The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    it sure felt like spring here yesterday - it was over 70!! A bit cooler today and then warmer again, but I'm sure that will fall off. I like to call this fake spring.

    I think Zach might be coming tonight for Spring Break. Wow, can't believe it's that time already.

    I hope you get to test both bikes soon!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    We might see 50's on Saturday. So much snow on the ground! I will wait until next week to test ride. I think it is suppose to rain Sunday and Monday so maybe the roads will clear when temps are in the high 30's next week.

    Exciting Z is coming home! He is almost done with this year. How is Bernie holding up?

    I went to the gym today for my second time. I have to reign myself in and do it gradually. I rode the stationary bike for two 10 minute intervals, did upper body weights and weight machine for glutes. 45 minutes was enough.

    I am beginning to try an intermittent fasting approach to eating to see if I feel better and can burn some fat. I am going to eat within an 8 hour window and fast for 16 hours. Basically eating between 11:30am and 7:30pm. I'll see if I can do it and if any positive effects happen. Paired with resistance exercise I'm hoping to eliminate some inches.

    You are lucky to get such warm temps this time of year.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Zach should be at home by now. He stayed up in Wayne last night to go out with friends. I am so glad he has friends!! Almost done with his junior year. He'll have to reach out and see if he can (if he wants to) intern here again this summer. There is a leader of the IT department, so who knows if he'll change things.

    I try not to eat until 10 am and then not after 7 pm, but I don't know that it really helps me aside from giving me a smaller window to eat in. I still manage to eat too much.


    Way to go on getting to the gym
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I hear you about eating too much within the window. I've done that in the past and am trying to stay aware of that. I eat lunch, one snack, and dinner so far. Who knows if it will help or not. I'm trying to drink lots of water too but constantly have to go to the bathroom. I was up twice in the night. I hate that. I'm sore from the little bit I've exercised. Always out of shape...

    How long will Z be home for break? Does he want to come home for the summer and work?

    I just downloaded all of Jeff and Karah's wedding pictures so I can pick what I want to print.

    Tomorrow I have a busy day. I'm meeting an old classmate to look at his mother's jigsaw puzzles (tons of them) to buy some off of him. She has Alzheimers so doesn't do them anymore. Then I'm meeting my friend Laurie for lunch. We may go to her house to watch a movie in the afternoon. She is a movie nut and has hundreds!

    My bike rack arrived so Russ is going to put it together in the morning so we can learn how to use it. I need to check and see if my bike has been tuned up so I can pick it up this next week.

    Rory and Hannah went to Phoenix for the weekend. I hope they are having warm, sunny weather. It was a sunny day and tomorrow will hit 50. Melt snow melt!!!!

    The coyotes sure are prowling around here at night. Tracks go across our property at the bottom of the driveway into the pine grove and along the property line towards the orchard.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    It has been raining hard since yesterday afternoon. We had lightening and thunder last night. It has washed snow away on the driveway and road but there is a slick layer of ice under the puddles. The snow hills are going down. If the weather stays warmer we may get lucky and get some of this stuff out of here. March and April can still bring snow but at least we would have glimmers of spring.

    I spent yesterday picking out puzzles, 6 of them, having lunch with my friend Laurie, and then we went to her house to chat and watch a movie. We watched Dear Evan Hanson. It was good and about those high school years of insecurity, etc. That sparked a discussion about our time in house school together and would we go back and how we are now. It was a fun day.

    Russ has left with his new guy friends for another gun show. It's what these guys do to have guy time together on Sundays. They are hunters or like to shoot at the range. Nice of them to include Russ. It is in Grand Rapids, MI which is at least a 2 hour drive each way. I hope they have safe roads. Charlie and I are lounging and watching Food Network. This afternoon I will go with my cousin Polly and sister Becky to a concert at the Old Art Building in Leland. The Accidentals and some of their Nashville musician friends are playing, discussing songs they have written and the story behind them and playing those songs for us. The Accidentals are from Traverse City and graduated from Interlochen Arts Academy near here (international arts school). Russ and I saw them in Mpls twice and really enjoy them. They are young an very talented.

    I hope you have had a good weekend and relax today or enjoy C singing if he has a concert.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Just enjoying Zach being home. Trying to act like I'm not worried and all is good in the world. As word gets around people will of course ask if everything is ok. And you what drives me nuts. It's not like you can actually be honest. If you open yourself up and say, no it's not ok right now. It's always the ridiculous platitudes. Oh well, it's all for the better, better job will come along, you're in a good position. Whatever. You know what? Then don't ask if a person can't honestly state how they are feeling at the moment. Feeling mad, sad, exhausted, broken - whatever doesn't mean you won't come out the other side. Sigh.

    Did Rory have a good trip?

    Spent some time working with Caleb prepping him for his scholarship interview. Hopefully he took what I gave him and is doing the practice and the rest of the prep.

    He is excited that Runza will soon be closing (they are tearing down and rebuilding). He already has over 17 months doing the fast food craziness, most of that during the heights of a pandemic and he is over it. He is ready to be done. He has been holding on and not wanting to quit so he could finish strong.

    Have a good night!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    You must feel so stressed about Bernie's employment status. I'm so sorry you are going through all this stress and worry.

    C really has hung in there with his job. That shows a good work ethic and is good for his resume that he was a long-term employee at his age. WTG C!

    The concert was really good. My cousin got sick so didn't go but my sister and I went. We got there early enough to get front row seats so that was fun. All attendees had to wear masks so I felt good about that. I picked up my sister and drove her home. We had a glass of wine at her house before I drove to my house. She is remodeling master bathroom so wanted to show me tile, grout color, paint color and fixtures she has picked out.

    When are C's interviews? Is Z excited to almost be done with this year and what are his plans for summer?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Snowing like crazy. So much for going to Traverse to test drive the bike I have on hold tomorrow. I did make it to the gym this morning but wouldn't want to drive farther than 1.5 miles to town and back. Bad roads today...

    So far I have been doing the intermittent fasting since last Thursday. I'm eating 11:30 to 12, one snack if hungry mid afternoon, and then dinner around 6pm. I allow myself a cookie or something before my 7:30 deadline. We shall see if I can keep it up and if it is positive for my body. It does give more energy I think.

    Will spring ever arrive? I know it is only early March here and it can be our worse month but winter feels so long this year.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    was this the sister who has been really sick with the stones? Is she finally feeling better? I sure hope so! Your concert also sounds fun.

    Caleb has his scholarship (3-panel) interviews on Wednesday afternoon. Whoo, butterflies!

    I mentioned to Zach that he needs to email Behlen to see if they will have an intern opening for him this summer. I know he doesn't really want to think about it yet, but with the changes he needs to at least reach out so he knows one way or another.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    My other sister went to the concert. The one that has been ill gets her kidney stone blasted next Monday and they will remove the stent and put in a new one for two weeks. I hope this is it for her. She still feels bad.

    I checked in with my PT today. All is great and I won't be returning. The gym is going well and bike season will begin in a month and a half or so.

    Good luck to C! I would be a nervous wreck. Did Z seem interested in an internship at Behlen?

    Sunny day! Russ and I went out for lunch as our big meal of the day. Salad tonight... He is putzing in his wood shop and I'm relaxing in the den with Charlie.

    I've decided to buy the new ebike rather than the used one. I think I'll be happier with it and it checks the boxes.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I picked up my bike from its tune up at local bike shop today. They told me they would rate it in very good condition and it's value as a used bike is about 1600. I paid 1550 for it. This is a little lower than he told me over the phone before he saw it. Either way, if I could get 1600 for it, my investment in my new ebike would be a few hundred less than what I paid for this one. Sounds good to me...

    After I pick up my new one next week, I'll take pictures, write up a description, and post on Marketplace and Craigslist. I will list it after we get back from FL mid April.

    Lazy day. We went out to breakfast, Russ had a lab appt for blood work, and we picked up my bike and my sister's and delivered to her. We put them both on my new bike rack so I got to see how it works. It will take practice for me to get on and off car, load bikes, take off, etc.

    Hope all is well with you. Good luck to C today with his interviews!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    fake spring is gone, we have snow and cold again.

    I went to the different derm (pa) I made appointment with awhile ago. He thought my skin looked fine. He zapped a few with cold to supposedly wear off some of the spots that bother me. We'll see if that works. They are sore today, but still there. He didn't really explain much about it. All in all I'm not sure.

    Bernie was fortunate to have a couple of interviews this week, but it still feels like everything is going so slow. And keeping everything light and easy and sunshiney for Bernie.

    I can see Zach has been enjoying probably too many adult beverages and not cutting other calories or exercising more. He has put on quite a bit of weight. I don't love that for him. Just like everyone in this family, we are prone to weight issues and I know overall he wont' be happy.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I'm glad Bernie has had interviews. Does he realize he may have to take something that is not top choice to make ends meet? It sounds like you are having to take care of his emotions rather than yours. I've noticed that with Russ at times. I think men just can't handle difficult times (illness, job problems, etc.) as well as women. They don't have the same coping skills and need lots of attention. Drives me nuts...

    I hear your concerns on Z. Rory watched his weight in college and ate a Paleo diet, worked out, ran...He has gotten very large now. He eats a lot of fast food, he and Hannah go out to eat, and he drinks beer all while not working out any more. I wish he would get back on track. His paternal grandfather and father had and have Type II Diabetes. His grandfather was up to 300lbs in his 40's when he was diagnosed. Russ has dropped a lot of weight over the last decade. Rory has been laid off and I asked if he was a member of a gym and working out. Not! He has definitely inherited habits and body problems of his parents. Jeff and David have stayed trim and fit.

    So is the PA saying you don't have any spots that he/she is concerned about now? I've had several spots frozen off over the years and some cut out. I really need to follow your example and get checked again. I'll ask my primary to take a look in June when I see her.

    I am going to the gym and pharmacy this morning. More snow expected to arrive by Friday eve/Saturday, then warmer temps next week for the great spring deception!

    Enjoy your day!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Yes. I definitely have to take care of Bernie's emotions. On the occasions I put up a fuss about how I am feeling it seems like something bad happens - i.e.this. It's just SO MUCH. As long as I pour everything into making things smooth and easy he's smooth and easy. But never any reciprocity. Sigh.

    That was my impression from this PA was that he thought my skin was fine. Not sure about this freezing thing, they are just swollen and weird right now.

    Caleb had his scholarship interview yesterday. The panel was the president of the Chamber of Commerce, someone from the Superintendents' office and one of the Dean's from the community college. He thought it went really well. I sure hope so. I looked at the list of the past recipients, there have only been two guys, all the rest gals. I think they're due for an awesome Mr. C on the list! Got some more essays to try to get Caleb interested in working on, but I am feeling low and I know he is too - he knows what is going on and is likely feeling my stress even though I'm doing everything I can to keep it from him.

    I'm going to try to remind Zach again about all the empty calories in the alcohol (and the inevitable burger meal that they get too) and that he had promised me to add in some exercise to his week this year at school (like take advantage of the Rec Center). I don't want to make him feel bad about himself, but I just worry.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I hear you about the worry but it has to come from Z. If he is not motivated or hit his saturation point of food and alcohol, he isn't ready to make changes. I would guess that Bernie is unaware how much you do to take care of his emotions and keep everything going smoothly. His nature is not to do that for you. Guys seem more ego centric too.

    I have reached the big 61 years today. Wowzer!!!! Where did the years go? I'm grateful to make it this far and hope I live many more years, but it is a shocker to be in my 60's. I don't feel I look it and many tell me I don't, but my body sure feels it in my joints. We are portaling with the grand kids today and going to an Asian Fusion restaurant in a cute town south of us. The weather is sunny and blue skies so a nice day for a drive and dinner by Lake MI.

    So much snow! It may snow again tomorrow but warm up next week. I hope a lot of it melts. We will be in FL in 3 weeks!

    Have a nice day and good luck to C. I hope he hears soon and gets some money. I think more girls apply for those scholarships than boys. I couldn't get my boys to do anything about it. Glad that is over too.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    The restaurant was good. We were one of only two tables of people when we got there at 3:30. Great service! I had a seafood stir fry with veggies (lobster, crab, shrimp, scallops). The sunny blue skies turned into lake effect snow and practically white out conditions on our way to Frankfort. As we got closer to our destination, the snow stopped and the sun came out. So much for a scenic relaxing drive there. We were lucky on our way home to have a sunny drive with clear roads.

    I went to the gym this morning and did a 50 minute work out. I'm tired today so probably need to look at my water intake and what I'm eating to gain more energy. Russ bought me a couple of the cottage cheese with the fruit to be added. I'm eating a blueberry one for a snack. It packs 14 grams of protein but also has 10 grams of sugar.

    I joined a group on FB for people living in west MI that ride bikes on west MI bike paths. I want some more trails to ride and am willing to drive a little distance to see new scenery. So far, very helpful info.

    Russ is busy cooking an amazing chicken dinner with recipes he saw on The Kitchen, a Food Network Show. I feel like a lucky gal that he enjoys cooking so much. I made him a fried egg sandwich a few nights ago, haha! He appreciated it since it was a no dinner night for him. I never did make him a meat loaf dinner this winter. I'll plan for it either this month or wait until Fall.

    I hope you are having a good weekend.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I went to the gym this morning and then to a market to buy home made sourdough bread. My sister has her kidney stone blasted and the stent taken out today. I'll go over to her house about 4pm and be there when she gets home. I'll make her a light dinner if she wants to eat and spend the night. She has Costco's Tomato Basil Soup and I'm bringing sourdough bread and a salad.

    Still cold and snowy here. I hope to pick up my bike on Wednesday even if it rains. At this point I know I'm buying it and may just pick up if I can't take a spin around the parking lot.

    Hope all is well with you and yours.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Mmm - sourdough bread. I printed off a recipe for 'chicken shawarma' recently and Bernie has used the seasoning/marinade three times in the last couple of weeks. We all have really enjoyed it. He hasn't even done on the outdoor grill yet because the weather hasn't cooperated, I bet it would be even better then.

    Zach wrapped up his break and took off Sunday morning to head back to school. I barely saw him since he slept most of the day, but as usual I enjoy having him in the house. It was really nice that Caleb wanted to spend some time with him hanging out on the couch. I think Caleb is having some friend trouble and felt the need to step back from his online time and get some distance. While I loved seeing them together, I am sad he is having trouble. It's like isn't there enough bad going on?

    We just continue to wait. Bernie has put out over twenty apps, while it was great to have two interviews - there has been no additional contact. For all the places crying about needing people, they are back to being very cautious.

    It is so great that Russ has turned into such a good cook for you guys. Enjoy that!

    I hope your sister has good results and is getting much relief from her trouble.

    Yuck - daylight savings time. YAWN
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Chicken Schwarama sounds good. I love Indian food!

    I slept at my sister's last night and feel like I hardly slept at all. She was up many times in the night moving about and going to the bathroom. They blasted the stone and put in the new stent. She is on a pain killer because the stent is uncomfortable. It will be removed April 4th. She is probably napping right now. I came home about 11 and see a recliner nap in my future. It is sunny and 40's today. Hope to pick up my bike tomorrow or Thursday before it snows again on Saturday.

    I feel very lazy and have no motivation today. I'm glad you had time with Z and C home together. When is Z's last day of the semester?

    I'm sorry Bernie isn't getting many results. How is he feeling about it?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I picked up my bike today!!! I was able to ride it at the store. It felt so much more comfortable than my current bike with an easy on and off for me. I will need to take it in mid April to get a rack put on it and buy a new bike bag. Their inventory is still coming in and I want choices.

    The snow is melting. Temps are in the high 40's to 50's this week. We are suppose to get a storm on Saturday but I know by the time we get back from FL it will feel more spring like.

    Has C heard anything on the scholarships?