The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I had a pedicure at noon. Always feels good to have nice feet!
    Pouring rain and continues to do so when I went out to my car. We need it! South of us will get the brunt of the rain, high winds, potential tornado, etc. I hope there are no deaths or damage if it does happen.

    I am washing the last of the bedding and my own clothes. I am going to order some prints from Google Photos for my frames to update the pictures of grand kids, families, Rory and Hannah.

    My cousin Bill has agreed to take my friends and I on a pontoon cruise next week. I'm thinking a sunset cruise if weather and sun are good. I looked into cruises on the bay in Traverse but they were $48 per person and we would end up sitting inside the boat due to small deck. Didn't sound worth it to me.

    The rabbits ate my whole Yarrow plant I just put in the ground. Rabbit Out did not deter the baby rabbits. I wonder if the roots will produce a new plant next spring? It is a battle against wildlife in the country when it comes to bushes and perennials.

    We ate the sugar snap peas from my garden in a stir fry last night. I am going to replant more when I pick the last few that will arrive soon.

    Stay cool and take some time to do something fun for yourself.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Heat index 117 degrees today 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Wowzer!!!!! How awful for all of you! Stay in the AC and pray it keeps working. That is Los Vegas weather in the summer. Is this unusual for NE? About 84 here today and humid. I feel lucky!

    I am going to the chiropractor and then need to begin making beds downstairs. We have had a lot of rain and maybe more today. I need to check the garden and see what needs to be picked.

    Stay cool!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    There is usually a week or two that gets gross, but this week is definitely unusual. It's brutal, the poor folks on the manufacturing floor. I thought I was going to pass out just driving home because my car was so hot and the a/c couldn't even think of cooling it. Hopefully the worst of it will be over after this weekend.

    Have a good adjustment.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Hey, hey it's Fri-yay.

    I need to go to the eye place so they can put the new lens in, but I can't stand the thought of being in my car for the extra 45 minutes it will take. They aren't open Saturday so I can't go 'early' before it gets hot. I am hoping Monday it won't be so bad. The heat will be back next week, I am just hoping I can get this taken care of before it roars back too much. And that this roasting will pass soon.

    Zach has an interview at BD next Wednesday! Woo-hoo. Both Bernie and I are going to have to tamp down our blathering at him about, 'do this, study that, practice this,' - which are all true, but I can see in his face he is getting ticked off. We are just excited and know this could be a great fit, and how important the prep and practice is. For all the reports of low unemployment, a lot of job openings and getting a 'desired' degree - the job offers still haven't been falling from the sky. Come on, no whammies.

    Have a great weekend.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I will send positive thoughts for a job offer to Z. I agree, back off but on the other hand he may act like he doesn't want to hear what you have to say but does take it in. Rory is like that... Instead of both of you, could you or Bernie gently talk to him? Would he be receptive?

    I went to water yoga today. It felt great but the water was a little cold because they drained, cleaned and refilled the therapy pool yesterday. I came home a different way to avoid road construction so it took me almost 25 minutes driving time. Normally 15 minutes...

    I picked almost the rest of the sugar snap peas in my garden. I don't think more will grow and a few need to mature more. I will replant for a Fall harvest and see if it goes well. I pruned tomato plants and had to tie some up because the branches got too long and even the basket didn't help. I picked one jalapeno today. For the effort it takes, I'm not sure this is all worth it, but I do enjoy whatever grows by my own effort.

    Russ just got home with a pizza. Easy dinner tonight! Stay cool! We are portaling with the AK family tonight.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    I got Zach to agree to doing some practice interviewing with Michele. Yes!!!!! I would probably have the same advice, but he is open to working with her. So huge. He is excellent at shooting from the hip, but practicing never hurts. Yay!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Oh and Friday heat index, 125. 🔥🔥🔥🥵🥵🥵🥵
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    You are baking in NE! I hope the temps break soon.
    Good news about Z practicing with your sister. Maybe he wants the job pretty bad and realizes he needs to use his resources?
    A little cleaning left tomorrow and we are ready for our Monday guests.
    Nothing new here to report.

    Stay cool!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Dusty Roomba is doing his work as I sit on the deck. Basement bunk room is ready, guest room ready, guest bath room clean! Tomorrow I will wipe down kitchen counters, sink and appliances and let Dusty vacuum in there. Russ is smoking ribs for our dinner tonight so no point in cleaning today. He is a very messy cook but much appreciated.

    Our 30th anniversary today! Russ was married 8 years to his first wife and I was married 6 years to my first husband. So 44 years of marriage combined. Over half our lives! Not an easy road but we are content where we are now and what we are doing. Communication is still questionable and always will be but we manage.

    I tried to plan a family dinner for the one night Rory and Jeff overlap visiting us. Timing just didn't work out this year to have them here at the same time due to Jeff and Karah's schedule. My niece and her family will be vacationing in east MI and my sister Becky will have house guests. I told my sister Lynn to come anyway so she can see the boys.

    How are you faring in the heat?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    drove in to work in a deluge this morning. Hoping that means it will keep the heat down a bit for today so I can drive to the eyeglass place and get my lens replaced. Without roasting too much.

    Happy 30th! What a wonderful time and place you have come to in your lives.

    Enjoy those special guests!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Zach spent some time Michele doing some practice interviewing. She said he was pretty well prepared. I am surprised and happy. He and I have been knocking heads, just getting annoyed with each other. I'm glad even if it doesn't seem like he cares (to me) he really does and is working (even if I never see it).

    His interview got pushed to next Tuesday. Which is kind of a bummer. Zach is like me and having too much time can be a definite detriment. Hello overthinking and looping thoughts.

    More rain today. While the moisture is desperately needed, I don't enjoy driving in it, and I ended up with wet shoes all day. Yuck.

    Hair day today. Thank goodness, my bangs are crazy.

    Hump day.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    My friends have gone to bed and I'm checking in. Busy week! Running around seeing sites, cidery visit, shopping, etc. Of course the day I plan to eat dinner out at a restaurant with a patio and have my cousin take us on a pontoon cruise, it rains buckets! We changed our dinner plans and canceled the cruise. Hope to have a cruise tomorrow but weather may be the same in the evening. Always thinking of Plan B and C.

    I think Russ is ready to have the house quiet again. Jeff and family arrive Monday so he will have two days of peace. He is a good sport putting up with me and all my visitors.

    Great news about Z doing well with his interview skills. My kids always took direction better from someone else than me. He will find his way. I hope he gets the job.

    Humid and in the low 80's here. Cooled off after the rain. Hope tomorrow is decent. I'll check in again after friends leave.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    What a whirlwind of a week. Yesterday was a boat ride, shopping, and dinner in Traverse City. This morning, the ladies stripped beds, washed sheets and remade the ones I need for Jeff and Karah. One of them vacuumed all the areas they used and cleaned up. Not much left for me to do. Wash towels, clean tub and toilets, grocery shop, put out toys for the kids. I am tired! They left a bit ago and I am enjoying the peaceful time and gearing up for Monday.

    Hot and humid here the last two days. Winds and rain off and on in the past two days also. Raining one minute and sun out the next.

    Hope you have a good weekend. Jeff and family arrive Monday.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Get some rest between your visits. Hugs!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    My sisters, cousin and I went on a boat cruise this afternoon. Beautiful, hot and sunny day. This morning we went to a pancake breakfast put on by the Lions with our friends. I saw a lot of people from the past I hadn't seen in 25-45 years. Russ and I bought our first sweet corn of the season. We are having some for dinner with burgers. Yum!

    Tomorrow I will lightly clean and vacuum, put toys out for the kids, and then go on a bike ride with my sister. I have a dermatology appt and errands Monday morning and they will arrive Monday afternoon.

    I hope you are having a nice weekend.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    What an amazing visit! We have had quite a streak of rain, but the level of drought was so severe it’s barely made a dent. It’s a help but still needs more

    Hope you get a a fast rest and pumped for next visit

    Zach is still getting ready for his interview
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I just need to put my plant stand and plants in the bedroom, wipe down kitchen and have Dusty Roomba vacuum the kitchen and mudroom. Russ is going to vacuum the stairs for me tomorrow. He is almost done with the sand and water table he made for the kids. It will be so fun! I put baskets of books and toys in the living room and down in their bunk room to keep kids entertained. I have water and sand toys outside for the water table. Lots of bubbles!

    My sister and I rode 18 miles on the trail by my house. My legs are out of shape. I haven't ridden enough nor have I made it to aqua fit consistently this summer. I am looking forward to a better exercise routine in the Fall. I need to get out and walk more and just go on shorter rides for my knees.

    I'm glad you got rain. We have had quite a bit lately so that is good for my garden. Good luck to Z!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Tomorrow's the day for Zach's interview. He's been studying hard. I hope it goes well.

    Another week, here we go.