The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    It’s not that I want Michele to suffer or to not take steps to improve her life if this is what is “ruining “ it, but this just hurts. She could have made even generic statements about examining her life or making changes to improve things. But nothing. She didn’t just not talk about her own struggles, she shut me out. I haven’t been able to talk to her in months. I’ve given up a lot to do the best I could in this job to support her and on top of everything I have to come to terms with that. How uncertain things will become for my employment too. I’m hurt and mad. Her text said she’ll want to get together later and I’m thinking why bother. There’s nothing to talk about now. And I’m pissed
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    Who knows if she already has another job or is looking or just doing more with the farm. Remember they farm with dad so she has that already. No talking for months so it will just be a surprise for me in her card next year
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    what she needs to admit is that she is depressed and needs help

    I do hope she is talking to a professional
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,276 Member
    If I recall, your relationship as sisters was pretty close. I can see why you feel hurt and mad. I hope as time passes, you both will be able to find your way back to each other. I certainly have different kinds of issues with my sisters that make me choose when and how much time to spend with them.

    Snow globe day here! It just keeps falling. I drove into the early aquafit class at 9am. Roads were snow covered but driving was ok, only slow. Coming home was a different story. Snow covered roads and I couldn't see the lanes. Home now and not going out again. Our friends are suppose to come for pizza dinner tomorrow eve but we are expecting a storm that will worsen by evening. I told them to let us know if they would rather stay home and reschedule. They will let us know tomorrow.

    Almost the weekend again for you. Any plans? Did you find a car yet?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    more snow coming today - and the 30-below temps. Not good.

    Michele actually said a few words today to me. She couldn't believe when she gave her notice to Roger (her direct report the COO, that he didn't really seem to care. I'm like, of course he doesn't care. They don't understand what you do. And, the only person who really 'cared' was Phil (the person who also had her working 20 hours a day 6 days a week, but for him she did it willingly) and he's DEAD. The people who have been brought in, they just work here. One hand could she not have talked through all her grief and issues and seen this as an opportunity to take a step back and only focus on doing the work a person in her person 'should' have to.

    I'll be lucky if they don't decide I'm extraneous. Or get put on the new Behlen production team and have to report to Jeromy who has driven away nearly a dozen people. So many options, none good for me.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,276 Member
    I'm sorry your job seems precarious. That must feel stressful on a daily basis. Has Michele said if she has another job? It's difficult to work at a job where supervisors/higher ups don't value what you do nor understand it.

    We have snow but snowmageddon hasn't happened yet. Suppose to pick up around 3pm with high winds and heavy snow. We shall see... Our friends are going to come Sunday eve for pizza night since today and tomorrow aren't suppose to have good visibility for driving due to high wind gusts of 40-50mph.

    The house has been cleaned on the main floor from Christmas inhabitants. Packages of gifts were mailed to AK and we are relaxing. I'm trying to make healthy choices and keep exercising/moving each day.

    I think I will start knitting the ponchos for the AK girls today. My knitting light arrived from Amazon so I should be able to see the darker yarn and stitches even in the evening.

    I think I should go for a walk before the snow and winds begin. I need to get in more steps.

    I hope you have a relaxing weekend planned.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    Well another 7-10 inches has come down, along with negative temperature and high winds. It’s a snowpocolypse. I’m home, but Bernie made it to work again. They are told repeatedly that they all need to be there to support production. Emails and text saying open and get to work. This is why people who gripe about stupid people out in this weather don’t understand. The pressure is immense. Just because technically they can’t fire you for missing for weather doesn’t mean they can’t find another reason. Of course the people making the decision are probably home in their jammies, or from another state. I think that if presidents vice presidents and managers can’t make it in then others shouldn’t have to either. Or the top level could “lead by example “” and make that product themselves they are so anxious for
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,276 Member
    I agree. It seems profit over employee safety prevails.
    The weather you have had is headed our way. High winds and snow have begun but not much accumulation at our house. Too windy. Tomorrow is suppose to be bad too.
    I'm watching the show Fool Me Once on Netflix. Pretty good! It is from Harlen Coben's suspense thriller book. He is a good writer.
    Stay warm and safe.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,276 Member
    The scale is slowly going in the right direction. I've lost almost 3 pounds in the last 2 weeks. I'm tracking with WWs and GoLo and following the meal/nutrient recs for GoLo (2 Proteins, 1 carb, 2 veggies-1/2c each, 1 healthy fat, bonus item of extra protein or carb if I exercise, and the release tablet which controls blood sugar-herbal/per meal; breakfast veggie optional). I have to get myself in a lower range and get my BMI down. I certainly have my cheats like frozen yogurt or a salty snack. I made up baggies of salty snacks (poppables, pretzel sticks, roasted chick peas, etc.), measured/weighed them and looked up points on WWs. I can grab a bag if I need a snack and avoid eating the whole big bag.

    Snowing and blustery today but not extreme where we are.
    I chatted with my sister Lynn for a bit and am going to knit this afternoon. I made up the guestroom bed in case she needs to stay with us when the temps drop. Her furnace is some type that doesn't keep up in really cold temps and she can't afford to get chilled since she just got out of the hospital 2-3 weeks ago.

    I hope you are bunkered down with tea or cocoa, enjoying a good book or movie and relaxing.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member

    Eastern Nebraska is closed. No plows on the roads since yesterday. It’s nuts. Dangerous. Wow
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    I have been reading a lot and getting my time in walking on my machine. That streaming show Only Murders in the Building has started being shown on regular network and I have started watching it. Enjoying! It’s the one with Steve Martin, Martin short and Selena Gomez. Fun cast
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    This shiz is nuts. 15-20 percent of roads are closed. Over a thousand stranded motorists. Plows pulled from roads. Law enforcement unable to assist stranded drivers. And some businesses still don’t close and people are gripping about not staying home.

    Snowpocolyse continues
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,276 Member
    Wowzer! The state should order businesses to close. By not being able to help stranded motorists or plow, the state doesn't lose money. However, people will die because they are too stupid to stay off the roads or feel the pressure to work due to *kitten* employers. Glad you are safe at home. That show sounds good. I will check it out.

    Today our friends are suppose to come for dinner but our driveway may not be passable since plow came in middle of night and it has filled in with continuous snowfall. We may need to reschedule again. It is winter wonderland outside now. I haven't been out of the house since Thursday! Cleaning, reading, knitting...

    I was cheap and did not pay $2 for a knitting pattern online, but looked at the free version. Well now I have spent a few hours knitting a poncho for Halen and I'm using the wrong size needles. I need to see if I can find the right size in my supplies and pull out the little bit I've knitted. I'm not sure I like the yarn texture so may need to splurge a little on new yarn too. I went cheap at Michael's with Lion Brand Yarn so it would be washable and knew she would be rough on it. Today I will figure out my plan going forward. I think I should stick with the yarn shop I found in Traverse City that I like quite a bit. A beautiful selection of yarns of varied colors and price ranges.

    Will you be expected to go to work tomorrow?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    I have no clue at this point. The majority of roads around here are still impassable. I never imagined I might still be unable to get out. I’m sure the plows will attack stuff today but it’s so much. And slowing things down will be all the stranded vehicles on top of the craziness. It’s just nuts
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    This is a door to the middle school which is in the middle of town. Haven’t seen any good plow/scoop pics from outside of town since no one can get there yet. NUTS!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,276 Member
    That has to be 5-6 feet of snow since a school door is typically 7 feet (per Russ, LOL!). Is your house like that too?

    The plow just came through again! If this continues for then next month we will make up for the money saved last winter due to little snow in January. We canceled our dinner with friends and will try again on the 26th. Snow still falling and still windy so it will fill in again. Russ took a walk down to the road and the highway. Drifted 8 plus inches and his foot prints filled in by the time he returned. Without 4 wheel drive our friends would have had a problem. We had to cancel by noon due to letting pizza crust rise. We didn't expect plowing until late tonight or tomorrow morning. Oh well!

    I'm starting to knit a poncho but have had to pull out stitches and start over 3 times. First was the wrong size needles and now I am just having trouble and need to look up some info to continue.

    I hope you have enough groceries to get by. Stay inside and enjoy reading and relaxing.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member

    This is peeking out my front door. It’s not super deep right here since there is not a lot for it to pile up on. It’s almost as high as the mailbox after multiple plowing and blowing
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    But it is dangerous cold. Like 25 below zero before wind chill. Nasty nasty.

    Pulling some chicken out of the freezer and going to make some spicy chicken soup. Fortunately I made Bernie go to the store on Wednesday. And we have power. I know some family have had outages. They are farm families and use a tractor to run a generator I think? We have a fireplace but only used it once years ago so not an option if we lost power. Mother Nature mad!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,728 Member
    A couple pics not that far from us. Terrible