The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    MN may have online renewal now but not when we were there. Since we didn't need a new photo, we were able to renew online this time in MI. Next time is probably in person but pretty easy in our small town. I would drive from one DMV to another in Minneapolis area to find one that wasn't an hour or more wait. I usually tried to do it on my lunch hour or at end of work day. Such a pain. I imagine they have it now though.

    I visited my friend last Sunday and am going today too. I have my annual mammogram this morning and then will stop in to the nursing facility to see her. I hope I catch her in therapy. I would like to watch and see how she is doing. I'm not seeing any progress as of now. I guess 3-6 month window post stroke is a crucial progress time. She is approaching 3 months and is still in a nursing facility receiving 3 therapies per day 6 days per week.

    David made his starter and has been feeding it for several years. He makes bread a few times per week. They eat it for toast and sandwiches. He brought me some of his starter and it lived so we fed it over the vacation. He gave me a lesson in feeding it and in making the bread. I tried my first loaf yesterday. We had it with the ham and bean soup. It turned out ok but needed to be more airy. I need to figure out the rising issue which would help. I'll send you a photo on messenger. The soup wasn't the best but it used up the ham from Christmas. It called for Smokey Paprika and I wasn't fond of how that ingredient affected the soup. I will give some to Lynn and Becky since I made a double batch.

    I need to get ready to leave for my boob smashing event. I emotionally dread this because of my family history of breast cancer. Fingers crossed for a negative test.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    wishing you a smooth testing!

    Grrr - I started a ruggable cart early this morning at work (part of my issue before is always indecisiveness- so many options) and as I went back to scroll through more options my cart was empty. Gah! This time I will take pics with my phone I guess so I can remember the names. Hopefully tonight I can complete. I want to measure one more time - because I think I want to go with a 10 foot runner in one area and a 7 foot in another.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    I think they do put a timer on what is in your cart. Taking a photo is a good idea. After looking at them they can all merge.
    Mammogram was quick. The technician told me 3D mammograms are now standard. A few years ago I had to make sure my insurance covered 3D. She told me that very soon a new procedure will be used. They will inject dye into the patient prior to the 3D mammogram. The dye will find the "problem area(s)" in the breast if are any. Then th doctor will have a precise location for biopsy. Pretty cool! I will get my results in 5 days or so. Sooner if I need to be called in again.
    I took soup and bread to Lynn for her dinner. We visited for awhile. Becky has not been up to see her or called her since the big blow up where she said hurtful things to Lynn about herself, grandkids, kids...
    I visited my friend Sarah who had the stroke. She and her husband were in good spirits today. I was able to observe the end of her speech therapy session and hear the results of her swallow study she had yesterday. They are now allowing her to drink regular liquids. She has had thickened drinks for 2 months due to aspiration. Yuk! I saw a couple of instances of her old personality which was encouraging.
    I bought yarn today to knit a cowl neck poncho for Halen and a v-neck poncho for Ellis. I haven't decided what to make Layney and Miles yet.
    I need to pack up the Christmas decorations that are covering the living room furniture. My friend Laurie and her husband Chris are coming over on 1/12 for make your own pizza dinner with Russ' pizza oven. I wanted to get together with them before my knee surgery and recovery.

    TGIF tomorrow!!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    I finally did it - I ordered a couple of the ruggable runners. Sheesh - you'd think I was a buying a car. I kept putting different ones in my cart and then taking out. In, out, in out. I finally settled on a navy color with some white geometric shapes. The struggle is real.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    The rugs seem to be good quality. I really like that they are washable. Where are you putting your rugs?

    I got my hair cut today and scheduled another one for the week of surgery. That way I won't be going months between cuts. I should be able to get my hair cut by late March or early April by driving myself at that point.

    I did my PT exercises this morning and need to do another set after the national news is on. I thought my muscles were stronger than they are. Inconsistent activity in the past 8 months. Who am I fooling?

    There was an article in our local paper about a woman who is teaching sourdough bread making class. She gives you a sourdough starter she has been feeding for years. At the end of class, you take home some healthy starter, dough to let rise and bake the next day, a recipe, and tips on making good sourdough. I signed up to see what I can learn and to get another starter. I may be the only one in the class! She offered 5 nights and one was full. We shall see who shows up.

    Russ and I took a walk today. It was brisk out. My knee is acting up so we stayed on the farm road and walked slightly over 1 mile.

    I have to get my decorations put away this weekend and then clean the floors and guest bathroom.

    Any weekend plans?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    That’s neat that there is a class you can join to learn more about baking sourdough bread. Yum.
    Good job getting a nice walk in. Only a few weeks until your surgery? You really tolerated the last one well it seemed.
    I am going to put one of the runners near the front door and the other in the kitchen.
    I am feeling kind of down today. This morning the team had an email from Michele that a new team member has been hired and is starting Monday. Huh. Back when Michele was talking to me she had no applications or resumes coming in. Supposedly. Somehow she had someone come in and interviewed and hired. She has had me review all applicants since I started (I have a background in HR) and she completely froze me out. Just another level of hurt
    Caleb had told me he was coming home on the third and didn’t. Then texts today saying it will be the 12th. I can’t say anything because I still have the words ringing in my head about invading his privacy and needing his space
    I spend my life waiting on and for people who never show up for me
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Do you think Michele has backed off due to new owners and is watching her own back? Or is she just mad at you?

    Nice that C is coming home even if a week later than originally planned. I hope you both get time together.

    Lazy day here! I did manage to make two types of muffins. One is a WW 1 pt muffin and other is the one made with raisin bran cereal that can stay in the fridge for 6 weeks. I've been looking at bread and wild game cook books for David's birthday. I ordered myself a bread starter jar so I can keep track of best temperature for making bread (when starter is ready) and schedule of when to feed the starter. The jar will be easier to clean than the one my starter is in now. I can't wait for my class!

    Russ and I are going to a local restaurant that is doing an Asian night. They offer 4 entrees to choose from so we are going to check it out.

    Did I tell you I sent pictures of our dogs Maggie and Charlie to an artist I met at the holiday boutique? She is going to paint a small 5x7 portrait of them together. I plan to give to Russ for his birthday. We don't exchange gifts so he won't expect it.

    I've been doing my PT exercises but forgot this morning due to making muffins. I guess I'll fit in 2 sets later. I see my ortho doc this week for his pre-op visit. We will discuss how it will go and what he is going to do. He already sent in the prescription of the antiseptic stuff I need to shower with prior to surgery. Surgery is mid February but it seems his office is on top of it all.

    Well I need to get ready to go to dinner (early bird old people here, haha!)
    Happy Sunday tomorrow. Do something for yourself! It is not selfish to do so. If people aren't there for you, be there for yourself. Take a walk for mental health or treat yourself to a special coffee, movie, take out, etc.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    I don’t know what’s going on with Michele. She doesn’t talk to me anymore. I get it work sucks. It’s sucked for the 14 years I’ve been there and probably the 25 years she’s been there. But just because she convinced herself that the things she did was worth it and then Phil and TR died and maybe she finally realized that they had taken advantage of her dedication? I don’t know. I don’t know anything since she doesn’t talk to me anymore. Before we could vent to each other and work out some of those emotions that need to be dealt with. I always thought it went both ways. I guess not. It’s probably time for us to not do things together anymore.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Maybe Michele feels poor self worth since new owners came in. Maybe her job has been diminished and she isn't handling it well. You always described her as so driven, organized and efficient at work. Maybe she is in a depression and doesn't want to admit how her circumstances have changed? Too bad she is allowing whatever is going on with her destroy your relationship. You need each other through good and bad times. Could you invite her out to dinner, coffee, lunch, etc. and try to have a heart to heart? Tell her why you want to go out with her so you can have some quality time together and clear the air. If she refuses, then go your own way. Maybe she will say yes and you can get back on track.

    I forgot to do my exercises yesterday. We went out to dinner, which was great, and then I got in to a tv show and totally spaced it out. Today I am going to visit my friend Sarah at the nursing home. I may go to the Y and swim some laps to get moving. I'm afraid I will sink so I'll take my kick board to get warmed up, LOL!

    Snow on the ground and snowing today. Supposedly we will have a storm moving in by Tuesday.

    Enjoy your Sunday.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Snowmagedon moving in tonight. Calling for 6-12 of heavy wet snow between Monday morning and Tuesday morning. Should be fine getting to work but the trip home could be bad. My anxiety has been super high all day. I haven’t been really worried about tomorrow but Tuesday looks really dicey. And since the Florida group decided they would not be sending their hours/payroll information until Tuesday because the gal is taking Monday off. Well that’s a problem if I don’t want to risk driving in what could be bad conditions. I take payroll seriously but it pisses me off Florida has the option to not submit on Monday. I never have the option but Florida is special and they often get special treatment. Effers
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    We are suppose to start getting the storm on Tuesday too. I hope I can make it to the Y but won't risk driving if it is snowing heavily. Today I swam 10 laps. I used my kick board for two laps and did strokes for 8. I can feel it in my muscles in my shoulders and neck. I need to get in as much exercise as I can manage before my surgery. I want to make some progress on reducing inches and being stronger.

    I went cheap on a swimsuit for swimming laps. I need to invest in a Speedo. The one I bought is not comfortable or snug like it should be. Ugh! I hate buying swimsuits.ome

    I hope you can get to work safely. Are you able to access software for payroll and work from home?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Looking at the radar on The Weather Channel app, it looks like you have heavy snow today. How many inches are expected for you? Were you able to go to work? I have a feeling I won't be able to drive to Aquafit tomorrow. I would really like to go.

    I took some food over to my sister Lynn today. She is doing well and seems to be getting stronger. She told me she has not had a cigarette since she went in to the hospital 3 weeks ago. She finally wants to quit. I hope she can do it and is committed.

    I went to Power Book Bags to volunteer this afternoon. It was nice to see Gabrielle and Penny again. I packed up book bags for WIC.

    I finally got the Christmas ornaments and decorations put away. Now I need to clean the guest bathroom, vacuum and allow Dusty Roomba to remap the house when I get the furniture back in the normal spot. Some had to be relocated for the Christmas tree.

    Have a nice night.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Glad your sister is doing better and yay for not smoking!

    So much. Snow. We are about 8 to 9 inches right now and the wind is picking up. I made it to work easy in the morning, but the trip home was rough. I made it. But the poor mail lady was stuck up the street. I spent 20 minutes trying to help her then drove the rest of the way home so I didn’t get stuck and Zach and I walked back and continued to try to help her. Her mail vehicle was rear wheel drive and she kept getting stuck. Finally a supervisor showed up and towed her out. I hope she made it back to town safely.

    Wouldn’t mind a snow day tomorrow. We’ll see. Schools were closed today and already closed for tomorrow. Many banks are closed. The plants never officially close. Or at least it’s rare. They just always leave it to “your discretion “.

    Hopefully you don’t get too much snow.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Oh and if you are watching Michigan playing football in the Natty game tonight, one of the guys Ernest Hausmann is from Columbus NE. He was in Caleb’s class. Go Ernie!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    We’re up to 13 inches and our road hasn’t been plowed yet. Awe darn. I’m not going to make it to work today. What a shame.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    I hope you were able to stay home. Nice of you to help the mail lady. She needs at least all wheel drive.

    I went to the early aquafit class at 9am with no problems. It was nice to see some of my pool friends since I had been going to the 11:15am class. The teacher who had back surgery is back teaching the 9am so I will probably alternate between her class and the 11:15. Maybe tuesdays at 11:15 and thurs at 9am.

    I made a healthy lunch since I was so hungry when I got home. I was reading and watching Kid's Baking Championship and couldn't stay awake. I eventually took a two hour nap so there went my day. We had a light dinner and are still waiting for our "storm" to arrive. Inland in the snow belt will get up to 12" of snow. We will get 3-6" supposedly. If it doesn't come over night I would say it was all hyped up and missed us completely. It has been so warm and lake effect from Lake MI has created more rain and slush. We are so close to the big lake, a mile one direction and 5 miles the other.

    Tomorrow I have PT and an appt with my ortho doc. I imagine we are talking about surgery, answering questions,
    and making plans.

    Even though I am a Spartan, it's great that the Wolverines won. Did C's friend get playing time?

    Enjoy your snow.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Here’s hoping you don’t nearly as much snow as we did. I know we need the moisture desperately, but it’s so hard to deal with. I read west of town 100 cars got stuck between Columbus and Schuyler. Awful. People online acting all trolly saying people shouldn’t have been out. Most of them were guaranteed trying to go to work. Not all places give you the option to stay home without consequences (points, write ups etc). Anyway I hope it’s better tomorrow.

    Glad you are getting back to your aquatic classes. I know you enjoyed those.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    aaaannnndddd another strong system is moving in tomorrow. Another 4-7 inches and temperature dropping to below zero. Fantastic. I could only drive 20 - 25 mph this morning and was sliding all over place. Just what we didn't need right now.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Michele just texted me that she put in her resignation this morning. I know I have been talking about how unhappy she has been acting, but I am just stunned she did it. And that as with everything recently she didn't talk to me at all. Wow. Just wow.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    I think we may be getting the second storm this weekend. It will be worse inland.

    Michele must have really been struggling with what to do. Maybe she just felt so unhappy and not in control anymore. She may have needed to work through it on her own but could have just told you she was dealing with stuff she didn't want to talk about. Does she have another job lined up?

    Ortho appt went well. I am sore from PT this morning.

    I made Hannah's banana bread recipe but it is sinking in the middle. A toothpick showed it was done but I guess not. Drives me nuts! I can't make banana bread and have it turn out, ever!

    I have 3 boxes ready to ship to Homer, AK. The kids gifts they could not take on the plane. I will mail tomorrow after aquafit.

    Tomorrow I need to vacuum and clean the guest bathroom. We have friends coming for a pizza night with the pizza oven on Friday eve.

    Glad you are safe after driving in the snow. I don't like it the older I get.