The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Ang, I'm sorry to hear of your struggles. Why are your coworkers being so petty? It sounds like a toxic work environment for you. I hope you find something else soon. As hard as it is to get out and run, maybe it would make you feel better with more energy, keeping weight off, relieve your stress, clear your head for sleeping, etc. You always seem so empowered and happy when you accomplish a run. I have noticed over my work years that when working with all women, which I do, it can feel like high school all over again. Mean girl mentality begins at such a young age, but the surprise to me was that it doesn't go away in some people when they are older. Hang in there and know you can vent to us anytime.

    Slip covers done and were put on Jeff's chair cushions and delivered yesterday. Not a professional job but they look way better than the old, faded, stained fabric on the cushions prior to these covers. Jeff was greatful. He is getting his house ready to sell so he can move to Atlanta. I will miss having him here. We can usually get together over a good meal and catch up. Now we will be on opposite ends of the country. If Rory ends up in AK or the west coast, then all the boys will be far away. I think that will be hard for me although I will adjust.

    Today is a chiro appt, the gym for a workout, mammogram and pap. Not my best day of the week! Russ is going with me to my dr. appts since they are in the southern suburbs around rush hour. We will go out to eat and then head home when rush hour is over. I feel so blessed to have this second week off of work. I have to get a painting project done and get Rory's room cleaned for his arrival on Friday.

    Hang in there friends! Spring is almost here which means sunshine, flowers, and warmer temps. Lets all exercise so our positive endorphins are released and we feel better about ourselves.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    sending prayers Ang - I hope you find a position that will fit your needs. Take care of yourself, try a walk if nothing else. I am also an emotional eater. I get it. Good luck!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    This week is going way too fast. Today I'm headed to the gym for a workout, pick up primer to paint my cabinet doors in the downstairs bathroom, and a haircut this afternoon. I need to get my drivers license renewed but think I will go tomorrow after today's hair cut. I also need to get Rory's bed made after washing sheets, dust his room and vacuum. I think I'll wait until Thursday to do that so it is more fresh. Maybe I can open a window to let in fresh air.

    I had my female appointments yesterday. It's always nice to say hi to my ob/gyn, I've known him for 30 years. I can't stand the mammogram and pap! I had a 3D mammo for the first time. I hoped it would keep me from being smashed but not so. It just meant they did a 2D and a 3D which meant more pictures and more smashing. 3D allows them to see sections of the breast instead of just a whole picture. Hopefully no call backs and all is well.

    Well I need to make myself go to the gym. Feeling lazy but I will persevere.

    Have a nice day!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    I agree on the mam - I think they did 3d this year on me too - and I found it more smashy than the other years. We really have to put our bodies through some unpleasant things in the name of preventative care don't we.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    The tech told me 3D will be the norm in a year or so. She doesn't see the pancake machine going away unfortunately. Mammo's and pap exam in one day are a little much but good to get them over with.

    Started painting my cabinet doors this morning. I need to turn them over tomorrow and prime the other side. Then I can apply the paint. Hopefully I get them done this weekend. My house is filthy from dog hair and needs a good cleaning. I can't keep up with this dog hair!

    Russ vomited during dinner (in the bathroom). He couldn't eat. He has a bug that I hope I don't get. I have plans the next 3 days...

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    so Zach had four minutes to eat lunch yesterday (looooooooong lines because they combined several of the options) and then over 30 minutes to just get out of the parking lot so we was also then late to golf. He was frustrated and frazzled - and that makes me mad and frazzled with him. I am praying he was able to puzzle out a better way today. He wouldn't even talk about it last night. ARgggghhhh - everyone just keeps going on and on about how 'pretty' everything is - guess what? It's FUNCTIONALITY is poor! Praying today is better for him.

    Church tonight - youth have to serve dinner (he'll be frustrated and frazzled by then too and I'm sure we'll argue. And tomorrow is his first tourney of the season.

    Phew -

    stupid designers. Pretty doesn't mean it works.

    Oh and some of our buildings people (we manufacture steel buildings for one of our business units) went the open house and were appalled by the construction. They could visually see many shortcuts.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Shoddy building isn't a good thing, Marla. Lets hope the school holds up and no problems arise structurally or health wise for kids. As for high school lunch, my boys always complained that they waited in line for the whole lunch period and had 5 minutes to eat their lunch before the bell rang. Drove me crazy that the cafeteria wasn't better designed to handle the number of students in the building. So glad we are out of the system. It won't be long and your boys will be out too.

    Met my friend from MI this morning. We had a nice visit. I got my driver's license renewed too. I think this is the last time I will pass the vision test. Next time I'll be required to wear glasses. I wear them anyway for driving but didn't want it on my license if avoidable. I went to boot camp class today. I am getting stronger and I can tell I'm losing some inches but it is a hard workout!

    Tomorrow we close on our camper. I need to clean the house and get Rory's room ready for him on Friday.

    Have a good sleep!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    yay for Rory being home soon!

    I went to urgent care this morning thinking I had a UTI - yep - what a pain. Hopefully the antibiotics and azo stuff will work quickly.

    Zach changed where he parked yesterday and then "I basically sprinted out of the building and was one of the first ones out." He was pretty pleased with himself. I hope it continues to work for him. At least he was in a better mood. He is off to play golf today - hope it goes well. He is hoping to get under 100. Lunch was still a problem - he is currently thinking he will buy his stuff after 1st period (when he is by the cafe) and then just keep it in his bag until lunch. Gross. But, if that makes him happy (as long as it doesn't make him sick!)

    have fun getting your camper

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    I just re-read this - a bit too much hope - good grief
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    I finished priming my cabinet doors so I will put the first coat of paint on in the morning for one side of the doors. Russ and I went to our camper closing and orientation. The guy spent about 1- 1/2 hours going over the camper and showing us what things are for, what are the do's and don'ts, etc. Then we sat down and paid the down payment and did all the bank paperwork. We were handed the keys. They still have to install a ladder on it (to get on the roof), a hitch stabilizer, and automatic hitch thingy. They will deliver it and we will go back to the dealer with our trailer when we have the truck from Rory to tow it. I'm meeting with my friend who has a camper tomorrow to discuss absolute must haves for the kitchen/inside supplies. I don't want to over buy things so I want to pick her brain on what she has found the most useful and what she hasn't needed. I will hit the thrift stores which I love to browse. Once we get our deck furniture out of the garage we can get the camping bins down from the shelves and see what we still have out there. I use to keep them packed with cooking/cleaning supplies when we camped in a tent (only a few times) so they could be thrown in the car.

    We met a couple for dinner tonight. We hadn't seen them since November when we did the winery tour. It's amazing how many months have passed so quickly. He has retired and she who is much younger than him got a promotion and is working 60 hour weeks. Yuk! They did squeeze in a cruise in January.

    Rory comes home tomorrow afternoon! I made his bed and vacuumed his room, wiped down the bathroom for him. I didn't dust but will do so tomorrow. I had to open the window to air out his room because it had been closed up since early January. His birthday is next Tuesday and he will be 22. Wow!

    Well sleep well. I definitely need to work out tomorrow after the dinner I ate tonight at the restaurant.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Zach shot a 98 yesterday. A nice improvement from where he started last year (I think 6 or 8 strokes better) - and he shot the best of the COL JV golfers. He was pleased with that. He has some other goals and things to work on. LONG day for the kids. Leave at 7 a.m. got home at 7 p.m. Golf is a weird sport. Not super physically demanding I mean they're not running for 5 hours - but you really have to be mentally on for the whole time.

    Welcome home Rory!

    Caleb didn't make the spelling bee for the first time in at least two years - maybe more than that - so he is very mopey.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    WTG Zach! I hope he had fun. Sorry Caleb didn't make the spelling bee. Hopefully next time.

    I spent longer at my friends today than planned so no painting or dusting got done. I also didn't get my errand done at Walmart. Tomorrow... I do have some good ideas for where to get supplies for the camper and tips on things to do and places to stay. My friend's new house is very nice with a great piece of property. Jealous of her rambler, living on one level.

    Rory made it home about 3pm. He seems pretty quiet. It's so hard to chat with him sometimes. He seems very tired and answered our questions with minimal words. He ate dinner with us and went out to a concert with friends to celebrate someone's birthday.

    I never made it to the gym today so I have to go tomorrow.

    Sleep well,

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    I got one coat of paint on one side of cabinet doors this morning. Not the best job I've ever done. Not liking working with this paint. It went on easier on the walls. I will put another coat on the same side tomorrow and then turn over to do two coats on front of each. They will get hung later in the week.

    I did a couple of errands and went to gym. My knees hurt today so I stretched, did a little cardio and weight routine/circuit. Not too motivated today. Gray and dreary out so feeling low energy.

    I made the first purchase for the camper. I saw a first aid kit at Walmart that had all we would need for under 10 dollars. I'm going to buy things as I see them and spread it out over pay days.

    One more day off and back to work. Nooooooooooo!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    I have been fighting a UTI since last week and I don't think the antibiotic is working. Grrr.... I'm guessing I'll have to go back in too - another so many hours wasted - but I am pretty freakin' miserable so -

    big church weekend - Caleb's group led the musical worship for the Saturday service for the first time and they a wonderful job. I sang at 8 the next morning and Caleb did his first acolyting at 10:30. Then he had practice at 4, youth group at 5 and Zach had practice at 6. Everything lined up -but it was a lot of church! It's always that way during lent and advent -

    I haven't worked out because I have been so uncomfortable -

    back at another full week!!

    Go us!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    I never did get back to painting. I need to be in the basement finishing the job but don't feel like it. Rory left today to go back to school. He was just home for the weekend. We celebrated his 22nd birthday which is tomorrow. Time flies!

    Work wasn't so bad today but I know I have tons to do in these next weeks. I need to chart out what needs to get done for paperwork. It stresses me out!

    I'm glad you have your music Marla! It seems to bring you joy and the boys share your interest too! I hope you feel better soon.

    Russ is feeling sick with sinus stuff and a bad cold. I hope I don't get it.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    started new antibiotic last night - hoping for magic today!

    hope you stay away from the yuck -

    it was beautiful yesterday - not so much today - typical

    Happy Birthday Rory!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    still feeling kind of crummy - might use it as an excuse to skip choir.... baaaadddd M
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Here but busy week. I keep forgetting to continue painting. I skipped boot camp today. Long day at work.

    Hope you feel better Marla.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    have a call into the P.A. - meh - maybe another different antibiotic -

    rain, rain, more rain - no golf last night - no word on today - Zach got to go to a senior signing his letter of intent to play golf for Northeast Community College yesterday. He thought it was very cool. Hope he gets to partake in more of these 'cool' things - gotta find things to spark him - he is off to a good start in speech, but English is not super and Chem still isn't updated (killing me) - Spanish-not updated (killing me - they are all killing me...

    big drama at our 'sister' church in town - the 'head' pastor has been emotionally unwell (anxiety) for a few years and I think they are trying to push him out - I guess he had an outburst during the service last weekend. I am sad for all involved. The family is very nice and wonderful people. I also understand the church has to be able to run things and can't if he isn't up to his duties - but it sounds like a very bitter outcome happening and could have disastrous results - church divided, people hurt - sad stuff
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Great for Zach! This may give him the motivation to strive for good grades. Sorry you still feel awful. Russ' virus/sinus stuff is hanging on and he feels awful too. I hope I remain well (knock on wood).

    I've been lax on the gym this week but went and walked the treadmill for 20 minutes, did some weights and stretches, plank, etc. Not too much but at least I got there. I'll do bootcamp on Saturday morning.

    Well I have a 7am visit with a student, ugh! Too early for me. Better get to bed.
