The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Went to the open house for my aunt and uncle's 50th yesterday. Caleb had to work, but the rest of us went. It was nice enough. But with a two hour drive each way and the 2.5 hours there - I didn't as much down time as I normally like on a Sunday. So feeling a bit tired already.

    Agitated as well, because I thought I had the verizon straightened out from when I bought new phones, but today's notification came and the amount of my next bill looks wrong (again). GARG!!!!! More pain and suffering trying to deal.

    I did email the people the condo I had picked, and they emailed back that they had sold the unit. It's probably still available, but I'll have to try to just search through all the listings and find it and see if I can tell if the new owners seems like good people to rent from. Bleh.

    Plus, I swear I just make the decision to start booking again and the world is falling apart - again. So sad. Scary.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Tomorrow is Caleb's 17th birthday! It looks like he has Saturday off so we may try to run down to Omaha to PF Changs since he is all excited about it.

    Bernie is taking off tomorrow to take Zach golfing one more time. They had a great time Sunday and wanted to get another round in before Zach goes back to school Sunday. Sunday! Zach thinks he would like a bean bag so I need to go do a little shopping.

    I am thinking about taking tomorrow off. Go get breakfast for Caleb before he goes to school and then spend some time doing those errands including the stressful trip to Verizon. Hair tomorrow afternoon as well.

    Hope all is well with you both!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Did a bunch of errands today, verizon, haircut, Walmart. Got bagels for breakfast and then made lasagna for dinner. Ice cream cake for dessert.

    Zach and Bernie golfed this morning.

    Hope you are hanging in there!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    I'm here. I've been so busy in the mornings working on painting and staining furniture. Then I shower, read, or make calls I need to make. Sorry I haven't checked in for a bit.

    It sounds like your trip to your aunt and uncle's went ok but just took your day. Did you make it to PF Changs for C's birthday or are you going this weekend? I love the lettuce wraps.

    Nice that Bernie could golf with Z and you took a day off for yourself. Mental health days are nice and sometimes we just need an extra day to get things done or to do something for ourselves.

    My dresser is finished and is in the guest room. It looks very nice! I finished varnishing the coffee table and painting an end table for next to the queen bed in the basement. My niece's husband is suppose to come over to help Russ carry down the queen mattress and the coffee table. Next I will be painting a shelf that has baskets for storage. The TV downstairs will go on top of it. I need to sand it and then will paint it white, the same color as the wall trim. Then I will tackle another dresser that needs a complete make over. I bought flat, white twin sheets with pressure curtain rods and white ring hook/clips to make my own curtains for the windows in the bunk room. They will just blend in to the trim. If they look too boring I will buy grosgrain ribbon in a wide width and accent color to sew along the bottom of the curtains. I still need to buy the twin mattresses for the trundle beds. I think I've found one on Amazon (bed in a box) and will order two at a time.

    This Saturday is my aunt's graveside burial/service. I don't know if I told you she passed away at the age of 97, almost 98. My cousin is the only one left of her immediate family. Her two siblings died of cancer and now her mother is gone. Her father died many years ago. She isbo an emotional wreck!

    I leave Sunday for MN. I'm going to stay at a friend's on Sunday eve and then we will drive to a friend's cabin on a lake in western MN for the week. We return next Friday. I hope to see Rory and Hannah on Saturday and then head home on Sunday.

    Russ is working on the front deck. He has half of the boards on the top and it is looking so nice. I'm impressed with his skills. After I return, he will begin to take the back deck boards off and replace them. He doesn't want to work alone without me home in case he gets injured. I want to call pest control to spray under the deck for wasps after he takes off the boards.

    TGIF for you!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Friyay! You are so crafty and doing cool things to your house. It sounds beautiful!

    Glad you should be getting to see Rory soon as well.

    We plan on going to lunch in Omaha tomorrow for Caleb's b-day, probably PF Changs, but we'll see what he ultimately picks. Zach got invited to golf with his uncle and cousins (my brother-in-law) tomorrow at the Behlen golf tourney. He is very excited to get another round of golf in before heading back to school. So while I'll miss him at lunch super glad he has a fun day planned.

    Zach did some of his packing today. I can tell he is excited. He has never packed before (I did it).

    Busier weekend than normal for me - running to Omaha again and then sending the Z kid back to school. Would really like to get us to church Saturday night as well. Be a good send off for the fall.

    Have a safe and fun trip!!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Went down to the Big O and had lunch with Caleb at PF Changs. It was good. But not necessarily something I am going to dream about going back to. But it was a really nice time, and for that I would go back.

    I started this update on Saturday planning on getting to church on Saturday night with Caleb because he doesn't normally get Saturday's off. But my folks showed up at 4 and needed time and attention and there went my plan. I know I shouldn't get agitated by that, but I do. I had what were important plans for me (getting to go to church with Caleb) and then because they were bored that had to come first. Yes, there is church Sunday morning, but I am still having a hard time getting up early on weekends. Anyway.

    Zach was gone ALL DAY at the golf thing. There were a lot of groups and playing best, it just took a long time. I think he had an ok time, but it was longer than he had anticipated and he was burnt. So today he was feeling rough. And Bernie bailed to go play golf with his brother and uncle and cousin - so that pisses me off. Not a single one of those fools Bernie is spending the day with has ever supported me (or him) or the boys, and we're right back to Bernie putting them above his own family. And Zach didn't want me overdoing it and trying to help him. But he would have obviously like having help from his dad. Grrr. Oh well.

    Hope you are traveling safe.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Hump day. Week is dragging. The house is so still with Zach gone and the nights Caleb works. Preview of what is to come. It will take me some time to readjust.

    Have a great day!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    TGIF. Crazy times afoot again. One of the team members went to the ER today because her heart was racing and she got a COVID diagnosis. Here we go again. She has been training with one of our older guys (who is supposed to be retiring soon) who is very covid anxious. I got to go out and clean the office - I didn't want John to have to do it because he was already upset. Oy. There are four or five people out in that office (it's a double decker shack on the floor). The nurse said none of them had to quarantine. Mmm-kay. Sigh.

    Where's the booze?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Husker volleyball is back. I enjoy a good volleyball game. It was on last night, but I didn't get the channel, so this afternoon I do and will watch. Football is back too, but while I enjoy a good football game, Huskers have been less than stellar for awhile and it can be painful to watch. I hope for the team this is the year they show improvement!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Hope you are still safe and well and enjoying your trip.

    Almost through this week! Zach should be home this weekend, so it will be fun to hear his early take on his junior year.

    Our teammate who left last Friday after getting a sudden Covid diagnosis is not feeling too well. Michele has been texting her to check on her. The first couple of days was good and today she said she was not doing great. I just stared at Michele and said, I sure hope she got her shots. If she didn't and she just has to muscle through it could be bad. She is pretty young (I mean probably 30's) and she just a baby last year. But that doesn't mean anything these days. We lost a partner (that's what Behlen calls employees "Partners in Progress) in our McGregor TX plant late last week. He had been fighting Covid, thought he was getting past it and then declined too rapidly to save. He was 36. I can't tell Bernie because he will freak. I just have to do my best to stay safe and calm. We're vaccinated and take precautions. I won't lie. It's scary stuff again.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Oh and today is my 26th wedding anniversary.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    This is one of my favorite Sunday's of the year - it's a Sunday before a Monday off. Woot!

    Work has decided to go back to wording of masking is STRONGLY recommended in all common areas (bathrooms) effective Tuesday. I am feeling resistant. Not because I am anti-mask, but because I am peeved because of all the days/weeks/months that I have been around actively sick people and been told it's fine, it's fine. You're fine, they're fine. And suddenly Tuesday it's not fine. Literally a week ago the nurse told our team we're fine even after being around the partner who ended up being Covid positive. But now it's not safe for me to go pee without a mask? With the ones from the floor who won't be wearing them, because they didn't during the last round? It's really only the office who is 'expected' to follow because you know model the behavior management wants you to. Even if they don't act that way on their own time. Grrr. Or what about that gal of ours who went to Vegas unmasked. That's fine?

    Bernie's work is telling their people who went to the Husker game that they need to test. I'm sure that will go well too.

    Anyway - holiday tomorrow so WOOOOOOO
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Oh, and a friend of Zach's that lives across the hall from him and Quinn (roommate) ended up with a positive Covid test, while asymptomatic. Not sure how he ended up tested when not sick. But Zach and Quinn got tested. He was fine as of Thursday. He still came home and I am fine with it. Even though we all know we could still pop off sick in the CDC 14 day range. His poor friend is stuck in a motel room in Wayne alone. I'm like, alone? Who's feeding him? Checking on him? I told Zach he needs to check in on him at least daily and if there is anything he needs we will do it. Dear Lord. Can't this be over. The state is back with the horrible fear media. No hospital beds. The 'transfer' portal trying to figure where to send sick people.

    Wildfires in the west, Ida in the East, Covid still kicking arses, A-stan horrible-ness oh and the twenty year of 9/11.

    End times? I got both Zach and Caleb to church Saturday night. Saying my thankfulness for our blessings and another fervent prayer for our brokenness.

    Zach's roommate has to work a lot. He doesn't have financial help from his family and they wouldn't fill out the FAFSA. People! Fill that shiz out. I encouraged Zach to encourage Quinn to fill it out anyway just doing the best he can on the numbers. Supposedly they lost the computer that had their documents. I told Zach while no one would suggest they actively lie, but just to do the best they can. I believe he is in a situation where he could get aid. Sigh. We fill it out, not because he gets any federal money, but it's the only way to get work study and maybe when both boys are in college it will help. But even if not, DO IT. I hope Quinn can be encouraged to work on his family to try to help him out and do it.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    I am here and still alive. Sorry for the delay in posting updates. I returned from MN Cabin Week on the 29th. We had fun floating in the water with cocktails, shopping in Ottertail and cute shops and visiting. I was able to see Rory and his girlfriend Hannah for dinner before I returned to MI. It was so hot in MN in Minneapolis. A little cooler at the cabin and floating for 3 days in the water helped. I hate humidity and it was quite humid. My friends seem to have more tolerance for humidity than me because they did not use their AC.

    I've been busy since I returned. I'm trying to finish the basement bunk room before my cousin comes to stay on October 2nd for my brother's burial. We are hosting the snacks afterwards. I have some details to finish for that day (photos printed, type up an agenda for the gathering at cemetery...).

    I took a day and did water aerobics and floated in my sister's pool by myself. It was so nice not to have to chat, just read my book, and exercise. Yesterday, my sister and I rode 22.8 miles on the bike trail in the national park. We stopped for lunch at a beautiful lake that borders Lake Michigan. It is a stunning place.

    Storming here today. It's very dark and rainy. I varnished some end table tops for my bunk room and will do another coat this afternoon. If nice tomorrow, I will begin to sand down my next dresser and paint the first coat. It is going downstairs as a storage for bedding. I ordered the last two mattresses, twin sheet sets, and comforters. Next I need to put some prints on the wall and sew the curtains for the windows. Then it will be done!

    I invited 8 MN friends to visit in October knowing not all will be able to come. We will see if they make the drive.

    It sounds like you have been very busy with the boys and had some great Mom/son time. I'm sorry you are experiencing the COVID stuff in all directions. It is getting old and seems like it will never go away. Rory was vaccinated but Jeff and David and their partners have not done so. I've talked to them several times about it and they say they are reading the research and info from the CDC and World Health Organization and aren't ready to get it. On the one hand I need to respect their right to make their own medical choices, but on the other it upsets me. I worry all the time about their health and the little ones getting sick. Why not just get the vaccine to be safe rather than risk illness and possibly death? David and Chantrelle had COVID and feel they are ok for awhile. I just can't talk to them about it anymore but my worries are huge!

    I am meeting a friend for lunch so need to get ready to go. I hope the worst of the storm has left this area.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    I'm glad you had a successful trip and are back home and doing well.

    I'm glad your Rory did his vaccine, and sorry the others are still not willing. It's so tough and scary.

    The weather has been pretty nice for a couple of days, but the heat will be back this weekend. Gross.

    I'm feeling a little meh - hoping it's just allergies. I am trying to stay positive and calm, but it's hard knowing I've been exposed a few times. And, I feel like I am going through more hair fall again. It's probably just a cyclical part of the cycle. But when I'm sparse as it was, losing any is a bummer.

    Can you believe it's September? Crazy.

    Church choir is going to be starting back, I'm not sure I'm going back. Still debating it. Right now feeling like no. I don't know. I just never felt good about the new lady. And one of my 'buddies' I loved seeing and singing with her and her husband just moved to Omaha.

    Hope you are having a great week!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    I hope you don't have COVID again. You sound stressed which probably contributes to your hair loss and not feeling well.

    I'm still trying to figure out my wedding outfit. I ordered two flowing pant suits and am not crazy about either. I ordered another one last night. Hope it is the one. If not, I'll be driving down state to shop next week.

    I would be nervous to join choir right now with transmission of the Delta Variant while singing. Do they wear masks?

    Summer went so fast and I'm not sure what we did. I think traveling and house projects dominated our time. I never went to the beach, kayaked only twice, but rode my bike quite a few miles.

    I scheduled my first knee replacement for 1/6/2022. I'm scared of the surgery!

    I'm hoping the dresser I'm painting doesn't need a 3rd coat. Fingers crossed! My comforters and sheets are delayed in arrival for the bunk room beds. Hopefully by next week or so.

    Russ is half way through replacing the deck boards on our back deck. Now we need to decide what kind of railing we want.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    My sister and I went to a cute town near us and shopped in the little stores. It's an artist community so lots of beautiful art and hand made things. I bought a couple of books and fish sponges for bath time for each of the grand kids, and a book for myself. We went out for lunch and just spent time together.

    Russ took the day off from the deck. I painted a second coat on my dresser top and one of the doors. I just have the two doors to finish and clean the brass hardware then it is ready to move to the basement.

    Right now I'm making peanut butter cookies. I have a sweet craving I couldn't ignore. No will power!

    I hope you have a great weekend.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Beautiful wearher!
    So far, 3 friends are coming for a visit in October. I havent heard back from another 4 yet.

    One more coat on a dresser door and done. The hardware has been a challenge to get tarn8sh off the brass. 70 years of accumulation!

    Going over to my sister's to clean her pool. She is in Sedona with her friend.

    Enjoy your Sunday.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    I hope you find something that makes you feel amazing for the wedding. I too prefer online shopping, but some things just have to be done in person.

    It sounds like there are so many cool places near you to explore. Sigh.

    This weekend was kind of stressful. I took off a couple of hours early Friday (trying to start using vacation hours) and I was caught up and that was the last good part of the weekend. Caleb had a tough day at school and then headed off to work (where he has been feeling more and more down on as the only worked making under $10 an hour and having over a full year in). I don't understand why the owner is being such a pr!ck to him. Caleb is cross-trained in all areas, takes call in shifts, stays late most of the time when asked and has only called out when we had to for Covid. From what I can tell he is more than adequate at his job. Doesn't serve raw food, hasn't burned anything down, on time, positive, etc. etc. Anyway. He came home Friday night with a look on his face I hadn't seen before and he was non-communicative and just stripped off his stuff and took a glass of water downstairs. He always eats when he gets home. Always. Then Saturday morning he was supposed to take the ACT but when I got him up and he came upstairs I could tell he was in rough shape. He said he had been awake all night stressing about the test, feeling overwhelmed and upset. We talked and I pointed out that while the ACT is important, I care more about him. And that even if he were to gut it out and take it, how would he feel if he ended up doing worse. That wouldn't make him feel better about things. So anyway, I don't really know if it was a bad work thing, stress from school, stress from not feeling ready for the ACT or stress from social stuff. Eventually he went back to bed. But of course then I spent most of the day stressing about him.

    And then that night I had cooked him chicken he had been wanting and I was sitting there are Caleb made a sauce he wanted and Bernie was in the kitchen saying something annoying and I impulsively tossed an empty Advil bottle at him (and missed and it upset some cups on the counter that then fell off). I cover my face in shock that I did that and give an embarrassed laugh. And Bernie goes off on me. I just walked off. I'm so tired of it. He can say whatever he wants and it's all just supposed to be ok - but when I do something weird he can be a jerk and I'm overreacting. Bleh. Not a fun and relaxing weekend.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    It sounds like your stress level is really high where Bernie is concerned. Any chance for counseling or just sitting down and discussing issues with one another? Do you think C is also reacting to the tension in your relationship?

    What is going on at work with C? His boss either isn't observant or is taking advantage of him. Not okay. Are there other work options in town? He could give notice and get another job so he can add it to his resume. What about being a gopher in an engineering office? Talk to someone about him helping with the small stuff but he gets an idea of what the work setting is like.

    The dresser is finished and the last door is drying. We need someone to help get it in the basement. My nieces husband did not respond to my text to help us so Russ will ask our neighbor if he can help. I started the curtains for the bunk room windows last night. Making it up as I go. I'm using white twin sheets and doing double thickness so less light comes in at night and early morning. Our house is a disaster with all my projects laying around right now. The navy comforters I ordered arrived after 2-3 weeks. They are purple! I need to return but so far haven't found a link to get the return form so I can send back. Ugh!

    Beautiful day today. I may fit in a short ride later today. Russ and I have to go clean my sister's pool again. Hopefully no critters/snakes in the filter basket.

    I ordered a linen jacket, cotton pants and a tank last night to wear to the wedding open house the night before the wedding. It is catered bbq at a wine tasting room. It is suppose to be casual and I didn't want to buy a dress I'll wear once in a great while. I will get more use out of this outfit hopefully.

    We camp next week in the upper peninsula of MI. Of course, a hot and humid heat front is coming in and will affect us up there. A person can't go north any more to get cool. No rain predicted but because we are camping, mother nature will wait until she notices us setting up camp and then it may happen. Every time...

    Tomorrow afternoon I get a pedicure. I'm going to choose a color that may go with my wedding outfit and see how it matches when I get home. I have one more pedicure in October and will get the final color. Still need toed. My sister, Russ and I are going out for dinner tomorrow night at a nice place that has good perch and whitefish cooked several different ways. My other sister is in Sedona so she is not joining us. I'm looking forward to whitefish.

    Have a great day!