The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    I'm guessing he doesn't remember all his upset over last year - which I need to just forget and be glad he wants to go out. And I will be glad - and I won't be involved - because I just cannot emotionally deal with what will likely cause more upset this year. It will be better for Bernie because he's a guy and he can just be a guy about it. I can't

    Good luck with shopping - I am not a camping person - but I do know some of those rv's looks pretty sweet.

    The temps were nice this weekend - but WINDY!

    Golf started Friday - busy week this week with end of quarter, choir concert, church and other assorted 'he's trying to kill me off' because he's too smart to be acting so not smart.

    Please God - both my boys are awesome - but aren't acting awesome.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Marla, I wish you could treat yourself to something great to relieve your stress. The boys will make it through the teen years even with all the crazy decisions and your worries. One tip I learned- the more you push them to do more or work harder, the more they push back and do less. They are aware of what they have to do to for a good grade, good performance, etc. They have to have the internal motivation to do it or live with consequences. Natural consequences are very powerful teachers and they will do better the next time when they face those consequences.

    Windy here today! Wow! My hair is a disaster. It was damp, humid and rainy this morning but now the sun is out. Suppose to get a windy storm tonight too. One day down and 4 to go before 2 weeks off! Can't wait!

    Well we are off to look at that used camper trailer. More later.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    aaaand track is back off - because according to Caleb - Bernie talked him out of it. Mft. I know I shouldn't be, but I am miffed - I had concerns about it - but I am guessing his talking to him consisted of, "Your mom doesn't want you to do this" - meh

    Zach found his tie bar (confirmation gift from my sister) in a pair of pants he hasn't worn in six months (how long it's been missing) - I was certain it was gone for good. He just laughed. "I told you it would show up!" Yes you did. Now please! put it away in the box I bought -

    sooo windy - 'red flag' alert - I guess fire stuff - its always breezy and windy but the last couple of days have been nuts.

    Choir concert tonight for Zach.

    Thanks for letting me vent and pat my head over all my boy drama Jenny. Not many get it.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    the choir concert was not good. The worst technical-wise I have ever seen from this school. The new teacher took 2 years to destroy one of the best music programs in the state. Sad.
    But he has the 'family' name (son of the old teacher) - he ain't going anywhere. Sigh. Whatever.

    Late night last night - late tonight with church and choir. Feel like I am in quicksand!

    Would like to take a day off next week when the kids are off and do something fun. It's been to high stress recently.

    Hungry - going to go get a real lunch (sandwich) today. Can't choke down another protein bar.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    It's been a busy week and I've been tired after work. I woke up at 4:30 this morning feeling nauseous and with a hard stomach and pain. Diarrhea, yuk! I am home today so I don't infect any children or coworkers before spring break. It would be awful to be in a child's home and need to use the bathroom! Russ went to work but he has body aches and a head ache. We sure caught something.

    We bought the camper last night. Now to plan some trips this summer and next fall. Cheers to new adventures.

    We met my son Jeff for dinner last night to celebrate my birthday early. He is going to St. John's with his Dad and family on Saturday for a week. Lucky guy! Jeff told us he is putting his house up for sale and moving to Atlanta (company he works for is based there). If Rory ends up in AK for a job, we won't have any children near by. Wow, they are all grown up! Goes so fast!

    Marla- sorry your music program isn't measuring up. I know music is a passion of yours and you want to share it with your boys. I hope you take your day off.

    Well I need to get a blanket and get warm.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    feel better dear J!!!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    last day of 3rd quarter - don't know how it will all shake out yet -

    today is also the last day for Zach and the other high schoolers to attend the 'old' high school - on Monday the 20th they will walk into their brand new Columbus High School about a half mile away. The 'old' high school will become the middle school in six months. The teachers have one week to move into their new home. Yikes. I told Zach to pleasepleaseplease stay around and help move for awhile today - good will and all that. I doubt he will. If you're bored you can look up Columbus, NE new high school online - I do think the new building will be nice for the community - they have really done some big investing in the STEM area, hopefully the boys are able to take some classes in it. It's hard when the 'basics' take up most of the day - they have little room for the intro to engineering or coding - and even if they do - they won't fit in the spot available. It's hard - I think that might help Zach if he could see more of the practical application - I think engineering would be a good fit for him (it's mathy and sciency and little english) and then maybe he would do better all around as an incentive to pursue it.

    hope you are feeling better

    I went home a bit early too - my stomach went wonky as well.

    Wish me luck as I promised Zach that tonight he would sit with me and talk about what happened this quarter and how he is going to address it.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    I went to work today and felt pretty rested and much better. Now I'm on my two week break, woo hoo! Lots of appointments and a couple of projects to accomplish, no excuses!

    Exciting to have a new high school! I remember when my new high school opened up during my high school years. It was very nice.

    Good luck with your "talk" Marla. Boys seem to grunt and let Mom do all the talking. Hope it goes well.

    Well time to relax!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Very cold today. I slept in until after 7am, had coffee, talked to Rory, and went to my bootcamp class. That was my birthday present to myself, ha! It killed me! I hadn't been to the gym this week due to work and then flu. Wow! I'm sore! Russ and I took dogs for a drive and we went to check out a campground not far from us that we could practice with our new camper. Very nice campground. We walked the dogs around the campground and my knees were killing me. I think we will make reservations for August mid week when I'm on break. As of now, we don't know when we will get the truck back any earlier than August. If Rory gets a job we will. Wait and see...

    I took a long nap in the recliner. Fell asleep reading my book Pride and Prejudice for book club. Russ made one of our Hello Fresh dinners tonight and tomorrow morning we will go to brunch.

    Relaxing now...Night!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    hope you are enjoying your work break. Zach and I had a few talks and while I am fairly pleased with tones of them - nothing will feel ok until I know how the grades situation will shake out - he may lose his golfing - each coach makes his own decision how to handle poor academics - on one hand I believe in the natural consequences things - but also the golf thing is what is finally pulling him out of his depression and if he loses it....
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Marla- does Zach understand he may not get to play golf if he doesn't study and keep his grades up? Does he care? It should be a good motivator for him if he does want to play. I hope it all works out. I'm glad your talks went ok too.

    I was lazy all weekend. Naps, reading my book club book, going to I am cleaning the messiest part of the house. It needs a good mopping but it's too cold to keep the dogs outside while I do so.

    Sunny and cold, no desire to be outside. Lots of coworkers in sunny parts of the world with warm temps. Lucky people...

    I should be at the gym but am counting my cleaning as exercise today. It takes a lot out of me, especially knees, to vacuum and go up and down the stairs constantly. Tomorrow I will do another level of the house.

    It looks like it is just the two of us left on this thread Marla. Do you want to keep it up or touch base through Facebook? I'm fine with either. No one can join us because it is a closed group. Ang seems very busy so she isn't able to check in too often.

    Have a great day!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    it snowed!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Car maintenance taken care of today. I went to the gym on the way home and did some light cardio on the treadmill and some exercises. Tomorrow I will have a private session with my trainer since I want to exercise early in the day and not at dinner time. I will be weighed and get my measurements taken to see if I've changed at all. I don't expect my weight to be more than 3 pounds down if I'm lucky. Inches may have been lost a little bit. Doing the boot camp only once per week with carry over on my own may result in slower progress than if I did two classes per week with higher intensity.

    I need to begin to tackle some projects starting tomorrow...

    Off to bed.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Jenny - WTG - inches lost is and weight loss is always an accomplishment. Good luck!!

    still snowy here.

    I am taking tomorrow off, but taking Zach for an eye appointment will make going anywhere to 'do' something problematic. We'll see. Maybe a movie if there is anything decent playing.

    If you want to close the group that's fine - as long as I can keep venting to you somewhere like a PM in facebook - I have to be careful with what I post for public consumption - but I have come to rely on you dear J to listen to mom-stress and soothe me. Because I know you get it!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Marla, I'm fine talking to you though MFP. I wanted to give you the option in case you find checking in here one more thing on your list of to do's. I would miss our chats and PM isn't the greatest for me.

    I had my training class but didn't weigh or get measured. There scanner was down. My scale says 5 pounds lost since early January. Tomorrow I need to start a project. So lazy...

    Found mouse droppings under kitchen sink. Cleaned and set a sticky trap. Caught one. Yuck!

    Cold here but sunny. Heard we are getting a new supervisor at work. This means more changes ahead. It will be interesting to see how all plays out.

    Many coworkers went to warm places for spring break. I see their pictures on FB and just see crowds on the beach. I don't like spring break crowds. Russ and I hope to go south next February when the crowds are small.

    I ate too much candy today. Jelly Bells and malted eggs. Two weaknesses. I will do better tomorrow.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    First project started. I finally laid out the fabric for Jeff's chair cushions. I cut the material for each cushion and felt so stressed that I will sew tomorrow. He will be home on Saturday so I hope to go to his house on Sunday and put the covered cushions on the chairs. I decided to just make loose slip covers that can slide on, closed by Velcro and tuck any excess fabric (I'm hoping they will be a little big) around the cushions for a tight fit. Fingers crossed...

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    very handy on the cushion covers!

    glad I was able to get Zach in for the eye appt - he did have a change so new contacts on order - he insisted he did want new frames so I will have to go back with his glasses to get new lenses ordered. Bernie was able to take today off so he is taking the boys to Lincoln to play the golf course Zach has his first tourney on next week. So glad he is able to do that - it will help shake off more of the dust since they didn't get much practice this week with weather. Baseball started last night and soccer tonight. Feels early!

    Orientation for the kids at the new school Monday. I am very disappointed to hear they are still in there working on the building. The powers that be are just too prideful to show off the new building instead of doing what is right and doing what I said all along waiting until summer to move. It is a safety, security and health risks having all those contractors in there and tools out where kids who aren't known for making the best decisions can grab them. What about the fumes from paint and glue and other things? GRRRRRRRRR. They would never do that in an elementary school, but somehow because these are teenagers they can just deal. BS. Of course you can't say anything - at least in the workplace if I see something outright wrong I could call OSHA - I don't know of any way to complain that won't come back on my kids who still have years in the system.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Marla- the school district would have to get approval for occupancy from fire marshal for kids to be allowed in there. They must feel it is ok and any dangers are finished. Hope all goes well. New schools are exciting. Hopefully the students take pride in it. I remember when a new high school was finished here. Kids vandalized it immediately, breaking mirrors in the bathrooms, etc. Kids just don't think! I hope your move goes well.

    I'm working on getting up the nerve to go sew my slip covers. They are rudimentary at best but will look nicer than the current cushion covers. I hope I measured correctly and can get the covers on the cushions when done. Bigger is better.

    Off I go!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    sew Jenny sew!!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I know I haven't been on here barely at all. I've been having such struggle lately. Not with just eating right and working out. It's almost a mental struggle and battling myself from falling into a deep dark hole. As I think I said, I'm leaving my job. I can't stay where the other girls belittle me and make me feel stupid. I struggle to go into work as I can't do it anymore. I can't sleep because that means I have to get up and go to work. (Which is why it's nearly midnight and I"m still wide awake) I need prayers. I need to get back on eating the right away. I know it will energize and help me. Except I'm an emotional eater. My dress pants for work and some skirts are getting tight because of the weight I'm putting on. None of this is good. I need to run but I can't force myself out the door to do it. Or get on my treadmill. It's been such a struggle in so many areas lately.