The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    for the first time in weeks Michele made a weak attempt to talk to me. She has been avoiding me since she got pissed off at me for the questions I was asking about the benefit changes, and I challenged her being pissed off at the questions. In no way am I trying the minimize the absolute metric crap-ton amount of stress and crap she has to deal with here and it's a terrible load, but let's get real - it has been a crap-ton for all of her 25 years. It's just different now without Phil and TR and she doesn't want to come to terms with it. I honestly see her fighting all the changes that are in process with the move to a new ERP system. Instead of spending the energy just working through the suck - she expends more comparing how the new system won't be faster or better or etc than the old. But guess what - it doesn't matter. JDEdwards is out. IFS is in.

    She didn't even tell me one of our team members took another job. I had to see a posting go up and go ask someone else.

    Today she sat down next me while she ate her lunch and I was eating my yogurt and asked a few questions - if I had my tree up (nope, not decorating this year) - if Caleb was still looking at the travel (nope that's over) - when classes were over (I have no clue) - if people have registered for next semester (I assume most people have, but Caleb isn't taking classes). "Oh." She walked away. Yep, that's right. My life has also fell apart in the two weeks you have been ignoring me. It's cool - I won't burden you with my drama.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,279 Member
    Basically, the *kitten* has hit the fan for all of your family members and each is trying to find a way to cope, or is not moving on. I think it is mature of C to say he needs a break even though it is not your choice for him right now. College, studies, grades, etc is huge pressure. I had a near crack up in grad school. I walked out on my catering job, drove home to northern MI for the weekend without announcing to my Mom I was coming up and hid out all weekend away from people and enjoyed the quiet. I had to regroup to keep going. C recognizing he needed to take a break, maybe re-evaluate his goals, or just not study is mature in many ways.

    Your sister sounds like she isn't handling the change at work and is "stuck" in a mind set. I suppose give her grace for making an attempt to re-connect. I would suspect she realizes she hasn't been there for you and was testing the waters at lunch.

    Constantly knitting the stockings. The 3rd one is drying after being felted in the washer. I'm on the home stretch with the 4th stocking. Then I will decorate them and hang them with the rest of the stockings. I found winter outer wear for Miles and Layney (FL kids). A friend lent me a bin of hats, mittens, snow pants, coats, boots but I had to go get Layney her own at a second hand store. All has been washed and is hanging to dry. I need to wash blankets and make beds down stairs, make ingredient list for baking, and wrap presents.

    Does your family have Christmas plans? Who is hosting?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    I hope you post pictures of your special Christmas stockings. I bet they are amazing.

    I wish Michele could 'see' herself right now. She has been sick since September I think (another thing I'm done getting my head ripped off about - trying to get her to see a different doctor) and obviously needing some help moving on or with coping strategies. Yesterday she made the comment that she was so sad she won't be able to get a tree up this year. I'm like, it's only December 5th. If you want to put a tree up there is still nearly three weeks until Christmas. Then it was she was so sad mom said she wanted to have Christmas. I didn't say anything, but if she really wanted to have it she could have announced she wanted it before mom - and/or just said she really wanted to have it. Sigh.

    Have your Florida g-babies gotten to play in snow yet?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,279 Member
    I don't think the FL kids have seen snow. They definitely will see it as they drive north. Hope we have a lot when they are here. Russ and I did errands at a couple villages down by the sand dunes today. The dunes were snow covered and the lake in front of them was frozen. Hopeful for sledding or winter climbing the dunes with the kids. The FL kids haven't experienced cold weather like we get before either.

    The 4th stocking is in the washer felting right now. Tomorrow I can start decorating the two that are dry and I will do the other two when they are dry. It takes a few days to dry out since I don't put them through the spin cycle. I will put pictures on messenger to you when they are done. I'm not sure what my embellishments will be yet. I have several to choose from but haven't decided what to do.

    Your sister sounds so flustered and not herself compared to the way you have described her in the past. Why in the world would she want to host Christmas with all the stress she is feeling right now? How is your Mom going to handle it? Do you just get to sit back and relax since you hosted Thanksgiving?

    Russ was sick for over two months. I wonder if he had Influenza A? My friend Kris who helped me with wall paper and knitting is dealing with it right now. She has felt awful and is coughing so hard. She has been on Prednisone and is very fatigued. Do you think your sister has Influenza A?

    I am waiting for a couple of presents to arrive in the mail and I am ready to start wrapping. Tomorrow I actually get to go to aquafit and get some exercise. Then I will go to Hobby Lobby for felt and come home and start drawing out my stocking decor. Hope they are done by Monday!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    It sounds like all your efforts and plans are coming together!

    Husker volleyball has their regional game today (sweet 16) - but the game is at 1 p.m. So ridiculous. What football playoff game, or sweet 16 bball game would be on a Thursday at 1 p.m. - and Huskers are the 1 seed. Pffffttttt.... I have it set to DVR but the game will likely be mostly over before I make it home. Sniff, sniff. Let's go ladies.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,279 Member
    Huskers are killing it! Hopefully they are unbeatable.

    I went to a different Aquafit class today. Only 10 of us attending so that was so nice. Plenty of room! The teacher was pretty good. She did 30 minutes of aerobics and 15 minutes of strengthening and balance. My shoulders and. upper arms are sore.

    I found a child's hat kit I bought when Halen was a baby and never knitted. Since I am done knitting the stockings, I am knitting up this hat for when they arrive. It will probably fit Halen since I made the bigger size and she can pass it down to Ellis when she is bigger. It has a penguin on top at the peak of the hat. It's pretty cute! I am over half done and will finish it tomorrow.

    I am going to try another Aquafit class tomorrow morning with another teacher. I've heard it is a great class. After I get home I will begin to embellish the stockings with their themed decor. In the afternoon I am driving a friend to the airport. She comes up once a month to see her parents. She lives in VA. Her father died early November so now she visits her mother who is in the early stages of dementia.

    Saturday, we go to my great nephew's first birthday party. His hands have healed from his burns and he is doing so much better now.

    I hope you get to see the Husker game before the scores are announced.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    That is wonderful that your great nephew is healing and doing better. That had to be so scary.

    I bet that penguin hat is going to be so cute!

    Huskers swept Missouri. Playing Arkansas tomorrow in the regional final. Winner goes to the final four. Woo
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,279 Member
    Go Huskers!

    The hat is done. It will fit Ellis, not Halen. It is pretty cute!

    My creative juices aren't flowing yet to decorate the stockings. Birthday party tomorrow and then I will get to it.

    Happy Saturday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    I meant swept Georgia Tech.

    Looking for something to replace Zach’s car. It’s so frustrating and ramps up my ire again. Bernie is only getting 3800 from the insurance because of the age of the Rendevouz. Do you know what I can get for 3800? Nothing. A couple I thought looked good for 8000 but sold before we could reach out. It just makes me so angry. If he would have been driving the truck it would have been replaced since it’s new. I’m getting screwed over because this was an old car. Yeah an old car that was perfectly mechanical sound. Now I’ll have to spend at least 10000 or more. *kitten*!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    Just got home with Zach’s “new” car. Found a 2012 ford edge in Omaha with 160000 miles. Got it for 9000. It looks pretty good. AWD and a v6. Nicer than what I’m driving. Hopefully it’s tank like our Rendezvous was. It’s funny, this is our first ford. My sister and folks have almost exclusively had fords. Let’s hope it is a good vehicle. Big pressure to move fast. There were five appointments after ours. I guarantee it wouldn’t have been available Monday. I hope it serves him well. I made him take part in doing the paperwork. Hopefully next a job
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,279 Member
    Used cars are difficult to find again. It's amazing how much new cars cost and used ones in good condition. Crazy! We will replace my Subaru in a few years after I go on Medicare, I think. We will have much lower health insurance costs for both of us once I get off my employer insurance. Russ starts Medicare in a few weeks. That will help too.

    Bernie, great nephew, had a nice, small birthday party today. His Mom's Dad and wife were ill so they did not come. It was my side of the family and his Dad's Mom. Very small group. As any one year old, he loved the boxes, tissue paper, and balloons. He is taking 10+ steps across the room now so that is also his focus, walking.

    Has Z had any more options to put out resumes? Will C come home for Christmas?

    It poured rain today. All the snow is gone.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,279 Member
    My shift to volunteer at the theater today was cancelled. Yay!! One more shift next Sunday and I'm done with this volunteer gig. They have a failing projector that will cost a fortune to replace. They better bite the bullet and do it soon or they will be closed indefinitely. That is why they aren't showing a movie tonight. It isn't working, again.

    I worked on the Christmas stockings. I have the names needle felted on Halen's, Ellis' and Miles'. Their decorations are on too. I used fabric glue, velcro, and sewing to put them on. I will reinforce some with stitching after the glue dries on some of the others. Tomorrow or Tuesday I will needle felt Layney's stocking with her full name Alayne. Then I will put her decor on and let it dry. My goal is to have them all done and hanging by Thursday or Friday this week. I will send you a photo through messenger.

    Go Huskers! On their way to Tampa...
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    Go Big Red! Final four! Heading to Tampa. Arkansas was scrappy but the ladies prevailed. What a fun season this has been. Pitt vs Nebraska on Thursday in Tampa. Let’s goooooo!!!!

    I helped change up his cover letter and resume for a job up at Wayne state. Maybe the Alma matter will be the one. It’s just a lot of stress. No job for Zach yet and whatever is going on with Caleb. Hopefully he’ll come home and we can have some more talks
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    aaaaannnnnddddd the glow is already off of the 'new' car. The second fob does not work (and this is the type of vehicle that doesn't start unless the fob works. So, even though being told two working fobs - they aren't going to do anything about it. And the headlights barely work and Bernie found some issue with the turn signals. They said they will come up to Columbus and take it back to Omaha (where we bought) and fix the turn signals. But how does that work if they have an accident? Do I get my full money back? It's about 85 miles each way. And, argh. From Bernie's text he's not excited to 'have other people driving it that far' - and may try to fix himself. I don't love either option. Why the freak wasn't that verified in their check of the vehicle? Sigh. I hate buying cars. I hate buying cars.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,279 Member
    You have had a rough year in your family. I hope 2024 is better. What kind of car did you buy? Used? Make? I don't understand why the fobs don't work and they should have to fix them or replace them. I wonder if you could get the better business bureau involved if they don't back up a working product that you paid for?

    So exciting for the Huskers! I would love to see them win the championship. They really are a powerhouse. I think it will come down to Huskers against Badgers in the finals.

    I should have the last stocking finished tomorrow. I will post a picture on your Messenger on FB when all done. I am going to work on it in the morning, just a few items to attach to it. I'm using thread and fabric fusion glue to attach embellishments. The glue has to dry over 4 hours. So by tomorrow night I should be able to take a photo if lighting is right.

    I will go to Aqua Fit tomorrow, begin wrapping presents, and cook dinner for us (meatloaf, summer corn cut from
    the cob, mashed potatoes). We have this meal about once or twice a Fall/Winter.

    I hope you get your car issue figured out. Too much stress for you lately. I hope Z gets an interview at Wayne and C comes home for Christmas.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    I just really believed this was going to be an amazing year. That Zach would be working and finding success. That Caleb had settled in to school and was well on his way. But, it's all just yuck. So disheartening and depressing.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,279 Member
    I hope 2024 brings in new and exciting experiences for you. The boys have to figure out their own lives. You can't fix it for them. Rory had been searching for what he really wanted to do after college graduation. We thought he would be the one that had it all figured out. Not so... He is doing well with his apprenticeship with the electrical union but he is 28 going on 29 now. He is in his 3rd year of apprenticeship so two more until he can take the journeyman test. I don't think being an electrician is his passion but he has settled for good pay and benefits.

    Are you done with Christmas shopping?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    and Caleb with another dagger to the heart. I noticed he stopped sharing his location, so I asked if everything was ok after a few days. He said he decided he was uncomfortable with me watching him all the time and needing his privacy. Huh. Wow. I literally leave him alone - basically just using the location if I want to text to make sure he isn't in class or something. I have always made a point to respect both of the boys way more than I ever was (constantly being surprised, interrupted by my folks with no notice or regard to anything) and me just using the phone location (the I pay for) to occasionally look at, basically to make myself feel like he's safe is intrusive.

    Oh, and I asked Michele why she hadn't told me about one of our team moving into a different job (he 'won' it a couple of weeks ago) and she said she was leaving it for him to announce. Uh yeah, since there were multiple job postings up for a new job in our team. But sure whatever. She has always talked about that stuff with me. I guess no more.

    Dagger, dagger, dagger.

    I think I am just going to go to bed and try to stay there until 2024.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,279 Member
    Do you think C is hiding something or just asserting his independence a little more?

    I can relate to trying to be different than our parents when parenting our kids. I thought I was more open, understanding and approachable to the boys but the way they talk now, they didn't see me that way at all. So I guess we think we are being respectful, non-intrusive, etc and doing a good job of it, but our kids may have a different viewpoint. I've often felt I failed as a Mom or the Mom I wanted to be. It can be a thankless role for sure. The worries never cease no matter their age.

    Why do you think your sister is being so distant these days?

    Tonight, my sister Becky and I went to the National Writer's Series in Traverse City to see Mitch Albom, Author. He wrote Tuesdays with Morrie and The 5 People You Meet in Heaven as well as several other books. He was a sports writer for the Detroit Free Press, writes some other kind of column now, but writes more books than anything. He was so interesting, a great story teller. His new book is called The Little Liar and takes place and tells a story around WWII and the Holocaust. The narrator of the book is Truth and the books focus' on truth and forgiveness. Kind of like The Book Thief was narrated by Death. Anyway, he is a fascinating person and we enjoyed listening to him. Part of admission was buying the book so I will read it.

    Tooth extraction in the morning and then come home to wrap presents. Beds are made downstairs and in the guest room, now just need to vacuum, dust and clean guest bathroom on the weekend.

    No snow here and probably will be a brown Christmas.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    I'm sure he is asserting his independence, but it is literally the worst thing he could have said to me. I have no illusions about making mistakes, but that comment really drug down the rabbit hole. I was financially on my own before 18 (even before for anything not 'necesssary), but my folks would constantly expect me be at their beck and call, ready for drop by inspections, drop everything for their whims, do whatever. So knowing that everything I have done to support him in being him and giving him all the opportunities I never had and to find out that sharing a phone location is oppressive and yet another strike against me. I'm just crushed. I know he is going through stuff, but damn. Being stabbed would hurt less. Just give me a sign, I failed you. Oh wait, they have literally never given me a gift.

    I'm sure Michele is going through a lot of stuff. Stuff she needs help with. But she also won't admit anything but anger at change. Or when I'm gone (I have to start using my vacation days before my anniversary date and lose them) that it's always a *kitten* show when she has to do my tasks.

    Oh great, the talker is here with another 8 hours of talking to his girlfriend while he 'works.'