The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Good luck Z!! I hope it goes well, but if he doesn't get the job, it is still a good experience. I hope he gets an offer.

    The kids have changed so much! Layney is a little girl, playing independently, screaming at Miles when he won't share, copying sounds and some words, and a very active, determined little girl. Miles seems so grown up. This morning he went out to the garden with me and helped. We picked peppers, took out the old sweet pea stalks and planted new ones, watered the new seeds after putting food in the dirt, and then he watered all my bushes and flowers with a watering can. Russ brought out the water/sand table he made. Both Layney and Miles played with it for half the morning. Tired kids! They ate an early lunch and are going down for their naps now.

    The dermatologist took off a couple of spots that bothered me or looked like they could be precancerous basal cell carcinoma. She biopsied the mole on my ear and froze a spot on my face. Not looking too good this week, LOL! She didn't see any melanoma but biopsied stuff will give more info.

    I will enjoy some peace while the littles are napping.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Good job getting a visit in with the dermatologist. I like this guy I have been seeing in Columbus (visiting p.a) but thinking I should do a visit somewhere that will do one of those body scans machine. I have so many spots that I wonder if he can really tell those minute differences.

    What a fun day you have already had with those gkids. I figured that water table would be a hit.

    Zach said he thought his interview went well and that Jeff (main guy) said he wanted to get back in touch with him within two weeks. He was even excited to work with me on thank you letters. He is so happy and hopeful. Ugh. Us too. This is the most animated I’ve seen him in months. I know intellectually that no matter what this is a good experience, I just can’t help but hope. And pray

    Keep enjoying your awesome visit

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    day one of wait

    Caleb says he is coming home this weekend. It's Bernie's bday this weekend (50) and then Caleb's is next week. I'm guessing he wants to avoid us coming to him (i.e. interrupting the best life house). My soul is still full of general unhappiness about most things Bernie, but I had Caleb pick out some ear buds and ordered them for the kids to give him and will figure out something 'special' to make and then of course there is the plan to get more food from the 'hibachi' food truck we recently tried. Wouldn't it be the cherry of the celebration if we could have a job offer too? I know, I know.

    Go-go gkid time!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    More waiting

    I finally started playing Wordle. Pretty fun.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I like Wordle also. Have you played Connections Puzzle? Google it and see what you think. You find 4 words that belong to a group. I'm not good at it at all.

    WTG Z! I hope he gets a second interview or an offer.

    I'm guessing it is hard to gear up for Bernie's birthday when he did so little to recognize yours. Be excited for the kids and a good spouse model for Bernie. At least the boys will see it from one of you.

    My niece, her two kids and my sister (her Mom) came by to see Jeff, Karah and their kids today. My sister constantly feeds her grand daughter snacks and brought 3 snacks to our house for her. Amy is allowed to roam at my sister's house eating her snacks. She spills all over the floor, crushes what she is eating, and doesn't clean anything up. She is 3.5 years old and it is all about her. My sister *kitten* about having to clean up her messes but continues to feed her constantly and lets her eat anywhere. Why would she show up at my house with 3 snacks? That is weird. So Amy pulls out a bag of Cheetos to eat and plans to eat in my living room. I told her she could eat them at the table or outside on the porch, but not in the living room. She gave me the evil eye and ran to her mother crying. Everyone looked at me with surprise that I wouldn't let her eat wherever she wanted. After she ate all the Cheetos, she ate a bag of grapes that was big enough to share with a group. Then she ate a bag of pretzels the same size. This is all between 3 and 5pm. My sister who feeds her constantly worries she will have weight issues like her Dad but continues to provide junky snacks along with fruit all the time. When Amy arrives at Lynn's house she immediately says "I want snack". Lynn told me when she arrived with the large bag of snacks today that the snacks come with her because Amy expects them. I don't think Abby, Lynn's daughter and Amy's mother, is happy about it but she doesn't say anything. It all drives me nuts. Vent over!

    Miles and Layney nap every afternoon and Layney may even take a short morning nap if she is up too early. Makes it hard to go anywhere because she doesn't nap in the car. Jeff doesn't give Karah nearly enough help with the kids when needed.

    Taking each day as it comes...
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    that would be uncomfortable for everyone. I'm not sure why people think it's not ok to have boundaries for your own home - and perfectly reasonable ones as well. I mean we all want to spoil out special visitors some, but.... well you know.

    I hope that Jeff does help Karah more than you are seeing. Maybe he just slacks off when the others are around because there are others there to help. Hopefully.

    I dug out an older recipe I had made a number of years ago for stuffed chicken marsala that I remember being pretty good - if a bit of a pain to make. Seems like a good 'occasion' meal. And then I found a recipe for german chocolate cake bars (German Choc cake is B's favorite) that we can make as well. I think I have birthday knocked out of the park - and the special food will please Caleb as well if this happens to be the only day we see him before his birthday.

    Another day of fingers crossed, praying and hoping!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Pouring rain part of yesterday and all of today. This morning was dry so Jeff, Karah and I took the kids to the sand dunes and to an A&W for lunch. We shopped at a store the big kids like to go to and then came home. Russ didn't want to go to the dunes so he stayed home. It is chilly today and I am wearing leggings and a light zip up jacket in the house. Jeff and Karah are trying to get the kids to nap and possibly taking naps themselves. A gloomy, rainy day...

    Rory and Hannah closed on their new town home this morning and are in the place painting as I write. They come her next Friday so want to get their painting done. They will move in when they return from Michigan. They only have the weekend and evenings next week.

    Your birthday meal and dessert sound delicious. I love German Chocolate cake!

    I hope Z hears early in the week if not today. Does he know how many people they were interviewing?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    There were three or four other candidates I think? I think Zach is the only local one so that’s a big plus for him off the top, plus he’s just pretty awesome. 😉

    Congrats to Rory and Hannah! What a big step. I hope the move goes smoothly. Moving is so stressful.

    Caleb didn’t come home today but I still made the chicken. It was delicious.

    One of the folks on the floor sells tamales his wife makes and today I got to try the spicy cheese one. It was delicious! I don’t usually like tamales but this was amazing. I’m ordering some soon.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    We love tamales! I worked with a Mexican family and when the Mom made tamales, she gave me some to take home. Best we've had.

    That looks good for Z. I hope they think about the fact he has family locally and is more likely to stay rather than look elsewhere after a year or so.

    The kids are meeting my niece and her kids at the beach today. Chilly and windy! I'm not going. I need to work in the garden, vacuum and wash towels today. Miles is out in the pole barn with Papa checking out, riding his bike and watching the smoker smoke pork butt. Pulled pork sandwiches, coleslaw, beans and chips for dinner.

    I need to water plants inside today. We've had lots of rain! That's too bad C did not come home for the birthday dinner. Will he come next weekend?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Weather is cooler these past two days and rain in the night. This morning is overcast and looks like rain.

    Tonight we are having my sisters over for dinner and using Russ' new pizza oven to make personal pizzas. Hopefully it clears up by noon. I have to work at the theater for a couple of hours and then they are coming over at 4:45. Kids eat at 5:30, then bath and in bed between 7 and 8pm. Right now Jeff and Karah took the kids out to breakfast. My intestines are wonky this morning and I don't usually eat real early unless the schedule of the day dictates I do. The house seems quiet!

    I hope you are having a good weekend.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Yesterday was rainy in the afternoon. Jeff and I took the kids to a farm market that had chickens, goats, a pig, and cats. They played in the sandbox with big trucks, drove toddler size dump truck, car and scooter, and ate a blueberry cake donut. Karah had to work yesterday.

    I went to my first book club meeting last night. There were 4 of us for the first one. I only knew one person but the other two ladies were very nice. We got to know one another, discussed the book and then chatted afterwards.

    Today is beautiful out with sun, a breeze and temps in the 70's. We have had almost an inch of rain in the last few days.

    Has Z heard anything?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Sounds like a pretty great visit all in all so far with the gkids. I bet they enjoyed that trip to the farm. I would have loved playing with cats and eating donuts!

    Still waiting on the Zach/BD front. Uff-dah.

    Caleb came home Saturday afternoon and the boys (and me) got our hibachi. Caleb seemed to enjoy it. They gave Bernie his present (ear buds) and the bars Zach made.

    Caleb announced he changed majors again. "Down" to computer science. It should be less intense that the software engineering I guess. He decided he was too fried after the four classes he took this summer and wanted to ease off. We warned him that he may have been stretching too much with the summer classes he took. I'm torn. I want him to have some fun in college. And I don't think he has been having much fun. But I'm not sure how I feel about the major change. There is nothing wrong with the major, it should still set up well, but - I guess just overall worried that his ambition is not as school focused. And then I know how that sounds since I keep saying I want him to have some fun. I just really thought he would crush engineering school, and that is why he 'needed' UNL - he could get computer science at any school. I know I just have to let him make his way. I always worry. That's about the only thing I am good at.

    But - we had a great time Saturday afternoon with the meal, Caleb even stayed upstairs for awhile and watched t.v. with me and Zach. He took back off Sunday afternoon. I asked if we could come to Lincoln next weekend and take him out for his birthday and he said that would be great. So, loose plan to do that.

    Rolling on.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Rory went through a lot of major changes and didn't end up liking what he chose. I never understood his choice of Wild Life Biology. He would have needed a masters and didn't enjoy his classes by junior year but didn't want to prolong college and didn't tell us he didn't like it. He did not want to go on to a masters. Bachelor of Science degree he is not using and never will. Would have been cheaper to go into the trades in the beginning. Now he is entering his 3rd year as an apprentice with the Mpls Electrical Union. I hope he sticks with it. He is 28 years old. His choices, his life but a parent always worries until their kids are self sufficient and able to make a living. I am glad he will celebrate with you next weekend.

    Miles is acting out a lot. Karah has had to work so Jeff, Russ and I are watching the kids. Miles is happy one minute and screaming the next. He works hard to manipulate his parents by being aggressive to Layney or doing things he shouldn't. The "terrible two's!"

    We may launch kayaks tomorrow morning with the kids. I'm hoping since Russ and I haven't been out at all. I ask him and he never wants to go. He is finally agreeing. I hope we can get out before the wind picks up. The littles have life jackets and we will be in shallow water. They love being on the water.

    Rory and Hannah arrive Friday!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Stormed last night. It is dark and wet this morning. I hope it clears up. I checked the tickets for the Children's Museum and they are sold out for the morning. Fingers crossed it is not a rainy day. Short attention span with Miles. Playdo and painting last about 10 minutes (normal) but won't fill a morning. He is in the worst of the "terrible two's" and very demanding and emotional. Layney has taken a couple of steps independently while here so I imagine she will start walking at her other grandparents' house this next week.

    Any news for Z?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Hopefully the weather cooperates so Miles can get outside. Maybe back to the water table? It's a tough age, and I'm sure being off his routine doesn't help his ability to regulate.

    Still in the wait for word for Zach. Even though we/he just barely passed one week of the two they said to expect - it's hard. Plus, with getting no interest on anything else he has put out... so hard.

    Looks like another major heat stretch starting tomorrow. A full 10-day forecast of over 100. Nasty.

    Hope you have a good day!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    How do you stand those temps day after day?

    We have had almost 2" of rain in the last week. My tomato stakes keep falling over. The dirt is so saturated.

    Miles is so challenging right now. I can't believe I worked with this age for 30 years. So exhausting! This morning I made a fort for him under the diningroom table, got out some different books and flashlights, and sat on the floor with him. After that we did playdo and then he went in to his antics. Jeff took him outside to the pine grove to look for monkeys in the trees. It took him and Layney forever to go down for their nap after lunch. Karah is using the camper as her office. She has meetings all afternoon.

    I pick up Rory and Hannah tomorrow at the airport. We will have a family dinner tomorrow eve and Jeff and family leave Saturday morning. My house needs cleaning badly but I will straighten up, sweep and mop on Saturday.

    I hope Z hears something soon and it is good news!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    fortunately we had a break in the heat - this week was downright beautiful most days in the mid to upper 70's. It's pretty unusual to be going back to over 100 at this point. And a true bummer. I am SO fortunate that I am in the a/c but just the 30 minutes in my car in the afternoon makes me want to die. The a/c in the car can't touch that all day baking. Yuck. I feel so bad for the folks out in it.

    Wish we could get some of your rain. We are still considered in extreme drought conditions. Much more is needed to catch up.

    Hope you have a great day together and then some special time with just Rory and Hannah.

    Still waiting on job news. Got the concerning news that BD did shut down one of their smaller plants in Nebraska. That is always troubling to hear. I thought BD was still flying high on all the vaccinations (though I know those have slowed down). Not only sad for the 100 people in Holdredge that have lost their jobs, but this sort of thing can mean hiring slows/stops at other plants as well. We'll see. Still being hopeful.

    It's my babies bday today. Caleb is 19! We hope to drive to Lincoln tomorrow to take him to lunch. His semester officially start Monday. I hope things go well since I'm not exactly sure how he is really feeling about school/education/learning.

    Make some more memories and soak it in and then relax!!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Had a great time celebrating Caleb’s birthday yesterday with a special little trip to Lincoln and taking him out to lunch. I took him some cookies and banana bread too. I had Amazon him a gift earlier in the week. Seemed happy. His energy was much higher than the week before. Hopefully he’s ready for the semester now.

    Off to church

    Enjoy the day
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    We spent the afternoon on the deck but I rode 20 miles on my bike in the morning. Rory and Hannah went out to breakfast and shopping in their favorite stores in the county. Russ grilled brats and corn for dinner and we ate on the deck.

    Today the kids went hiking and came home to watch a soccer tournament in Britain. I volunteered at Power Books for a couple of hours. Since they took my car, I rode my bike on the bike trail to Suttons Bay. I really should use my bike to go to the grocery for small items and to Power Books. I think I will ride to Power Books this Fall until the snow flies. We went out to dinner tonight and are relaxing.

    My bathroom wall paper from Wayfair arrived today. I like it but may need to repaint my vanity from gray to something else. I though there was gray in the paper but am not sure. I need to open up a roll and see.

    Tomorrow we are going to some ciderys and wineries with the kids. They told us there will be an engagement by next summer at the latest.

    I am gradually getting my house put back together from Miles and Layney, LOL!

    Any news for Z?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Today is two weeks. Tonight I'll have Zach create a follow up note (because his interviewer had said two weeks and he should hear something) and then we will have to discuss other options as well. An offer could still come, BD is notoriously slow - but I feel like we should move on.

    It sounds like a fun (and somewhat more chill ;>)) visit with Rory and Hannah. And how exciting to look forward to an engagement.

    It is so effing hot. I don't know how places like Vegas, New Mexico, etc do this all the time. It's like the outside wants to murder you. And it does murder some. Horrible.

    Bank auditor is here today to count - stressful for everyone and lots of extra work for the prep. Here's hoping it goes well.

    Have a great one.