The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Dear J - I am so sorry to hear that you fell! I hope you are relaxing and feeling better after some quiet time and chiro care.

    I bet you are also feeling drained after the services.

    Take care and take it easy.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Thanks for your words. I've caught a cold from my great niece and niece. I'm going to pick up a rapid COVID test and make sure. I'm coughing alot and am very tired. Hope it is just the after effect of the grave side service, gathering and fall. My left shoulder and arm are still throbbing. I'm not sleeping well in the recliner but can't lay flat in the bed and get comfortable. I iced my arm this afternoon and took lots of ibuprofen and tylenol on a staggered schedule. That helped me take a nap.

    I need to clean and make beds on Friday and Saturday for my friends arriving on Sunday eve. I need to wash bath towels that have been sitting in the linen closet and freshen them up. I didn't have much of an appetite today so I ate chicken noodle soup for dinner. I'm drinking lots of water so I hope I can flush this cough out of my body.

    How are things at work this week?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Work is weird.

    Sounds like you are doing everything right. Just keep taking it easy. Rest and fluids.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    No OTC rapid COVID tests in Traverse City. Everyone out of stock. I tried to navigate the internet to make an appointment for a drive thru rapid test, but they make it so difficult to schedule that I gave up. Lets hope it is just a cold and I don't infect my friends.

    We portaled with David, Chantrelle and Halen today. She is so cute! Lots of babble and "talking" to us through the screen. We will see her in 4 weeks.

    I hope this "cold" passes fast. I need to clean and make beds. I should get started on laundry tonight so I'm not rushing at the end.

    Why is work weird?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    I use the word weird because of all the turmoil. A lot of people are sad and upset about Phil's passing. A lot of people don't seem to know how to act. It is causing a lot of uncertainty for a lot of us. New leadership means new expectations. Change. How much change? You can tell people are thinking about leaving (we have so many who are at an age they can retire). Lots of people in and out in preparation for the events (visitations and funeral). Arrangements for dignitaries (the Governor, senators, mayor, business leaders from near and far, retirees, boards, etc, etc, etc).

    Hope you are feeling better
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    If people retire, I wonder if the company will find new hires? It seems people aren't interested in working or don't make enough to pay childcare, rent, etc. and work. Lots of change for you and I hope it goes well. Nothing worse than a stressful work environment.

    I am feeling better. I had a chiro appointment this morning and it helped. I was able to sleep in our bed last night as long as I stayed on my back. I am tired. My cough seems to be getting better and I'm not as congested.

    Today I made a Mixed Potato Chowder for our dinner. I served it with fresh Sourdough Bread I bought at a local market. Pretty good but next time I would tweak it a little bit. I will take my sister a container of it tomorrow. My other sister doesn't like sweet potatoes so I won't give her any. This chowder has baker potatoes, redskin potatoes and sweet potatoes in it (mixed chowder).

    Today I washed bedding and bath towels. Tomorrow I will make beds and clean the bathrooms. Sunday I will vacuum since they don't arrive until mid evening.

    I turned the AC on today to get the humidity out of the house. I'm so tired of sweating when I do anything.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    I made the guest room bed today. Just needs vacuuming. I went to make the queen bed in the bunk room downstairs and my queen sheets didn't fit because I bought a 14" mattress. I went to Traverse City and bought deep sheets in a queen and a king. If the queen size doesn't work I will make the king work. Otherwise I will use the king for our bed. I'm washing them now so I'll know tomorrow morning. I cleaned the guest bathroom, just need to sweep and mop it on Sunday. I'll clean our bathroom Sunday so guests can use that too. Russ will probably hide in the pole barn as much as possible with 6 women in the house.

    The fall colors are changing very slowly around our house. I'm not sure they will be as vivid as last Fall.

    I hope you have some fun weekend plans.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    I'm so glad you are feeling better.

    I am back down the 'rabbit hole' again looking at all the different condo units in Hawaii. The condo I had booked nearly two years ago is still out there, but it is under different ownership and the cost went up quite a bit. So over a period of nearly 10 days it adds up. We are looking to see if there is something else that speaks to us. So hard, there are many cool looking places.

    I'm still not sure we can risk it especially with what will likely be a lot of turmoil and potential turn over at work, but not fully ready to say nope. Still gotta dream.

    This week was a stressful teenager week. My poor C kid discovered how tough and scary it can be when your best buddy admits he has been having depressive issues. So it has been scary here. It sounds like Alex is getting help, but it doesn't mean it's over and of course now I have to worry about how much this will lay on Caleb. I talked to him about of course he will be a good friend and be there in ways he can, but to remember he has to take care of himself and that if Alex lashes out (I don't think he has - but I went through that) nothing about this is Caleb's fault.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Teen years are awful. Rory had a friend that killed himself senior year and Russ and I believe it changed Rory deeply. He definitely lost his innocence and hopeful, positive nature. Teens seem to think that there is no hope and nothing will change. They don't understand that once you are out of high school life gets better and the insecurities, taunting, etc. aren't an issue any more. Sometimes trying to be a friend to your friend that is struggling with depression or other mental issues is very difficult.

    The beds are made but I've definitely lost my my mind. Yesterday I rushed to Traverse City to buy new queen sheets because the ones I had didn't fit. Well, Russ was helping me make the twin beds today and we put a set of sheets on a twin that were way too big. We tucked and made them fit. I thought the company filled my order for 4 twin sets wrong. After we got the bed made, I realized I had already bought white queen sheets for the queen but had forgotten. So now one of the twins is made up with queen sheets all tucked in and the new queen sheets are on the queen bed. Oh well...

    Tomorrow I will clean the master bathroom, vacuum, and mop and the house is ready for us all to make a mess again.

    I know you really want to go to Hawaii. If you want the kids to go with you, then do it before Z graduates or right after. Once they are in the working world, it is hard to find common vacation times for family vacations. Sooner is better... There is never a great time financially so go and enjoy yourselves.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Oh - I remember that. And I am absolutely terrified that the worst could happen. I think boys are more impulsive. But, I have to have faith. Caleb says he has been with his therapist and is starting to feel better.

    Excited for tonight. First concert of the year and first time getting to see Caleb singing with New World Singers. New Worlds is the 'super-select' jazz ensemble that is really well known state-wide.

    Hope you are enjoying your friends and feeling better.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    4 friends have been here since Sunday eve and one arrived today. We've been busy. I've shown them around the county, all the scenic sites, shopping in the villages at the stores, the National Park/Sand Dunes and scenic overlooks, and will do wineries tomorrow. Russ is cooking us dinner tonight. 4 leave on Friday and the other flies home Saturday. My ears are ringing from all the chatter, LOL! A couple of them always seem to be bickering and having a difference of opinion. Some strong personalities and it can be funny and irritating to listen to at times.

    The weather has been in the 60's and humid. Today was cooler, luckily.

    I'm glad you get to hear Caleb sing. That will be so nice for you.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Four of the ladies left at 7am this morning. The last one flies out tomorrow so we will have a nice day together and it will be more quiet and low key. It has been a great week and I appreciate that they were willing to make the drive or flight to come see me and our new home.

    The temps are much cooler today. Last night we had a bonfire in the fire pit and I wore two jackets! Tomorrow will be in the low 50's so finally we will get the crisp, Fall temps I love so much.

    How are you doing and what's new?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Sounds like you had quite a great visit!

    The temps have really fallen off here too. It stayed warm longer than normal I think. I love the cooler temps, even though it means soon we'll likely see snow. I bet your trees will be beautiful up there.

    My college kid came home yesterday for 'fall' break. He has four days off. He hasn't been home since Labor day. He was excited to get home and had only requested 'something homemade'. I needed a break from work (and need to start taking days off) so did a turkey yesterday and mashed potatoes. I barely got it done in time for Caleb to eat before he had to leave for work and I didn't get a vegetable done since I was waiting too long the turkey. But they had turkey, mashed potatoes and my sad version of gravy. I have always relied on my mom (or grandma before that) for the gravy. But I need to start making attempts at it. My gravy just doesn't come out right. How do you get the fat off? I try 'skimming' it but it still tastes oily or something to me. Anyway, fed my guys. The first two hours Zach is home is such a whirlwind. He is just so full of words as he tried to dump out everything that has been going on. I can't hardly keep up and then he goes back to his more normal quiet. Seems like everything is going pretty well. He doesn't love his 'health' class - a gen ed. Loves his hardware class. So happy for him. Likes his dorm and roommate situation so much better. Yay!

    Caleb is down and I am worried. He is worried about his buddy and I am worrying about him. Sigh. He is off to a neighboring town for an all day Jazz Festival with New Worlds. I hope he can enjoy his friends and time away. Unfortunately, no Alex, he isn't doing well enough and his grades have fallen. I am praying for him to get better. And for my C kid to stay ok.

    Even with struggling with my turkey yesterday, I really enjoyed being home. I need to do that more often, but it's so hard and with how tough things are at work, I just always feel guilty. I know I shouldn't but I do. You would think with the extreme labor shortage I as the worker would feel like I am in control. I never feel that way. I always feel it's one bad day from losing it all.

    So - no Caleb today, won't be home until late tonight and then he has to do his rough draft for his comp class tomorrow and go to work. I wonder when Zach when emerge?

    Hope you have a great day!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    It is nice you had time with Z. Our weather has changed too. Lots of clouds, humidity is down, some rain every day, and much cooler temps. I would imagine we will get the first frost soon. I have bulbs to plant and we need to mow the meadow so we can throw down wild flower seed. Hope it takes and grows something pretty in the spring.

    My last friend left on an airplane today. We had yesterday alone and then Russ met us for dinner at Farm Club, farm to table foods served there. It was delicious. After I dropped her at the airport, I met a friend for lunch and then went to her house to chat for a couple of hours. I am tired after playing tourist guide, going to bed late and getting up early all week. It was fun but having a quiet house again is welcome.

    I saw Nancy Fuller on Food Network make an easy gravy. If you go on and search Nancy Fuller Turkey Gravy, you will see the recipe. I'm going to try it at Thanksgiving. She adds chicken stock or broth to it. Anyway, it looked easy and tasty.

    We are starting to get our yard furniture and stuff put away for winter. The summer sure went fast.

    We leave for the wedding in 3 weeks!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    I'm working on washing bedding and towels room by room. Not too motivated. Russ cooked two whole chickens so I picked the meat off and am making chicken stock for home made chicken noodle soup with the carcasses. I'll put the soup together tomorrow and give some to the neighbor who has been suffering from a kidney stone and had it removed. She hasn't eaten in 3 weeks and has lost a lot of weight she didn't have to lose. She is also gluten free, etc. I'm making an organic broth with gluten free noodles and veggies. I hope it appeals to her. Her meds make food taste like sugar or salt so I will keep the sodium low and hope for the best.

    Well Russ is rebooting the internet so I need to sign off.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    I made my chicken stock but I need to skim the fat off the top now that I refrigerated it over night. Then I will put the soup together. My knees are sore today so I'm taking it easy. Russ and I went to Traverse City today to look for shoes. He needed black dress shoes for the wedding and I needed neutral colored flats/low heeled shoes for the rehearsal dinner. We both found what we needed. Shoe stores sure have changed. You can tell that the world has gotten more casual by what they sell. It is not easy to find shoes that aren't hikers, clogs, or just clunky looking. Traverse has the worst shopping for a city of its size.

    Well I feel a nap coming on...
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    I am so lazy since my friends left. I made the soup and delivered it to the neighbor last night. I'm hoping she could sip on the broth and even handle the veggies and noodles. She hasn't eaten in weeks and still has her stint in. She looks really wiped out from the kidney stone and the surgery to remove it. We are going to have the soup tonight for dinner.

    Russ is working on outside stuff to ready for winter. I will put some bulbs in today and also collect my garden decor and box it up for winter.

    Our Fall color has not been great. Just one of those years I guess.

    I hope all is well with you and work. I need to continue to wash bedding but no motivation.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    That's terrible your friend hasn't been able to eat for three weeks. I hope the soup hits the spot and can get her appetite going. It has to be impossible to hear without the strength from food nutrients.

    We had had several nice (what I consider) fall days, and then today the temp dropped about 30 degrees. Boo.

    Zach took off for Wayne yesterday. We had some nice relaxing time, just being in the same room, either eating or hanging on the couch. I suppose we should have 'done' something, but Zach seemed ready for quiet time, sleeping in his own bed, using his own shower and just turning off. I cooked a bunch and slipped an extra pan of Scotcharoos in his laundry basket that he discovered last night. I got my first spontaneous text with a picture of the bars and "you're the best!" I always send stuff back with him, but this must have really hit his 'sweet' spot. ;>)

    Caleb is seeming run down and drained. I am so worried about him having too much siphoned off worrying about his friend. Saturday night he came home from his huge music festival they had been at (without Alex since he is not doing great and his grades are too low) - but Caleb came home in tears worrying and sad for his friend. I'm trying to support and love him through. Worrying, praying, hoping. I had suggested restricting his work hours even more since he has so much on his plate (homework picking up, scholarships to apply for, essays to write, New Worlds gigs to do) and he acted mad at me. Even though every time he does work he spouts how much he hates it. Sigh. He is getting run down I think. He seemed a bit better today, and if off work tonight. Whew. Bernie and Caleb went back for a second visit to UNL Monday. Bernie still hasn't stopped talking about it. They showed Bernie and Caleb the supercomputer - which most don't get to even know about let alone see. Bernie is convinced they were 'recruiting' Caleb. Hopefully. Let's see the money! I guess the tour guide kid had never seen it either and was geeking out to. Caleb was pretty locked down with me, but Bernie assured me he was excited by the visit.

    Another big essay due tomorrow for Comp. Hoping Caleb brings it up for a proofread early. Ha! I'm wishing for an early sleep. Dream on.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    It sounds like C has a lot going on in his daily life on top of worrying about his friend. Would he be willing to talk to a counselor/therapist for a couple of sessions? Sometimes a neutral person can give a different perspective and help a person see what they can and can't control.

    Do you think C wants to go to UNL? How far is Lincoln from your town? I'm glad you had down time with Z. Must have been exciting to see the super computer.

    My friend said she added some cooked rice to my soup broth and vegetables. She was able to eat it so I'm glad about that. She eats gluten free so I gave her two types but she had the cooked rice to use up. I made a different batch with hearty egg noodles for her son and husband. It was well received too. They have done so much for us so it was nice to do something for them too.

    I made baked apple cider donuts this morning. I bought the donut pans off Amazon. We have a bakery in town but I don't go there often. Only special events (holidays, etc.). I decided baking donuts once in awhile would be a nice treat. Especially when the grand kids get older and visit.

    My sisters are coming for dinner on Saturday eve. Russ wants to make chicken enchiladas with his home made green and red sauce. He is also going to make beer braised black beans. Yum! Since the recipe makes a lot, he asked if I wanted to ask them for dinner. They both accepted immediately of course!

    Rainy lazy day. It is suppose to get in to the 30's tonight.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Caleb's allergies are horrendous! Poor guy. He said today is the worst they have ever been. Even worse than when he was playing football and outside in the allergens. It finally froze, so hopefully it gets better. The last couple of days he has seemed to 'feel' a little more like usual Caleb. We'll see. It's a stressful weekend. ACT tomorrow (and big one since he didn't take the September because he was stressed and sick (early Alex troubles?) but he needs to try this one. And then New Worlds has to sing at the Out of the Darkness Suicide Awareness Event. So hopefully, they find it cool but not too stressful.

    We'll see.

    Oh and my first baby turns 21 on Sunday. What! Oy. I'm just trying to not think about what THAT means.

    Hope you are well!