The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    I hope you had a day of improvement. It is normal to wear out easily. Your body is sending so much energy to healing. Listen to your body and rest, rest, rest.

    Ah Sunday. Kind of a bummer day. Monday eve.

    Oh well.

    I should have gone to church last night, but the surge had me decide not to.

    Michele is back on the travel tour back to Florida this week. So the new duties a few of us have picked up with get put to the test as we have to do them without her back up of being there to answer questions.

    Have a healing night!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    PT was hard work today. I was dripping sweat by the end of the session. I wear shorts and a tee shirt but sweat so easily. Today we stretched my calf muscles, did forward and backward pedaling on a bike (can't go all the way around yet), walked with a cane, did leg strengthening on a machine for thighs, and he checked my range of motion with my knee. Last Thursday he measured an angle of 90-95 degrees and today it was 115 degrees! For only week two, Dave said I was making amazing progress and way far ahead for range of motion. I'm icing now and plan to read and take a nap. Later I will put my leg in the motion machine since it will be stiff. I'm going to request to rent it for another week because the machine feels so good. Any lack of movement makes my knee stiff so the machine helps loosen it and keeps tissue from forming that will restrict my movement range.

    How is life for you right now? Is C doing better emotionally and how is his friend doing? Has he made any decisions on colleges or needs to wait for scholarship offers first? So much to accomplish senior year. Next year Z will be setting up interviews for jobs. Does he want to stay in NE or is he open to go wherever a good offer takes him? What is his major again? My memory is so poor lately.

    Well I feel a nap coming on. Have a great Monday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    How awesome you are doing so well with your therapy. You are crushing it!

    Caleb turned in his huge CPS foundation scholarship packet today. I could tell he felt really relieved. It was dicey here and there with it, but I think he is feeling proud of getting all that done and in. This afternoon I created a 'punch' list for other scholarships and their due dates and posted it on the fridge so we can keep on of things. Next up some sort of 'unique' essay that addresses and answers a question related to urban schools. This is strictly writing so no financial need requirement. Gotta jump on that one. Hopefully we can keep the momentum and chase some 'free' money down.

    Zach is a computer science major and getting minors in security and networking. He hasn't really indicated a location, but I think he will stay close to Nebraska. Unless his 'wild' buddy Derek gets a wild hair to take off somewhere. There could be a chance Zach would be tempted to go with him. But really Zach doesn't like heavy traffic or large cities, so we'll have to see.

    Hope you had another good day!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    No appointments today. I read, did my exercises, watched some sappy movies, practiced with the cane and took a nap. My sister called mid day so we chatted. She is always asking questions about PT and comparing my therapy to what she had. The attitude is hers was the best and am I getting my money's worth. Therapists have different approaches...

    Tomorrow I see my ortho doc. Hope to get this bandage off and hope that the suture is looking good and closed up. I also have PT after my doctor's appointment so it will be a busy day.

    I'm going to bed in a bit and am going to try to sleep in our bed instead of recliner. I'm not getting much sleep in the recliner this week so I need to see if bed is more comfortable now.

    Alternate days seem to be good and rough. Today was a pain day but yesterday wasn't. Weird!

    What a relief C got his packet done. Z will probably have lots of choices in his field of study for jobs.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    Here's hoping your appointments went well and it's a good day today.

    Covid is super rampant. Caleb's schools re-instituted their mask mandate yesterday and will be going to four days a week. I wish they would have done the masks right after break, instead of waiting for the absenteeism to get to 10%. But whatever. So far, this time Caleb is not sick. KNOCK ON WOOD. He said his lunch table is over 50% gone. So, no bueno that.

    My niece is trying to find a test today. Her work (branch in Omaha) started their surge last week and now she is feeling unwell. Finding tests is a bit of a lottery too. So silly. They want people to test, but it's this crazy hunger games thing to find one. And of course, your sick and don't have the energy to deal with. And the big sites are closed for two days due to cold. When will it end??

    Take care!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    It's a rough day today. I had my doctor's appt and he took the bandage off my knee incision. He is pleased with how it is healing but I can't stand looking at it. It is long and scabby! He gave me the form for a handicap sign so we need to apply for that. It will be good for 6 months. I just want it for ice and snow.

    Russ and I went and picked up sandwiches at a cafe/bread shop for dinner. Then we went to PT. It was hard! I was feeling so sore and fatigued. Dave called me Eeyore and he was right. He didn't work me too hard today but all we did hurt like hell. I'm in the recliner now and don't feel guilty about it. I'm done for the day. I'll start over tomorrow.

    This COVID strain is rampant! Everyone I talk to on the phone says they have had it recently. They are vaccinated and boosted so cases are very mild and short but they have had it. I hope it goes ok for your niece and for C's school. These schools just can't figure this out. They listen and cave to parents who don't want masking but then seemed stunned when staff and students are out sick in large numbers. We have tests we ordered from Amazon and requested our 4 free tests from the gov't. Our health department does testing on Mondays and Thursdays so at least that is available too. I am so glad I am retired and can hibernate!!!!!!!

    Weather here is cold, windy and snowy. Luckily we don't have to go anywhere until next Tuesday to PT. I'm sure Russ will go out and about but I can stay put.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    I'm sorry today was such a rough day. You have the right idea. Rest and let your body have an extra healing day.

    My mind is worrying about niece Caitlin who did find a home test and tested positive. I sure hope she doesn't have a hard time of it.

    Caleb's work had several more kids/workers test positive. They want him to work doubles. Eh. He said he was using me as an excuse not to. I said fine. It's just terrible right now. My fear/anxiety level is higher than it has been since the beginning. Trying to find calm when people are literally dropping lies flies. Deep breath. And take another immunity gummie.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    Oh and Bernie said he found my care leaking coolant again - they had to replace a pump what a year ago - and now he's like we have to get rid of that piece of crap. Oy. It's not car shopping time, but OY I don't want to be in a lemon.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    Well hopefully your 3 bad things (C's work, niece' Covid, your car) will be all that you have happening for awhile. It's always something isn't it?

    Lazy day today. I slept in, had breakfast, did some exercises and the machine, walked with a cane, watched some episodes of Outlander 1st season (preparing for new season on March 6th), napped, and read my book. I've been massaging my leg with lotion. The nerves are waking up and sharp pains shoot through my calf, foot and knee. Horrible feeling and very annoying.

    Russ picked up my handicap tag for my car today so I can park close to buildings when I start driving. I want to use it when ice and snow are still present. He went to help my oldest sister with something at her house and she was drilling him with questions regarding my doctor's appt, my incision, etc. I gave her the basics but she likes details she doesn't get from me. She has had two replacements so she compares her doctor, PT and experience to mine. Annoys me but that is how she is. She means well and wants to be a caregiver but it really isn't all her business in my opinion.

    I'm glad C told his boss no, putting it on you. That was a wise decision.

    It is getting boring sitting around here but seclusion from Covid is a good idea and I don't want to get exposed. Nothing much to do outside with my condition at this point.

    TGIF for you tomorrow!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    Fri-yay Eve. Glad to be almost done with this week. I keep hoping it's getting better. It has to. It just has to!

    I was searching online to see if it is possible to change cupboards that have open space/soffit by the ceiling to be all cabinets. It looks like people have changed. I would really prefer that. Way back when we first moved in I was excited to have space to 'decorate'. Eh. It just gets dirty and I really could use more storage space. Something else I can put on my list that will likely never happen.

    Keep exercising!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    Isn't it funny how our needs and tastes change as we age? When we built our MN house we had it open at top of cupboards and I was excited to put things up there to decorate too. As time went on I wanted cupboards all the way to the ceiling. I hated cleaning up there. I ended up having a painter paint the tops with a wipeable paint so they were easy to clean but I still wouldn't want them now.

    I just zoomed with the retirees from my old job. It's always nice to catch up. I guess we are meeting every Friday now. This way as people go south or wherever, we all can still visit.

    I've graduated to the cane around the house. I probably will use the cane to go to PT and any where else too. I'm close to being able to go across a room without but don't feel quite secure yet. What a journey!

    Well time for some exercises so I will check in later or on the weekend. Have a wonderful day.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    Good job on the progress. YOU GO GIRL!!

    Caleb wanted pizza so we zipped off to pick up some pie. He said he had to mediate two of his very good friends who had been not talking for a couple of months over what was really a misunderstanding. He finally decided it was up to him to get them talking. He thinks they worked it out. That's a good friend there. I knew something was going on again. I am seeing online that gals are shopping for prom dresses. I wonder how that will shake out for C kid. No official girl. Will he go? He had such a good time with Zoi last year. Alas, no Zoi anymore. In general I think it is less drama without a relationship unless its something like prom of course. We'll see.

    Trying to brainstorm some essay stuff and get some talking points to go over with Caleb. I'm dry. Maybe a beverage will help. ;>)

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    Prom is coming up fast. I wonder if he will go stag with friends, ask a date for senior year or skip altogether?

    C is a leader if he took it upon himself to mediate two friends speaking again. Wow! He is a caring individual.

    I didn't sleep well and am feeling blah today. It will be one of those days I think. No motivation, stomach upset, leg swollen and sore, fatigued...Sorry, feeling sorry for myself I guess. I just want this to be done.

    Russ' birthday today. He wants to pick up a pizza for dinner. We aren't doing anything special and I wasn't able to get him a card either. We don't exchange gifts but I feel bad it is just another day for him. He doesn't care or says he doesn't anyway.

    Snow is falling and blowing today. Winter wonderland!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    Yesterday was a better day. I need to walk around the house more often. It helps with the swelling in my foot. I think napping too long an not getting up is not good, which I knew, but it is easy to wallow in self pity and be lazy moaning about the pain.

    I took a shower totally independently yesterday and today so that feels somewhat normal. I'm icing my foot and leg a lot more often to ease the pain and taking only two narcotic pain killers at night, once at bed time and once in the night if I wake up and hurt. Russ has cooked some nourishing meals so I'm not weak from not eating. I'm guessing no weight loss with this surgery, bummer! I haven't gotten on the scale with all the swelling, balance, etc, doesn't seem worth it.

    Snowing again today! I'm feeling isolated at this point but don't want to go anywhere. If we get a nice day, I'll ask Russ to take me for a drive to see the lake, etc.

    I'm starting to think about bike riding. I told Russ my bike needs to go in for a tune up and we need to order a bike rack and hitch for my car so it is easier to take to trails that are further away.

    How are you doing?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    sounds like continued progress! Showering on your own is very good. Hopefully you got out for a drive today.

    It's going ok here. I'm glad to see Caleb seeming more upbeat. I think he is feeling good that his friends are moving past their disagreement. He's had a lot of yuck this year, come on better days! I have no idea what is on tap for prom. I'm a bit hesitant to ask. There's time though.

    I had texted Zach to ask about his weekend. He had said good, and then said he was having some acid reflux. I told him to go through pharmacy box I had made up for him freshman year. Then he says he has a headache and cough and is tired. I text back, that is probably not reflux. I told him to take some advil, robitussin and drink a bottle of water and to lay down. Or he spent the night at the bar celebrating all the football games. :>) Hopefully he just needs a nap. I asked him to text me later.

    I don't remember if I mentioned that my niece tested positive last week. She headed back to work today, but sounds like she is really run down, out of breath. I remember that feeling. I hope she takes it easy (she won't). I hope she doesn't overdo it.

    Come on week roll on!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    I'm glad C seems to be doing better now that his friends are talking again. I hope Z feels better, hung over or not. I think you did tell me your niece had Covid. It seems people can go back to work and not quarantine very long now. I'm so confused about the parameters around the "contagious" aspects of this virus.

    Today I had PT. It was a good session and we did some different machines and exercises. I felt good at the end of it. Russ and I picked up Thai food at a local cafe and brought it home for lunch. I'm icing my knee and relaxing in the recliner for awhile now. I am able to walk without the cane now when I feel stable. I do feel stronger so I hope this trend continues.

    I haven't taken the drive yet but after PT, I waited in the car downtown while Russ ran in to the pharmacy and cafe to pick up food. I hadn't been "out" to people watch since pre-surgery.

    Hope you are well. Fingers crossed I have a few more good days this week. The last two have been good.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    well Zach had a tough night and still thought it was reflux so I sent him to get tums and pepcid. He said those helped a lot. I told him alcohol can cause reflux so maybe lay off for awhile. ;>) He was looking forward to an early night.

    Finally got confirmation that my grandpa (dad's dad) was a member of the Pender American Legion so that opens up Maynard Jensen American Legion scholarship for Caleb. Reviewing it right now. Doesn't look too bad. Mostly basic info, but does have that darn financial need section - feh and unfortunately have to get an official school stamped gpa from guidance. Also feh, they are difficult to get to do anything. Ah well, we have until March so hopefully that's enough time.

    Bernie is moping around for the last couple of weeks because his boss is 'riding' him. I finally broke down and asked him what's wrong. Got the sob story about how he isn't happy and wants to leave Flexcon. I told him I was sorry and that he could certainly work on updating his resume, look into classes for gaining new skills, and look at what's available. But reminded him of the places he has left and why. That there are nasty people at all places. That these other places have dozens of openings for a reason. To remember that these things go in cycles. Up times and down times. We'll see. I get so exhausted of always having to be the rock. Whenever he struggles I have to keep him from coming apart. I haven't been happy for over twenty years. It's not like he sits down and pats me and cuddles me through it. I am so tired of always having to be well everything. And worry about this too. About to have two kids in college. He damn well better suck it up for five more years. And then I get to find something better. He can work. I gave up all my activities in college to work more because his family cut him off and I had to support him. It took him years (and years) to figure out how to successfully adult. His family assured him and me we would starve - well guess what without me he would have. I sucked it up and figured out how to make it all work. At the expense of MY HAPPINESS. Sigh.

    Anyhow. As the sands through the hour glass, these are the days of our lives...
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    I wonder if Bernie is going through a mid life crisis? Is it possible for you both to sit down and map out a plan for both of you to pursue what you want in the future regarding employment, etc? Make a list for each of you identifying your needs and what you want to be doing in 5 years, then decide steps to get each of you where you want to be? I agree the kids come first with getting through college. When they are self-sufficient with jobs, then you both can start to work on your plan. Does Bernie get that you want something different too?

    Are there scholarships that don't rely on financial need but academic achievement?

    I've been lazy today. I've done exercises once and the knee bending machine once. I'm catching up on re-watching Outlander to be ready for the next season beginning 3/6.

    I am zooming with the MN knitters at 7pm so need to sign off.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    I'm sure it's part of it. He's always had trouble maintaining the 'adult' mindset for long term, per his modeling growing up (i.e. avoiding responsibilities, running from the hard, etc), but he's got 13 years in at Flexcon (they are a premier employer) and he's made it through two years of pandemic. I thought he was in the zone finally. I know it sucks when your boss 'rides' you. I know work sucks in general. I have also gone through down periods where I want to leave with every fiber of my being. But after going through the exercises of updating the resume and looking at what's out there you almost always decide the low has passed and you remember it's basically the same everywhere. You know some of the people at the other places, whatever. I'm not saying there is never a reason to move on. But he better make damn sure it's better and doesn't hurt us financially. I have lived and dug us out of the broke life too many damn times. I'm done with it. I need to be done with it. I like not having to struggle. I can't even say any of these things because then I am "putting my crap on him and causing him more stress." Hawaii is looking even less likely. It's hard enough fighting pandemic uncertainties, my anxiety then to see him swirling. I can't risk that much money when I might need it for living expenses.

    We are trying to chase the academic scholarships but they are really tied to also having high ACT scores and that is where he will get weeded out. He 'only' got a 26 so not a stupendous score and likely not enough to get him bumped to the top for academic offerings. It's not like he won't get to attend school, just trying to help him as much as possible. Right now he is sitting at needing to come up with about $11,000 each year as long as I continue to have the resources to give him $10,000 which is my goal (and what I have given Zach). He could have gone to Wayne or Kearney for almost free, but for a true engineering program you have to be at a school like UNL. And UNL has so many more high achievers to compete with.

    Keep progressing. You are doing great!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    Would C be willing to work a campus job for financial support while in school? Rory worked at UND at the food court in the union. Hours were flexible for exams, etc. which was nice. Eventually, he worked at a liquor store and made more money to pay his rent, etc. Money and college, what a nightmare!

    Hopefully Bernie is just venting and won't do anything stupid like quitting without a job in the wings. If he was my husband and did that, I would have a fit. The "adult" in him may have enough sense to know that he has to endure due to bills, mortgage, kids' expenses, etc. Have hope!

    Still snowing here. Hasn't stopped in days. I'm sitting in the recliner next to the window and it is a world of white with fluffy flakes falling from the sky. So pretty!

    Russ went to Traverse City for errands. He goes weekly sometimes 1-2 times. I think he gets bored and needs to get out. He is also planning meals and likes to get his ingredients. Since cooking is fun for him, I don't say much because this is what he loves to do. I do keep encouraging him to use what we have and plan meals with those ingredients. He has a lot of extra food supply!

    A friend called last night to see if she and another friend could come visit me soon. I haven't seen the other since high school. I think they will stop by in the next several days. Something to look forward to. They are both careful with Covid exposure so it doesn't make me too nervous.

    I wish you could take your trip to Hawaii. It gets harder as the kids get older and permanently employed to find time for family trips. Hopefully you can swing it in the next year or so.