The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    hoping the power issues for your family is resolved and soon. It definitely is an unhappy feeling to be 'dark'. I wonder if how sick she is makes it even harder for her to cope?

    We haven't found any house damage yet, but will need to check the roof at some point. I think we will be ok. We don't have any mature trees at our house or close by that often are what cause much of the damage. Sounds like many people in town have lost roofs or major roof damage.

    Huskers will be playing for the National Volleyball Championship Saturday night. The semifinal last night was crazy. They didn't play the best, but it was a 'war of attrition' and they battled their way through. Not sure they have the better team than Wisconsin but I'll be cheering them on. Go Big Red!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    I finished up shopping today. We went out for dinner with two other couples. They were classmates of mine in high school and still live around here. After dinner we went to one couple's house who lived close to the tavern that we ate dinner ate. I'm stuffed. I had the Perch dinner and ate most of it.

    Tomorrow I wrap presents and begin getting the beds ready for Rory and Hannah. I'll do the cleaning over 2 days so I don't get sore more than I am already.

    Russ may start his baking tomorrow (cookies). I'll do my baking next Wednesday and Thursday (pie and coffee cake).

    The doctor's office called this morning. Results of my pre-op show I have some kind of staph infection in my nasal passages so I have to treat it with some kind of antiseptic cream I put in my nostrils with a cue tip. Then I have to wash my body with this anti-bacterial cleanser beginning 5 days before surgery. I have had nasal congestion and bloody noses for quite a while so I'm not shocked I have some kind of infection.

    Are you ready for Christmas yet?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    You know, yesterday was a pretty nice day. I had spent several hours baking (and eating), then got Zach to go with me to church and we watched the volleyball game. Today was Caleb's last 'holiday' high school concert and I had to drag Zach out of bed (it was 1 p.m.) and he was cranky and pouting about having to go. I'm like, Zach I can't believe I am still at the point of having to go through this with you. It's so disappointing and disheartening. And Caleb was crabby and grouchy with me too about his tie and tie clip. Tonight he acted like it was such a put out to finally have to deal with ordering his cap and gown (the due date is like the 22nd of December) so we are out of time. Then when I finally when back out to the kitchen the casserole I had made earlier was gone. Bernie had eaten like four servings (again) and it was scraped clean. Bah humbug. Obviously my fault for not eating like a savage earlier.

    That's kind of odd about the infection inside your nasal. Hopefully the cream will clear up the other issues you have been having as well.

    The concert was enjoyable. Lovely actually. Everything else. Not so much. It's just always something isn't it.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    I can remember being home on vacation from college and it was always kind of a shock when my Mom put things in my schedule. I was so use to doing whatever I wanted when I wanted that I resented her interference and telling me what to do. Silly to think of it now but I wonder if that is part of Z's attitude? It has also been a stressful two years and we are all tired of the "new" way things are done. Maybe C has had his fill too or it is just a weird day all around for everyone. Did Bernie eat what you planned for dinner?

    Russ has been baking for 3 days and the kitchen is a disaster! Flour, goo, and crumbs everywhere! Surfaces have dried food, the floor is full of crumbs and flour, the stove top is filthy...I can't stand it! If he doesn't clean up, I will have to do so before I can bake coffee cakes on Wednesday. Christmas presents are wrapped and guestroom needs to be done in the morning. I will also clean the bathroom tomorrow and save the vacuuming until Wednesday due to Charlie roaming around and dropping hair constantly. Maybe Russ can vacuum while I bake. He is good at vacuuming. Much more thorough than I am.

    We are meeting some old classmates for dinner on Tuesday eve. Some of the same from Friday eve and maybe a couple more.

    We are waiting for Jeff, Karah and Miles to call on Portal and visit for a bit. We haven't seen them since before Thanksgiving. Miles is going through a growth spurt so I want to see how much he has grown since the wedding. Chantrelle sent me a video of Halen "talking" and taking turns in conversation using gestures and jibberish. It is so cute and she has a lot to say. As a speech pathologist I love watching their language develop.

    We have two coyotes roaming around our area at night. Russ saw them this morning when he was walking with Charlie. They are hunting prey. We will keep Charlie close.

    Enjoy your evening.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    That is a really good point about Zach used to being on his own and in charge of his own schedule. While I still believe there was no reason for his attitude about going to his only brothers last holiday concert, it does make it easier to just let it go and think about ways to frame the next time. I mean he is usually at school for the concerts but just like this holiday one, I do expect him to attend the year end finale, so will have to figure out to do enough pre-prep so there won't be the push-pull.

    Same with Caleb, I know he is struggling with feeling pressured and stressed. I am just also struggling with feeling like the target of his release. But I do also know, that means he feels safe using me to do so. It's just hard sometimes. Weirdly, they were both in really good moods Monday. So at first that made me feel worse, because I was feeling so upset they 'ruined' Sunday. Then I read your post which really helped me reframe things. Can I tell you how much I have come to rely on our little chats? I rely on our chats so much! Thank you for being an amazing soul who takes the time to listen to my drivel and frustrations and more often than not puts me back on a positive track. HUGS.

    I'm so glad you have some wonderful tech tools to stay involved with your g-babies even though they are many miles away.

    Ugh, boys and cleaning. I can't even. They can be such slobs and just don't give a hoot.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    Raising kids is the hardest thing we will ever do. I felt like a failure most of the time but despite that my boys are amazing men. Yours will be the same. It is about the push-pull between independence and parent expectations at their age. I resented my mother putting things in my schedule but I also knew I should participate in some of them. So ridiculous now but it was a big deal to me in my late teens/early 20's. You will get through this and they will too. Hang in there!

    I love our chats too. I certainly am not an expert on raising kids but I do remember being a teen/tween and dealing with my sons. Some hard years as well as rewarding too. It's funny we are the only two that hung on but we are heading into year 12! It is like our children have grown up during our chats and I've moved in to retirement and grandparent years. Amazing!

    All is ready for Rory and Hannah to arrive this evening. Russ went to the grocery and said he will vacuum when he gets home. I'm doing laundry, straightening up, and need to bake my coffee cakes. I'm currently drinking coffee and giving my knees and back a rest so I can tackle baking.

    It is snowing again. There is a bunny sitting out front nibbling on one of my native grasses. He looks well fed for winter and I'm glad the coyotes haven't eaten him yet. I think his partner may have been eaten. Russ found a bloody rabbit carcass in the field. I know there are more than two bunnies but we had a pair that played in our yard and lived under our deck. Winter can be so brutal to animals.

    I am currently reading Kristin Hannah's The Four Winds. Have you read it? It takes place during the 10 years of the dust bowl. That would have been a miserable existence for people. I love her character development and ability to write so graphically that I feel like I'm in the book.

    Well I am procrastinating on those coffee cakes. I better get started. I use to make several and give to neighbors but have scaled back. I'll make one for Christmas Day, one for breakfasts while Rory is here, and one I will freeze to send home with him.

    Have a wonderful day! When do you get off for Christmas?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    I haven't read The Four Winds. It sounds pretty serious. I am pretty into light, cozy mysteries and romance for the most part. But I'll have to look it up.

    So glad you will be getting to see your Rory and Hannah. Happy times!

    I am just killing some time waiting to get out of work. It's been pretty chill day, with a lot of people gone (knock on wood.) Sometimes with so many it can become crazy as people lay on the few at work, but so far it's been fine. Just a few more and then I'm outta here.

    Caleb and New Worlds were on the New Channel Nebraska last night singing for a couple of hours. Fun broadcast for the group. He had a great time. Last day for him today as well. Then one more semester of high school! He didn't do as well on his Calc final as he thought he had, but fortunately he had asked the last big test before this, so he says he will end up right at 90, so the A is back. Proud of him. He didn't think 'regular' calc would be challenging enough (not the AP), it seems it has been. Regular or not, it sure would be too hard for me. Glad he has that good brain for complicated subjects. If he really wants to be an engineer he has lots more calc to get through.

    Have a great day!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    Merry Christmas! We went out for dinner to the restaurant with the shanties last night. It was a snow globe evening with the lights and snow falling. Wonderful meal!

    Today Russ and I made our appetizers for Christmas Eve at my sister's house. Then the four of us went to Hop Lot Brewery and had our own heated igloo to enjoy some drinks before going to my sister's. Home now and all have gone to bed but me. I made the egg bake for tomorrow morning and filled stockings. Tomorrow morning I'll pop the bake in the oven and then my part is over. Russ will cook dinner tomorrow afternoon and we will open presents in between. Russ put two Christmas presents for me under the tree. We don't exchange gifts so I can't imagine why he did this and what they are. I didn't get him anything but a nice card. He is breaking the rules we have had for 18 years.

    The coyotes still seem to be prowling around our acreage at night. Russ sees the tracks every morning for two. He has seen them once but I don't go out that early to see them and I don't want to.

    I hope you have had a relaxing Christmas Eve and tomorrow is great too. What are your family traditions?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    Wow! How tall is Caleb again? He towers over your family except Bernie. It looks like you had a nice gathering with family for the holiday. Were you at your sister's or your house?

    We had breakfast, went for a walk, and watched The Hobbit while Russ did prep in the kitchen for dinner. The dinner was excellent! I saved a meal to take to my ill sister today. The kids are wishing they were staying longer but Hannah needs to get back to work on Wednesday. We told her it is better to use her PTO in the summer since there is more to do and the weather is nicer.

    Today is lazy as far as I know. The kids are going somewhere and Russ and I will relax. I'll deliver my sister's food today or ask the kids to do it when they are out and about.

    Not much else happening as of now.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    Happy day after Christmas! What a nice compliment that the kids wish they were there longer. That really means they had a great time! Those outings you had in the shanty and igloo sound so neat. I think that is something I might like.

    We had our gathering up at my folks in Wayne. While my folks have this desire to do it, they are basically unable to handle it anymore. My mom kept saying she had to sit down and take a break. While it's not that we have to be in a hurry, it's just silly. And she kept trying to do things that were actually almost dangerous. Like getting the ginormous prime rib (which was on this janky thin sheet/rack combo) that was full of boiling oil. She kept trying to start pulling it out of the oven and my sister and I had to start yelling at her to stop and wait until we could figure out how to do it without burning the crap out of ourselves. Anyway. I'd say cognitive on the way out. Then after we had played cards for a few hours I was ready to go, and then Bernie acts all put out. I'm like dude. I am ready to go home. We have been gone for eight hours. But, of course it makes me look bad for being the one ready to leave and 'make' Bernie leave and ending the fun. Even if they are 'my' family, I get enough and I am ready for own space again. But I still always feel like the disappointment.

    I'd have to say the Caleb is a bit over 6'1". We just measured him a few weeks ago, and I am pretty sure he must have stretched a bit over the last year. He had been 'just' 6' for a couple of years. He's just not quite as tall Bernie, much to Caleb's dismay. But he certainly towers over his cousins. My sister is probably only 5'2" and brother in law is not that much taller than me so maybe he is 5'8"? Caitlin probably just cracks 5'1" at the most and that's stretching it. Josh is also close to me so probably no more than 5'7"-ish. And I think Zach ended up 5'9"-ish. It's so strange he was the longest, biggest baby, always off the charts. I was certain he would blow past 6', especially with having a large dad.

    Caleb is off trying off his new lifting belt and I need to get on my machine as well. I am thinking about ordering some glucosmine supplements. My shoulder has been paining me for few months. At first I kept thinking it was just I slept wrong. After this long, it may have to be something like arthritis. Boo. Maybe the supplement will help. When I had started using turmeric it did help my wrists a bit.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    The boys each may still grow another inch or so. My friend's son got his height in college and he is tall like his Dad. Jeff was my longest baby and I thought he would surpass 6' like his Dad but hit about 5'10" or 11". David is probably 5'10" and Rory is at least 6' 1" or 2".

    8 hours is a long time to be at your parents. I agree, I would be ready to go home and relax. Maybe you and your sister should insist on bringing the meal next year or change up the menu to lasagna or something that you make in advance and bake at your parents' house? Stressful! Older people often have a hard time giving up independence and the traditions. I hope not to be that way.

    One more day with the kids. Tomorrow we are going to visit some wineries for wine tasting. They are cooking breakfast for us and we will stay home tomorrow night while they pack and get ready for their long drive.

    We saw the sun today!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    funny that both our 'babies' are the tallest.

    Boy, I wasn't ready to go back today.

    I'm glad it's a short week again, but feeling stressed because we are supposed to have a family Christmas (extended cousins) on Saturday. It could be 35-40 people in a relatively small space - just a home. It didn't bother me too much this summer when they had a big anniversary, but the covid cases weren't that high and that party was at a country club party room. So more space. I am feeling anxious about going, but know if I don't it will be a thing. Whatever I do will be wrong. Bernie will be mad if I go, folks will be mad if I don't.

    I should be booking and feeling excited about planning vacation, but I can't feel excited about it yet. It's so up in the air and while intellectually know I should just book it and then shrug it off if it doesn't happen, but that's not the way I'm wired. Plus the condo I really wanted is booked, and that means going through the process again.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    Rory and Hannah are back in Mpls. They left about 3:30am our time and got home about 2:30pm MN time. They both have to work tomorrow. It was so nice having them here for Christmas. I hope they can return this summer.

    The hospital called today to do an intake interview. Then I got a call from my ortho doc's nurse about a metals test to determine if I have any metal allergies. I had to rush in to Traverse City to an allergy clinic for the metals test. My back has a bunch of patches for different metals. I go back in on Thursday afternoon to get them off and see if I have had any reactions. I had it done because the knee implant has metals and if I'm allergic they would have to go back in and replace months down the road if I had a reaction. Better to know up front so they can choose the appropriate implant.

    I have a lot to get done around the house in the next days. Launder the bedding and towels the kids used, wash sheets for my sterilization process before surgery (clean sheets for two nights prior to surgery after showering with antiseptic cleanser), clean guest bathroom, and figure out if I'm sleeping in guest room or our room.

    It is a risk going to your big gathering. That is a tough decision. If you wear a mask will people comment? I would be inclined to say no and keep your own family healthy. Good luck making a decision...

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    Still feeling super anxious about the decision I have to make for the gathering. Now there may be weather moving in. Meh. I know my sister will go no matter what the weather is doing, maybe I should just ride with them and leave everyone else safe at home. It'll make my mom happy, I'll feel better knowing my family is 'safe' at home. The only one who will be miserable will be me. That's probably the best I can hope for.

    Taking tomorrow off! Woo hoo. So at least there's that.

    I did a little looking at flights for Big Island early this morning before things got crazy. Yikes. There are some relatively lower priced routes, but it seems like they are all on American or United and I am not a fan of those two. I really want Delta or Alaska Airlines. I don't even really have a good reason aside from I just do. And Delta doesn't have routes/flights that really appeal to me. I don't want two stops and over 16 hours, and Alaska has a good looking 11 hour one, but it's a later departure so late arrival. Sigh.

    Finally getting Caleb in tomorrow morning for his booster.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    Maybe riding with your sister is a good compromise if you feel you should go. At least only one of your family would have exposure. Will you wear a mask at the gathering or would that draw attention? I'm glad you get a day off for New Year's weekend.

    I had a busy day. I had a pedicure to take off old polish, moisturize, remove cuticles, and buff my toe nails. No new polish put on. They need to be free of polish for the winter. I had her cut them really short so I won't have to do it for awhile. I visited my friend at her store. No customers come in this time of year but she goes 5 days per week any way. It gives her life structure and routine I think. Then I went to the allergy clinic and had my patches removed. No reaction to metals as of yet so I'm probably good to go ahead with whatever implant they would typically do.

    Nothing on my agenda tomorrow or Saturday. Sunday I will take down the Christmas decorations and pack them up.

    I hope you don't encounter bad weather. Pretty mild here right now, 20's and 30's with a few inches of snow on the ground.

    I love Alaska Airline but finding times that work can be difficult.

    Have a great day off!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    Happy New Year's Eve! I had a pretty chill day yesterday. Took Caleb in (finally) for his booster and flu shot. Today he is feeling a bit crummy, but better than this morning, so I think overall not as bad as the second shot which knocked him down for a couple of days.

    Today I have been dragging out totes of the boys clothes that have been packed up (due to size change or taste change) for anywhere from two to five years. I decreed that they are out of here. I pulled a bunch of my smaller clothes that are years old and if I ever am able to be that size again, I will treat myself to new ones. Just hanging on to them is silly after five plus years and depressing. I have also been purging years old Christmas cards and desk junk. Whew. My back actually aches from all the activity, but am pleased at the purge. I kept pushing at Bernie to do his, but he was content to just run the shredder. Oh well.

    Omaha ended up getting heavy fog this morning and freezing drizzle. So before this major system moves in they already have a nasty layer of slick to start out with. And, Omaha dept of roads for some reason didn't pre-treat with brine. They claimed they didn't know it was coming. Yikes, yet another reason I want to stay home. I think I am staying home. I mean Caleb has to work, Bernie has to keep his plant clear and you know what, it's ok (or should be) that I just don't want to risk my neck. I may lie and say I don't feel well since that is more socially acceptable, but I just hate lying. We'll see, I haven't figure that out yet.

    I am having a nip of this Crown Royal Peach flavor that is actually really yummy - and I have never been able to drink whisky. But this is really mellow and smooth. It reminds me of Schnaps.

    Have a great one.

    Hugs for 2022!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    A couple hours after I posted this my folks pulled the plug on their going to the event, so I felt absolutely relieved and clear to say I wasn't going either. Strangely, even with several bailing due to the weather and a couple for being sick (hello Covid) it was still a go, until about 10 am this morning. Bernie was on his way to Michele's house to deliver our salad for her to take with her. Because you know she is Superwoman and will never admit she can't do something. But at 10 am Pam (cousin who was hosting) finally canceled after yet another cousin came down ill. Whew. Not that I am pleased people are sick. But so relieved that my sister also didn't go. Not just the weather, but with a few having Covid, even if not there, they could have infected each other over Christmas and been either infected and/or asymptomatic. Anyway. That's over.

    The temp fell to single digits with wind chills below zero. The snow is falling steadily. So glad to be home. We put a prime rib in the oven and boy does it smell good.

    I thought I was going to book my stuff yesterday no matter what, just do it and hope for the best. But the flights suck. So, now I am back to hedging. Do I wait and hope they add more flights as they finally staff up better? Do I take a crappy flight? The condos are already getting picked over. MEH.

    Here we go 2022.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    I'm sorry people were sick but am glad you got to stay home and eat prime rib. That sounds like a nice family dinner. Russ and I decided on a bruschetta bar for our dinner. He made it all and it was great. Marinated mozzerella balls, artichoke spread, marinated mushrooms, olive and tomato bruschetta, toasted baguette slices, peel and eat shrimp, hard salami and sharp cheddar spread cheese with crackers. It was tasty! He read in his recliner and I began watching Fellowship of the Ring for the umpteenth time. We were in bed by 10pm.

    Today I visited my sisters to see them before I get my COVID test and stay home until surgery. I do have a small red rash spot on my back for two of the metals they tested me for. Russ took pictures of the spots and I called the doctors so they are informed. We'll see what happens if they determine the reactions are significant enough to put in an implant with no metals in it. Hope it doesn't delay my surgery date.

    I've noticed MN is having sub zero temps and horrible windchill this weekend. My SIL reported -31 temp at her house near ND border with -51 windchill. I don't miss that severe cold but do miss the frequent sunshine.

    Tonight I start my showers with a special soap and tomorrow I will take down the tree and pack up ornaments. I have lots of laundry to do over the next few days. I just want the surgery to be over and begin working on recovery. I hope all goes well for me.

    I'll be in touch before surgery but don't know how the pain meds will affect me afterwards. It might be a bit before I check in after surgery.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    what date is your surgery?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    If all is a go, it is Thursday 1/6. Tomorrow I have to find out about my metals reaction and if they need to get a different implant for me. I also have to get a COVID test. Fingers crossed I'm not asymptomatic and have it. I had visited my sisters yesterday to see them before I go into quarantine after my test. I made a point to go to my oldest sister's house before her daughter and grand daughter stopped over at 2pm to visit. I went at noon and left before 2. She called me this morning to say she visited with them yesterday after I left and Abby called her this morning to say she tested positive for COVID and her daughter is also sick (lethargy, fever, etc.). I'm so glad I didn't go over when they were there or after they left.

    The Christmas decor is almost put away. Russ has to take the tree down and I have some ornaments to put in a box. Another Christmas done...

    I'm so glad we aren't in MN. I don't miss frigid temps. I still haven't acclimated to the cold here and it is teens and 20's.

    Hope you had a great weekend.