The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,733 Member
    I saw that Michigan State upset Penn St. Woo! Gotta show out every night in the Big 10.

    How was the party?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,282 Member
    I would say Penn St. and MSU were evenly matched. It wasn't as exciting as watching NE and the Badgers play but still enjoyable. Badgers are playing MN now I think.

    Russ stayed home from the party because it has been a cold, wet day. He is still dealing with sinus stuff and coughing, plugged ears, etc. It didn't seem like a good idea for him to get chilled and be out in the damp yard. There were about 34 people there, 15 kids ranging from infancy to age 5. The rest were grandparents, aunts, and parents of the kids. They did the pizza, cake and cupcakes outside. There was a table of fruit and veggie platter, cider and lemonade. The kids each got a treat bag. The kids played games outside (pinata, pin the tail on the unicorn, but never did the scavenger hunt. Too wet!

    We dropped my car off at the local mechanic to look at the brakes and filters. Subaru still hasn't called us about the part they supposedly ordered and the problem seems to have resolved itself once the car dried out after Russ drove through the deep water. The local mechanic said that Subaru dealer's service dept has a tendency to say work needs to be done (like the brakes) and it is not true. He is going to check them and let us know. Russ will start prepping the laundry room tomorrow for my painting project. He will drop me at the chiropractor and at Power Book Bags for my activities tomorrow. He is going to meet with someone to get counseled on signing up for Medicare. Confusing and so many choices of supplements, etc.

    Ellis dove right into her cake. They sent me videos and she did not even hesitate. She tried to grab the cake when the candle was lit. She wanted the berries that were on top of the cake.

    Did you have a good weekend?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,733 Member
    Yeah, I don't look forward to trying to navigate that Medicare stuff. So confusing.

    Too bad the weather didn't fully cooperate for the party, but it still sounds like there was fun to be had.

    Babies with cake are so cute aren't they?

    It's pretty dang cold again. Not sure if Bernie got candy to hand out or not. I left if up to him.

    Bye-bye October.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,282 Member
    Cold here. We didn't buy candy since we are rural, no visible neighbors and no young kids in the neighborhood. We won't turn our lights on outside and no one will come to our door.

    We started the laundry room project today. We got the ceiling painted, tomorrow is the primer and possibly the first coat of paint. We won't be able to finish until after Christmas when the wall paper is up on the accent wall. The last item will be two long floating shelves on one wall. I will need to find some baskets to use as storage bins.

    Do you dress up to pass out candy?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,282 Member
    I was sitting watching tv last night in the den. A big mouse comes through the door!! I screamed, scared it so it went behind the door and then we couldn't find it. I closed the door to the den and stuffed a towel under the crack for the night. I also did the same in our room so it wouldn't come under the door so easily. I know they can get through anything. Now that Charlie is gone, nature is moving closer to the house or inside. Yuk! We still haven't found it. Russ has gone off to buy traps to set up in the basement, etc.

    Painting primer today and then getting my flu shot. A dusting of snow on the ground...

    Have a nice day!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,733 Member
    Oh no! I thought I smelled something dead in the laundry room yesterday. Ugh. So gross.

    No candy this year. I used to hand it out when the boys were younger and went out with Bernie. Then Bernie got excited to hand out candy when the boys were older. I guess this year neither us was in the mood.

    Hump day
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,282 Member
    Do you remember that Russ and I would avoid Halloween and passing out candy after the kids grew up and moved out? We would either go to dinner and a movie or stay home, keep outside lights off and avoid answering the door. Last night we both decided Halloween wasn't as fun when we weren't hiding and avoiding anymore, LOL!

    Tomorrow I hope to get the first and second coat of paint on the laundry room walls so its done. Hope it doesn't drag out until Friday.

    I got my flu shot so now I am done with vaccines for awhile.

    Today was a beautiful Fall day without snow, luckily. The sun was out but it was cold.

    It looks like all the boys and their families are trying to come for Christmas!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,282 Member
    Painting done and now scrub wood trim and floor. Russ will put new outlet and light plates on the wall. Old ones pretty grungy. I have to wait until Hannah helps me wall paper at Christmas to finish the room and get floating shelves up. Bummer!

    We went to my high school's girl's vball game last night. They were playing for the district championship and won. On to regionals next Tuesday. Five seniors on the team and 3 have height and power. My friend Laurie who coaches the team is retiring as a coach after this season. She has coached for years!

    Tomorrow my cousin Polly who has macular degeneration and recently the motor loss issues, flies home from Mayo tomorrow. My sister and I will pick her up at the airport. I hope she gets a diagnosis and treatment options after several days of tests at Mayo.

    I found out my friend Sarah (the one I visit at her second hand store) had a small stroke a week ago. Her husband tried to call me but I never got his vmail or his call. It doesn't show up on my phone record either. He got the message to me through Sarah's cousin and friend who I am friends with on Facebook. I called John, husband, this morning and we talked for an hour. Sarah lost the use of her left leg and she is left handed. John said her writing is rough. She had nice hand writing. It also affected her thoughts/memory. She asked John to tell her mother she was in the hospital. Her Mom died 30+ years ago. She is receiving OT, PT and Speech and Language Therapy daily. I'm hoping to visit her next week if it is not too much for her. I hope she makes a good recovery. It could have been much worse.

    Happy Friday and have a nice weekend. How did the audit go?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,733 Member
    Sorry to hear about your friend. I hope with time and therapy she can get better.

    Ugh. Watching the Huskers get creamed by Penn State. Not their best effort.

    So exciting that your kids will be home at the same time for the holiday.

    Hopefully your volleyball game was more enjoyable than what the Huskers doing right now.

    Long week. Glad to be done
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,733 Member
    Oof. We pulled the reverse sweep and got the win. Woooo. Gritty over pretty.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,282 Member
    I would have been surprised if Penn beat Huskers. The Huskers seem like they have much more elevated play than what I saw with Penn.

    Laundry room is being put back together. Russ is working on the washer and dryer, light fixture and heat vent. My part is done for now. It looks nice and it will be a fun room when the accent wall paper is put up.

    My sister Lynn and I are headed to Traverse City in a bit. I need to pick up more yarn for Christmas stockings and we will pick up my cousin at the airport who is coming home from her tests at Mayo. My window washer, Darrin, just arrived to clean out our gutters. That will be a relief to have that done. I imagine they are pretty bad. When we paint the house we will replace them and get covers to put on them.

    I am looking at those Ruggable rugs that are washable. I want one for my mudroom and laundry room. The floors are slippery and cold. The current rug in the mudroom is so hard to vacuum and is a dark brown. When Russ gets the new garage entry steps and landing done, it will go out there for wiping our feet and collecting moisture from our shoes.

    I hope you are having a good weekend.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,733 Member
    Let me know if you get a ruggable. I have looked at seriously a couple of times and just couldn’t quite pull the trigger.

    Penn was complete fire the first two sets. Dialed in, owning the back line. We were really struggling with serve/receive and Lexie (libero) was not picking up like her normal awesomeness. Fortunately at the end of set two you could see they started shaking off the stumbles and got into it. Merritt Beason could be National player of the year. Rutgers again tomorrow should be not as stressful. But it’s away and we keep coming out looking back on our heels in these away environments. Opportunities to learn and grow!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,282 Member
    I have never pulled the trigger on a Ruggable either. I look at them enough but haven't ever made a decision. I have it narrowed down to 2 colors/patterns. I want 2 3X5's to cover the areas. I am going to get them once I decide because I love that they can be thrown in the machine. Those are two high traffic areas that catch all the dirt coming into the house from the garage. I'll let you know what I think once I get them and have them for a bit.

    I may have seen Penn on a not so great night. I do think team's play better against better teams. It brings out their best performance and the challenge of the competition. That goes for any sport, I think.

    Christmas is becoming quite the drama here with my sister, Becky. When Lynn and I picked up our cousin Polly yesterday she said that she and Becky had talked about Christmas. I think I told you Becky didn't want to host and doesn't want so many people attending when she hosts. Family is growing with grand kids and if my kids all show up that is a lot of people. We are hosting Thanksgiving and that can be anywhere from 7 to 13 people depending on who is around. My boys who are far away don't come here for Thanksgiving. Rory and Hannah alternate years. Anyway, if all my kids show up with their kids, Becky doesn't want us all at her house Christmas Eve. Nice, right? She and my cousin decided that a small group would go to Becky's for dinner Christmas Eve, Russ, me and family could have our own dinner, and they could visit us Christmas Day to see the kids. Russ and I are fine with that but if only Rory and Hannah end up coming, I still may boycott Becky's. I have never felt very welcome at her house over the years. When I was living in MN and would plan a summer family trip to come here, she would call and tell me that she couldn't see me because she had to work for a living. She would also tell me that her husband's family were going to be at their cottage and she needed to spend her time with them. I think she has some deep seated issues with me but can't identify them honestly. I am so tired of her drama, trying to get out of holidays (she wants Russ and I to always be the hosts), and stressing on the issue for months and months to whomever will listen. I never knew this was such an issue for her before we moved back here. I love our place and our life, but I have a small level of regret that we came back. My sister Becky can suck the joy out of the holidays with her need for
    control, holiday anxiety and need to get out of hosting. So stay tuned...

    I hope you have a good work week. Russ is going to start rebuilding the garage steps into the house tomorrow. I will go to Power Books in the afternoon. I have a haircut and dental appt this week, aqua fit, and Kathy and Steve will come for dinner next Saturday eve. Lots going on...
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,282 Member
    I ordered two Ruggables of the same size and color. They get rave reviews so I'll let you know what I think.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,733 Member
    I am excited to hear about the Ruggables. I came close on getting a few of the runner styles. I have unmatched runner in three different areas and wouldn't mind getting something more cohesive (and nicer) and easier to keep clean.

    I'm sorry to hear about Becky making the holidays stressful. I hope it doesn't steal your joy.

    I have hair this week too. I wonder what the plan of attack will be. She hasn't done a full on set of highlights and color since I last got sick because she didn't want to stress my hair, and I do think I have had more shed than normal (a bit thinner in my thin spot) but not as bad as first Covid. So we'll see.

    I will be having Thanksgiving for my family on Wednesday night (about 10 of us) since Michele will be having the entire Broekemeier brood at her house on Thursday. Sometimes we go to that one with our family so she only has to go to one, but there are so many Broekemeiers it gets overwhelming (over 50). Our group is definitely more low key and easier for my folks to be around too.

    Here's to a new week.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,733 Member
    I am also fretting about the length on my hair. I like my long-ish hair, but the ends have been so brittle and fragile recently. Maybe age, maybe Covid side effects - whatever - but I probably need to cut a bunch off and it's not my favorite look/style and I'm also afraid it won't 'solve' the fragileness. Sigh. I still can't believe that in a matter of months I went from basically having too much hair (so hard to manage - so thick ) to worrying about every strand that falls out. :<(
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,733 Member
    Oh my!!! Zach has an interview tomorrow. Zach has an interview tomorrow!!!! Can I steal a prayer from you? Please help him find his way to the right door. If not this one but continue in the right direction
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,282 Member
    Exciting for Z! What is the company? Is he excited? Sending prayers his way that it goes well.

    I was reading something about Vitamin D deficiency yesterday. Hair thinning and loss was a symptom. Have you ever had your D levels measured? It helps my leg discomfort at night so I bought some and take 2000iu's a day. I probably could take more but am testing the waters. Years ago, my primary doctor in MN told me to take it for my nightly leg pain. It helped a lot and then I got out of the habit. I decided to take it again.

    I saw Becky at Aquafit today and she did not mention Christmas at all. I wonder if Lynn told her not to mention it to me or that we are doing our own thing. Maybe I won't have to hear about it anymore.

    I am doing a portal call to my knitting mentor in MN in a few minutes. I have some questions on these Christmas stockings. I need to get knitting!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,733 Member
    This one is with the Columbus Public Schools district. It’s more in the network side of things but it’s something. I can tell he’s really nervous and was talking about how he had felt such a good vibe with BD and feeling like he could really work with these people…. Sigh. Hopefully it goes well and there are good people there who can see the potential in him. There have also been a couple of amazing jobs open at NPPD (Nebraska public power) that would be amazing. It’s just soul crushing how hard this is.

    But let’s go!!!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,733 Member
    Well. Meh. Zach said he thought he did a pretty good job but he didn’t get a good vibe with the group. They made it clear they wanted to find someone who wouldn’t need training. Which, WTH? You can see from his resume he is young and needs some mentorship. Bleh