The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Happy 28th Anniversary! Quite a feat with all the ups and downs in a marriage. I am amazed we are at 30 years.

    We go to the beach tomorrow. I have two coats of paint on the bathroom vanity. It may need a 3rd. I still have to put drawers in and cabinet door on to paint while they are installed. Russ has to check the hole behind the light fixture in the bathroom so I know what style of light I need to buy this week. Right now it is Hollywood lights with wood and gold metal, ugh! I want brushed nickel and updated.

    My oldest sister, Lynn, came over and looked at my paint samples for the laundry room. We chose a bold, dark paint to put on the walls and my pine tree wall paper will be on the accent wall. It will be a dramatic room but the darker paint will look nice with the white cabinets and appliances.

    The hummingbirds are so aggressive right now. They are fueling up for their migration and don't want to share food at the two feeders. Crazy to watch.

    I hope Z hears from BD soon.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    It was really windy and rainy yesterday with beach warnings for dangerous currents. We switched the beach picnic at my cousin's beach house to Monday. Very windy and sunny today but still beach/current warnings on Lake MI.

    I was suppose to volunteer at the theater for the 4:30 show. It is so hot, 90's, that tourists are all at the beaches. I went to the theater to do my shift and the guy that showed up last time during my shift was there to help out. I don't know if they are scheduling two people or if he just likes to be busy. He is a little quirky along with the employee that sells tickets. The movie was Jules. Never heard of it and it is an unfamiliar movie on aliens/ET vibe. I said if they didn't need me, I wouldn't stay. They felt they had it covered so I came home and put another coat of paint on the drawers and cabinet door of my vanity. Tomorrow I will hang the door, paint the front of the door two coats, and then see if drawers and door need a 3rd coat like the base did. I will paint the ceiling and freshen it up this week. Whoever did the first paint job on the ceiling, didn't know how to paint. We will buy a new light fixture on Tuesday, and also pick up rollers, ceiling paint and mudroom paint. I have decided to wait on painting laundry room until after my friend leaves. I will ask Hannah, Rory's girl friend, if she will help me do the wall paper on the accent wall in laundry room at Christmas.

    I harvested more tomatoes, basil and parsley today. I made marinated tomatoes for our chicken wing and corn on the cob dinner tonight. I also marinated cherry tomatoes in a jar for tuesday's pork tenderloin dinner. Two different recipes...

    Relaxing tonight, more painting in the morning, and then beach in the afternoon tomorrow.

    Hope you are having a good weekend.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Happy 3 day weekend to you! I bet you're glad you get to stay home today.

    I have filled the hummingbird feeder and my new one arrives tomorrow. I broke the one that the birds prefer so ordered another so they can fuel up before their migration south.

    I will continue my painting of the vanity in a few minutes, coffee first! I have to put the cabinet door on the vanity and paint the front of it. Hope to have two coats on by end of day and also hope the drawers and door don't need a 3rd coat. The rest of it has, ugh! Then on to painting the ceiling before Kris arrives on Sunday. Not looking forward to that. How can painters/home owners do such a poor painting job on ceilings? Some of the rooms in our house are pretty sloppy, not totally covered with more than one coat. I wonder if previous owners were smokers? Where ceiling meets wall are discolored.

    We go to the beach at 1pm.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Sounds like you were very productive and did some fun things.


    Zach had been wanting to get out to hit range and golf again after having a really bad round the other weekend so Bernie and Zach did that Saturday morning and early afternoon. I am seriously glad they did that. Zach needs that time outside and being productive. However, after cooking and cleaning Friday night (the chicken marsala that Zach wanted to help make again) and then spending hours and hours cleaning on Saturday. I don't know why but I thought after Bernie got home we would do something. You know, have dinner. But, he was apparently tired from golfing. He spent the rest of the day lounging. I got pissy that night after I ate days old leftovers and 'thanked' him for another delicious anniversary dinner. He claimed he was going to have a discussion with me about it. Yeah? When? Sunday I again got pissy since he was doing nothing for his items that needed to be sorted and the things I had sorted out needed to be loaded. He said he had all weekend yet. Welll, here we are Monday night and his big accomplishment was washing his truck. So, I'm just pissed off. Again. What an accomplishment. I've got this dishwasher that hasn't worked correctly for MONTHS and I have to put dishes beneath it to catch leaks. Then was those dishes because they are getting soapy water in them. And the dishwasher isn't washing the dishes fully. I asked snarkily when he would be having time to replace. No reply.

    Not starting another heck week off with a positive attitude. Whew.

    Church choir starts back up this week. Am I going back? I don't know.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Church choir may be just what you need to do something for you and you enjoy singing. Consider going back for you.

    Do you have the money to just pick out a new dishwasher and have someone deliver and install? Forget waiting for Bernie. Or have a repair man come out? When Bernie *kitten* about it, tell him you needed to move forward. It wouldn't cost much money if he would just fix things when needed.

    So you didn't do anything special for your anniversary? Then you deserve to do something that makes you happy or less stressed (new dishwasher, dinner out, take out, etc.)

    We had a nice beach day. It was sunny and blue skies and pretty windy. The wind helped us tolerate the high temps. Lake MI felt wonderful once we got use to the chilly water. The blues of the lake were beautiful today.

    It's nice Z was able to play some golf but unfortunate he doesn't know anything about BD yet.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Russ and I went to the Y this morning. He did his resistance training and I went to Aquafit. Our teacher had to leave after 30 minutes so some of us stayed and continued to run in the water and do stretches. Russ and I went to Lowes, Home Depot and Sherwin Williams for paint and supplies. Tomorrow I will do the first coat of ceiling paint on the guest bathroom and mudroom. Hopefully I can do a second coat by tomorrow eve or Thursday noon. I need to make up the guestroom bed, vacuum and dust in there. Also clean up guest bathroom so Kris can use it until we do wall paper. Why do I always make so much work for myself? I have to strike when the mood hits me I guess.

    Very hot, in the 90's for us, today. When we got home I laid on the bed to read and eventually took a nap. Lots of people still out boating and swimming due to the temps. Kids went back to school today but some released kids early due to no AC in buildings. I don't miss working in a building with sweltering hallways and classrooms.

    I hope your weekend ended well and going back to work today was smooth. We expect storms overnight and tomorrow which will drop temps going forward. I wish that for you too.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Let me tell you my story of just replacing something when I got tired of waiting for Bernie to fix or replace. Years ago (I mean like at least 15) the washer was on the fritz. Barely spinning out and I was obviously not happy to have a washing machine that didn't work - two little kids. But Bernie insisted he was working on it - blah, blah, blah. The thing is Bernie is handy, and sometimes does manage to fix things and that is amazing and obviously better than replacing something. However, if you try a few things and it doesn't fix it and/or takes weeks/months then well it's maybe time to move on. So, washing machine, years ago. I got fed up with the wait and went to Sears (of course now Sears is closed in Columbus along with the other appliance store) and bought a simple machine, and paid for them to deliver, install and remove the old machine. This was when I was in my 'stay at home' time but still working at daycare so I was making some money - enough for that. It was all going fine until Bernie happened to come home while it was getting installed, he had his freak out and wouldn't let them take the old machine away because he was going to fix it by god. More than 10 years it sat in the garage not even being touched other than to move it around occasionally. He finally had to haul it away (and pay another disposal fee) I think when he had to clean up for a graduation. So me forcing the issue for a new dishwasher... I'm not quite there yet. Because he has to make everything such a thing.

    I'm glad you had a good beach day and trip to Y.

    The temps have fallen off a bit here, so that is a relief.

    At least it's a short week.

    My anxiety is so high worrying about Zach and getting a job. I would really love to have everyone employed so I could just try to relax and maybe without the dread of being the only one employed to spend some time focused on me.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Bernie's working now isn't he? It will happen for Z and the wait often means the right thing will come along. Hopefully it is BD and he can stay in Columbus.

    Wow! What a story about Bernie's reaction to the washer replacement. That speaks to another issue going on with him but I get why you don't want to go there. If you gave him a choice, "fix it this week or I'm buying another" would he believe you due to last time, and get it done? It drives me nuts that men turn us in to such nags but then think we are nags. We don't want to be, but they put us in that situation. I don't know if they do it on purpose or it is just the male/female dynamics.

    The guest bathroom ceiling is painted. Now I need to get tape and plastic off the things we protected. Russ is painting the cover to the ceiling light/fan so it blends with the ceiling. A little discolored over the years...He is going to replace the fan component so it is updated and more quiet. All bathrooms need that replacement but the lights are fine. I need to spackle the towel rack holes and sand them down before wall paper goes up next week. I have one coat of ceiling paint in the mudroom but it will need one more tomorrow. Next we will prime the walls and I will paint the mudroom after my friend leaves.

    We are having very heavy rain today. Russ just discovered that water is coming in the roof by the chimney down to the basement. We need to find someone to fix it before winter. We are aware there are some problem areas with the roof by the chimney that need to be fixed. We've never had water before but the areas on the roof must be getting worse. This will get us to move on it!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    oh the joys (not) of home maintenance.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    so, yep there's a Holdredge employee getting the job offer that would have been Zach's if the plant hadn't shut down. Dammit. dammit dammit. And it doesn't sound like he has a shot at the other one that had posted because it's 'below his abilities'. Such a joke. I feel so freaking bad for him. And for me. Hello anxiety spike.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I am so sorry Z didn't get the jobs. I never get the "too qualified". If someone is willing to take the position as a starter, what is the big deal? What resource does Z use to find jobs he can apply for? Is there a job in town he can take until he gets employed in his field?

    Our back gutter is blocked which may be a big part of our basement water. The water was coming fast and furious at the foundation and not out the gutter spout. Fingers crossed our foundation doesn't cave at some point. I gave Russ the number of a gutter cleaner my niece uses so he could schedule him with his weekly schedule. Hopefully the guy is available.

    I went to Aquafit twice this week. I really like the group of ladies and men in the T Th class. Everyone is so friendly and social and wants to know everyone's names. Tomorrow is water yoga but my car needs to go to the dealer in the morning. Russ drove through water in the storm yesterday. It wiped out my Eye Sight on the car and all the lights on the dash are on from Brake to Check Engine. It drives fine so I'm hoping it is just a sensor or reset. I really want to go to yoga tomorrow.

    I have finished painting the guest bathroom and mudroom ceilings. They look so much better. I have a chiropractor appt at 3 today so that will help re align my body after the paining. Next I spackle nail holes, vacuum and dust for my friend's arrival. She won't care if we have clutter in places (painting supplies, wall paper, etc.) Her house is usually pretty messy because of her son who lives with her and her daughter and grand kids coming and going.

    I didn't sleep well last night. My knee throbbed and I had lots of hot flushes. I have an appt to see my orthopedic doctor on 9/27 to discuss shots or future surgery for my left knee.

    I hope you are having a good week.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    been trolling the sites like Indeed, Careerbuilder, Zip Recruiter, NE dept of Labor, going directly to the companies websites... maybe he can call the temp agency and see if they ever get IT postings. Usually they don't though.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Freaking friday - ....
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Something will turn up. Maybe the temp agency for any job to do while he waits for something to pop up. Would he go anywhere in NE or a neighboring state? Omaha?

    Well we had a day. Russ drove my car through water during the torrential downpour the other day. It wiped out a filter that caused the eye sight and other systems warning lights to go on, brakes, etc. We took it to Subaru dealer today and had to leave for a diagnostic check. We went out for breakfast, bought more paint supplies and then went to the Y while we waited. We didn't get home until after 4pm. The rear brakes need replacing, along with filters and a new part to fix what damage the water did. They fixed my passenger side window, finally. So car has to go back in a week when new part comes in and get fixed. Going to cost a bundle...

    Tomorrow I will do final cleaning for my guest's arrival. She arrives Sunday.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    The volunteer appreciation at the theater last night was nice. They had pizza, wine, beer, and cookies for us. The director of the non-profit gave a speech about how the theater is doing and the goals for the next few years with programming and building maintenance. I stayed and watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding #3 movie. It was cute but I wouldn't pay to see it.

    My friend Kris arrives today. I will pick her up at 2 pm at the airport. Russ will be baking a chicken and fixings for dinner. Kris and I will relax, take a walk, have a drink...

    Bathroom is ready for wall papering. Russ needs to get a light that won't roast us out of the room. We need to take down the old light fixture down to put paper up.

    I am looking forward to a fun week. I think tomorrow will be yarn shop hopping.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Kris and I have tentative plans to yarn shop, go to lunch and possibly do some hours at Power Books this afternoon. If we don't volunteer, we will begin our Christmas stocking knitting lesson for me. The weather is over cast and sporadic rain for M and T this week. Temps are rising again so we may hit 70 by Wed. Dew point is also rising unfortunately. I don't like humidity.

    I have woken up between 4:30 and 6 am for the last few mornings and can't get back to sleep. The house is quiet and I am having coffee and writing to you. Russ and Kris are still sleeping.

    The deer arrived in the yard last night to eat the apples that fell off the back yard tree. I hope they come back and continue to feast on them. Kris and I went for a walk after dinner down the farm road to the furthest neighbors driveway. They have a row of Honey Crisp trees by their driveway. We don't pick them until they have and not without their permission. Many apples were laying on the ground under the trees, so Kris and I picked one for each of us. We haven't tried them yet.

    I think the plan is to wall paper the bathroom tomorrow. I am thinking we should go to Aqua Fit first and wall paper in the afternoon since it will be a rainy day.

    I hope you had a good weekend.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Sounds like some good plans laid out with your friend. I hope you have a great visit.

    It's the start of another week. Just trying to get through. I sometimes wonder if Bernie was hit in the head too many times during his football years. I swear he just doesn't 'get' it.

    I enjoyed watching volleyball on tv Saturday and somehow got Zach to go to church with me. So, I'll have to take that as my win for the month.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    What doesn't Bernie get? The usual? Was NE playing vball?

    We went to two yarn shops today, one was closed. I found my Christmas yarn for the stockings at the second shop. We went out to lunch, stopped at Power Book Bags to say hi and give Kris the tour, then home to start knitting. Russ cooked the Skinny Taste ground turkey sloppy joes we like and Kris and I kept knitting. She is working on the green stocking and I'm working on a red one. They are both for me and will probably be for Miles and Layney. Then I will work on those for Halen and Ellis. I am going to felt them in the washing machine and then decorate them and stitch their names on them. Not sure if they will be for their houses or use them if they come here. Probably send them off in the Christmas box and if they are coming for Christmas one year, bring them with.

    It rained all day and will be raining tomorrow morning supposedly. Tomorrow we are wall papering the bathroom. If we get done in a reasonable time we will go to a winery. More knitting tomorrow eve and then going on an outing with my sister Lynn on Wednesday.

    We will do Aqua Fit and possibly Water Yoga Th and Fri.

    I haven't been sleeping well so I just made a sleep drink to try. I saw it in a sleep article. 8oz milk, 1 tsp organic honey, 1/4 tsp whole nutmeg grated, Ceylon Cinnamon to taste. I warmed it up in the microwave. Not bad. I think it is suppose to help produce melatonin. Fingers crossed I sleep through the night tonight. It has been 3 nights that I haven't done so.

    Off to bed!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Your visit is off to a fun start aside from the sleeping. I hope your drink helps. I started taking melatonin awhile ago and also a slug of liquid benedryl. Sometimes it helps sometimes not. Another thing to hate menopause for.

    Yeah I watched husker volleyball on Saturday night. They play Stanford tonight. This will be their first big test.

    Rolling on
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Just knocked off Stanford for the first time since 2008. GBR!!!!!!