The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    I'm sorry you are struggling with Bernie. Marriage is so hard! It takes two to contribute to making it work and it sounds like you have asked him to help or make an effort at times and he doesn't always get it. Everyone has their limit on when to be "done". Having been there even though I was only 29, I needed to make sure that I had done all I could to get the relationship back on track. I pleaded and begged my ex to work on the marriage. He wasn't interested and I finally realized it took two and it wasn't going to work. How would it go if you told Bernie you both need to commit to getting your marriage on track or discuss options if he won't? It is scary to think about and to take the steps. You will be empty nesters in less than a year. See what happens when it is just the two of you at home most of the time.

    Today I am meeting my middle sister at the local funeral home for a viewing. Her neighbor was 88 and died last Sunday. He was my friend's uncle and I knew him growing up. I feel like so many people I know are dying around here this Fall. He is the third person since October I think.

    I need to shower and get ready. The snow is falling fast so we will get some accumulation today. Yesterday I put out my hanging solar lights and light strings. It was pretty to look out the windows last night. I need a few more hanging lights and another box of the string lights for a tree on the driveway island.

    Enjoy your Sunday.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    I saw your snow pictures. Very pretty! Our temps plummeted yesterday, now in the low 20's. It could happen at any time now. I certainly have enjoyed the reprieve.

    I suppose I need to get in the gift mode. As usual Zach is a big ???? because he just shrugs his shoulders. I did get Caleb the record player and when I looked at the albums he suggest they were like $50 bucks each! So I may get him one. Yikes. I have something for my dad and could get him a book if I want more. No idea on mom. I gave Michele her big porch sign for her b-day/Cmas gift (because spendy) and I'll probably give her a box of coffee because it feels weird to not have anything. No idea on brother-in-law - maybe a nice whiskey? Nephew Josh, got him a Nutribullet and dish towels, and niece Caitlin, cutting boards and she mentioned like a crock/container for utensils - so I have something to look for. Sigh. I wish I had something in mind for Zach. Hopefully inspiration will strike. I did get Christmas cards ordered. I didn't really do my normal last year since I was feeling pretty bad.

    I sent Bernie another email that I couldn't believe the only thing he said to me all weekend was if I had looked at carpet samples. I mean he hasn't said 'boo' or 'how are you' or 'can I pick up dinner' since I started the skin cancer drama and he bailed on being supportive to go drink with his brother. And here we go with his usual, let's just pretend it didn't happen. If he ignores it long enough it will be over and I will have to move on. But it's just another layer to add to the old anger of every.other.time he has done the same thing. Sigh. The cheese stands alone, the cheese stands alone.

    At least it's sandwich day!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Are there any experiences Z would enjoy? Tickets to a rock climbing wall, sporting event, symphony, concert, etc? Boys are so hard to give gifts.

    We bought Rory a microwave for his apartment. Russ chose his name and ordered him a Carhart hooded jacket. I basically have grandkid presents and stocking stuffers for Jeff, David, Karah and Chantrelle. I may get Hannah a pair of earrings made from local blue stones so she has at least two things to open on Christmas day. I have plenty of stocking stuffers for her but need a few for Rory. Russ and I don't exchange gifts or do stocking stuffers for one another. He dropped the ball on my stocking many years ago so I said I'm done doing his. He went through a weird phase of being an *kitten* when given a gift so I said no more exchanges between us. It has taken the pressure off even though it would be nice to get a gift once in awhile. I'm over it though since we both just buy what we want anyway.

    The snow and wind are furious today. The guy finally came and plowed are road and driveway. With all the snow and wind today, you can't tell it happened. Winds are 35 mph and windows have snow and ice on them too. I took Charlie outside and we both almost fell on the icy driveway several times.

    I made a quick ham and bean soup today. Pretty good for a quick recipe. Russ made chili last night so dinner tonight is soup or chili leftovers.

    Do you feel like doing some online counseling sessions for yourself to help you deal with your anger towards Bernie? It may clear your head and give you a new lens to look through regarding your relationship.

    I still need to decorate the tree. What is my delay in doing it? I just don't feel the mood as of now.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    I'm not in the mood to decorate either (again). Because I had asked everyone (my everyone, boys) at Thanksgiving if they would help me do it on the next day. They all exclaimed, "YEAH" and then crickets the next day and the next and then I eventually started doing the deep cleaning of the soffit (by myself) made myself sore and now I'm just mad about it. Still mad.

    My kindle won't come on today. I use it almost everyday. I read while doing my machine. And of course all of the sudden it dies, when a couple weeks ago I could have gotten one on a Black Friday sale. Feh.

    Sounds like snow is coming by Friday. Yippee.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    The sun actually came out today. It has been awhile. It is so noticeable when it does because it is so bright outside. The moisture from Lake MI causes a lot of clouds in the winter.

    We took Charlie to the groomer today in Traverse City. We left him and did errands while he was getting washed and trimmed. We went to our mobile groomers home because she decided she did not want to pull her dog grooming trailer in and out of driveways and on the country roads during the winter. I can't blame her for that. She is young, good at her job and easy to schedule with so we stayed with her. I'm sure in the spring she will be back to going to homes.

    Yesterday I started on the decorations. I got my Christmas village put out on the buffet but just need to add the fake snow. I put out some other decor but need Russ' help with the garland on the tree and putting the topper on. Then I can do the rest of the ornaments. No body has helped me put ornaments on in many years. The kids and Russ lost interest more than a decade ago.

    We have more snow coming in the next two days. Then it is suppose to be in the 40's a few days next week and it will all melt.

    Feeling lazy...
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Oh my C kid. He was sick again today. He let me know that he apparently wet his bed overnight. He seemed fine tonight. I am wondering if it was mostly stress. His large 8 page research essay for dual-credit comp is due tomorrow and I have been on him about it and it has obviously been weighing on him. He says he rested a lot this morning and then worked the afternoon on his essay. He seems to feel better tonight. Sigh. This stuff ain't for sissies. Plus he was in the middle of a three-day calculus test. Three day test. He has missed more school this quarter than he has missed the other three years. I hope it eases now. Comp class is done after this essay is posted. Calc won't get better, but he has definitely had issues dealing with comp and he believes next semester's speech will be better. Plus, he has legitimately been unwell for most of the days of the last six weeks. I am petrified I will have to take him to the doc and find out it's Covid and he'll be out for 10 days. And what the what that will cause.

    Anyway, one day at a time.

    Dramatic music - here comes our snow...
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Poor C! He is having a very stressful year. Did he send off applications to college and has he heard anything back yet? It sounds like he has a hard classes on top of not feeling well and his best friend's emotional issues. That is a lot to handle for someone so young. You are such a supportive Mom so he is lucky to have you watching over him.

    Is your bad weather part of that "Bomb Cyclone" the weather people are talking about? High winds with snow? We are suppose to get some of it on Saturday. It has been lightly snowing all day and we have another 2-3 inches on the ground. It is very pretty.

    I went to the chiropractor this morning. This will be my last adjustment until after my knee surgery. She is going on vacation and then getting married early February. I won't be going anywhere after surgery until physical therapy starts so I won't have an adjustment until February I would guess.

    I have to choose a clinic and arrange PT appointments for after my surgery. I was interested in a local PT clinic in our town but I don't get good vibes from people when I mention it so I think I will choose another one.

    Russ helped me with the garland and tree topper. I have put at least half the ornaments on the tree but decided to continue tomorrow. I did go pick up my plain door wreathes and will put the ribbon and pine cones on them tomorrow and hang on outside doors. Then I need to get the two boxes ready for shipping to David and Jeff. My goal is to take them to the post office on Monday.

    Next week I meet with the orthopedic doctor and my primary doctor. I have lots of questions and need some reassurance. I also need to call my insurance company and double check my financial responsibility for this surgery. I'm scared to death of the surgery but hope it is all worth it when I'm healed.

    Did you think of a gift for Z?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    That's a bummer you didn't get a good feeling about the local place. Hopefully you will find a good fit not too far away. You are doing so amazing on all your preparations for Christmas! I am so jealous.

    I'm sorry you are so worried for your surgery. I wish there was a way to ease that. I have to believe it will make you feel so much better and improve your quality of life. Push your thoughts to try to focus on positive feelings and the eventual outcomes - maybe. I know there will still be worry, I am a champion - obviously.

    C kid was apparently all set to stay home today because he said his throat hurt so bad and he couldn't sing anyway so he was going to miss his New Worlds gig so he wasn't going to go. A friend was supposed to pick up his paper, then his friend didn't make it to pick up the paper and he knew that had to happen so he forced himself to go. He did make it through the day, though he looked pretty wrecked when he got home. He is resting. I hope he feels better tomorrow.

    I picked up an order of bulk chicken breasts - 40lbs for like 2 bucks a pound. They come from a really good local meat place/caterer. I hope they end up being really good. Meat has gotten so expensive and getting boneless, skinless chicken breast for 2/lb would be fantastic.

    I'm not sure if we are in the bomb cyclone area, our weather people haven't said it. So probably not.

    I'm not trying to start any soap boxing, but I just read this article tonight that I had kind of agreed with (about something else ) until I read some of the comments and there must be this Protestant and Catholic faction of people that are purporting that getting vaccinated is a sin and that you will go to hell if you do it. What the what. They were thousands of these people on this thread. Gosh I hope these aren't real. But even if not, it just causes more problems and keeps this going on. I want to love my faith, but that was disturbing.

    What a weird day.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    edited December 2021
    Oh and my Kindle took a *&%$ three days ago. Seriously, it was just fine and then I couldn't get it to start, restart, reboot, nothing, nada. Just a blinking 'amazon'. Days and days of trying to chat, troubleshoot and then being told I have to get a new one. It was less than two years old. And if it would have happened two weeks ago I could have gotten a black Friday deal. I made them bump up the discount a little, but man I am horked. But I love to read too much to not have it. Hopefully it's not stuck on a cargo container.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Bummer about your tablet but it is always nice having a new one that works fast. Mine is a couple years old. It is a Samsung Galaxy. I've noticed it has some glitches lately. I have an Amazon Kindle Unlimited account so I can download up to 10 books at a time for 9.99/mos. I find new stuff and old stuff I've not read. It isn't best sellers but they eventually make their way there. I haven't downloaded from the library because anything I want to read is always gone. I should probably check once in awhile to see what is available.

    Has C been to his doctor? Do you think he could have mono? It sure is lingering and his immune system is probably having difficulty fighting off stuff.

    My tree will be done today and I will work on the boxes to be mailed on Monday. Christmas is coming fast. I hope my boxes arrive on time at this point. If not, oh well...

    Our weather is warm and snow is slush. When Russ and Charlie were walking this morning, it started to rain with loud thunder and lightening. Crazy! Sometime today we will get the lower end of the storm and more snow with high winds. Then it will get warm this next week and all will melt. I hope we at least get a white Christmas but want the driving to be good for Rory and Hannah coming from MN on the 22nd.

    I need to buy a plant stand for my rapidly growing plants that I keep having to shift around on table tops. I have a Thanksgiving Cactus that needs repotting and two money plants. They are all growing like crazy. I want a stand for my diningroom. One wall is tall windows and a door to the back deck. Perfect morning and early afternoon sun.

    There is a lot of crazy stuff out there about the vaccines. I've had 3 shots and am fine. I haven't gotten COVID and have been in settings where it is amazing I haven't gotten it. Russ and I went out for breakfast yesterday and I heard a woman at a neighboring table saying she hadn't gotten the booster because she heard she could get COVID from it. People are believing all sorts of sources or people that aren't experts. We are wearing our masks into stores and restaurants until seated.

    It's after 10am. I suppose I should get dressed and start on my gift boxes.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    The sun is out! What a treat for us. Today I will hang my solar lights by the pine grove and finish up my boxes to be mailed tomorrow. That will be a relief to get those mailed. I need to rethink whether I do the boxes in the future. I like sending them little things but it gets expensive with shipping.

    Have a nice day.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Had some snow and ice Friday afternoon into Saturday. Made for some slick times. Fortunately, it should be gone soon. Going to be almost record highs this week. Fine with me, because at some point Zach will be on his way home. What - yep - first semester Junior year is basically over. Wow.

    Caleb may be (hopefully/prayerfully) on the upswing. But it has been so long and hard for him. He ended up missing three New Worlds gigs and was unable to take the ACT Saturday. That would have been his last chance to bump up his score. It's a bitter pill. It seems like a lot has conspired against him as he is in this stretch of trying to get the package possible for college. He spent years and years doing all the right things and then this rough patch seems to want to squiggle it away. Ah well. Getting him healthy and trying to stay on track at school is what we have to focus on. Even if he doesn't end up with scholarships he can still go after his next dream. It may cost more, but he can make it happen. It's just a bummer. But, please, please, please I hope he is finally getting over it. I had decided today would be the day to take him to Urgent Care because I figured it had to be sinus infection or strep. I still think it might be sinus infection and we might end up there, but for the moment he is sounding better and his color is better today. I have made three pots of spicy chicken soup. I even baked cookies yesterday since I had gotten up at 5:30 a.m. on the chance he would be able to take his ACT so I had lots of time on my hands. Now I have to get these cookies out of my house so I don't eat them.

    As for vaxxing - I am pro. I have had three shots (plus actual Covid), and not enjoyed any of them. But I did it for the believe it was the best for us and for others. I just found the thread odd that it was a sin to do so (someone claiming they were a Catholic and a doctor and wouldn't risk their soul...weird stuff). It's no wonder people hesitate to take the shots. There are weird and scary people out there who give the air of knowing what they are talking about.

    Anyway - was up late watching Husker Volleyball take down Texas in the regional semifinals. Bwahahaha - thumped Texas. Horns down. Great game.

    Happy Sunday.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Boxes mailed this morning! What a relief to get those off my list.

    Sunny again today! So nice. Russ and I are volunteering with a local organization today to set up for Toys for Tots. I'm not sure when they open to the public but we will set up today.

    My sister who has been sick is vomiting and has diarrhea. I heard this from my other sister. She still has the kidney stone and blood clot although they are being treated. She won't call the urologist or her doctor. Not sure if she has a flu (where would she get it, hasn't been out), or if this is related to her kidney stone. Very stubborn! If she gets dehydrated she will end up at the ER. She ignores her body, doesn't want to be a burden on anyone, and as a result has almost died twice in 5 years due to her stubborn behavior. By doing so she puts a burden on those who have to care for her, take her to the doctor over weeks of recovery, etc. Drives me crazy!

    I love watching volleyball but never think about checking the TV schedules.

    Next on my list is to clean up guest room, wrap Rory and Hannah's gifts and get ready for their visit. I have to give Russ a grocery list of pie ingredients and appetizer ingredients for Christmas eve and day.

    Have a nice Monday!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Russ and I volunteered locally setting up gift tables for the local Toys for Tots today. Lots of helpers and lots of donations. We met our friends there. Russ and Steve put together bikes while Kathy and I were up stairs unpacking bags of donated items and putting them with appropriate age group or category. It went fast because there were a lot of volunteers, which was nice to see.

    We ate lunch at a local coffee and tea cafe that advertised they have authentic Thai entrees. The chef is Thai and was trained in Thailand. I had a curry dish and Russ got the Pad Thai. It was the best we've had since leaving Mpls. Yay, finally a place to get some good ethnic food.

    I am tired. Tomorrow is my orthopedic appointment so I need to update my list of questions for the doctor.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    I saw the orthopedic surgeon today. They xrayed and measured my leg/knee and answered my questions (many). I scheduled my pre-surgery PT visit to learn how to walk with a walker and cane that I will need initially. I purchased my ice machine and they will deliver the motion machine to bend my knee while I sleep the week before surgery. There is still a chance my surgery will be canceled due to COVID over throw and hospital at RED level but since I'm not staying over night I have a chance it will not be canceled.

    Today is Halen's first birthday! I'm hoping I get to face time and see her smash her own cake tonight. She is walking like Frankenstein all unsteady and arms out. They sent me a video and it was so exciting to see her up and walking. Their life will be in perpetual motion now even more than before!

    I hope you are having a nice day.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    I can't believe it is Halen's birthday already! Wow, just wow. And if she has her 'wheels' now, watch out!

    I hope things work out for your surgery. It will be tough, but hopefully worth it!!!

    Zach is home already and done with his semester. Halfway through his junior year.

    Caleb finally seems to feel better today. Of course yesterday I came down with it. After so many days of chasing after him cleaning up and trying to take care of him it got me. But, I don't care, as long as he feels better and stays better. I feel not as bad today, so hopefully it won't be super long lasting.

    Weird weather moving in tomorrow. It's going to be almost 70 degrees, but with extended hours of extreme high winds. Calling for 50 to 75 mph winds for up to six hours. Yikes. Sounds like a gross day.

    I hope your sister is feeling better.

    I had ordered some picture cards over Thanksgiving weekend and they finally arrived today. Shipping/mailing on things is taking so long! And Caleb looks completely different because he cut his hair the following week. Oh well. Now I just have to get them addressed, stamped and in the mail. At the rate it is going they may not arrive before Christmas. Shrug. Why does all this always fall on me? Cards, gifts, etc. Sigh.

    Tues - yay
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Christmas cards is always the first thing to be knocked off my To Do List. As a result, we get very few and I do feel guilty. I was going to send the family picture from the wedding on a card this year but decided I didn't have time. Instead, I posted on Facebook for those who are on my friend's list.

    I'm glad Z is home. I hope he has a long break. Time has flown for him too. Junior and one more semester! What is he majoring in again? What does he hope to do after college? I'm also glad C is feeling better but sorry you are not. With all your stress, worry and exposure to C, it is a given you would feel funky. Take care of yourself now!

    The high winds are headed this way tomorrow. Our snow is melting due to warmer temps in the 40's/50's. I hope we get new, fresh snow next week for a white Christmas. I also hope Rory and Hannah have good driving weather through the upper peninsula of MI.

    My sister finally called her urologist. They had her come in yesterday for xrays and a urine test. She should get results today. She was vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pains. They want to make sure her kidney stone didn't travel somewhere it shouldn't be. She isn't out of the woods yet. I wish she would take better care of herself and not ignore her body signs until everything is so advanced and possibly fatal.

    At our house it is not an even balance of things to do at Christmas. However, Russ does the grocery shopping and cooking so I'm happy about that. I do all the gift shopping, wrapping, sending boxes, decorating, and cards if I get them out. If he chooses a Christmas name, he has to figure out the gift and shop or order it. I had neighbors in Mpls where the husband wrote a Christmas letter and did all the cards to family and friends.

    Gloomy skies today. We are going to a small village to get lunch and then to another village for me to buy coffee at Leelanau Roasting Coffee. It's local and I like it. I need to stock up before Rory and Hannah get here. I can't wait to see them.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Well, that was a scary afternoon. They kept bumping up the wind speeds they ended up topping up gusts of 100mph. We had so many tornado warnings. Bernie was home all day, I got home just before it started and scary of all, Caleb didn't get dismissed until right before the warnings hit. So he was driving home during it. Thankfully, he made it home. We all hunkered in the basement for awhile. I don't always head to the basement, but this was pretty fierce. Michele was in the basement at Behlen (work). Most plants had to shelter. The band of storm/weather was so large it basically hit every town. Lincoln, Omaha, Wayne. All of the family had to shelter at some point. Crazy, crazy, crazy. It sounds like we all made it relatively unscathed. But there is plenty of damage. We'll see what comes as the tomorrow rolls around.

    Glad your sister saw her doctor. Hopefully she can get healthy.

    Hope this horrid weather misses you.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Did you or your family have damage to your homes? It sounds very scary. We had high winds today with heavy gusts. It is still going on but no where near the wind speeds you had. 35-40mph where we are and some up to 80mph north of us near the U.P. The wind is loud, roaring through the trees and rattling the metal at the top of the chimney.

    We haven't lost power but one of my sister's did. It's been out since this morning for her and she is livid! Thousands in MI are without power and she is upset that the power company posted on their website her area would have power by 4:30 and they don't. Now they are saying Saturday evening. She has been at my other sister's house all day. The one without power is the one that has the kidney stone and has been so ill. She called me to vent but didn't want my help or any solutions. I offered to take her freezer meat and put it in ours so she doesn't lose it. Nope! I invited her to stay in our guest room but she would rather sleep on my other sister's couch. She is ranting about power, not being able to Christmas shop for stocking stuffers and gifts for her kids, clean her house, do chores, etc. I told her no one expects gifts or for her to do anything right now. The point is she expects it of herself. Her kids are 38 and 41 years old. I feel crazy after she rants and won't let me help in any way. I told her these things are out of her control right now so relax and focus on healing. She ignored my statement so I need to shut up from here on.

    I had my physical and pre-op appointment today. It all went fine so that is done. Monday is my mammogram and tuesday is my eye exam. I just want this all done.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    volleyball tonight - GBR!