The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    I bet you feel better in a couple days after getting that tooth pulled. At least I sure am hoping that for you.

    Huskers vs Pitt tonight on ESPN - and then Wiscy vs Texas. We haaate Texas, but also don't want to play Wisc again. Conundrums. Of course, we have to beat Pitt first. GBR.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    I'm trying really hard not to overreact, but the "you want to be on your own?" "I'm causing you discomfort?" "Here's some real discomfort".

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,278 Member
    I feel your pain about C. You are a good, loving and caring Mom who wants the best for her sons. That is wonderful in the current world off raising kids. Rory doesn't quite appreciate us yet and he is 28. I think maturity plays into it as well as personality and choices. Now that David and Jeff are Dad's they have begun to view their upbringing in a more mature way and seem to understand that we all just do the best we can to raise a small human. C knows you love him but he is probably struggling with wanting to be on his own and steer his own life no matter what mistakes he makes. Your there for him when he is ready and that is what counts. Hugs!!!!

    The tooth extraction was unpleasant to say the least. At least 3-4 shots in my gums and cheek to numb the area. He had to pull off the old crown and he was really yanking. Lots of pressure! I though he was still working on the crown when he announced the tooth was out and he removed the infection. I have all sorts of instructions and my tooth has gauze that I bite on right now. I am afraid to eat until tomorrow. I will just take my tylenol and advil until then. I told him I wasn't doing the implant until after my knee surgery. So if I get the implant it will be next Sept 5th, 8 months from now. He said the bone will have filled in and I won't need bone grafting so that is a positive for the pocket book. Getting old really stinks! I feel like I am falling apart. Keep up those dental appointments and take care of your teeth. I have always done so but I am a clencher/grinder so cracks happen.

    I need to wrap Miles' gifts tomorrow or Saturday and I am done with that. Russ baked cookies all day today while I wrapped. I will start my baking Sunday or Monday.

    Tomorrow I am going to a crafting workshop with my oldest sister, Lynn. She is not crafty but her friend Julie who is an artist is holding it in her studio. Julie invited Becky and I to come but Becky has her work holiday party. I will go with Lynn since I enjoy crafting. I wonder what we will make? I will make the meatloaf for our dinner before I go and then pop it in the oven when I get home later afternoon. That is if I feel I can eat. Meatloaf and mashed potatoes are on my list of soft foods I can eat for now.

    You earned those days off so take them without guilt. That is your sister's job and you don't need to take care of her emotions. Enough lecturing from me...
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Hope you are feeling better today

    Huskers sweep Pitt last night and will play for the natty Sunday afternoon. HORNS DOWN. I freaking hate Texas. Let’s go ladies.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,278 Member
    Fingers crossed Huskers take the title.

    I'm feeling better. I kept gauze in my mouth until Thursday bed time. I did manage to eat some scrambled eggs before bed since my stomach was rumbling. I rotated Advil and Tylenol for the first 24 hours. I'm fine now.

    We have been getting everything ready for David and family. They had told us they were arriving Monday but now it is Tuesday. They are going to break up the driving trip coming up from Chicago since the girls will have been cooped up in airplanes and cars for two days. Vacuuming, bathrooms, and a little baking left to do. All is well...

    Crafting was fun. I remembered some of the other guests from my childhood and met one new person. We made ornaments, gift bags, gift tags, etc. Julie had snacks and gave us demos. It was fun. I would go next year if invited.

    Russ and I are going to the the cidery/winery in a few minutes to pick up my December club order. Then we will go to Traverse City for dinner. Get out of here for a bit.

    No snow here!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member

    Well that was ugly. Stinky Texas swept the Huskers. That was not a fun way to end the season. Sigh. With no seniors as long as no one hits the portal, they’ll all be back.

    Happy almost arrival day!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,278 Member
    David and family changed their arrival to Tuesday. They are going to take their time driving up from Chicago to give the girls a break from a long ride in the car after being on a long plane ride.

    I worked my last shift at the theater this afternoon. Russ and I tried the Asian restaurant in our town that we had not been to. Actually pretty good! Yay!

    We decided to drive to look at Christmas lights afterward. We were going to do a tour of the county but my stomach started giving me issues and I told him to hurry home. Maybe tomorrow night...

    Tomorrow I have a few things left to do and we are ready for all the family to arrive.

    I was stunned to see Huskers lost. I didn't get to watch the game. Was it painful or did they play well?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,278 Member
    Woke up to high wind and snow. That was a surprise. David and family will begin their drive from Chicago later today and will run into the snow. It is suppose to warm up later in the week and it will probably be gone. It's a wet snow...

    Well enjoying my coffee and then off to clean bathrooms and the last child proofing mission. Russ went to the grocery early to get what we need to start out with guests. My sisters picked up both my items I needed at Costco so that was a big help to me.

    I have been watching the latest season of The Crown. I know it isn't all accurate but these last episodes as the queen ages and Princess Diana dies were tear jerkers.

    I hope you had a nice weekend and feel ready for Christmas. Are you all going to your parents house?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    As far as I know, we are going up to my folks on Christmas day. There hasn't been much/any discussion. I am just staying at my desk doing my work each day. I don't attempt to start any conversations with Michele. I mean it's probably 'small' of me, but since that's how she indicated things should be. I honestly don't plan on engaging in much talk at Christmas either. I have nothing good to talk about and I'm not interested in griping about work. So, maybe I'll take a book. I'm not even sure how to talk to Caleb right now. I mean I need more information from him, but I'm also still smarting from his snap at me to let him be. It will likely be strained, but honestly they all kind of laid the parameters for that.

    I bet you are glad to avoid Costco right now. I went to the grocery store last Friday at about 9 a.m. thinking it would be not busy. Wrong. So wrong. Cripes, what a nightmare.

    Sending safe travel wishes for all
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Oh, and the game was painful. Pain.Ful. The stinky 'horns served us off the court. I don't know what happened to them. But Tx was the better team yesterday. I wager the Huskers will back, a year more mature and a bit more angry. I'm guessing some sort of Unfinished Business t-shirts are being made today.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,278 Member
    I hope you get through Christmas without too much drama in your family. I'm sorry it has been so rough and all are struggling.

    It gets wild tomorrow. David and family will arrive and Halen will be very busy all day every day. The other kids arrive Saturday.

    NE will be fired up next year and go all the way. They had a great season and should be proud.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Yep. Your littles are at the go-go-go-GO stage. Busy busy. Hopefully the fun comes along for the run. ;>)

    What a special time you have coming. There will likely be some patience fraying here and there, but hopefully minimal.

    Fun, fun, fun!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,278 Member
    They will arrive in the next 2 hours if they didn't stop too long for lunch and potty breaks. Nice weather today so nicer driving on the roads.

    I am getting ready to make a pot of chicken noodle soup. I love home made soup!

    Let the fun begin!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,278 Member
    The girls are soooo cute! Halen has calmed down a lot and not so busy. She still likes to do things her own way and pushes limits, but not as busy as she was last winter. She goes to a daycare/preschool at home now so that has probably helped her attend and behave.

    We took a long walk on our property today to get the girls fresh air and exercise. Tomorrow maybe a hike and a playground. My niece's kids are sick and my sister Lynn ended up being admitted to the hospital today. I don't know the details on her status because no one texted or called me about it. I heard through David who was texting with Lynn's daughter Abby.

    What I do know is she told my sister Becky she was having difficulty breathing. Becky called the ambulance and they took her to the ER. Oxygen levels were low (she is the one who is suppose to use her oxygen at home but doesn't/COPD) and ER doctor was looking at possible pneumonia or lung infection. I don't know anything else at this point. She never follows doctors recs when she gets home. She refuses to use oxygen, is in denial about her own health, and has poor follow through. She is the one that has been near death twice in the past 8 years. No one can help her and she doesn't do the things she needs to do help herself.

    Hope tomorrow is sunny and nice since we only have a little snow.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    I'm so sorry your sister is ill. And not very willing to do the things that might improve her health. I see that with my folks and even my sister (who has let her weight balloon out of control). It's sad to have to witness and then the stress when things go critical.

    I'm so glad the kids are there! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,278 Member
    The girls are a joy. I can't wait until everyone else gets here. It has been nice having the AK family alone so we can catch up and have some good talks.

    I tried to call my sister's cell but she didn't answer. She texted me and said she won't be getting out of the hospital today or tomorrow. She has some kind of lung infection and they have her hooked up to IV's with anti biotics. They are also giving her Prednisone and nebulizer treatments to open her airway. She doesn't want to talk to anyone or have visitors. She will only text Becky, my middle sister that called 911. I was just at Becky's helping her get ready for Christmas Eve. She said that Lynn admitted she was having difficulty breathing the day before she asked Becky to take her to the hospital. She has COPD and if she was to read anything about it, a person is not suppose to wait 24 hours to get help. I'm surprised she hasn't died in her house all alone. It could happen and that would be tragic.

    Is your sister an emotional eater or just not exercising and taking care of herself because she is so unhappy? Is C coming home by the weekend?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    It’s wonderful that things are off to a happy start with the AK family. Yay!

    I think it’s a lot of stress eating and drinking and pretending she doesn’t have a problem. She lost some weight last year before the wedding but I can see she has put it back on. The clothes she wears don’t fit. It’s like she thinks if she doesn’t buy bigger clothes then she fine. Nobody enjoys buying bigger clothes. Nobody enjoys dieting.

    Caleb is here. Still trying to figure out how to talk about things with him.

    We have been trying to figure out new car and home insurance for a few weeks. Our current policy went up over 30 percent. But finding something else is a pain. We have been with farmers mutual for several years but going to have to move on. I guess a bunch of home owners companies have stopped writing policies. What a pain
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,278 Member
    The rest of the kids arrive today. I've been baking the sugar cookies to decorate and made some white chocolate bark Christmas Tree pretzels with sprinkles on them. The AK family went to the library to see Santa and listen to an elf read a story. I took the opportunity to bake. Halen wants to help with everything which is great but it takes a long time to accomplish something. I told her she could help me bake the pies tomorrow. I will stay up late after she goes to bed tonight to make some coffee cakes. I just want them done without a challenge. Tomorrow night I will make the egg bake to put in oven Christmas morning.

    I'm glad C is home. I hope he opens up to you. I know my boys never liked questions. It was more effective to stay up late with them and chat. Sometimes they opened up to me when no one else was around. You never know...

    Lynn is still in the hospital and is getting 4 nebulizer treatments per day. She feels a little better today but no talk of discharge yet. We all want her to go to rehab rather than home alone. She does not want that. Her daughter is going to talk to the hospital social worker and see if that can happen based on doctor's orders. Lynn will have a fit but she doesn't take care of herself. I wonder if this is finally the thing that will wake her up to making some life changes.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,278 Member
    I hope your sister finds her way out of her slump.