an assisted living place where they can take care of her around the clock. She would be turning 98 in September and has maintained her health and mental sharpness. Her body is worn out. My cousin Polly is the last of her immediate family. Both her older siblings died before her mother and now Ellie will be gone within a few days. My sister and I went and sat with Polly and my Aunt today. Too much death happening in the past 10 years in our family.

    I'm sorry you had a bad day today. It is hot and humid here and I can only imagine the heat in NE. Heat makes me have less patience and get cranky.

    I need to work on weeding and dead heading my flowers but haven't done it yet. I may ride in the morning for a bit and if it isn't raining, go to the art fair in town. I haven't been to it in years. Maybe I will find some Christmas presents.

    Charlie is slowly recuperating from his vacation at the dog sitter and all the travel. Life here is so quiet so I don't know if he likes that or is bored now. At least he is now clean and fluffy since he had a bath.

    Enjoy your last day of the weekend tomorrow.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    I'm still wondering if I am getting into pre-menopause and getting that extra stuff that comes with that making me even more agitated. I had four months without a period and then they've been back with a horrid comeback for four months, but these last couple of weeks I've had such horrible hot flashes again. Gah. Make up your mind body.

    So sorry to hear about your aunt. Praying for peace.

    We got an invitation to a 50th anniversary for my aunt and uncle (mom's only brother) for next weekend. Bernie is yelling we shouldn't go because of the variant resurgence. I internally agree, but they are the only family that ever come to any of my kids things and with Caleb's graduation year I know I at least have to go. I, as a parent wanting my kids to model good behavior, want them to go to show they appreciate them coming to their things, but also as a parent wanting to protect them staying healthy for school want them to not go. Sigh. Not sure what I'll decide. It's only a week away.

    Have a great Sunday.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    That's a tough decision to attend but maybe you can not hug, wear a mask if you think you need to, etc. Are your aunt and uncle vaccinated? If so, I wouldn't worry unless there will be tons of people you know that aren't. Did you ever get yours? I know you were waiting to see how it worked for people. I believe in it. Ours provided good protection in AK and living with David up until his diagnosis.

    Wonderful day! I had lunch out with a friend and then we spent the afternoon soaking up the sun on her dock. I never went in to the lake because I was worried about swimmer's itch. It loves me and I didn't want to deal with the rash if it happened to me.

    I saw the orthopedic doctor today. They did xrays and then we discussed options for my knee pain. He thinks it is clear I need knee replacements. Surgery scares me but I need relief. He said he could do it soon but I don't want to be doing therapy and recuperating this Fall and possibly be in bad shape for the wedding. He thinks I would be doing ok then but I want to wait until after Christmas and be recuperating and going to PT this winter.

    Hot and humid here! Haircut tomorrow and going out with friends to a winery tomorrow eve. Some semblance of a social life feels nice.

    Happy Wednesday tomorrow!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    oh - all four of us are fully vaccinated - Bernie and I ended up with Moderna and Z and C are Pfizer's. I'm guessing my aunt and uncle are - she has made a statement or two about the vaccine in a positive manner.

    C has 'orientation' tomorrow and then will go on Thursday to help with Freshman orientation since he is in the CHS 101 mentor group and then first real day Friday. Hear we go! Zach's last work day will be Friday and then he will have a chill week before heading back the following weekend.

    We were going to run to Omaha on Thursday for a fun lunch, but we didn't realize that Caleb had to be at the Freshman orientation day. Maybe we'll try to do our fun lunch Sunday before the open house, even though it will be so much busier on the weekend. Caleb is all fired up to go PF Chang's.

    I'm sorry it sounds like surgery is the only option. But hopefully it can bring you relief and that is what matters.

    Super hot and humid here too.

    There was a crazy downpour that hit Omaha particularly hard on Saturday night and a bunch of flash flooding. Some crazy news stories playing.

    Enjoy the ac.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    We had a severe thunder, wind and rain storm last night. We lost power at 10:15pm and it was out all day today. I went to my sister's this afternoon to shower and get ready for the winery but learned the winery closed due to another bad storm that was brewing tonight. The gathering switched to someone's house but we still didn't have power and the storm came in with heavy winds, etc. The weather alert was mentioning 80mph winds, hail damage, siding coming off houses and trees would come down. I decided to skip the gathering and stayed home. Russ had looked at the schedule for fixing our power and it said Saturday at the earliest. What? Luckily it came on about 6pm tonight and is still on. Feels good to have AC working. It was getting hot and muggy in the house. Russ was putting out buckets to collect rain water for flushing toilets. Interesting that I mentioned to him months ago that we may want to look into cost of a generator that would keep AC/Heat, freezer/fridge and toilets working. Of course, he said no that would cost a small fortune. Now that he has experienced his first long power outage here, he is looking for a company to give us a bid on solar and a generator to see what would work for us. It has to be his idea, always!

    I have been so tired today and took an hour nap this afternoon. Maybe it is the humidity and heat. Not sure...

    If you have all been vaccinated and your aunt and uncle have too, you should be ok stopping in to that gathering. Take masks, wash hands as needed, and don't hug anyone.

    Hair cut tomorrow, I need it.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Wow - I'm glad you're power is back on and at least Russ is thinking about the generator now. I totally get the idea thing. Same here, same here. So upsetting.

    Bernie's b-day is Saturday and on one hand I don't even want to acknowledge it because my b-day was ignored as usual, but I also don't want to be that person. Sigh. We have such a messed up relationship. Definitely haven't set the kids up with modeling a healthy relationship. Meh.

    Been a little bored recently and as usually happens with that I started kicking around the idea of truck (pick up truck) shopping. We could use to have one again and my little Buick Encore is worth more now that it was two years ago due to the crazy used auto market. Of course that makes the trucks more, but they do hold their value better. We'll see. With the safety feature I am insisting on (blind spot monitoring) it would have to be a quite new or new model. They are like buying a small house. Hopefully I'll come to my senses and not do it. But probably not, because B is all excited and I always cave and buy him what he ultimately wants.

    Hope you are feeling more rested after getting your Ac back

    Friyay eve!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    I use to get so mad that Russ put my ideas down but then they became his and he took the credit. Now I don't care and think it is funny. I don't tell him that but I just think men can be so ridiculous and egotistical. They are such babies most of the time.

    I agree the blind spot monitoring is a necessity. I love mine on my Subaru. It has saved me many times!

    I got my hair cut today and left it a tad longer. My next cut will be mid October with a foil just before the wedding. I went to the city today to pick up the mirror I had fixed for my dresser redo. Now I have to stain the frame and varnish it. I just ordered a queen mattress from Amazon (bed in a box) for the queen bed frame in the downstairs bunk room. I went with an upgrade since that bed will most likely sleep a couple or Rory who is a bigger guy. I will buy less expensive twins for the trundle beds when I decide what to get. I'm going with hybrids (combo coil springs and memory foam). I will shop for sheets and pillows at Costco.

    Going out to dinner with a couple of old friends tomorrow eve and a music boat cruise on Saturday eve on a friend's boat. Her neighbors son is a musician and will be playing music in their front yard by the lake. They invited friends to anchor their boats and listen to the music. So Mary invited me, another friend and Russ to join her on her boat. Her husband is home in Ohio right now so she is alone at her cottage. I hope it doesn't rain because I'm looking forward to it.

    Russ is going to pull boards off the front deck tomorrow and start replacing them. If he is too tired on Saturday, he won't go on the cruise but I will.

    We scheduled the burial for my brother's ashes at the cemetery. I've taken charge and dealing with my siblings is difficult. My brother only communicates by email and my sister's never check theirs. They prefer text. I refuse to do both but have to give reminders to check email. When I pose questions or choices, nobody responds without me prompting them to do so.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member

    Zach had his last work day, and 'pushed' out his last project today as well. It was fortuitous that he was able to complete and present his project to the requestor on his last. Good and busy summer for him.

    Caleb had his first official day of school - sort of. Today is the first full day, but in general the classes just go over the six pillars or whatever it's called. You know, do this to succeed, etc. Plus his dual credit English class only meets T/Thr so he only had some of his classes. For many years CHS did away with Senior Release, but it was reinstated and Caleb was eligible so he has 'senior release' (late start) first period and dual credit English second period. So M/W/F he doesn't go to school until almost 10. Holy moly. I discussed with him that while I am pleased he can sleep a bit later and not go to school at 7:40 a.m. (when he usually went), I expect him to be up and working on Calc, English, scholarships or something along those lines by 8 a.m. I will have to watch and make sure the relaxed time schedule doesn't get him too relaxed about his schoolwork. But anyway, today he was super excited and pleased about his schedule and his first day. Let's pray it continues.

    I hope you have a great weekend!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    OMgosh - we drove a truck today, but it didn't have the blindspot indicator - I guess none of the new do because of a major computer chips issue. I'm not spending 50k and not having blind spot monitoring. Stupid chip issue. I probably would have bought it otherwise. Bernie was bummed.

    I decided to try to book the condo for next summer for Hawaii that I had picked two years ago, but I can't find it again. I went into the reservation and clicked the link for the unit but it seems gone. NOOOOOO! I don't want to start over. I spent so many hours and rabbit holes. I don't want to start over. I just want to bask in the Hawaiian amazingness.

    I drank some of Bernie's b-day gift -some Canadian blend and am having a hard time spelling!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    My friend's husband works for Ford and she told me many new trucks are sitting in locked lots waiting for their computers to arrive from Asia and be installed. They can't sell them because of the missing components. I'm sure other auto makers have the same issue.

    I agree looking for rentals is a pain in the ___! I start trip boards on Airbnb and VRBO and save the ones I like. That way I can find them again and they won't appear if they no longer exist. I name the boards where ever we are going (Atlanta, etc.) I'm sure you will find another one, it is just so time consuming.

    Dinner out with old friends was fun. We ate on a deck by the dam, it was a beautiful evening. Last night was the boat/concert cruise. Russ didn't go because he was tired from demolishing the front deck. My two life long friends and I packed snacks and drinks and anchored out in front of the house where the concert was. We were the last to leave! There were a lot of boats with people listening. It was beautiful weather.

    Now I need to vacuum and wipe down the guest bathroom. My sister comes for dinner tonight. We are doing a "dump dinner" or shrimp boil. My other sister wasn't interested in coming so it's just 3 of us.

    I also have to go to the hardware store and pick up poly and some new brushes. I have some furniture to work on today before I shower and my sister arrives for dinner.

    Another sunny day! Yesterday my friend and I did a 23 mile bike ride on the trail near our house. We stopped at a new place that has farm to table food, beer, wine and organic drinks. This place is called Farm Club and is supplied by a local organic farm. It's up on a hill off the bike trail in the country. Great outdoor space to enjoy.

    It sounds like all went well for Z's last day and C's school year is getting a great start.