The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    glad you are feeling peace with your decision to leave your job Ang and best wishes for a prompt new hiring.

    It poured and poured this weekend. I can't believe they haven't cancelled today's golf dual.

    I think maybe Zach wants to repeat his Sophomore year since he is nearly failing two of his classes. ARRRRGGGHHHH.... does anyone want a really great but OMG rip my hair out because I obviously can't parent him the way he needs 16 year old boy?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Hi Ang! Too funny you introduced yourself again. We'll always remember you! Sorry your job didn't work out but it sure sounded like a toxic workplace. Good luck finding another one. I hope the next job is great! When is the marathon?

    Our MN weather has been bad for the last two weeks. We've had occasional sun but typically it is raining and gloomy out. Today snow flakes fell for awhile. It's a damp cold that penetrates the bones. The gray and wet weather makes me tired.

    Two weeks and Rory graduates from college! Yay! We will go up for graduation on the 12th and spend the weekend.

    Well relaxing after a long, wet day.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    CONGRATS to Rory! WOOOOOO. Does he have some ideas for what he is looking for next?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Marla, Rory has a lead on a short term job doing research with one of his professors at UND. He applied so we'll see if he gets it. The job goes through August so he would stay in Grand Forks through the summer. At the same time he is suppose to continue to look for the next job. He doesn't want to go to grad school yet because he is so tired of school. I don't know what kind of environmental science jobs are out there right now so we'll see.

    Paperwork day at work and I managed to accomplish some things. Still more to go but hopefully some light at the end of the tunnel. June 23rd can't come fast enough then a 3 week break.

    Well it's bed time. I have a very long day tomorrow with 5 appointments and one late in the day so won't be home until around 6 or so.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    golf was terrible for Zach again yesterday - triple digit round - he says he asked to stay at school Friday (which he needs to do because he is do behind on work - but I think he may be done on Varsity which also stinks b/c next week is JV's two round week - so bleh - either way - too much school missing!!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Marathon is Sept 16. No matter what I need to run. Monday I got home late. I was hungry. It was cold. It was raining. I still went. Last night it was warmer but pouring rain. I still went. Even when I heard thunder. (It was only once). I was soaked to the skin in 5 minutes! I was out for 40 as I'm really slow and had to do 5k.

    I've got my resume into a few places. At one firm I have a friend that told them to look for my resume. Cross my fingers for that one. I may be leaving but that doesn't slow things down! Worked to 6:00 on Monday and 6:30 tonight. Hope I can get off on time tomorrow! I have 2 days left to buy myself a new dress for my friends wedding and Fridays are a no go with JOY Club in the evening.

    I should probably go to bed but I'm not tired. I should also clean my kitchen but don't want to. I want ice cream! Random I know.

    Talk to you ladies later!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Go Ang go!

    Last night was niece's Senior Honors Night - such an amazing young lady. So proud of her. This weekend is her last dance recital.

    So tired.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    We are busy ladies but manage to get things done!

    WTG Ang on your dedication to training even in the rain. Good luck with the job search. I hope it works out for the best and you find something that is a good fit. I'm looking for a dress to wear to my nieces wedding in June. I hate clothes shopping so I'm ordering on line, trying on at home and returning if it isn't the dress. I just can't deal with stores and going from place to place. No time.

    Marla sorry to hear Zach didn't do well in golf. Is he stressed about missing classes and falling behind? Maybe his mind isn't totally on golf when he is playing. Congratulations to your niece! It will all work out for Zach. Some times it just has to play out and things take a turn.

    This morning I was in a different world and arrived at my 7:30 appointment at 7am. I was mortified that I was so early and the mom thought she screwed up the time. I said "no", it's me. I offered to leave to get my coffee while she woke the girls up but she invited me in and made me coffee. We had some laughs about it but I was still mortified. Am I losing my mind? Some days I think so.

    Rory got the job with his professor so will stay in Grand Forks through August doing research for her study. It pays a little better than the liquor store and is full time so at least he will make money to pad his bank account a little bit. He has one final next week and is done! He presented his Capstone project today and said it went well. Last one out of college, woo hoo! He'll have to figure out grad school when he's ready.

    Time to relax,

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Beautiful day today! Appointments with kids done outside since it was so warm, mid 70's. Gin and tonics after dinner watching the neighborhood from the driveway. We are going to a large flea market tomorrow morning and working on the camper the rest of the weekend.

    Enjoy your weekend!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    What a tremendous accomplishment for Rory and you!

    I feel at this moment so bleak and dark that he is not going to get there - oh he'll graduate high school - they always push them through - but with what sort of GPA? Gack, my anxiety. Today I have the scan the Urologist ordered, not until 1 and I have to fast and then drink a bunch of water. Bleh. But the appointment isn't until May 22. Sigh. Caleb is done with school on the 19th and Zach goes until at least the 26th because of the school moving changed the calendar - and then next year they don't start until September and go until June before of more school construction issues. Smeh. Of course at this moment I am just FREAKING about grades, and what will I have Caleb do this summer, he has a couple of camps but not much else yet I have been so absorbed with my issues and Zach.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Marla, are there any community park programs that Caleb would enjoy? Swimming lessons? Play dates with friends? Keep him active and outside. Would he go to your parents' farm and help out for a week or so? I hope Zach's grades are ok. Why do you think they won't be? Have you heard from his teachers? Your medical stuff is sure drawn out. One would think they could make the appointments closer so you get answers and treatment.

    We leave Friday morning to go to Grand Forks. Jeff is driving up with us. Rory got the job with his professor so he will be helping with research through August. He sounds happy about that and glad to have a "real" job in his field to put on a resume and have a reference from the prof.

    Beautiful weather here. The flea market was fun and we worked on stocking the camper on Sunday. I washed kitchen stuff and put in cabinets. I need some storage options but haven't decided how I'm going to use the space efficiently yet.

    Busy week. Play at theater on Wednesday eve, hair color and cut on Thursday and Rory's graduation on Saturday. I need to clean out the car, get the dogs to the kennel, and pack too.

    Rory will be home for a week on 5/15 and start his job on the 22nd. Russ' truck is ready to sell so we can get a replacement car and get truck from Rory to pull the camper.

    I hope you can relax and have some good outcomes with grades.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Congrats to Rory on working with his professor this summer - that is an honor and very cool.

    Zach lied to me about doing his late speech yesterday and then got an email this morning from his teacher that is was not done - and he is gone today - FURIOUS. I know he is overwhelmed and panicking - and so am I. I hope I am calmed down by the time he gets home tonight. I guess we'll be finding out how summer school works. Though I also hate that idea b/c being around the true hard cases for an extended period of time is not a thought I relish either.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    I'm sorry you have so many worries, Marla. I can't say enough how hard the teen years are for parents. They are also hard for the teen. Hang in there!

    I went to boot camp class today. My knee is hurting but I made it through workout. I received my dresses in the mail and tried them on. I found 2 that I like and need to decide which one to keep.

    Long day tomorrow with 4 appointments and a play tomorrow eve. I will be tired!

    Well hang in there Marla. School year is almost over.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    don't know if I put it in here, but Zach got bumped back to JV golf since he hasn't been doing well - his dad went bananas yelling around the house that since Zach acted like he didn't care he was 'done' with it - I got into with him at that point. Just because he doesn't 'act' upset doesn't mean he's not. Just because he isn't stomping and screaming (like you) doesn't mean he isn't having feelings - which he tends to bottle up - and I once again told him just because you are frustrated (what a laugh - he barely is involved) you don't get to be 'done' -

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    hope you are making through your long appointment day Jenny

    doing more reading on OAB and meds and such - one of things that I read was about how constipation will exacerbate OAB, but all the meds their first side effect is what? Constipation. To combat the constipation? Drink more. Ummmm... I have overactive bladder, do you know how much I don't want to put more in there? Exercise. Ummmm... urgency, frequency not good friends to exercise. Many of the foods that are beneficial to regularity are not 'bladder' friendly. Good grief. Oh and of course stress. Hello. I have teenagers.


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    I made it through yesterday and managed to get a lot done in between appointments at McDonalds. It's a great place to have coffee and set up my computer. This guy comes by and checks on my coffee and warms it up if I need it. They don't mind if you take a table for a few hours.

    We went out to dinner and to the play. The restaurant was very small, traffic getting there was heavy, food was good but I'm so sick of city congestion. The play was intense but well done. Luckily I got home by 10pm. We had trainings all day today which meant lots of sitting. I went and got my hair colored and cut, came home and cleaned and vacuumed the car, need to finish packing and will take dogs to kennel at 8am in morning. When Jeff gets here at 8:45am, we will leave for Grand Forks. We are stopping in Pelican Rapids, MN to eat lunch at my brother and sister in-laws cafe.

    Well I need to get a bite to eat, shower, finish packing and go to bed. I'm so excited Rory is graduating and will be home Monday for a week!

    Marla- sorry to hear Zach got put back to JV. Why is Bernie screaming at him about it? Zach knows why he is on JV and will deal with it in his own way. Dads and their sons...

    Have a great weekend. I may not have time to check in but will if time.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    safe travels!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    We are back. Rory is a graduate! We had a nice weekend but lots of sitting for ceremony, car trip and restaurants. Time to increase my activity and watch what I eat.

    Rory will be home tomorrow eve and stay for the week. He seems less stressed now that he's done. His job starts next Monday and goes through August. If they get more funding for the research and he does a good job (and doesn't have another one) he could stay on longer.

    Marla, how was your weekend?

    Happy Mother's Day!!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    enjoy your time with Rory!! Such a tremendous accomplishment.

    niece's graduation countdown is on. I made about 12 dozen oreo balls this weekend. Will also be making a triple batch of oreo fluff (bleh) - but they like it. Easy enough. Sister is getting all crazy eyed -
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    You must be so proud of your niece. What are her plans next year?

    Rory got home late this afternoon. Tomorrow we are all going to a nice steak house to celebrate his graduation with a nicer meal and time together. Grand Forks was pizza and bar food in noisy environments.

    Someone is meeting Russ to look at his truck he is selling. Fingers crossed he buys it so we can take the cash and get something for Rory to drive and get our big truck back to tow camper.

    Rory needs clothes for the wedding in June so I need to take him shopping before he heads back to Grand Forks this weekend. Always so much to do.

    Well I am going to search used cars to see what's in our area for sale.

    Have a nice night.