The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    Russ does our taxes with Turbo Tax too. The last two to three years we have had to pay in a significant amount for whatever reason. We had so many years we did not pay in but got a refund. I suppose that was claiming the kids, daycare credit, etc. It was during Trump's administration we had to start paying. I don't know if things changed or our situation changed. I've always thought we should have someone do our taxes that are up on the latest laws, deductions, etc. Russ doesn't agree so I let it go. If he passes before me, I will find someone to do them for me.

    My last PT session was with a different guy because mine wasn't working yesterday. I didn't know that until I arrived. He was young and nice but his experience level felt different. I'm glad I had Dave all those weeks. Justin did give me some good exercises to do going forward. I will get started tomorrow. I made an appt to see Dave in two weeks to check in and make sure I'm not losing range of motion. Then I'm done. Next week I will join the gym for 3 months so I can work out close to home. I don't think it is realistic to get to Traverse City 3 times per week to walk with all the crazy weather we have. Last night we had freezing rain/sleet so the snow and cement are coated. It will continue today. I had it on my calendar to walk but we aren't going anywhere.

    Next Monday I have an appt to get a hitch on my car and then I can choose a bike rack! Fingers crossed I also get to buy a new, used bike that fits me and my situation better. If not, current one is it for this season.

    It looks like C has had some concerts? I bet you have enjoyed watching and listening. How does Bernie like his truck?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    sounds like you have things all lined up for continuing to improve your knee and get back on your bike. Nicely done.

    Last night was the 'Night of Acapella' concert. A favorite for sure. Can't believe I'm down to maybe three more official concerts. I sure miss my Z kid singing, so I am trying to soak this up. It will be interesting to see how the groups score at their competitive events. In the past few years Bakers usually scores high, but I am hearing some pretty bad timing issues, so they will have to clean those up for sure. I think New Worlds has a good shot at high marks, their pieces are complex, on pitch and well paced. My only critique so far is the one male soloist is a little weak. I hope they do great in judging. It is such a swagger moment when you put in all those hours and get the high marks.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    Exciting for you to hear C and his group perform! Did you do the same thing when you were in high school? You sound like you know a lot about it.

    Bad weather here today so we did not go out. I researched bike racks and pedal assist e-bikes but am not moving forward yet. I'm still hoping the local bike shop will sell me a used low step that I like so I can get on and off easily. If not, I may call a bike shop south of here and see what they have for sale that isn't way expensive.

    Tomorrow, if roads are ok, we are going to our local small town theater for their new movie club showing. They are showing Casablanca with Humphrey Bogart. People have the option to stay after to discuss or leave. We aren't members of the non-profit that owns the theater so movie would cost $2. We can join for $30/yr and get some perks.

    I need to do some exercises tomorrow and go up and down the basement stairs.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    I have been in many, many choirs and singing groups over the years. I never did competition acapella, but have done a lot of other music and performing. I tried to make sure the boys did both physical activities and at least one creative/musical activity every season. With Bernie being a more athletic guy and me firmly in the arts I figured they would have strengths in either or both of those. I seriously considered being a music major back in the day but wasn't really encouraged to follow through with it. But I still sing - church, etc. I moved to Columbus back in 1996 and saw the New World Singers that year and have been a fan ever since. They are amazing year after year. Some years they shine brighter because of course sometimes you just have a group with an extra special talent. But the level is always high. I always thought Zach had the talent to make it, he just wasn't interested. You really have to put yourself out there. But he shined in Concert Choir and his music ministry group. And Caleb jumped into it all this year. I am so 'gleeked' out. It's so fun for me. And he is loving it, which is even better. Every year at the Christmas concert the New World's sing their version of Jingle Bells and Go Tell It and invite any alumni New Worlds to join and there will be at least a dozen every time that go charging up there. People really hold the experience of being in that group in their heart. Anyway, this years New Worlds has had to really start from scratch since there was only a couple of carry overs.

    Did you get out and see Casablanca?

    We have had a couple of days of below zero. I think it should warm up tomorrow.

    Hey it's hump day!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    We did make it to the movie. We were the youngest in the group. We did not stay for the group discussion of the film afterward because Charlie had been penned up since before lunch. We went out to lunch first. Next time I will drive separate so I can stay for the discussion. Russ isn't too interested in talking about the movies but likes to see them. They call it the Bay Cinema Society. The movie is free for members of the theater, which I now am. It's $2 for non members and is a matinee, one time showing. There must have been 30-40 retirees there today.

    I just zoomed with my MN knitters. It was nice to visit with them. One is in FL until mid March and the others are in MN. They have had quite a winter too.

    That was smart to have the boys do physical and creative activities. I didn't encourage my boys and should have. They did do choir or musical instrument in middle school because the had to but no one stuck with it. They liked sports more.

    Well I need to plug in my bike battery and get it charged. We are planning to take my bike to the shop for a tune up tomorrow and they will need the battery. I'm hoping I can get an answer on if they are selling off any used rental bikes or not.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    We dropped off my bike for a tune up. The guy I talked to about buying a different used bike was not there and the other guys knew nothing about what they were going to be selling, if any. Bummer!

    We took Charlie with us and then went for a drive. Nice sunny day so we drove around one of the closest inland lakes. We dropped Charlie off at home and went to a local tavern for an early burger and a beer dinner. I'm full! I could use a nap but need to resist so I sleep well at night.

    We finally talked to Rory this morning. It had been awhile. He isn't much for texting, responding to texts or talking on the phone. I called him yesterday and left a message. He called back this morning so the three of us had a nice long chat. He is still laid off from work but is collecting unemployment right now. Hope his lay off doesn't last too long. He and Hannah have quite the busy social calendar, which helps alleviate the boredom of being laid off for him. I'm glad they take advantage of sport teams and concerts that Mpls has to offer. They are going to a Timberwolves game this weekend and a Wild game next week. Then they fly to Phoenix for a long weekend to visit one of Rory's college room mates. When they return they have plans for Rory's birthday, a concert I think, and more after that. Oh to be young!

    TGIF tomorrow!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    Rory and Hannah (I love that name! Was my 'girl' name) have really outgoing personalities. It's great they are out doing things they enjoy. Hopefully soon he gets busy at work. I know around here the electricians are super busy and backed up.

    New Worlds took top honors at the Jazz Festival yesterday! Woot. So happy for them. As I expected/was afraid Bakers has some work to do. We'll have to see if they can adjust where they need to. But still - New Worlds for the win!! So happy for them. They all work so hard. Next week they go to a show choir competition which historically the groups don't do as well at. Show choir judges are looking for the dancey stuff and jazz and acapella don't 'dance' per say. Jazz and acapella are about challenging arrangements, musicality. But it's a good opportunity to perform and work on the sets.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    We mall walked .67 miles. I think we stretched the side hall ways so we got a little more distance. That was all I could handle due to my non surgery knee. My muscles are stronger but still weak. We hadn't walked since early last week. I noticed the difficulty with a long break.

    Congratulations to New World!

    Today is partially sunny and I see some blue sky. The water on the bay was several beautiful colors of blue when we drove to Traverse City. I love the color changes in the water.

    Russ is in his wood shop putzing around. Not sure if he has a project going or what. I'm reading in the recliner for now. I'll do some stretches again later and march around the living room raising my knees high for a work out.

    Tomorrow we will check out the ice sculpture contest that my niece and her husband are participating in. It is suppose to be about 33 degrees so should be nice to be outside.

    Happy Weekend!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    I'm sure you have a lot of muscle to regain - but you are doing everything to make it happen!!

    AND - Caleb got notified he is top three finalist for the school foundations Nielsen family scholarship. That's one of the big ones $5000!!! Woot!!!! Now he has to interview with a panel of three. Yikes. Woot!!! This would be huge.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    Spent a few hours last night starting the research for scholarship interviews. Pretty similar to job interview questions from what the posts I read show. I'll have Caleb sit with me and we'll work on five or six of the basics to give him a good base. I believe he'll definitely need the 'tell me about yourself', 'where do you see yourself', 'why you', and probably 'what are your greatest weakness/strengths'.

    So, today is the day of the proposal and surprise engagement party. At least the weather is way better than a few days ago. It should be 40 today. Definitely manageable.

    My left shoulder joint continues to ache and hurt so much. I am finding myself taking more Advil. I am wondering if eating foods that have natural estrogen would help since this particular issue seems to have taken root at the same time my period started disappearing. I am also looking at anti-inflammation diets. Which are of course healthy and good overall, but I don't know how realistic for me. It's like any healthy eating, I know what I should and shouldn't eat (no sugar, processed food) - but it doesn't stop me from eating my beloved chips. Yet anyway. But I do wonder if I could stick with it if it would help.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    WTG C! That is impressive he made it to the top 3. Do they only choose 1 student?

    I have a good cook book for anti inflammatory recipes. I'll look for it and give you the name. I bought it on Amazon. There are some really good recipes in there. Are you sure you didn't injure your shoulder or have bursitis and a doctor can help you with it or PT?

    There is a Mardi Gras Pop Up Dinner at a local restaurant, take out or eat in. We ordered some dishes to pick up for our dinner. Jambalaya, Catfish, Red Beans and Rice with Beignets (1 each) for dessert. We are going to the ice sculpture contest first and then we will pick up our dinner and bring it home. It's a beautiful sunny day but some wind gusts.

    Do you get to watch the proposal? It's interesting how younger people include parents/family in the proposal now rather than an intimate occasion for just the two of them. Where is the engagement party?

    I hope you and your family have a wonderful day.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    Yeah - the scholarship will only have one award. But he's up to a 33% chance!

    I will have to mention the shoulder to the doc next time. I don't think it's an injury - at least I can't remember an injury. I

    How was the Mardi Gras dinner? Sounds yummy.

    We didn't see the proposal, the parents were 'hiding' at the site and then they all came to golf course room "for a drink" and the group of mostly friends and a few family were there to surprise her with the party. It seems she really didn't suspect anything until that day. And the party was a surprise. So they all did good. Oh, the party was at the golf course that Christian works at. It was very nice. My sister was super stressed because she wasn't in complete control and because you know baby girl. I'm sure she will feel super stressed more as this goes on. But this first event is done. It is honestly weird for all of us since these sorts of events are not what the family is used to. Hopefully we do right by C girl. (I have Caleb or Mr C and niece is Caitlin or Miss C).

    Today we are working on the paperwork for refund for the trip and what a freaking pain. I don't know why I thought it wouldn't be a pain. But now they want proof of what we paid. I have been doing auto pays for like three years now and I don't even have bank statements back that far because I have shredded since it started. I went online and the search won't go back that far and Caleb's account is deactivated. I'll have to call the bank tomorrow and they better be able to get what I need.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    I don't remember C making the decision not to go on the trip. Wow, now you have more stress getting money back. They don't make it easy for a reason. Shouldn't they have record of what each student paid too? How do they know you are paid up otherwise?

    I'm glad the proposal went well and she was surprised about the party. Let the wedding plans begin. Have they chosen a date?

    David messaged me last night and asked if we wanted to portal this morning. We said yes and when we answered the call, Jeff, Karah and Miles were on the call too. Nice surprise! It was so cute to hear Miles saying "uhoh" when he dropped a toy. Lots of jabber too. He and Halen just stared at each other and then lost interest and both went off to get into trouble and explore things while parents weren't watching. I can't wait to get to FL.

    Jeff and Karah confirmed they are having a girl due June 24th! So exciting! I was given permission to tell people but am not allowed to post anything on Facebook. They don't do social media much and are very private people.

    David took a job with some company that does cabling and fiber installation on oil rigs. He will work for them when not fishing. It requires leaving the country for some trips. He will be going to Angola in March for 4 weeks or so. The money is good and will allow them to pay off debt and buy a bigger home if he stays with it. Hopefully he also gets to make his fishing season for that money too. I worry about their marriage with him being gone for long periods of time and not seeing Halen for lengths of time too. I hope what he will be doing is safe. I'm a worrier...

    I finally ordered my bike rack and the hitch gets installed tomorrow. I found a high rated rack for a good price so I'm pleased. Now to figure out if I can sell my bike and get a different one that suits my knee situation, height, getting on and off easily, etc.

    I hope you had a good weekend and are relaxed to face the week. The sun is out again here and it is suppose to get into the 30's this week. Winters not over yet but we can feel and see the end coming.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    So exciting about the new granddaughter!

    I totally get what you are saying about worrying. I am a champion too.

    yes, Caleb had decided at the last moment for the cancellation window to withdraw. For him he was more willing to cancel because they were saying that it was likely that the countries would be changed (i.e. probably no Germany) and that was what seemed to tip him. Whatever, while I am sad he doesn't get this trip, I am still really relieved. I believe he will have other opportunities.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    With what is going on in Eastern Europe who knows what is going to happen and how it will affect Europe in the near future. Putin is an idiot and I hope the Russian people turn against him. C made a smart decision and I hope you get your refund.

    We took my car in to get the hitch on. It is still there and we go back to pick it up later. We walked at the mall and I was able to walk a little further, just under a mile now. It is hard for me but I will go the distance eventually. Lots of seniors walking the mall before the stores open, 50-100 people maybe? We went to a bike shop in Traverse City to scope out new ebikes that have the features I want for on/off entry and exit due to my knees, handle bars and seat that provide an up right seating, good components, etc. We found one I hadn't considered and I put some money down to hold it while I continue to think about it. I really don't think the local bike shop is going to decide to sell off a used Norco ebike and if they do it won't be priced much lower than what I would pay for this new one. I'm leaning towards just buying the new one I put on hold because it meets all my requirements. I have the month of March to decide and can get my money back if I don't buy it.

    I am so tired of winter and just want to get outside and dig in my flowers, plant the garden in the troughs we bought, ride my bike, hike, and sit on the porch. Is that too much to ask?

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    I was able to book a campsite in MN at a county park near our old house for June 6-13. We are going to go for a week, see Rory and Hannah and any friends that want to get together. I'm amazed I was able to get a site. Reservations opened at 8am MN time today. Now I will check MI and WI state parks/private campgrounds and see if we can fit in a few more mini trips. I find the reservation process so frustrating.

    Hope you have a wonderful day. I'm off to sign up for the gym in Suttons Bay and get oriented to the equipment.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    Well - it's happening again. Bernie is out of a job. I really thought Flexcon was it. But I guess corporate disagreed and thought he wasn't getting enough done. I should have encouraged him to start the hunt a couple of months ago when he brought it up. I am so over these ups and downs (and downs and downs and dowwwwwnnnn). Sigh. And I shouldn't have been so aggressively paying off the mortgage because I have depleted my savings. Oh yeah, and just bought a freaking truck. Good grief. And owing taxes. So much fun.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    I'm sorry Bernie lost his job. That is rough! Will he have many options in your area and how is he doing? Don't beat yourself up about aggressive payments. That is wise and you didn't know what was coming. Is he emotionally ready to begin the hunt?

    I finally got my hair cut yesterday. I went short. Chin length with side swept bangs. It feels so much better!

    The local bike shop called me and offered me two different bikes. One is the one I've wanted but now I'm stressing about which is the better buy, the one I put down a deposit or the one I've been interested in used. I'm going to look at the used one today and hope I can ride it on a dry street. I didn't get to test ride the new one yet so won't be able to compare.

    I joined the gym yesterday and did a short work out with cardio and some weight machines for upper body. I have a long way to go.

    I hope you can keep the stress down in your household during this difficult time. I hope Bernie hits the pavement to find something new so you can feel less worry and stress. Hang in there!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    Yay for new hair and bike options. I hope you can give each a test and get the one that fits you best. You just keep working it!

    We jumped on the resume re-building last night. It's a different ball game now since he has so much more experience trying to balance getting the right stuff in without have four pages (and getting it back to two has been almost impossible). There are several job possibilities locally. But as realist I know it's easier to get a job when you have a job and the ones open have been open for awhile and that means internal issues usually. But gotta do. I want to scream and cry and walk away, but I have to put on the we are partners face and drive the bus through this. I am the resume writer, cover letter writer, interview prepper, company researcher.

    Here we go
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    Ready, Set, Go! Send those resumes! Unfortunately, Bernie may have to take a job that is not his dream to keep the family stable. C going to college, etc....

    I drove in to town to see the used bike I was offered to buy. Just before I left the snow started falling so there was no way I could test ride but I did go see it. I wasn't impressed over all with its condition. The color was cobalt blue just like the new one I'm looking at. It feels lighter, I can lift it to get on to a rack. I liked the handle bars and it was an easy on and off. I didn't like the electronics for viewing mph, distance ridden, etc. Not as nice as what I have currently and what is on new bike. I was told it is a 2021 model and ridden only last summer season as a rental. It is pretty dinged up so I assume riders fell or didn't treat it well. For the price they are asking I would hesitate to purchase unless it rides like a dream. It did not have the seat feature that makes the seat go up and down with a push of a button. That model is suppose to have that but the guy told me it wasn't on that one. It's the reason I wanted the bike so not so sure I would pay the price for this one. For $450 more dollars I get a new bike never ridden and better components, no dings... I put money down and plan to ride both when we get a nice day. Then I'll make my decision. Leaning towards the new bike if it fells good when I ride it.

    My sister stopped by and visited for awhile today. I hadn't seen her in a couple of weeks.

    We are watching Maine Cabin Masters and going to have cheese, crackers, veggie tray for dinner. Still snowing outside! Spring is a long ways away.