The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Marla- maybe you will be a nice balance for the kids if this guy is crazy. However, you don't need more stress in your life and dealing with him may be difficult. Good luck to Zach.

    I had brunch today with a friend/coworker. We went to a tea room that served brunch and lunch. It was really good. We shared a pot of orange-chocolate tea and each ordered a brunch dish. We talked for 4 hours. We hadn't had much time to chat in the last months since our jobs are slightly different and our offices are in different rooms from one another. It was nice to catch up.

    Getting warmer here. 50's tomorrow! Yay!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    welcome almost weekend
    in the 60's!!!

    Zach had his audition this morning for concert choir - praying he nailed it

    he also had three quizzes - praying he nailed those too

    Niece receiving an NSAA Believer's and Achiever's award this afternoon during the state wrestling meet in Omaha - she is a rockstar!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    We looked at campers today at two RV dealers. Gathering information on brands, floorplans, cost, features, etc. We learned a lot today. Two more places to visit and then we wait and see when our truck comes home so we can purchase and get on the road.

    My son David proposed to his girlfriend of 5-6 years. They are planning a wedding for next Fall. It may be a destination wedding in Mexico, Dominican Republic or somewhere. They may also choose to get married in Alaska where they live. I know it will be an outdoor, casual wedding and lots of fun.

    No coat today. The sun was out, temps in the 60's, patios at restaurants full, Minnesotans outside enjoying the weather.

    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    In the space of a week we got three FEET of snow. They are still working on widening streets and getting the sidewalks done. They said on Tuesday it will be 10-14 days before they get all the sidewalks done.

    The buses ended up being pulled for two days. No work for two days. I was going nuts. I finally went out Tuesday just to get out. The streets were a mess and the sidewalks were completely buried. WOW! We had next to nothing this time last week and now we have more then enough! I wouldn't mind the least if it didn't snow again this winter. Little chance of that happening!

    My Pastor was our today and tightened my treadmill. No more rattling as I run! YIPPEE!!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    Congrats to David and his FIANCE'!!!! How exciting.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    this has been a gnarly Monday - not in a good way

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Last day off today. I went to my boot camp class this morning and then out for coffee and lunch with a couple of retired friends I don't see as often now they don't work with me. One is headed on a driving trip to Florida for 2 weeks. Lucky lady!

    Raining here today! So weird.
    Ang- 3 feet in a week? Sounds like where I grew up in Michigan. We had some amazing, snowy winters there.

    Tomorrow is staff training all day. This means we sit and listen to speakers, presentations... ugh!

    Marla- did the singing work out for Zach? Why is today bad? Just a Monday?

    Well a crazy week coming. Wednesday my book club is going to see my cousin launch a book at the Russian Museum of Art. Thursday I host book club at my house, we are reading on of his past books, and Friday is girls' weekend at my friends lake home in western MN if snow doesn't keep us home. I'll need to pack tomorrow night and begin some cleaning around here.

    Have a nice evening!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Jenny - I missed your early post! Congratulations on your son's engagement! Yes 3 feet! They are still working on cleaning up. Tomorrow all sidewalks around schools and bus stops will be done and they will get the rest of the sidewalks they haven't done yet.

    Marla - Sorry to hear it was a bad Monday. I hope tomorrow is better!

    I've figured out how much one can get done if one does not sit in front of the computer watching YouTube all day/evening. Getting on here is an example! Today was Nova Scotia Heritage Day (a made up holiday to give us a day off in February!). It was so nice to have the day off after 3 days of really long days. I got my laundry done today (since I had no time on Saturday) and got my Sunday School curriculum ready for the spring quarter. I also hashed out my training plan for running my full marathon in September. I tacked on a 10k training plan in front of it to help motivate me to get back running. I hope it helps! The hardest part will be getting myself up early enough again.

    I've been accurately logging my food for 3 days now. Hoping I can keep that up as well! I really need to get back into a fitness routine. I can't do my full in the fall if I'm not fit enough to do it. That's part of the reason why I added that 10k training plan in front of the full training plan. I need motivation!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    sounds like you have a good plan of attack Ang. GET IT!!

    Great job working out Jenny!!!

    no word yet on the audition results - although he (z) has been in a fairly foul mood - so I don't know if he got bad feedback - or if it is just because he is having to work so hard to try to dig himself out of his grade hole - or just being a 16 y/o can just be heck too of course.

    still off to a rotten start for the week -

    Caleb has five ball games between now and Saturday - it's gonna be crazy - and since they will likely lose them all and Caleb is basically ticked off with it - not fun. Feh

    I am drained with the stress of the current level of angst - a lot of it just mine because I am anxious in general - so this just peels my skin off

    oh, fun fact - Bernie had yesterday off - he still went to bed first Sunday night so he wouldn't be too tired for his workout while I stayed up until 11 making sure Zach was working then back up at 3 for my early day - while Bernie just 'did stuff' around the house. And worked out. Because he should be allowed to make himself better. Nothing wrong with that - it p's me off that he does it at the expense of helping with anything!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Marla- Why doesn't Bernie get the message you need him to help out? Do you ask and he refuses or does he just not think of it on his own? Zach will turn the corner around age 18-19, don't worry. 5 games in one week for Caleb? That is crazy and ridiculous. What about school and homework, downtime, family time...?

    Ang- It sounds like you have a good plan to run your full marathon. I admire your ambition and ability to run the distance. Back in the day I loved running 2-4 miles just for the exercise, stress relief, and runner's high. My running days are over.

    Inservice wasn't so bad today but lots of sitting. Finished my laundry tonight and dusted the living and dining room for book club on Thursday. Russ is going to do the grocery shopping make the chili, and vacuum, since he gets home from work before I do. I know I'm lucky at how helpful he is for my social entertaining events.

    Sleep well,

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    I do ask - and he usually replies he is too busy/tired - nowadays it's because he thinks I am punishing him for 'doing something for himself' - maybe it feels like that - I just thinks it's shizzy that he doesn't realize that all those hours come from somewhere and it's generally from me, he can say he does it early and that doesn't interfere with my schedule but it does when he has to go to bed earlier and earlier - and when he disappears for hours on the weekend who is taking care of what he's left behind? I mean just because the boys are older - doesn't mean they don't still need parents. He often doesn't get home in time to get the boys up - and that's their fault for not setting their alarms (I'm at work) - ummmm - right - I'm sure when you were 16 and 12 you never needed a push to get going in the morning (or to make sure they fuel up, etc) - and either way - you still have to parent -


    I feel like I worked out last night even though all I did was sit in bleachers. My legs and back are killing me.

    Choir tonight.

    My niece emailed that Zach made Concert Choir!!!! YAY! I teared up. I wonder if he is going to tell me? What will I do next year when she is not there to give me the scoop?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Congratulations to Zach! Wonderful! Sorry you carry so much of the load Marla.

    I hosted book club tonight. It went well. We read my cousin's book so he face timed with us to talk about book. I am very tired. Tomorrow I go to girls cabin weekend. I won't check back in until Sunday eve.

    Need to finish packing if I can get out of chair.

    Have a great weekend.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    greetings - it snowed quite a bit last night - unfortunately they haven't cancelled the tourney this weekend - so the beatings are still scheduled.

    hopefully Sunday is quiet -

    here's wishing you all a warm and peaceful weekend!!

    HUGS friends.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Back from girls' weekend. It was fun! We walked both days. I went as far as I could with my Nordic walking sticks. It was a painful knee weekend. We did some shopping in some cute stores, ate way too much and played games having lots of laughs. The weekend went way too fast.

    It snowed 5" up there last night. Snow came down fast and furious. We didn't expect snow so it was a surprise.

    I hope you all had a nice weekend.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    Jenny - that sounds so nice! (except for bad knee pain) - glad you had such a lovely time.

    Basketball is over for another season and thank the goodness. It was a rough one - the coach with his y league mentality(uh no) and ending it in a tourney playing against 8th graders - bleh. I was hoping Zach was straightening out his grades and it appeared he had been studying hard - but his last grades look like garbage and he still has uncompleted work out there and the quarter ends next week. ARRRRGGGGHHHHH -

    So he did excellent hard work getting ready for auditions and made concert choir!! Yay!! (lots of insanely upset parents because he took fewer than any other year) - so we are so happy for Zach, but still having to keep quiet mostly because I don't want to start arguments about how ridiculous Ritter is (which I think he's insane, but not gonna go there with people). He took the ACT in Feb and got a 24 for his first time through and that is a nice start. And then he puts a few good grades in the books, acts like he is studying all the time, and then two huge tests bombs (that he claimed he studied for days for) and more incomplete work. Anyone want a super smart and unmotivated 16 year old for the next two years?

    Caleb was a complete brat this weekend. I seriously wanted to spank him. On the way to the tourney Sunday his ipad dies and he spends the next 30 minutes whining about being bored, acting like a three year old at the game and then whining and fighting with Zach all the way home. I snapped his head off finally. "I don't what the heck is your problem, for the 10th time boredom is not fatal, you are on vacation from your ipad since you are having such an issue and your attitude is atrocious."

    Golf was supposed to start Monday - but the course is snowed in for now. Ash Wednesday tomorrow and the youth is supposed to serve the meal and choir sings.

    Praying for Zach to get his brain in gear and act the smart person he is.


    Now to also get back on the machine and try to tone up.

    buh-bye February.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Marla- I'm glad to hear Zach made the choir and did so well on the ACT the first time! Does your community offer a test prep class? That was helpful to my boys.

    Teens are a pain in the butt no doubt about it. I feel your worry and frustration. I wish I could say it ends soon but not so. Give it a few years.

    I think it is good for kids to have breaks from technology and learn how to entertain themselves again with books, building things, etc. Screen time reduces attention span for other things and changes how our brains are wired if too much time is spent in front of the screen. WTG Marla!

    Well at work and have to leave for 3 back to back appts. Exhausting!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    last night was long!

    feeling out of whack this week. Yesterday felt like Friday.

    Caleb told me he was probably going out for track next week. I am stunned. He cried and cried over track last year. I can't do it again.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    You would never know a little over 2 weeks ago we had two buzzards. It's almost all gone! The past week has been mild and above freezing and rain. The temperatures are supposed to plumet this weekend and remind us it's still winter, but by next week it's supposed to go back up again. So can't wait for the warm weather to get here and stay here!

    I'm very much considering looking for a new job. I lost my love for my job. There's to many issues happening and I am miserable. I can't sleep at night and don't want to get up and go to work. It's hard. I hate it. I want my love for my job back. I want to keep doing it but I don't see how. I just don't.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    I'm sorry to hear you are struggling right now Ang. Best wishes for finding the right path. Work can definitely be a four-letter word. Sometimes you just have to gut it out. Sometimes you have to find something new. It's hard to know though.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Sorry work isn't great anymore Ang. I get it. I'm tired of my job and would like to do something different in my life. Our benefits are so good that I would hurt myself financially to leave when I'm so close to getting my full pension in 3 years. Time better go fast but I stay the same age as now!

    Marla- Does Caleb remember last year? Maybe he just wants to try again. When Jeff and Rory went out for track in high school, we went to one meet each and then told them we wouldn't be coming to watch that sport because it wasn't spectator friendly. Too much sitting and waiting around. They didn't mind we weren't watching. We were at other sports during the year but track was their time to just do their thing.

    We RV shopped again today. Getting closer to choosing a camper and discussing financing. We are going to look at a used one on Monday if it is still on the lot. Otherwise we found one we like today that meets all our requirements, pricing, etc. So we will see...

    Beautiful here and will by 60 tomorrow. No snow but everything is brown. Hurry up spring!

    Sleep well!