The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Weekend was ok. Had a great time having a few drinks with Zach and watching the volleyball game Friday night. Bernie and I went to the service Saturday morning. A torrential downpour was moving through the area we had to drive through, so the drive there was pretty stressful. But we made it, paid our respects and stayed through the service. We dipped out right after and had lunch at a nice place in Norfolk. It was a nice lunch.

    Bernie had managed to get some volleyball tickets for the Sunday night game (last night), but then Caleb decided he couldn't go since he has tests this week. Sigh. I was never interested in GOING to the game especially since I get up at 3 a.m. on Mondays but it worked out. Bernie found a couple of cousins who were thrilled to get the opportunity to go with him. I just wish Caleb wouldn't have said he was like to go to a game. Whatever, it's fine. Bernie had fun.

    Hope you keep healing well. Your wallpaper looks great!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    That would have been hard to get up after the game but being there in person is always exciting. I'm glad you had a nice lunch together after the funeral. That was nice of Bernie to get the tickets.

    My cousin who we moved into assisted living texted and said she has tested positive for Covid. I was with her Friday and Saturday. Russ and my sister Becky were with her Saturday. I don't have any symptoms as of yet and went to Power Book Bags to volunteer today because I didn't know I had been exposed. I am going to take a test Wed morning before my orthopedic appt. If I'm positive, I will cancel and notify the two people I worked with at PBs. I hope we don't have to cancel our trip to Mpls next week. I am not going to aqua fit tomorrow morning just in case I am positive. The spot on my chest is not totally scabbed over yet so I don't want to risk infection. This all really bites!

    We are having beautiful weather and colors are emerging on the trees daily.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    My first Covid test was negative! I hope it stays that way. I will test again on Thursday or Friday.

    First coat of paint is on the mud room walls. Thick paint! I hope I don't need to do 3 coats. I will do second coat tomorrow. I was sweating after the first coat and took a shower. Lazy day, staying home due to the Covid exposure.

    Hope you are having a good week so far.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Ah Covid. The gift that keeps giving. Hopefully you stay clear. Your friend who is positive is ok I hope too. Today I was back at the dermatologist for more moles freezing. Since I met my deductible back in February no reason not to keep having him working on those spots all over my back. Tomorrow is my visit to the primary doctor. We will see if anything new. Last time I was in their office I ended up getting Covid a few days after. Coincidence?

    There have been another group of consultants at work this week. Michele wasn’t asked to attend the week long meetings and then yesterday the organizers made a big deal because she wasn’t there. 😤. Now she is being painted as not willing to work with people who want to improve the company. I swear they won’t be happy until everyone who worked for Phil has quit
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    The waiting at the primary doctor’s office. Ugh! Now they demand a fifteen minute early arrival and it doesn’t change the time you get back to the room. And then wait more. It’s so annoying
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Still waiting…..
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Wow that is really unfair to your sister. They are probably creating ways to document reasons for letting her go? Hope not...

    My cancer removal on my chest is deep. I hope it heals and is not too noticeable. I went to the orthopedic doc this morning. He says my xrays show my left knee could be replaced. I can do PT first and then surgery. I am thinking no later than February for the surgery. We want to begin our bucket list traveling next Fall so I need two good knees.

    You may as well do any medical procedures you need if you have met your deductible.

    Today I met a friend in a town nearby to walk. My knee was struggling. I wish I could find some good walking shoes that help my joints, have good cushion and give good support.

    I finished the painting of the mudroom. It looks good! I am going to re paint the entrance door a creamy white to match the closet nook. Russ will find a new light for the ceiling, recessed, and all will be done. Tomorrow he will install white outlet and switch covers. The previous owner had that off white and they are grungy. Next is the laundry room after my guests leave on the 15th.

    Russ and I are thinking of taking a trip to Nashville in November. It has been on our list for a few years. We want to listen to good music, see the city, and try a few restaurants owned by a Food Network Chef we like. A family friend
    has an Airbnb there so I will see if we can rent it.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Let's see so each time Michele has gone into the meetings she has either been insulted or yelled at. She has been in tears everyday - and she never does that. Things are so great. I hate these people.

    So yesterday the primary who has never been on me about running slightly high on my lab numbers occasionally, had to give me 'lessons' on what I should be eating. Which is basically how I eat everyday. "Focus on protein - not just meat, whey" - I do protein replace everyday - not too much fruit (only one or two a day is what I do) - limit carbs - I do - etc. I really do work on eating well. Obviously I could do better - but he didn't even mention my nearly 18 pound loss since last year. And making sure I exercise - which I do and told him I am walking almost an hour six days a week. Come on!! Then this time he was all bothered that I had been going to the dermatologist P.A. not a 'real' one - so I need to. A new one came to town recently so I'll try him. The other two 'real' derms I have seen in the past and they were monsters so I refuse to see them again. Whatever.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I wonder why your doc is being so picky. 18 pounds is a wonderful loss in one year. Did he focus on any positives during your appt? I like P.A.'s. They spend more time with the patient, are thorough and take time to connect.

    Your poor sister. Why is she being treated so horribly? Are they trying to make her miserable so she quits? What does she say about it? Have they been targeting you at all?

    Today my friend Mary (the one I walked with yesterday) and I went to Traverse City and discovered consignment and second hand stores, went to lunch at a place I had been wanting to try and found a boutique going out of business that all was half off and jewelry was $5. I bought two shirts for about $8 each. I found a Vera Bradley Weekend Bag for 30.00 (retails much higher). I don't think it was ever used and the print and colors are so cute. We went to farmer's market that had the coolest pumpkins. I'm going back there after we return from Mpls.. I love the warty pumpkins and they had all kinds. I also saw blue/green pumpkins which were so pretty. I bought some peach jam and mini sweet peppers. We stopped at a bakery that has been around since 1929 so it is the kind of bakery from my childhood. I had never been in there but I remember my Dad use to buy my Mom's birthday cakes there and have them personalized. I always loved the frosting roses on top. We sat on a patio at a burger place since the day was warm and sunny.

    I need to buy some new protein powder for smoothies. I also need to build up my veggie intake like I did last winter/spring. I got a lot of walking in yesterday and today. Good for me since I haven't been to the Y while waiting for my cancer spot to scab over.

    Water yoga tomorrow!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Oh - what a nice and FUN day it sounds like you had. Shopping, great food and good memories. Win!!

    It hasn't hit me directly because she is standing in the path of the vitriol, but basically the whole team is part of it, because the way we do things is stupid. Mmmmhmmm. Remember none of us are programmers - we (mainly Michele) has had to come up with ways to work within the system to get things done. She/we have always said there have to be ways to get things done 'smarter' but no one IT has time or desire to spend making new programs. So we work with what is there. We have to get *kitten* done and frankly it's disgusting how awful they are to literally the key person to making almost everything in the place work. There is not a single person in this company that doesn't come whining to Michele to make her figure out how to do something all the way from order entry to billing to shipping to engineering to planning to scheduling to forecasting to builds to level outs - in all branches in all business units. The current leadership will be thrilled to get rid of everybody who worked for Phil and TR (the "O.G's"). Because everyone from 'before' knows Jr was never smart enough to be the top leader and every 'new' person he brings in won't know how little his brother and father knew he could handle - and they won't care once they figure it out on their own. They'll just suck up their ginormous salaries while it all falls apart. They won't care about the people on the floor that rely on this place to feed and home their families. In no way were Phil and TR perfect, they did a lot of crappy things themselves, but the culture of family and working together and knowing where things stood is what made people want to climb on their train and stick out the bumps. They were always hard-core true to their building blocks and global values - now it's just.... Hunger Games.

    Sigh -

    It's Friday at least.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Are you still putting out feelers on jobs for you? That place doesn't sound long term or if it is, it will be a miserable place to work. Hard to show up 5 days per week when the work environment is demeaning, ineffective and unpleasant.

    I searched my new Vera Bradley Bag (used) online. It retails at $155 but I paid 30.00. What a deal! Clean as a whistle and not used. I'm guessing someone got it as a gift and didn't like it so they took it to the consignment shop.

    Today I went back to Traverse City, got my oil changed, shopped at Hobby Lobby for frames and Christmas embellishments to sew on my knitted Christmas stockings when I get them done. Then I went to the Y for water yoga. That felt good.

    Our washer is having issues. I guess we were suppose to be running the clean cycle one time per month to keep it free from mold and sludge building up in the agitator. I've never had to do that in a washer. Well it is releasing dark flakes all over our clothes that smudge and stain when touched. We are trying to figure out how to clean the washer and get rid of the sludge/mold. I will need to go to the laundry mat before our trip. I don't want to put clothes in there until we know it is clean. We have done greater than 10 cycles with bleach and vinegar trying to
    release the sludge but it just keeps coming. Russ is going to attempt to take the agitator out and clean it. If it gets clean I will run the clean cycle monthly. I didn't even know we had a clean cycle. I never looked at the manual closely. Lesson learned... I hope we don't have to buy a new washer.

    I hope you have a nice weekend. I am going to go to the cemetery tomorrow and collect the plants and plant hooks from the graves. I will be too busy when we get back from Mpls with the ladies arriving on the 12th. I will put the plants on my porch and water them until first frost, then toss them.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Woke up to rain, lightening and thunder. My farmer friends offered me free apples, Ruby Macs and Buckeye Galas. I guess both kinds are good for eating and cooking. I will go over today and get a box of them. I will share with my sister and take some to a friend when we go to her home for dinner tonight.

    I finally hemmed a pair of pants and stitched and fixed a waist band of another. I must sit with a lot of tension because my back hurt when I went to bed. I had to put some medicated pain relief cream on my back so I could sleep. At least the tedious chore is finally done. The pants have been sitting on my chair in the bedroom all summer.

    Russ is cooking a nice breakfast this morning. We rarely eat a nice breakfast at home or go out for breakfast anymore.

    I hope you are having a stress free weekend.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    My friends were packing the apples when I arrived. I didn't want too many but they packed a good size box of each kind. I gave some to my sister and a friend. The rest are in the pole barn until we return. I will make apple sauce, apple cake, dehydrate for snacks, and freeze slices for future coffee cake/pie.

    We went to friends' house for dinner last night. A very nice evening of talking, wine and dinner. We were there longer than I anticipated so I'm a little tired today. Getting old...

    Today I have a chiro appt, lunch with the same friend before she goes back to Ohio on Thursday, and am taking her to volunteer with me at Power Books today. I just need to pack toiletries and blow dryer and am ready to leave for Mpls tomorrow morning.

    Life is feeling very busy. Happy Monday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Sounds busy, but good busy.

    Are you just seeing Rory and Hannah in Mpls or do you have other friends to see to?

    It's my moms birthday this week, so I am feeling the guilt to go up and see her. I shouldn't feel that way, but my folks stress me out and I am just full to brim of stress and anxiety. We'll see.

    Have a good trip!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I will be having lunch with retired friends and we will see Rory and Hannah after work. We are staying in their new town home they bought. Hannah works from home most days and Rory is on site doing commercial electrical work.

    There are a few places I want to go while we are there. We are having dinner at Hannah's parents' house Thursday eve. We plan to come home on Saturday.

    I am not taking my computer so will not be checking in until Saturday or Sunday.

    Have a good week. Good luck with your Mom and Dad.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Hope you are having fun.

    I had a message on my voicemail from the doctor office about some lab results. I I don’t know what that is about I thought we had seen them last. It can’t be good. They don’t tell you to call asap. Urgh

    Storm moving through. Glad for the rain, not excited for the 80 mph winds. 😬

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    so I guess my lipoprotein a came back high (later than all the other labs) and that got them all excited - and they want me to start taking a statin. I had pulled up my online e-file at the doctors last night since I missed their call, saw the lab they were probably calling about and while the number is shockingly high - I did some 'doctor google' and while I can see it is an indicator for heart disease - I have also never had an issue with that number before and as far I know with all my parents health issues that's not one - so I told the nurse I didn't want to start a med. I want to re-test in a few months and see if it was a fluke. Even if it's not a fluke I don't want a med since I don't tolerate most medications - ones I like to take (hot flashes, depression) so I'll work on trying to be even more careful with my diet and pray that the next lab is lower or I'm sure he'll force this med on me.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Your Spartans are killing the Husker volleyball gals right now. WTheck. The ladies are so off tonight
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member

    We pulled it out
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    The third and fourth set looked better. Stressful night but we pulled the W. Playing Michigan tomorrow.
