The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Sorry for your sister. It is so hard to get answers these days from doctors. Russ is delaying calling his doctor. Now he is waiting until Monday. I'm sure he will delay it again. I scheduled my annual mammogram for January 4th so that is a win for me. I forgot all about it and then kept putting off calling the last two weeks. I wanted it scheduled early January in case I get a surgery date late January.

    I went back to water yoga today. It felt good and the teacher was doing a different routine which was nice. I sat in the sauna before class and the hot tub after class. The therapy pool water feels cold by the end of the hour. I may try the Saturday morning studio yoga with the same teacher at some point soon.

    I am back on track with Golo and counting points with WW's. Increasing water intake is rough. I have been up several times in the night for the last three nights due to all the water I'm drinking. I am not even drinking 8 glasses per day yet. I can handle 5-6.

    I have a mild headache today. I took Tylenol but I think peppermint oil will take care of it. I'm wondering if I am so tired because of my Covid shot on Tuesday? Also, from getting up so many times in the night due to water intake.

    Do you have any fun weekend plans?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Just looking forward to the watching the big volleyball game tonight. Number one Wisconsin vs number two Nebraska. Huskers have been a little wobbly the last couple of weeks so it’s going to be an outside chance of beating Wisconsin. But I sure hope they give them a battle.

    The Covid shots always make me feel rough so it’s definitely possible that is giving you some trouble.

    The colors are really popping for you now. So beautiful

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Enjoy the game. I wonder if I can get it on my TV? I'll check.

    We took another drive to see the colors. Definitely peak in the central and northern end of our county but just past peak in the southern end. We stopped at a local tavern for an early dinner/late lunch. I took a walk on our property and then have been reading. If nice tomorrow, I hope to go on one of my last bike rides and gather my yard stuff to put in the pull barn. I will begin cutting and pruning my perennials and the garden this week.

    I'm not drinking as many liquids today. I need some sleep!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Holy *kitten*. We just beat Wisconsin. Go freaking Big Red. LFG!!!!!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Gritty over pretty

    First win over the Badgers in 10 years.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I watched the match until it was 2-2. I had to go to bed at that point. I saw that NE beat them. WTG! Both teams are quite good. It is amazing to watch those women athletes.

    I volunteered at the theater today. It was a dud. The digital projector wasn't working and we had to issue vouchers for a future movie to all those who bought tickets. A new projector is priced at 500,000 dollars with a 3 month wait. I'm not sure the non profit has the money as of now. Hopefully they can get it working and then start fund raising.

    I'm hoping the rain holds off this week so we can get the outside stuff put away. Dump flower pots, collect lawn stuff, put away deck furniture, clean up garden and prune my lavender plants. I will wait until spring to clean up perennials. This way the seeds can fall and rabbits can eat the greens all winter.

    How is your sister feeling? Russ looks tired but he is coughing less. He is pretty congested and his ears are plugged. Yesterday he bought Vick's and some other over the counter stuff.

    Have a good Monday!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    That game was crazy. Nebraska started on fire, curled up and died in the second and most of the third and woke up at the end of the third and got after it in the fourth. The fifth was all fire. Wooo! David beat Goliath. We have to play them again in November, I’m sure they’ll be ready to fight and murder us but soaking in the win.

    I haven’t seen Michele since Friday but I sure hope she is finally getting better. It’s been so long.

    This week is fiscal year end. It’s always the pits and extra stressful and will be extra extra extra stressful with the consultant nonsense going on
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    But let’s do this
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I made a Skinny Taste recipe for breakfast, high protein scrambled eggs. I used two eggs, 1/4 c cottage cheese, salt and pepper. I had apple slices and steamed broccoli as a side. I decided to go for fruit as the carb instead of bread. The eggs were pretty good and increasing my protein intake is a good thing for me. I also made the batter for those Raisin Bran fiber muffins. The batter can stay in the fridge for up to 6 weeks. Russ and I have always liked them. I am baking two pans and have extra batter in the fridge.

    I will go to Power Book Bags at 1pm today. Russ is starting to put things away and flush out the sprinkler system. Rain expected later today. I think bike riding season is over for me. I'm hoping to squeak in one more short ride and then put my bike away. We'll see...

    Good luck this week and good attitude going into it. You can do it!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Power Books was canceled yesterday. I read instead.

    I went to aqua fit this morning. My sister Becky and her friend were there. Becky has difficulty understanding teacher's directions. I don't know if that is hearing, processing or what. To be fair, it was her first time there since early spring but other new people figure it out quickly. At least she plans to go and get exercise. Our oldest sister won't exercise at all. She has to feel miserable with her weight, weak muscles, oxygen issues, etc.

    I have apples, cinnamon, lemon juice, brown sugar, and water in the crock pot now. In 4 hours I will mash the apples and hope to have a great tasting applesauce. I pulled all the frozen apples I peeled and sliced last year from the freezer to use them up and then peeled and sliced 8 more. I'm sure it will break down to not much sauce but I have a zillion more apples.

    There is a hatch of those bugs that look like lady bugs but aren't on my windows. I can't stand them. They manage to get in the house no matter what.

    I hope your week is going ok at work.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Oh, those bugs… what did my grandma call them…. Potato bugs?

    Glad you got to aqua fit. I am doing a good job walking on my machine six days a week but not quite hitting a deficit in calories. I’m barely clinging to maintaining.

    Another day in the books.

    Warm right now, snow possible this weekend.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Rain here. Lots of lightening yesterday and over night. Very wet. Snow predicted for Halloween but won't stick. I really need to get my stuff in from the yard. Friday is suppose to be dry so that is the day to work outside. I also need to get knitting the Christmas stockings. A big chance that all the kids will be here but no definite commitments yet.

    My applesauce turned out great but only yielded 2.5 jars. I froze two and put the small one in the fridge. I want to make a ground turkey and veggie WW 0 point soup but need to remember to thaw the turkey. Maybe tomorrow...

    Humid here and in the 60's.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Grinding through the insanity.

    My newly married niece and her husband had put an offer on a house and ended up walking away from it after the home inspection came back needing a new roof, new electrical and a few other pretty major things - and the seller and representative were trying to convince them that they could just make an insurance claim after they bought it. They were trying to involve them in some super shady stuff. Caitlin probably would have still bought it if they would have accepted they had to own the old repairs. They are very disappointed, but I'm glad she had her family helping her see what could happen. The realtor they had selected is apparently super young and new to the business and not very savvy. It's good to help build people up, but buying a home is one of the largest financial investments most people make and getting into a bad deal could really mess up a couple.

    Hump day
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member

    The car I've been driving (refuse to call it mine -) wouldn't start this morning. Then when Bernie was standing on one of the steps from the laundry room into the garage it snapped and he fell. I don't think anything broken, but what a *kitten* morning. He Bernie good job on the house maintenance and car maintenance.

    And I get to work Saturday because fiscal year end. I know I shouldn't complain because I rarely work Saturday's, but still...

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Wow! Are there any people on the up and up anymore? Good thing they had family to advise them that have been home owners.

    Our county politics is crazy. Each village has a board, each township has a board and the county as a whole has a board of commissioners that represent different areas of the county. Lately, people are quitting left and right stating no one gets along, other board members/staff don't get along, and it is all poorly run by those in charge. That 4 years of political divisiveness that has continued hasn't helped. We could put highschoolers in these positions and they would act more grown up than the adults that refuse to work together and get along for the sake of their communities. Grow up people!!!! Drives me nuts, rant over.

    I went to aqua fit this morning and then to Costco for items I needed.

    I hope your niece and husband find a place they love. I believe previous potential buys don't work out because the best one is waiting.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    My sister is working herself up to go in as an all cash buyer (the house is relisted and her name would be different than Caitlin's) and make a super low ball offer and see what they say. If they try to convince her to use them for insurance and make a claim after ownership maybe they could nail them, or maybe they'll bite on a lowball offer because they need to get out of the home. Her mama bear is getting cranked up and she probably has enough cash to do it. We'll see how it unfolds.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    auditors on site. It's been six hours and they have only counted like 8 of their 30 numbers. They are currently making us un-tarp trailers because they selected a completed building that just got loaded and they have to be able to 'see' it. Spent two hours chasing down three stray tanks. Every year it gets more ridiculous. This is manufacturing our numbers are constantly in flux. The company that does the audit they always send these 'babies' (brand new employees who have to get their feet wet doing audits) but they don't understand. They'll pick a building because of the dollar value and then they have to see every component (thousands of items). Raw materials have a high dollar value, but they are constantly in process, they will stretch and shrink some and have ranges. Bleh. The team works so hard, but we get beat so bad on this day. Sigh.

    And, yay, get to work late and work tomorrow.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    We had our window washer do the outside of the windows this morning. He also washed the inside dining room and kitchen windows where the littles left a lot of hand prints since they are the right height. I found out he cleans out gutters so I asked if he would do ours before winter arrives. At least the back one that is up really high. That clogged gutter caused the water we got in the basement when we had so much rain in a short period of time.

    I went to water yoga this afternoon and tried to stretch my right hip and leg. It is giving me problems. The nurse called from the orthopedic office today in response to a message I left. I can keep my dental appt next week and another nurse will call me to schedule PT and winter surgery.

    Wowzer your sister could pay cash! I hope it works out but what about the big repairs? Will she give cash to her daughter for those?

    My first husband was a CPA that worked at one of the big 8 accounting firms when he was out of college. As a young CPA, he and other youngsters would audit companies. They were young and had not been in the accounting field for more than 10 years. Is that who comes to audit or is it an internal audit? You have to work on Saturday doing what?

    My youngest grandchild, Ellis, turned 1 years old today. She started walking this week too. Ellis is the one with the abnormal heart. She is doing great.

    Rain, rain, rain! Tomorrow is suppose to be dry. Russ got all the deck furniture in the pole barn today. I washed out the hummingbird feeder and brought in pillows and solar lights from the decks. Tomorrow is the garden clean up, pruning the lavender, and collecting the yard ornaments. It has been too rainy. I should have done this in early October but procrastinated.

    Well your weekend will be short. Enjoy the time you have.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    I'm not sure really - maybe she would sell some of her investments or maybe she really has enough cash. She has always been a manic squirrel - working crazy hard and burying nuts. But if she were to do it, she would make sure the offer was low enough to cover having to make the repairs. I think she was mainly thinking to do it because now the other side has been given proof (Caitlin's inspection) of these certain issues, they have to disclose it - so if she could get them caught on not disclosing known issues that is something they could go back on - not just the shady, "hey, you buy it, use me as your insurance rep and just turn them in on claims and I'll make sure it all works out." And, for sure Caitlin would have to pay it back to Michele. It's just mostly at this point mama bear trying to think of ways to eat the problem. I doubt it will happen. But you never know. My sister is a pretty scary business woman.

    Happy day Ellis! I'm so glad her heart has been ok. Such a scary thing to have to deal with.

    For the audit, yes - they are from the outside - I think this company is RSM. The one at fiscal year end is one the company (Behlen) has done annually basically to look over everyone's work. It's important, we treat it as so, but for once it would be nice to deal with people who have been in a manufacturing plant before and get some of the nuances of this environment. We also have one or two audits done each year by the banks that fund any loans - and those generally always go better because the guy that comes out has been coming here (and other manufacturing environments) and doesn't have to touch all three thousand parts of a building, or lose his mind if the bolts are off by 100. Bolts. Or expect teams to unload trailers so they can look at stuff. Ridiculous.

    It's cold today. Calling for snow! Dang. Not much of actual fall weather.

    Have a good weekend.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Beautiful, crisp Fall day today. We were bundled up for working outside this morning. My garden is cleaned out, Russ hauled the plant stuff to the pile out on the acreage, I cut back some perennials if I felt they needed it now and pruned one lavender plant. I have two more to prune if I decide to do so. All lawn ornaments, feeders, garden stuff is put away for next year.

    We portaled with David and family today. The girls are so cute! Ellis is so tiny but is walking all over the house. Halen has a lot to say to us. They are having Ellis party tonight. I asked for a video of her smashing her cake. I love watching a one year old do that. They are all so different with their approach.

    Russ and I went to a local tavern for burgers, an early dinner. There are still a lot of color peepers around but the leaves are falling fast. The orchards are golds, reds, oranges and greens and look so pretty. The grape vines are vivid yellow! It should get really quiet by next weekend, I would think.

    Michigan State and Penn State vball teams play tonight. I plan to watch some of the match.

    Tomorrow we go to a birthday party for our 4 year old great niece. It will be outdoors and we will need to bundle up. I'm amazed my niece invited 40 people! We use to say you can have as many friends as your age (under age 11). I think they invite all their friends and their kids. I imagine they will have a bonfire and lots of outdoor play. I heard something about a scavenger hunt, pizza, and cup cakes. Amy wanted a bouncy house but the rental was $300. She will be bummed out and possibly pouting when she finds out it won't be at the party. She can be a real stinker.

    Monday begins the next painting project, the laundry room. Russ will take off the door, remove the washer, and tape/prep what needs to be protected. He will cut in the ceiling and wall paint for me and I will do all rolling of primer and paint.

    All the fresh air and a beer at the tavern made me tired! I hope I can stay awake for the vball game.