The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    not his appendix, inflammation near his colon (per this appointment) will continue an antibiotic and is already feeling much better. That is good to hear. Hopefully it doesn't recur.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    I'm jealous of your cut and color. I had to cancel my hair cut the first week of January prior to surgery since I had to quarantine after my covid test. When I made the appt I didn't know the process. So now I wait for a cut on 3/1. I'm not going to color and just see where the gray goes at this point.

    If I feel ok tomorrow morning, Russ and I are going to the indoor mall in Traverse City to walk. I know the drive there will be longer than I can walk but I need to get moving and build strength. I want to be able to get out and walk outside when the snow melts but that could be late April.

    I was very lazy today. I read and watched tv all day. I did do two sets of exercises but that's it. My friend called to check on me. She has an antique store in a village near by and hardly any customers this time of year. I've asked why she doesn't close for the season or only open on friday and saturday but she likes the routine of going to work, dusting her collection, taking inventory, etc. Not my thing. She had lung and brain cancer many years ago and still smokes although she has cut back. Tomorrow she gets her annual CAT scan. She mentioned she doesn't see the need to get them any more and I told her she is a member of a small group that survives lung cancer past 5 years. She should continue to get them so she can be treated if it comes back. I'm sure she is scared to hear what they see. I wish she and my sisters would all quit smoking but their addictions are very strong.

    I'm glad Z took his friend to the ER. That was a smart decision. I agree his parents should take him to his doctor and get checked.

    I wish I could tell you how to manage your hot flashes but I can't. I had them for years and still do occasionally and probably always well according to my doctor. You could speak to your doctor about them. There are some meds and over the counter stuff that may help. Otherwise, look into essential oils or herbal supplements. Do you have a chiropractor or physician in your town or Omaha that takes a holistic approach? Acupuncture can help too.

    Half way through the work week tomorrow!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    We walked at the mall today. It went well! I didn't have any knee pain and made it about .5 miles. We sat on a bench one time for a bit and then shared a meal in the food court. It felt good to be out and moving. We will try to go there 2-3 times per week when I don't have PT. PT ends in two weeks any way so we should be able to go at least 3 times per week after it ends. I ordered two pairs of walking shoes to see which I like best. My current ones are old and worn. One pair, New Balance, will arrive next Monday and the other, Gravity Defyers for knee pain, will arrive the next week. I'll walk around the house and see what fits best. I have New Balance right now and they have been a good shoe. I like the ones with the thick foam sole.

    Warmer today so snow is dripping off the roof. Driveway is icy so I still haven't driven. I'm sure I will this next week. The swelling has gone down in my leg so mobility is a little easier. I'm just worried about moving my foot from accelerator to brake easily.

    Well small victory today. It's national pizza day so we are going out to a local bar for pizza tonight. Russ gets cravings and he has to feed them.

    I hope you are having a good Wednesday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    Great job on the out and about walking. WTG!!

    I finally made an appointment for an all over skin check. It's a group that comes to Columbus once a week in the visiting doctors section of the hospital. I have seen the other two derms that come to town in years past and refuse to go them anymore. I am trying this bunch - they are 'just' p.a's but giving it shot. I don't know why it was so hard for me to make the appointment. I should have called them two months ago. But, at least I finally did it. Not looking forward to getting bare for some random dude, but there you go.

    I like New Balance and Asics. I treated Caleb to a pair of Brooks last year for a gift. He seems to like them.

    Taking tomorrow off.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    Enjoy your well earned day off! Good for you for making that skin check appt. I need to do the same but medical bills are starting to arrive and money is going out the door. Not ready for one more check up just yet.

    New Balance and Aesics are my favorite walking shoe. Hopefully one of the pairs that I ordered works. I never heard of the gravity defyers but saw them and decided to see what they are about.

    We will walk again tomorrow at the mall. I'm sore today from PT and walking so I want to give my hip muscles a break. Tomorrow we will go to the mall and then I have PT on Monday so a day of rest in between.

    My sister who has the large kidney stone and stent is miserable. She has 4 more weeks until they blast the stone and take out the stent. She is in a lot of pain and feeling very down. I offered to visit and distract her for a bit but she isn't interested today.

    I just zoomed with retiree friends in MN. Always fun to catch up. One is at her parents winter house in AZ. She is so tan and enjoying the warm weather. Another just got back from Mexico and another is going to Palm Springs next week. We need to get our road trip to St. Augustine planned for April so I don't feel too left out.

    Well, Russ went to the shooting range to shoot his gun. I'm going to read a bit and relax.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    aaaaahhhhhh.... today has been so nice. Slept late, then drove to town for bagels and coffee. Had breakfast with Caleb (who is off school). Putzed around the house. Finally took a framed puzzle I inherited from Pat (Bernie's first stepmom and only one I really loved) to get re-framed in something more my style. (backstory Pat and I did this puzzle 25 years ago while grandpa Bernie was dying and we called it the love puzzle and she had it framed and said when she died it would be mine). Her frame choice was really gold and ornate and I finally decided to get it framed in something that matched my home more. It's been years and years. Drove to Walmart for poppables, putzed around more. Put a turkey in the oven that I had started thawing over a week ago. Just lots of nothing. So nice. I had picked up another 40 lb box of chicken last night from the meat place and spent an hour and a half trimming them to my personal preference and bagged for the freezer. Plenty of protein available for Caleb who is mowing through them like crazy.

    chats with Caleb, bagels, coffee. Pretty perfect. My cynical side says it will flip soon, but loving the nice feeling for now.

    Sorry your sister is feeling so terrible. I have heard those stones are terrifically painful. Not cool.

    I am trying to figure out my table decorations for Caleb. Zach's decorations came together quite well. I am not very crafty, but with his golfing it worked out. I loved the vases made. I took these like 8-inch vases, filled with golf balls, wrapped a black and maroon ribbon around, put a maroon fake flower in and then put a pick in with a senior picture/baby picture. They were pretty great if I do say so myself.

    If we go with the husker theme I could maybe find some black/red/white beads to fill the vases with, do a black/red ribbon and then Caleb's picture, maybe.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    Has C decided on University of Nebraska-Lincoln? I remember I just did snack bowls of M&M's, pretzels, etc with confetti on the tables, no vases. The humidity did a number on the pretzels though.

    It sounds like you had a wonderful day off. I'm glad it was so relaxing and you had time with C.

    Yesterday I was lazy, recuperating from Thursday's PT and Wednesday's first 1/2 mile walk at the mall. Russ and I just returned from mall walking again this morning. We went .52 miles, which is walking every hall way and main hall in a big loop. It is about a 20 minute walk at our current pace. Lots more people there shopping since it is Saturday. I look forward to being able to walk twice around the halls without getting tired or muscles getting sore. I can feel my weakness. I know I need to be patient too. We will walk next week on Tuesday and Friday if weather allows us to drive to Traverse. I think it is suppose to warm up mid week so that would help.

    The sun is out and blue sky above! We are seeing more of this recently. Last night a lot of snow fell and we have big drifts on our decks and in the front yard. The snow piles from plowing the driveway are big! A kid would love making a fort in those.

    I just plan to read this afternoon, maybe watch some TV.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    We took the day off walking at the mall. My knee was a little swollen when I woke up and I decided to rest it for tomorrow's PT session. Russ was so kind to clean the house today. When he was done he said, "happy valentine's day early". So even though he initiated it, by saying that it is implied that it isn't something he would normally do.

    We portaled with Jeff, Karah and Miles tonight. Miles is crawling, pulling to stand and cruising furniture. He is definitely more active now. He started daycare this past week so they can focus on work during the day. He also hot a cold in the first week of daycare. Of course, I'm curious if it is Covid but they aren't going to test or worry about it. Karah has an ultra sound on Tuesday and they will confirm the gender of the baby.

    We need to set our dates to drive down to FL. I'm thinking leaving 3/29 and arriving by Mile's first bday on the 1st of April. We want to scope out snowbird rentals down there and possibly book for next winter in February.

    I hope you had a great weekend.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    Pt worked me hard today. It was very apparent how out of shape I am with some of the mini tramp bouncing, leg work and marching with high knees to promote the bending.

    Russ surprised me with a Valentine's card. We don't usually acknowledge the day except saying Happy Valentine's Day. We went out to dinner in our little town and had a yummy chocolate lava cake for dessert (shared).

    Both of the pairs of the athletic shoes arrived today. I had hoped I would really like one over the other so I would send one back. I like them both for different reasons. I'm going to keep both so I have options of choosing depending on what I'm doing. Shopping here is not good so this saves me time in the future. They won't wear out as fast with alternating between the two.

    Tomorrow we will mall walk and then go to my sister's house so Russ can set up her new TV for her.

    Hope Monday went well for you.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    Monday was mostly good. I slept through my first alarm, but I do always set two, but it still set a sort of discombobulated feeling for the day. Last night we went to a Valentine's dinner show. The acapella groups Caleb is in had a dinner where they performed. It was a fundraiser for the program and a chance to perform their sets before the competition season begins. It was very enjoyable. Only a couple more months of this before he's done. It would be amazing if he found a group to sing with in college. I think it would just be a fun diversion. His classes will likely be very difficult. Anyway, my folks came down and brought one of my moms friends as well (Verna Mae). Verna Mae never had children and her husband is gone and I've always loved her - it was great they could all make it for the evening. The weather cooperated so no scary driving.

    We had been looking at trucks for awhile and this weekend found one that seemed to match what we wanted. I lost my mind and got Bernie a new truck. I seriously have a problem. Inside I am still made and hurt at how he treats me and I still go out of my way to try to make him happy. I have a sickness.

    Great job on grinding out the PT. I know it's hard, but it's paying off!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    I was booted out of MFP again. They must have updated. I book marked the link for this discussion the last time you gave it to me so was able to get in to chat.

    I drove today! Russ and I went to Traverse to walk at the mall. I tried out one of my new pairs of shoes. They are called Gravity Defyers and are specific to prevent knee pain. They come with corrective inserts to maintain good alignment of body and legs. I could feel that as I walked and could feel the soreness in muscles that haven't had much use. I made it around the mall one time again (our 3rd visit). I'd rather build up slowly so I don't get too sore when I'm still doing PT. Only 2 PT sessions left. I'm going to call the local gym tomorrow and see what it costs and if I can get a code to get in and to go and work out. If I join, I will work out for a few weeks and then check in with PT again and make sure I'm maintaining range of motion and building strength. If I regress, we will schedule more PT. If not, I'm done.

    That is so nice you all were able to get together to see C sing. Did your parents and friend enjoy it?

    You don't have a sickness. You take care of your family and that is good.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    My legs were pretty sore last night from wearing those new shoes with corrective posture inserts. I may take those out and put in the ones they came with inside the shoe.

    Russ is gone all day so I'm watching shows, baking cookies and attending to the dog. It's almost 50 degrees so part of the long driveway is bare of ice and snow. I took Charlie out and was able to go to the end of the driveway, back up and around the island using my hiking poles for stability. No knee pain and felt good! I'm ready for dry, snow/ice free pavement and road.

    I called the gym. They have gone to a 3 month minimum membership at $40 per month for a single person. You get a code so I could work out whatever schedule I want. I'm thinking about it and may join through May. If they let me hold or delay some months I would defer summer and resume in the Fall. Not sure they do that but will ask.

    My grandson, Miles, has a bad cold and is not sleeping well. I'm worried it is Covid because he started daycare last week. They are keeping him home and taking him to the doctor this morning. I'm anxious to know what doc says. Jeff and Karah texted he was having a rough time of it. We portaled with him on Sunday but night and yesterday weren't good for him. I'll probably text them tonight to check in. I don't want to bug them but I need to know if he is ok. I wish they would get vaccinated!!!!!!!!!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    Miles has a double ear infection and was put on amoxycillin. His first daycare cold.

    I had PT today and he said I'm way ahead of others that have had the same surgery. Where I am at 6 weeks is typically 8 weeks for most. Yay!

    I'm shopping for a bike rack that will hold my heavy e-bike. I called the bike shop in town yesterday and asked if they are selling any used e-bikes from their rental fleet. They might be. I said what I was interested in buying and they took down my name and number. Fingers crossed...they also gave me a tip on how to price my bike and what I can ask for it on FB Marketplace. Very helpful!

    Lazy day!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    I'm sorry to hear to Miles is so sick. that is just miserable. I swear Zach's first year he was sick every six weeks - and he had ear tubes by his first birthday - and boy what a difference that made. There is no good answer is there. Zach was sick pretty much constantly as a baby and his later years has been pretty healthy (knock on wood!!!) and Caleb who didn't go to daycare as much has been sick more later on.

    So you are wanting a different e-bike? Good luck finding what you want!

    It's supposed to be 60 Sunday and then back to zero next week. Crazy.

    Congrats on driving. That had to feel great and for progressing so well in your recovery!

    Today Caleb has to make final decision about his Europe trip (well final decision to cancel and get refund). They have announced that they have to be vaccinated (which I figured so we're good) but also have to have a negative test three days before. And if they pull a positive at that point no refund. Cripes. and they will have to test at each of the countries they visit. Sigh. I know he wants this, but I hope he changes his mind. Too many chances for my heart for him to be bumped and then the money is gone. But, we've told him it's decision.

    I am feeling really weirdly down this week. I think turning over my car so Bernie could get the truck is affecting me. I didn't expect to feel, well sad to turn in my car. How stupid is that. I still have a vehicle to drive it's just not the same? I don't know. I don't have any good reason for being sad except it was the only car I had ever picked out fully on my own and I did enjoy driving it. And Bernie's all happy and shiny and I'm not. Sigh.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    ok - so Caleb said we should withdraw him from the trip. I'm relieved, but also really sad for him.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    Did you have a leased car you liked and then turned in for his truck? That is very kind of you. I don't know that I could have done that.

    I think kids who go to daycare get all sorts of immunities built up prior to kindergarten and so do parents. Daycares are a germ fest and so are schools in my opinion.

    Wow! No refund if tests positive for Covid 3 days prior? Not even half? I guess they've made the group payments and tough luck. Is it a significant amount? They should have a deal that a student can buy insurance for that. Maybe talk to your agent and see what might help if that happened.

    Today we are straightening up the house. Steve and Kathy, farmer friends and classmate, are bringing pizza tonight. We are supplying the dessert and drinks. Our life is quiet, but we are more social as a couple here during Covid than we were in MN. I was social there but Russ never went out and we rarely entertained.

    Here is a funny! Kathy posted on FB this morning that they were bringing pizza to our house for dinner. Russ stopped at the pharmacy this morning to pick up a wrist brace (fell in driveway yesterday) and the lady says "Banta"? Didn't I see your name on FB? You had pizza dinner with Kathy and Steve last night. Russ told her that would be tonight. Small town and county...many know each other and are related.

    Well I'm going to zoom with the retired ladies! Yeti Fest Chili Cook Off Tasting tomorrow. I'll let you know how that goes.

    Happy Friday! Miles is doing better and meds are working for double ear infection. We will be leaving to go to FL on 3/30. His birthday is 4/1. We are going to the Alligator Farm!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    with the Europe trip - it was presented and signed up for before the pandemic and even though we bought the 'insurance' it does specifically state it doesn't refund for pandemic related issues - of course we didn't have a pandemic at the time and it wasn't on anyone's radar.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    That is unfortunate about the insurance. What does it cover for?

    We had a great time last night with our friends. They came at 6 and it was after 11 when they left. The wind was howling and the snow was blowing. They had a treacherous ride home with very poor visibility. We were all unaware sitting inside and talking.

    We didn't go to Yeti Fest to the chili cook-off today. Too cold and windy for us so stayed in and watched some of our shows on Magnolia Network, formally DIY Network.

    Tomorrow we will mall walk if weather permits driving to Traverse City.

    I'm finally moving forward on getting a hitch on my car for a bike rack. I need a bike rack that will hold a heavier bike or two. E-bikes weigh 45 lbs and up. Russ is call about getting a hitch installed on Monday. Then when we have that, I will purchase one of the racks I've looked at online. Not a cheap purchase but badly needed for transport and keeping the bike safe and in good condition.

    Have a great Sunday!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    We walked this morning. It was kind of hard for me and I still only made it once around the mall. I have my last PT session tomorrow so I hope I'm not too sore tomorrow. We will increase to 3x's/week walking once PT is done and hopefully I will be going to the gym a couple times per week. I'm anxious for snow melt so I can be active outside.

    I'm lazy watching The Lost Kitchen on Magnolia Network and looking at clothes catalogs for spring tops.

    Hope you had a great weekend.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    Last PT wow!! You are doing so well!

    The travel insurance covered things like regular sick - i.e. pretty anything but Covid, breaking a bone, a death in the family.

    Saturday I started on my taxes and freaked out when it is showing I owe over $3000. What the what? The only change last year is that I got my child credit paid throughout the year (which of course I didn't want it that way, but the gov't in it's wisdom) so I don't know what the heck. I still have one in college, one in high school. We had modest salary increases and did not jump tax brackets. Didn't cash out anything. I do them myself (always have because our tax situation was always fairly simple and because cheaper) in Turbo Tax and the program 'sucked' in a lot of information automatically. I don't know if I should delete everything and start over? Getting a few hundred in my child tax credit paid out over the year shouldn't cost me $3000 now. But I don't really know. I'm afraid I may have to find someone to look at work, and then the last few years should be done too and who knows how much that would cost. Maybe do a version with Zach on his own and see if all that I am getting to pay could be found as money back for him. I don't think I am smart enough to muddle through this. Sigh.