The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    New forecast came in today. Freezing rain moving over to snow Sunday night through Monday. I texted my sister if we could switch to Sunday to celebrate. (It’s a long scary drive to and from Wayne when it’s icy and snowy- lots of hills and valleys for blowing snow). She texted back an unhappy reply because Caitlin wouldn’t be able to come for Sunday (with her husband’s family that day). So I didn’t reply back because there wasn’t anything to say. Then she called back later and said mom thought it was better to do it tomorrow. So we’ll do it tomorrow but I’m sure Michele is unhappy with me. I have to work Tuesday to make sure payroll can process. I can’t be stuck in Wayne. Sigh.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Happy arrival day. Take a deep breath and soak it in
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,278 Member
    They are all here. Let the chaos begin! The kids warmed up pretty quickly to each other and played well together yesterday evening. Jeff and family went back to their rental for bed time, Miles and Layney were very tired from 3 days of travel. David is trying to get his girls out the door this morning but they are crying because they don't want to leave. I was up late making my coffee cakes and today I need to bake two pies, put together the egg bake and make the frosting for cookie decorating. Maybe planned too much!

    Hannah bought tons of presents for everyone rather than just her Secret Santa. She loves Christmas and giving!

    I hope your Christmas goes well. It seems like no one is really in the Christmas spirit this year with all you have going on. Hugs to you and enjoy having the kids around you.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    We have had our dinner and unwrapped our one present (it was plenty). Most are playing cards and I’m trying to dump the news of Caleb not taking classes on my dad.

    And I’m back from doing that. Huh. Have to say I’m kind of pissed. My dad gave me a , well it’s good he’s figuring it out now. I’m like, if I would have even breathed a thought about wanting to drop out I would have been shunned.

    I’m ready for a drink

    Enjoy those babies and the chaos

    Merry Christmas Eve!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,278 Member
    Grandparents have a different attitude about grand kids vs their own child. Also you Dad is much older and may view it differently as he has aged and retired. Either way, I get your worries for C. I hope he figures it all out eventually. It takes longer for some than others and you just have to hope he finds his path and passion.

    Christmas Eve at my sister Becky's actually went very well. The kids were so good, played with the toys we took over there, and didn't destroy anyone or anything. A win! I ate way too much and may never eat very much again.

    I just stuffed stockings, Hannah helped me put the egg bake together to bake in the morning, and I am beat!

    Merry Christmas!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,278 Member
    Christmas Day went well with all. The kids received lots of presents and had fun playing together with some sharing issues. We went out for a walk since the sun was shining, played ball, and laid apples for the deer. After dinner, the kids went outside with some glow wands and then the Dad's took the older kids on a long hike on our acreage. Russ and I were tired and the little and big kids stayed here late.

    It rained overnight and it is a gray day. The families and my niece and her kids are meeting at the Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes this morning to climb the dunes. They will be covered in sand. I have lowered my standards on the cleanliness of the house this week. The guest bathroom and kitchen are dirty but no point in keeping up.

    The kids just left to get their lattes and go to the dunes. The house is quiet. I am going to my class at the YMCA to get some exercise. I feel like a slug and my weight has crept up this Fall.

    My sister is still in the hospital and I haven't heard a discharge day yet. I wish she would go to rehab for a few days but my niece decided not to talk to the social worker. Not sure why. Doctor would recommend if he thought it was necessary but he would base it on Lynn's information about her home environment and she would not be truthful. She wants to go home. I need to disengage from her dysfunction for my own mental health.

    Our dishwasher has died after 3.5 years of use. Of course when all are here. Never buy LG if you haven't already. We never will again. We can't pull it out while all are here to see if there is a leak so we will wait until they leave. If we have to buy another one, we will next week.

    I hope Christmas Day went ok at home for you. What did you do?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    We went to the folks on Christmas Eve to get ahead of the predicted blizzard. I personally preferred it as it gave me a day between the gathering and having to work my one day. My folks really are struggling to get around. She really struggled to make the meal. I know she likes having it at their house but we will have to figure out how to make it even less work for them.

    I am at my hair appointment. Caleb has been home for a few days but sounds like he is going back to Lincoln today or tomorrow. I still haven’t really had a “good “ conversation with him. He has been acting pretty happy but he did that before too.

    Sounds like you are having a great holiday. So happy for you!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,278 Member
    We aren't use to so many people coming and going and the noise level. It is nice having everyone here but the weather has been disappointing.

    My sister may be released today but not sure. We invited Becky for dinner tonight. David is cooking. I'm am frustrated with both my sisters right now. If I express my honest opinion to Becky about Lynn, she tells me I'm a negative person. But it is okay if she says something. Right now I'm basically annoyed with Russ, David, Rory and my sisters. If I say any opinion or ask a question, I'm put in my place. As of now, I've vowed to just be quiet and observe. I have no interest in verbal interaction with anyone.

    David did teach me how to feed sourdough starter and get bread dough ready for baking. We will bake a loaf later today and he will leave me the starter to make my own bread. We will see if I have the talent and inclination for it.

    Gloomy and rainy. Rory and Hannah went to Traverse City for breakfast and shopping. David and family went over to Jeff's rental to hang with them. I'm fine with them all doing their own thing without us. They can talk freely and spend time together. A break is nice too.

    I haven't watched the news in two weeks. What is going on in the world?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    It’s got to be a bit of a strain having so many extra people (including loud and busy people) constantly around. Even with the love and excitement it has to be good for everyone to get a breather.

    Caleb is back in Lincoln. He said he will be back after the new year for another visit. I looked at him and said, but I’ll be back at work then,”. He shrugged. Cool

    Today Bernie is coughing loudly and doing the sick man thing all over the house. I snapped at him that when I’ve gotten sick (post pandemic) he insists I wear a mask. That must just be a for me requirement. He asked, oh you want me to wear one? I’m like it doesn’t matter after you coughed over everything and touched everything. Ugh

    Hopefully a breather smooths things out

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,278 Member
    Dinner was nice last night. David and Chantrelle made juicy lucy hamburgers, home made mac and cheese, and salad. It's been a rainy week but the kids have made the best of it.

    When Becky walked in she started right away trying to tell me about her argument with Lynn. I stopped her and said I did not want to hear about it and did not want to be in the middle. She momentarily shut up but sat next to me at dinner and kept trying to talk about it. I tried to stop her again and again and finally she just pushed it out. She never respects boundaries. She has never been a Mom and doesn't know about kids much but told Lynn what she shouldn't be doing with her own grown children and grand kids regarding what she does and spends on them. She did admit to me that she shouldn't have said what she said, but she is not known for apologies. I told her she needed to apologize and not make those judgments. Lynn can do whatever she wants with her money and what she does for her own family. I'll be shocked if she does apologize. I will see Lynn this weekend. She will want to tell me all about it. I will lay down boundaries with her too, but she will not respect them either. It is exhausting
    sometimes. Then I go and vent to Russ about it all and I doubt he wants to hear all the drama either.

    I need to get out for a solitary walk today when all are out and about. We talked about going to a winery that has a playground but not sure what is happening. The boys are going over to visit Lynn because this is everyone's last day here. David probably won't be back in many years and she may not be with us any longer. Lynn is his god mother and they have always had a special connection.

    I wish C had stayed at least through the weekend and New Years so you could have more time. I hope you don't get what Bernie has. Maybe wear your mask and wash your hands a lot?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Oh I meant to add that I have never had an LG. This most recent dishwasher we bought just a few months ago is a Bosch. Remember the first one installed had a leak and the replacement seems ok. I think it cleans ok so far, not great on the drying. Before that was Whirlpool. Which was ok until the leak. Before that Frigidaire. Not very good. Food kept getting caught in the sprayers. Just like anything, kind of a crapshoot

    Hope you are having a good day
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,278 Member
    Kids all left today. I went over to Lynn's to take her some groceries and spend time with her. I tried to set boundaries with her too but not sure she gets it. Nice visit otherwise...

    Russ and I went out for an early dinner using a gift certificate someone gave us for one of our favorite places here. I hadn't eaten since 9am so was very hungry. I ate my whole Rachel Sandwich and half an antipasto salad. The sandwiches are huge but that really was my only meal of the day since breakfast was toast.

    We haven't dealt with the dishwasher yet. I've washed some sheets and towels, Russ cleaned out the fridge, did some dishes, and went to the grocery. Tomorrow I want to visit my friend who had the stroke and then should take a walk and do some cleaning. We will see...

    I'm trying to get back on track with eating this next week. Hope to add in exercise more consistently too. My Spade & Co. fitness watch arrived so I am wearing it and tracking my sleep, heart rate, steps, oxygen, stress, calories burned, etc. It was on sale for $60 and was voted best fitness watch for seniors. I am not using it as a phone though. I don't want to be talking into my wrist so I didn't connect my phone, just blue tooth. All looks good except BMI and weight.

    I hope you are having a good weekend. Any New Year's Eve plans? We will be home eating popcorn and some appetizers, watching shows we missed over the last two weeks.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,278 Member
    Becky did apologize to Lynn so that is a huge surprise. She wasn't truthful with me about what she said to Lynn. There was a lot more. Lynn is furious with her and does not want her around her grandchildren. She called Amy, age 4, crazy as in mentally ill crazy. Bizarre! Amy is a normal 4 year old with high energy, very smart, and social. All the kids got along and behaved beautifully at Becky's on Christmas Eve. Becky told Lynn that Amy was wild a needs to calm down, along with being crazy. I guess she yelled at Lynn from Traverse City all the way to her home when driving from the hospital (20+ mile drive) non stop. Lynn, cousin Polly and I have looked up early signs of dementia and some of them fit Becky. It is rampant in our family with the women so any one of us could end up that way. Becky is frequently having emotional outbursts towards Lynn that are pretty bad. I've said for awhile that she seems like she has more than one personality. One hour she is fine and the next she goes off, usually on Lynn. With me she acts like she is the queen of empathy and positivity (not true) and that I am a negative, hopeless person. She frequently tells all of us what we should be doing, her words of wisdom we should all abide by. Becky's husband Jim had MS from his 30's to when he died in his 60's in 2018. They were a realtor team for years until he couldn't work anymore due to decline in his brain from MS. For years, Becky and Jim would scream at each other and Becky could be very verbally abusive. Jim was very controlling and as he declined, Becky had the upper hand. Very dysfunctional...My Mom was a critical and verbally abusive person to us as children. She was particularly hard on Becky but we all got our turn. History repeats itself but Becky can't see that she is doing what Mom did to her.

    The kids all made it to their first day of driving destinations safely. Rory and Hannah are home in MN. David and family made it to Ashland, WI and go on to Duluth today. Jeff and Karah made it all the way to Rome, GA last night. Long drive! They will spend two nights with Karah's parents and head home.

    This morning I am going to visit my friend Sarah who had a stroke. I haven't seen her in two weeks. I will take her
    the cardinal ornament I made at the craft session. I have a suction cup and can put it on her window.

    Tonight is low key for us. What are your New Year's plans?

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,278 Member
    My friend Sarah seemed the same as two weeks ago. She has not been told when she can go home. I asked her if she felt stronger in PT when they have her up using a walker and she said no. I guess 6-9 months out will give us a clue as to what her skills will be going forward.

    My ham stock worked out well. Later in the week I will make ham and bean soup. Our appetizers were good and we caught up on some shows. Now Russ is going to watch a football game on his computer and I will read or catch a movie. I took a 30 minute walk outside today. It was sort of snowing icy crystals and was very cold. I got in 5982 steps today and that is great for me with a bad knee and no aquafit class. I will be curious to see what I accomplish at class.

    I hope you are having a nice long weekend.
    Happy New Year!!!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Happy new year!

    I’m glad your family is safely making their way back home. Hopefully all in all a good visit.

    That is a lot going on with your sisters. It is good that Becky got to go home. Sad that she is saying such hateful things.

    I have eaten so much more than I should have over the last week and a half. I am up at least five pounds. It’s really going to suck trying to get those back off. I did walk every day but too much stinking snacking.

    Bernie seems better and hopefully I’m past the point of getting whatever he had

    Last day off. Back to reality tomorrow
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,278 Member
    Lynn was in the hospital and is home and improving. Becky is the sister that criticizes both Lynn and I and thinks she is an expert on everything. I've set boundaries with both but we shall see how far they go over them.

    Some snow on the ground. I have been trying to walk when I can't go to class at the Y. This watch is motivating to get those steps in. I have initially set my goal for 5000 steps per day. Yesterday I went over that so that is good for me. I was hoping to take in a class at the Y this morning but when I called the front desk they told me no classes scheduled all week. Weird! The website said there were 3 water classes this morning but the guy that answered the phone told me know after some humming and hawing. I'll just keep walking for now and add in some exercises for my huge gut and overall muscle tone which is horrible.

    I gained about 2 pounds over the holiday and several others before that, and am back on GoLo trying to get back on track. I am also tracking with WW's more consistently. It is so hard to lose and so easy to gain! I've started eating the balanced meals they suggest. Two proteins, one carb, two veggies, one healthy fat and one release tablet (blood sugar control) each meal, although breakfast does not have to include two veggies. I think cutting out all the holiday sugar will help. Good luck with getting on track. You can do it!

    We did have a good, noisy visit with all. I am slowly getting the Christmas stuff in a pile and washing sheets and towels. Not in a hurry.

    Did you have a good weekend? I'm glad Bernie's cold is clearing up and you aren't sick yet. I've been taking zinc to kick out what I was acquiring from Halen.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Did your ruggable ever make it? What do you think?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,278 Member
    I did get them. I haven't washed them yet but will need to wash the entry rug soon. They are very light weight and thin. I bought the lighter weight pad for underneath both. The entry one slides on the tile and I have to keep adjusting it, but that is fine. It doesn't slide in a dangerous way but just seems to move a little bit after people have walked on it. The color turned out perfect. I'll try to remember to take a picture so you can see them. I bought 3x5's for both laundry room and mud room.

    We had to go buy a new dishwasher today. We went to a family owned business that has been in Traverse City for 80 years. We wanted to buy from them originally but the week I was looking was when Covid hit and the state shut down. We ended up buying from Home Depot online and ordering from the Traverse City store for delivery a couple weeks before moving in. It was between a GE and a Bosch. We liked the features of the GE better so that is what we went with. For the model level, the prices were similar but the features and look both inside and outside were different. They had to order so we will be without for a few weeks. No issue with just the two of us. Bummer though!

    We went to a restaurant for a mid day meal and won't need dinner tonight. I had a great burger.

    Now I need to renew my drivers license online. Lucky you, a shorter work week.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,278 Member
    Renewed my drivers license online. That is slick. In MN, I had to stand in line at the Dept of Motor Vehicles. Michigan may be behind other states in many ways, but I appreciate renewing online.

    Physical therapy this morning for my knee. The ortho doc ordered twice per week for 4 weeks to strengthen, maintain flexibility, etc. Then I am going to a fiber store to buy my friend Kris a gift card for teaching and helping me with those Christmas stockings. This afternoon I will make ham with bean and bacon soup for our dinner. I made a stock from our smoked ham we had at Christmas. I hope it is good. If my bread dough has risen enough, I will bake my first loaf of sourdough from David's starter he left me. Dinner could be a flop, we will see.

    Hope going back to work yesterday went well.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    We have been able to do our licensing and plates online for a few years already. Surprised MN doesn’t offer that. It definitely is a time saver. Even in a smallish town like Columbus it’s not a fun trip. Although after a couple online renewals you have to go back in. Although they might have changed that with Covid and having trouble staffing the offices. It helps the dmv out too to not have to deal with standard stuff

    I bet your dinner is delicious. Is the starter something he made, or did he buy it? I’d probably fail to keep it “alive “.

    Have you been to visit your friend recovering from a stroke? I hope her recovery is progressing