The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    I'm thinking after seeing him this morning, it's not allergies - probably a wicked cold. Poor guy. He definitely didn't want to go to the ACT - but since he wasn't up to the last one, he really needed to gut it up. Hopefully he feels better as he is up. I dosed him up with Robitussin. Fingers crossed. He still has to get through New Worlds too.

    This next week is fiscal year end. It sucks. Everything sucks at work though. So nothing new. They hired another gal who is best buddies with the one that got stuck in our team that is a she-devil. Great. This new one isn't on our team, but there will be two of the she-devils. And yes, I am painting her before really knowing her, but you aren't friends with someone unless they are kind of like you. Meh. Oh well. We'll hope for better.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Your household is busy! I'm starting to focus on what to pack for GA and FL trip/wedding.

    I made Goulash for dinner last night and Russ will make enchiladas for tonight when my sisters come over for dinner. I baked a Texas Sheet Cake this morning. The great thing is I found a recipe on Pinterest that is a Texas Sheet Cake for Two. It will provide a piece for each of us for dessert.

    It has rained each day so I've been lazy to deal with my outside garden accents and planting bulbs. I need to do that this week before we leave.

    21 is a biggie!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    What did you do to celebrate Z's 21st birthday?

    Today we went and picked out a shirt and tie for Russ' wedding suit. I put my outside garden stuff away but need to wipe my fairy garden ornaments off because they are full of dirt. I also planted some bulbs but have more to do. It will be interesting to see if any come up in the spring. We still have to mow the field in front of the house and throw down the wild flower seeds.

    It was only about 50 today but it is amazing how cold it felt. Time to acclimate again...

    I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    I love bulb! Tulips, daffodils, crocus. I wish I had great big swaths of them. I just can't get more than one or two scraggly stems to ever come up. Boo.

    We had really done our celebrating last weekend when he was home on break. Cooking all his favorites.

    Did you ever get your wedding outfit figured out? I know you tried several things and wasn't really happy with it.

    Caleb seems to finally be feeling a little better today. Poor guy had a yucky weekend.

    I made soup, soup and more soup this weekend and today. I intended it for Caleb, but Bernie hoovered up more than his share as well, which is why I have had to make a pot everyday. I made a mildly spicy chicken soup. Caleb likes a little heat, and I remember Bernie's first stepmom always saying she wanted hot-n-sour soup when sick because it would clean everything out. So I did a basic roux/bechamel, added chicken stock, green chilis, roasted chicken, basic seasonings. Then served with cheese and crackers. He liked it a lot.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Planting the bulbs is an experiment. We will see if any come up or not. I'm not over doing it this year. I want to see if they even take and come up in mid to late spring. Our weather/spring is not great and weather for spring flowers can be sparse. I planted a few more today and will plant more tomorrow. I see the chiropractor at the end of the week so I want to be done planting. It gives me a lower back ache and elbow ache turning that bulb digger.

    I am wearing a deep plum colored pantsuit for the wedding. I ordered 3 pantsuits, sent one back, kept this one, and canceled the 3rd since it had not arrived by mid October. I'll be comfortable but not sure if it is the most flattering look on me. Oh well, I'm short and full figured so it is what it is. I pulled together my outfit for Friday eve rehearsal dinner. I had to have pants for wedding and Friday eve hemmed and altered to fit better. She did a nice job.

    Your soup sounds amazing! I made a tomato basil soup this morning. Not the greatest and I won't make it again. I had a bowl for lunch, froze a container, and have a partial container in the fridge. I'll eat it over the next two days for lunch.

    I got on the scale this morning and I broke my plateau, finally. I've lost 17.4 pounds since 2/20/20. My goal would be to lose 40 more pounds over the next 2-3 years. Slow is better for me. I'm trying to watch my portions since that is where I screw up. Eating two meals per day seems to work best for me too. Maybe my knee surgery will help me lose more weight. I anticipate being more active after I heal.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    I have been sleeping late in the morning. I'm waking up any time from 8 to 9am. Not sure why except I toss and turn a lot in the night due to knee and hip discomfort. I also have to use the bathroom at least once per night. Getting old stinks!

    We went to Traverse City today to get Russ' suit pants altered. He checked on his shoes he ordered but they won't be in until tomorrow, hopefully.

    I never planted bulbs today. I should put a few in out on the island and maybe call it quits for this season. I need to wash my bike and bring my battery in for the winter before we leave. Then I need to focus on packing for the trip.

    We are attending my great niece's 2nd birthday party on Saturday eve. The past year went so fast! It seems like yesterday we were making Cookie Monster cupcakes and decorating for her 1st birthday party.

    Saturday is also the 48th anniversary of my Dad's death. I feel so old! How are your parents doing?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    I had almost done a post the other day how it seemed like things were on an uptick. It was obviously short lived. Last night Caleb broke down telling me that he found out that Alex had been hurting himself and his folks took him to the ER and then had to take him somewhere to be admitted. There are not a lot of mental health options around (I'm sure like everywhere) - so I'm not sure where he is. Probably Omaha. I am hopeful this will be helpful and get him on the road to recovery. But it is devastating to hear nonetheless. Being admitted is a huge deal. And I am so worried for Alex and his folks. And SO devastated and hurt and scared for my C kid. He loves Alex. And this is going to take time and be hard on so many. How does Caleb go out and enjoy things knowing his bud is hurting so bad? (I know he's thinking that). So last night I stayed up with him watching t.v. just sitting. Today I am trying to find some online options for someone for him to chat. We'll see if he is open to it.

    Do you think you won't plant any bulbs or just not yesterday?

    Have a safe and fun b-day trip.

    When do you leave for the wedding?

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    I am so sorry to hear about C's friend. I hope C will talk to someone or you, if not. High School years are hard enough and to have his good friend struggling is a huge worry for C. I hope his friend gets the help he needs and sees that moving forward will make things ok. Hugs to you and C. Hang in there.

    I have planted many bulbs but have a couple more spots I want to plant some. I went to the chiro yesterday and don't want to plant before the wedding because it throws my body out of wack. I'll see if the weather is decent enough when we get back to plant the last ones. Then fingers crossed, they come up in the spring.

    Today we go to my great nieces 2nd birthday party. It will be outdoors so I'll need to dress warm. The sun is out so that will help. I think they are doing a bonfire, hayrides with a riding lawn mower and wagon for the little ones, pumpkin painting, etc. Mike, niece's husband, is grilling chicken and hot dogs, baked beans, etc. for our meal.

    I washed my bike and brought the battery inside for the winter. I'm hoping I can get more rides in next season if my knee heals well. I'll have Russ take it to the bike shop this winter for a tune-up so I can get an early start riding as soon as the snow melts and the trail is ice free in the spring.

    I need to get serious and make my packing list for the wedding trip. We leave Wednesday and should arrive in Georgia Wednesday eve at our rental. David, Chantrelle, and Halen will arrive from AK on Wednesday morning, Rory and Hannah arrive Friday, early afternoon. I would think Jeff, Karah and Miles will be there early in the week at her parents. My ex and his family will arrive Tuesday, I think. My sisters arrive Thursday and my brother and his daughters are not attending. It will be nice to see my boys and the two grandkids together.

    I'm watching the Michigan State University vs University of Michigan football game as I read my book. I went to Michigan State and would love to see them beat U of M but it doesn't look good so far. I'm not a football fan typically but when the two play it is always interesting.

    Keep sticking close to C. I always found that my boys opened up with me when we road in the car together. Maybe you could go get ice cream or go to lunch/dinner out?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    We are heading to the grocery today to buy non perishable breakfast items for the rental in GA. It has gotten cold here and possibly snow/sleet this week. It will warm up again by next weekend.

    My middle son, Jeff, turns 32 today. Wow! David will be 33 in February and Rory will be 27. Interesting thought...this wedding will probably be the last time I see my ex in person. Unless we were unfortunate enough to lose one of the boys/grandkids or lived long enough for a graduation or wedding, we won't be in the same place ever again.

    I did not sleep well last night. I was probably awake at 4:30, tossed and turned until 5:40 and got up to read in the den. I will be needing a nap later on.

    Big laundry and packing day today. All I have left is figuring out clothes, purse, toiletries and jewelry.

    Have a nice day!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    We are packed and Russ is loading the car. I only have to put my toothbrush and hair brushes in my bag in the morning and zip it up. I ended up packing a bag with FL clothes and a separate one with GA clothes, some of the GA clothes may get put in the FL bag when we pack up at end of GA stay.

    Charlie is packed and ready to be dropped off at neighbors tonight. We are going to go get pizza at a local tavern for dinner early and then take him over. I hope he behaves for the 12 days we are gone.

    My sisters booked their airline tickets with American. The airline has cancelled tons of flights. We will see if they make it to the wedding or not. I am glad we are driving so we can bring stuff for Halen to use at the rentals. Miles is staying at his GA grandparents with his parents.

    We talked to Rory last night. He and Hannah bought books for the babies as gifts. I'll be curious to see what they picked out.

    I finished re-watching all 3 seasons of Yellowstone last night. I'm ready for the 4th season. It starts Sunday eve but I won't be able to watch it until we return home. I'm sure there will be spoilers on Facebook so the first episode won't be a huge surprise.

    Russ saw snow flakes today when he was outside. November 2nd! Last year we had a dusting of snow on November 1st. It's cold and sunny out now and no snow to be seen.

    I will check in via my phone when I have some moments. Have a great couple of weeks. I hope C is opening up or at least sitting with you when he needs support.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    I hope you are having a safe trip. The airline cancellations are crazy. Michele had to go to FL for work for the Trident audit but this was the first time in awhile she had to fly commercial. Any other time she said she would have done Southwest, but they had been doing the same things with cancellations and was too afraid to risk it. I told her no American either. Fortunately Delta has some options that way and I think she made it on time. It's always a toss up with flights, but yet another level of crazy with passengers behaving badly, staffing issues, weather and cancellations. If I enjoyed driving that would be the way to go, but yikes interstates! I'm making my own case for being a homebody.

    We had our audit on Columbus on Friday and it was pretty bad. Auditors were still here at 6:30 p.m. I've never seen them here past 3:30 p.m. Sounds like they will be back in December to count again. That's very bad news for the team. We are likely to get smacked pretty hard, with Michele taking the biggest smack because she is the lead, but it means we all failed and let her down. That's really hard to know considering how hard this past year has been especially on her. Sigh.

    Won't be long and you will be getting all the snuggle and huggles.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Life still sounds stressful with your company. Those out of town trips must be hard for your sister.

    The wedding day, wedding, venue and bride were beautiful. The bridesmaids and groomsmen looked classy in their suits and beautiful dresses. When I'm back to MI and have my computer, I'll write more details. We are relaxing. Most family leave today. Russ and I head to FL Tuesday. Nice weather down here.

    Russ took Rory and Hannah to the Atlanta airport early morning hours. He is napping. Earlier we went to my nieces rental and had birthday cake for my sister Lynn, turning 71 on Wednesday. She is not doing well and should not have made this trip. I'll fill you in after we get back.

    Happy Sunday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    I'm sorry your sister is not doing well. That has to be hard to see.

    I am glad the wedding went well and that you got that special time with your kids and GRANDBABIES!!

    It sounds like Caleb's friend 'only' spent a few days inpatient and is back home and attending school again. Caleb thinks he is doing some better. I sure hope so. And that he can keep improving - probably continuing therapy and perhaps meds if they can find a type that helps. But whatever, I continue to pray he feels better and stronger. I also hope the same for Caleb. He has been like trying to deal with an exposed wire. It seems like everything I would say would have him snapping at me or ignoring me. This morning was the first time we had a conversation that felt more like 'normal'. I'm sure he has been feeling so heavy with emotions. Just keep trying to give him what he needs.

    Have a safe trip to FL.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Leaving for FL in the morning. Ill write more from there. Tired...

    Glad C's friend is doing better.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Hope your travel is going well and you got some rest. I find travel so exhausting.

    I am cautiously (SUPER cautiously) saying the last two days have been more 'normal' with C. I doubt everything is 'over' - but so glad for the reprieve and up period. And it's often all about stringing together up periods so the inevitable valleys don't last as long or seem as low.

    Be safe!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Made it to FL. Beautiful view from our balcony but it is noisy and busy in town. We went out for dinner and are relaxing.

    More later.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    MFP changed something in the look/layout of the pages. Not a fan yet trying to figure out how to get back here to our chats.

    Quit making me change MFP.

    Caleb was in a quartet that was one of 11 groups in a variety show Friday night. At the last minute he decided I could come watch, at first he didn't want me there making him nervous. They did a really nice job. They did not win, but I am proud of him and the other guys for putting themselves out there. They did an acapella/bshop version of a Coldplay song. It was a very difficult arrangement. New Worlds was also there having to do some in between sets and a back up for a staff song. Alex showed up at the end and honestly I was a bit worried when I saw him. He was very 'up'. I am wondering if he is manic/depressive. I have seen this in him before. He will be very hyper/up and then another time low/subdued. It was honestly not a reassuring moment of seeing him. Having someone with these issues can be very hard on the friends as well. And yes still hard times with Caleb sometimes. Still very stressed. Still praying and waiting for better times.

    Enjoyed your pictures. Hope you loved your family times. I know the traveling is not fun, but lots of great memories I hope.

    Be well.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Thanks for the link. I couldn't figure out how to get in to our thread. I was nervous it was gone due to the refresh they did on the site. I wish they would stop doing that but I know they are trying to improve it.

    We had a good vacation with the wedding and our r & r in FL. It was nice to spend extra time with David, Chantrelle and Halen before we all went back to hibernate for the winter. Halen is very energetic but was more calm when it was just the 5 of us in FL. We were hoping to see her take her first steps independently but she is still working on that. She did stand alone for greater than 5 seconds several times and taught herself how to climb up on the couch. We baby sat her in GA and in FL so they could go out together. She was finally use to us while in FL. We took two days driving home and are so glad to be in our own house. Russ cooked a home cooked meal tonight and it was welcome after eating out so much. Charlie was excited to see us and didn't look back when the neighbor dropped him off. He is following Russ around the house while wagging his tail and playing by me in the den with his stuffed toys.

    I'm glad you've had time with C. Is his friend on meds? I had a friend in high school that was up and down. I didn't know about manic behavior or bi-polar then but looking back she could have been labeled bi-polar. We never knew the person that would arrive at school, up beat and very friendly or look the other way and walk right by us. It got old fast because we weren't too enlightened and didn't understand. I've been told she is that way as an adult too so maybe it is mental health.

    How is work? Did you go to the funeral and are all employees adjusting to the new normal?

    It is cold here and they have had snow while we were gone. No snow in our yard as of now so I hope to get a few more bulbs planted and the wild flower seed thrown out in the meadow.

    My oldest sister was miserable before she left for the wedding and the whole time she was in GA. She thought she had done something to her back and could barely walk. She should have stayed home but didn't. She went to the ER after getting home and was dx with a very large kidney stone. They put in a stent and admitted her at the hospital because she was so dehydrated and had borderline sepsis. This is the second time she has ignored glaring symptoms that something is wrong in her body and has ended up in the hospital. She learned nothing from my deceased brother's behavior with his delayed dx of prostrate cancer proving to be terminal. She came home today and my other sister, cousin, Lynn's daughter and I are taking shifts this week to be with her and monitor how she is doing. Hospital recommendation... My first shift is Wednesday over night until 4pm on Thursday and then again Friday afternoon. One of the reasons we moved back here was to help when siblings needed care or they help us. I had no idea it would all be so soon!

    Well dentist appointment tomorrow morning and snow tires get put on car tomorrow afternoon.

    Happy Tuesday tomorrow.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Caleb just admitted to me that he doesn't like the way he has been feeling and that he's ready to try talking to someone. I am so sad that he is doing bad. I mean it's not that I didn't know he has been bothered by what's going on, but knowing it's bad enough to say it's bad. I am working on finding an online therapy session. I am hopeful it will be faster than trying to get in somewhere.

    Oh and the biopsy I got last week apparently wasn't great and I just got called to go in tomorrow for them to take a bigger chunk out of my arm. So, scary stressful day.

    I'm sorry your sister got so sick. I hope she feels better fast.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    It is very brave and mature for C to admit he needs to talk to someone. As scary as it is to you, you must be proud he can be honest with himself. I hope you find someone good.

    I don't recall you were getting a biopsy on your arm. What is the situation? Lump, skin cancer, ...?

    My sister called me yesterday. She is feeling better but we are still taking shifts to stay with her. I start at 3:30pm today and go until 4pm tomorrow. I told her she could send me a grocery list and she did. Russ has to drive me because my car finally went in the body shop today to fix the fender bender Russ did to it in Mpls.

    My sister is craving something sweet. She asked me to make my Texas Sheet Cake for two (8x8 pan). That is made and cooling. I'm packed except for my sleeping bag. I washed it and it is drying. I decided to sleep on her couch rather than going downstairs to the guest bedroom. I'll be able to hear her if I'm on the same floor.

    Gray and gloomy today. I hope I can still plant a few more bulbs and get my wild flower seed down this weekend. Fingers crossed...

    Happy Wednesday!