The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Today was overcast, rainy off and on, but fun. We went to three wineries (Russ even joined us as designated driver). The first winery I had a cinnamon/honey coffee non alcoholic drink (hot). We ordered two appetizers which were very good and sat inside. The next winery I had not been to in 2 years and they have done a lot of reno. It was so nice. We sat outside under a pergola with clear shades to keep rain out and did a wine tasting. The next winery we were able to sit out on the patio over looking the lake, did a tasting and ordered a couple of apps. Very nice afternoon with Rory and Hannah. Now they are cooking dinner for us. Honey lime chicken tacos with a corn dip and chips.

    Cooler temps but slightly humid here. We are lucky that it does not get miserably hot here (so far) like it does in MN and NE. I hope you get a break from the temps soon.

    If companies don't hire someone, do they let them know they didn't get the job and thank them for interviewing? It use to be that way in my younger years (phone call or form letter). I still hope for Z!

    The birds are going crazy for our bird feeders. So many different types. It is very fun to see all of them come to feed. The hummingbirds are piggies. Sucking in the calories so they can migrate. The male has been standing guard on the pole where one of the feeders hangs. He chases away others so he can have all the food.

    I hope your audit goes well.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Your day with Rory and Hannah sounds so fun

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    internal political shenanigans - Bernie is hearing from over the wall they didn't go through the internal posting procedure before bringing in outside candidates for interview - and internal gets 'first bite.' So frustrating - they shouldn't do outside interviews if there are internal candidates eligible. HR screwed the pooch - Zach isn't technically eliminated (and they supposedly WANT to offer him) but can't until internal make their way through the process. So disheartening. Plus on the BD website another IT job was posted, but it's more basic, so Zach can put in for it I guess, but it's less than his abilities/skills - and who knows if or what's going on for sure. It's not like he's got action going anywhere else.

    I can see he's wearing thin on it too - his energy was so high for the first week and a half after the interview, but now he's falling back into staying up at night and sleeping the day away. I came down on him again and told him he had to be up and start doing stuff again. Trolling the job sites and put in more resumes, start online tutorials or classes. I never imagined would be so hard for him to find meaningful work. Everything states how this degree 'guarantees' many job opportunities. MMmmmm yeah.

    Gawd it's hot.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    MN friends say it is unbearable there too. 100 degrees and 78% humidity. Ugh, I would be miserable and inside in the AC all the time.

    Cool but slightly humid here. 60-70's here with rainy episodes throughout each day.

    Today Rory, Hannah and I went to the distillery for tastings, to a local bakery/sweet shop for cupcakes and cookies to bring home, and then a glass of wine at a winery. Tonight we are using the new pizza oven to make personal pizzas. I need to go pick basil in the garden. Hannah is making herself a marguerita pizza. I may too, or add mushrooms and sausage.

    I hope all works out for Z. I sometimes wonder what human resources is thinking but I know in our school district they had to post publicly even if they were hiring internally. I don't understand it.

    Positive vibes for Z!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Hopefully tomorrow will be much more moderate temps. This has been a baaaaddd stretch.

    Do you like your pizza oven?

    Friyay eve - then I think a cocktail is in order.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    The pizza oven is great! We made pizzas on Wednesday with Rory and Hannah. Last night they took us out to dinner at a local Inn. I made an egg bake and fruit for breakfast. Rory is helping us with a couple of house things this morning. Later we drive them to the airport and they fly home. We are guest free for two weeks and then my friend arrives from MN. She has agreed to help me wallpaper the guest bathroom, maybe the wall in the laundry room if I get it painted on the other 3 walls. She is going to help me begin knitting Christmas stockings for the grands and we will entertain ourselves going out and about.

    I hope you got a break in the temps. Humid here but still cooler temps. Lots of gray clouds and rain this past week.

    Have a nice weekend!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Husker volleyball is back! I watched that tonight and had a couple of cocktails. The horrid week is over. The blessed weekend is on

    Sounds like a great visit with Rory

    Maybe a pizza oven would be a fun gift for B (and me).
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Russ bought an Ooni Pizza Oven. It is silver medal on the outside and does not have the built in thermometer. He has one he uses that is hand held.

    I think this is the one that he bought.

    They sell it in a bundle with the pizza spatula, cover, and gas/propane burner. He did not buy the bundle but should have. He added the propane burner after we tried making one with the charcoal/wood. Difficult to control heat with charcoal so we like the propane to use through winter too. They have many levels of this oven. Ours is cheapest.

    Our neighbor's house went up for sale yesterday. We walked over and snooped, peeking in windows and checking out the property. We think they are already living in Costa Rica. House is empty after the estate sale. My sister the realtor, sent me the listing. The property, landscaping, pole barn, covered back porch, and privacy are really nice. The house is an odd layout but with the out buildings and 3.5 acres, it will sell quickly. In think it needs to be gutted and redesigned on the inside. Master ensuite is very strange. Small kitchen, dining and living. Great room concept would go a long way to being more comfortable. Beautiful spot! Fingers crossed we get good, nice, quiet neighbors.

    Only in the 60's today and the dewpoint is 49%. Yay! We are going to take a walk on our acreage and drop some soft apples we never ate for the deer. Good day for a short hike.

    Our local high school vball team has started their season. I need to go watch some games. Good for you relaxing with a beverage and enjoying some games.

    Have a great Sunday!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I volunteered at Power Books this morning and then Russ and I launched the kayaks for some water time. The wind was stronger than we anticipated so we were only out about an hour. The waves were getting bigger and we had to paddle against the wind for the first half. Russ went back to the YMCA this morning to start his work outs. He is already pretty sore since we kayaked in the wind too. I am going back to my Aqua Fit tomorrow morning. I need it badly. My joints are sore from inconsistent activity. We did go on a walk the last two days but I need some cardio and strengthening exercises.

    I have been washing comforters, blankets and sheets from the kids' visits. I need to get the guest room ready for my next visitor but have some time. At least two - three more loads of bedding to be done.

    Any news for Z?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    We had a short reprieve from the heat but it’s coming back again by Thursday for another stretch. Crikey.

    I got a wild hair to go through things for donating and getting rid of. I have been harping on Bernie to get all the crap he shoved in Zach’s room well before graduation but as usual he wasn’t ready and Zach claimed it was fine. Well it’s not. If he’s going to live here his room is not also going to be a third garage stall anymore. Zach and I got everything drug out. The sorting has begun. His room looks so much better. I rewatched all his clothes and sorted out too small things. He likes it being emptied of the totes and boxes. We drug a recliner in there. Much homier. I also tore my closet apart. We have a lot to drag in to goodwill and the other places that take stuff. Bernie still has a lot to go through. He really hates getting rid of stuff.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Zach did get a reply to his follow up email to his BD interviewer. It stated that due to the Holdrege plant shutdown he had a few more interviews he had to go through unexpectedly but planned to be finished sometime this week and would be reaching out again. So not dinged yet. Zach did also put in for another IT position they posted last week at BD. It’s a lower level than the one he interviewed for but if that one doesn’t work out maybe he can still get his foot in the door. Still knocking on doors.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Tomorrow evening over 90,000 volleyball fans will pack Memorial Stadium for the largest volleyball game ever. Possibly the largest women’s sporting event ever. GBR!!

    Yeah, it’s a stunt to get the “record” but does keep pushing volleyball and women’s sports forward. And the hype videos are 🔥🔥🔥😘

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    WTG Z!! Fingers crossed for one of those jobs.

    Good for you going through stuff and purging for give away. Russ and I need to get to those boxes in the pole barn but we seem to always have something else that gets pushed ahead.

    Our heat is escalating this week and we should reach 90 by Labor Day. We haven't hit 90 all summer. It has been cool and rainy in the past 2 weeks so it will be a change.

    We are going to my cousin's beach house on Saturday for a family picnic. Our job is to bring vanilla icecream for the peach cobbler that one of the cousins is making.

    Jeff and Karah are preparing for the hurricane and tropical storm in FL. He was going to sand bag today so water doesn't breach the garage. His pool will probably be a mess from what the wind blows into it so he will have to clean it out and shock the water.

    I went to aqua fit class this morning. It felt good to be back and moving. We have lots of errands tomorrow but I will go again on Thursday. I need a consistent exercise routine again.

    Has C said how his classes are going?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    the couple of texts I have exchanged with Caleb seemed upbeat. He's not very far into the semester, so we'll see. I sure hope he's done changing majors (and going strong on continuing).

    I hope your Jeff and fam fare this weather system safely. Nebraska has dispatched utility lineman ahead of the storm. Safe wishes for all.

    Hump day already!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Russ and I had an errand day in Traverse City. We went to the paint store, Costco, Wild Bird store and then drove to around about way home and stopped for a mid day meal/dinner. I have refilled the hummingbird feeders (again, little piggies) and picked quite a few tomatoes and jalapeno peppers in the garden. I will either freeze the whole tomatoes we don't eat for soups and chilis or roast and freeze for veggie meals.

    Tomorrow I go to Aqua Fit to get in another work out. I may go to a little village an hour from here with my sister and cousin on Friday. If not, I will go to water yoga.

    I think Rory changed his major 3 times and still wasn't happy at the end. He is finding his way and will get a good job with benefits as an electrician. I hope he stays with the 5 year plan to becoming a journeyman and moves forward. Hannah and Rory have moved into their town home and had to be out of their apartment, all cleaned, by tomorrow. I hope they get all of their deposit back. Rental companies try to rip off occupants when they leave, in my opinion. Hannah will be on top of it though.

    That's nice that your state stays on top of the electrical issues. I can't say that about MI. The infra structure here is old and patched, not updated. The whole state has issues with infra structure.

    Only 60 degrees with sun today. I dressed for Fall weather. Trees are changing color...
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    World record attendance for a women’s sporting event. GBR!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    eh - was trying to show the official attendance - 92,003 - not just a volleyball attendance record, a U.S. record - but a world record attendance for a women's sporting event. Good job Husker fans.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Friday eve
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I saw the story on the national news about the attendance at the Husker vball game. Wonderful! Broke the record for attendance at women's sporting event/game.

    I went to aqua fit today and then came home and prepped the vanity for painting tomorrow. We are anticipating a very hot weekend here. Beach day on Saturday at my cousin's beach house will be welcome.

    I harvested a lot of tomatoes in my garden yesterday. I am still getting serano and jalapeno peppers, herbs and tomatoes. The second batch of sugar snap peas is growing well. The nights are getting down to 40-50 degrees so I will need to keep an eye on overnight temps in case I need to cover plants.

    What are your weekend plans?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Not sure. More sorting and purging - hopefully getting several loads taken to the places that accept donations.

    It will be hot again. It's also our 28th wedding anniversary tomorrow. I'm curious if Bernie will even attempt to do anything. Mmmmfffftttttt...

    Hopefully Zach and Bernie can find a range to hit at before it gets too hot. They have been golfing a few times, but Zach really needs (and wants) to get some range time in because his shot has been really off. But, it will be super busy everywhere I'm sure.

    Well - maybe today will bring news from BD. Still clinging to hope for good news. So nervous.