The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    she's a special young lady - top 10 percent all four years, finalist for NSAA Believers and Achievers - going to Nebraska Wesleyan for psychology with her current ultimate plan medical school and psychiatry.

    did you get your truck sold?

    finally only a week (little less) until my next urology appt - still feeling defeated - all the medications they have had me try have had very little effect and pretty nasty side effects - I stopped taking this weekend because my stomach hurt so bad from being 'backed' up - still taking some supplements, but not feeling on the mend... worrying about Zach constantly, trying to figure out what to do with Caleb for the summer and how to manage it, worrying about Zach some more, worrying about me... you get the drift.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    today is Caleb's last day as a 7th grader. At least in kid I am certain of him progression. :neutral:

    Him and his buddies are going out to lunch today - praying they don't do something stupid and then one of the well off families is having their crazy end of the year party - with multiple bounce houses and I can't even imagine how much they outlay for it - he's a big time dairy producer -

    still freaking about Zach - status quo

    Hope all is well and you are enjoying your Rory time!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    It looks like my last post didn't work. I was so exhausted on Friday that I must have never clicked post. What a crazy and stressful week last week. I hope this next one is better.

    Congratulations to Caleb! 8th grade! They grow so fast! Always amazes me...

    Time with Rory was nice. We sold the truck and bought a used Jeep Cherokee. Rory drove it back to UND today and we have the big truck we will use to pull the camper. Now to get it cleaned, new tires, and put a sway hitch on it to balance all when we pull the camper. This rain is not helping outdoor and camper prep. This past week I spent wet going from one house to the next. Today I went to my bootcamp class, came home, showered, and have been under a blanket reading.

    Rory is excited to start his job tomorrow. This week is training on data collection and the tools they will be using for their research. We will see him again on 6/7 when he comes down to travel to the Seattle wedding. The wedding plans were disrupted this week when our rental in Seattle was canceled on us by the owner. I freaked out. It is also graduation weekend for University of Washington so we booked in December to keep price down and get accommodations. Most hotels are booked, no reasonable rentals to be found. Jeff searched and found a one bedroom suite at a Holiday Inn Express about 20 minutes away from the wedding venue. All 4 of us will be quite cozy with two queen beds and a sleeper, one bathroom. $1600.00 for the weekend! The room is over $400 per night. Crazy but that is the best we could find without going to seedy areas. I'm disappointed. The owner of rental said there is a leak behind a wall and she has to tear down walls, find it, and repair. She refunded our whole amount and we had only paid half so far. I've always had good luck with these rentals but now I will hesitate in the future. This has been a huge inconvenience. The rental was cheaper by a few hundred dollars, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, kitchen, livingroom...

    Well I've rambled on. I hope your weekend was a good one Marla. Your boys' summer has begun!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    it rained and rained and rained and rained here too.

    Caitlin's party was lovely - they worked their fannies off for days and I tried to do whatever I could Saturday to make sure they could just 'host' - making coffee, refilling food, serving drinks, whatever. Busy day. She probably had 200 or so. Sunday was commencement. She's done! What a girl!

    Appointment today - I don't hold out much hope - but we'll see.

    Zach is on last five days. He's killing me.

    Yay for Rory!

    When do you go camping/rving for the first time?

    What a hassle about your room. That sounds like the pits.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Our first camping trip is July 10th, locally to learn how to use the camper. I wanted to go somewhere end of June when I'm off but Russ said he couldn't take days. I'm going to search and see if I can find a campground with openings so we can fit another trip in not too far from here. Maybe he will agree if it is a weekend.

    Glad graduation went well. Nice of you to work the food, kitchen, etc.

    What are boys' plans for summer?

    I have knitting group tonight for first time since December. One of our members had a kidney and liver transplant and was hospitalized most of the winter. We never met.

    Happy sunny day with blue skies!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    so this guy ordered another test a cystoscopy - sounds fun - can't get in until the end of June - and a long term antibiotic - no more OAB medications for now since I have tried several and not had good results. I want to be hopeful.

    Caleb has several camps and a big trip. He is going on his middle school DC trip starting June 4 for the week. Bernie will go along as well. Zach did it the summer before 8th grade year as well. Hope he enjoys it as much as Zach did. Caleb also has his honors camp and Camp Luther. He wants to detassel - but I don't think he can since it will likely start right when he needs to go camp(s). He said he was going to umpire but I am pretty sure games have started, so I think he got missed for that. I also want to get him going to Jr Golf he has to get serious about his game if he going to play and weights. He will miss the schools football camp because of a different so that's too bad and hopefully other things to keep him active. Oh and a friends mom has us going in with them at the water park so I hope they can do that several - he loves that place (and I don't have to go too much).

    My nearly sole focus for Zach right now is passing Chem and English. He didn't apply the camp he wanted to do since last year. I did register him for the June ACT - I'm sure he'll gripe. He agreed to do the skit for VBS which surprised me and I plan on getting appointments with Sylvan for study skills and such which will really p' him off. He should work, but we haven't done any applications because studying has been most important
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Marla- sounds like you have lots of plans and things to put in place for the boys. Good luck! Anything fun for you this summer? Vacation time?

    Tonight I went to Cardio Drumming Class for the first time in awhile. It was a work out! I sweated tons and felt it in every muscle of my body. My Garmin shows almost 10,000 steps and almost 5 miles today. That's a record for me since I put it on. It's been a bad knee month with lots of Ibuprofen. Saturday I will go to my boot camp and then weed my yard, plant flowers, etc. all weekend. Work outside weekend. We've had so much rain that nothing has gotten done and it's all over grown. We will try to go to the Farmer's Market in St. Paul on Sunday morning. We were invited to a BBQ on Monday but Russ doesn't want to go. I don't care either way. I have all next week off, yay!

    The owner of our Seattle rental emailed me two days ago. She offered the rental back at a discount because they didn't find a leak after opening up the ceiling in kitchen. The plumbers and inspector think the tub in upstairs bath over flowed at some point and soaked the sheet rock in kitchen. She's leaving the sheet rock open for awhile to dry it out completely. We accepted the offer and rebooked for a very good price! All's well that ends well.

    Early appointment tomorrow morning so I'm ready to shower and climb into bed. Very tired after drumming.

    Happy Thursday tomorrow. Almost the weekend!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    today's the last day at CHS and I am still unsure of how things are going to shake out.

    I am just wiped.

    That's good your rental situation worked back out. Whew, huh.

    No plans for the weekend, I need to do something with Caleb I'm sure but I'm just whipped - really fighting a big 'valley' of my own from all the drama with Zach. And now I have to start implementing his consequences which just the thought of fighting all that makes me wanna cry.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    So glad this past week is over. I'm looking forward to taking it easy this week and getting ready for the wedding trip. Today I went to Walgreens and bought some make up, ibuprofen, heating pad, and travel size toiletries. We are going to only take carry on bags.

    I found some sandals to wear with my dress for the wedding that are dressy but comfortable for the evening. That week will be so busy before we leave with something every evening so I'm going to have everything done for errands and dogs being ready for sitter before end of next weekend.

    I went to my bootcamp class this morning. It was a good workout. I drip sweat when I work out. It will be less humid tomorrow so my weeding begins then. I also have to do some cleaning inside the house. This dog hair is endless.

    Well it sounds like Zach did not get the grades he should have. What are his consequences going to be? Good luck!

    Have a nice weekend!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Low key Memorial Weekend. My knees hurt so bad I never got my weeding done in the yard and then it rained off and on. Today is cool and overcast too. I've made a list and am beginning to work on it. Guys' blazers go to cleaners today and I will wash their shirts and pants for the wedding. I should check and see what my dress needs for care. Get the new smell off of it. I need to wrap a baby gift and preschooler gift to put in my suitcase (books).

    Marla-how was your weekend? Did you do anything fun? We didn't other than try a Cajun restaurant that was interesting.

    Watching CBS news this morning. How does Trump's son-in-law warrant a high position in the Whitehouse with no political experience? Well I guess most of the appointees don't have experience so I shouldn't question that. (Tangent)

    This morning I'm starting to drink an 8oz. glass of Kefir with 12 different probiotics in it. Hoping it will help with my digestion and overall feeling better.

    I need to get to the gym today and sign up for bootcamp class this week. Lots of errands to to and possibly weed the front garden if it doesn't rain. Suppose to be sunny as week goes forward so may save outdoor work for Thursday or Friday.

    Have a nice day!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    I don't know all for sure - but most likely Sylvan for some sort of study skills/time management/organization classes and he hates the idea so it's probably a good one - I'm just tired of it all - all on my shoulders

    Caleb leaves early early Sunday morning for his DC trip. Hope he is as happy with it as Zach was. He helped put up flags with a boy scout friend yesterday. That was good for him.

    I am putting on more weight. Super.

    I have to try to figure out and make myself try to work out even though I don't feel that my bladder is up to it. Gotta do it anyway. Just don't want to.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Good idea to have Zach go to Sylvan. They can help him organize and take charge of his school work. You don't need to have it on your shoulders. It's his grades and future. He has to find the internal motivation or it won't happen for him.

    Caleb will have a good time I'm sure! I love DC. We want to go back there in the next years.

    Got some errands done today and went to the gym. Planted my one pot of flowers out front, went to the grocery for a few things, worked out (not too hard), and took a nap. I need to get Russ' butt in gear to go to Kohls or Pennys for some dress shirts.

    Well you might try wearing a pad when you work out. It may help you feel more secure. I've done that when I have a bad cold and my bladder gives way when I cough.

    Take care,
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Waiting and waiting for appliance service guy to call and come out to check the broiler on our oven. They were out a few weeks ago and supposedly fixed it but it didn't work last night so obviously not. Frustrated.

    I'm going to go make my fleece camping blanket for the camper while I wait. I've watched two episodes of Homeland (Season 5) but need to pull away from the TV.

    Have a nice day!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    I only meant on my shoulders in the realm that any and all decisions about how to try to address Zach's issues are mine. Bernie has washed his hands of having to have anything to do with it. I believe that unless it is a recurrent drug problem or some threat to society at large that we don't get to give up. I will of course be exasperated, exhausted and anxious - but he's my baby and I'm going to keep trying to find that 'aha'.

    My sister and I had a discussion today - and we were talking about doing a college visit or two this summer. Maybe that would get his vision cleared to how short a window he has.

    I did 15 'slow' minutes on my machine last night. It's something anyway.

    Vocal booster meeting (bleh) I want to quit it so bad - but trying to show Zach doing things we don't necessarily want to do - but for the greater good type thing. (They still have years of music under this guy - )
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Hang in there Marla! Is Zach a sophomore or junior? College visits are a great idea. It will help him have a vision of what he could be doing in a couple of years and strive for it. You're a good Mom! Sorry you are so tired. Why won't Bernie do his part?

    The repairman never called. They were going to try to fit us in between other appointments yesterday. I did get my blanket made which is a win for me. Today I'm going to get a new phone. Mine has been failing for awhile and it doesn't always charge on the charger. Not good to be without my phone when traveling around for work. We don't have a land line anymore either.

    Beautiful day today. I scheduled boot camp for 3pm. I iced my knee 3 times yesterday. I still need to weed the shrub and garden areas. We'll see. This knee pain limits me and is so exhausting. I wish we could hire a yard service. Maybe we should look into it.

    Well have a nice day!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    it was beautiful yesterday, today hot and humid - hello summer.

    time to pack up Caleb for his trip to DC - can't believe it's June.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Hot here too. I've been very lazy. Took the dogs to the groomer today for their baths. I don't want them to get stinky by rolling in something in the backyard again. I wish...

    My brain is mush so I don't have many thoughts.

    DC will be so much fun for Caleb. I want to go back!

    We are going to drive to Duluth tomorrow for the day. I need to see the big water of Lake Superior. Less than a week and we leave for Seattle. I hope to be packed by Sunday or Monday eve.

    Have a nice Friday eve.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Caleb and Bernie are in DC. Looks like they are off to a roaring start. Day two already.

    Zach did VBS last night and has that the next four nights and we need to get his app done and in to the country club - the pro said he would talk to him. And a few dozen other Zach things I should be doing but am enjoying the relative peace of having two people out of the house and am fighting the "I'll do it soon" -

    Dog pee'd on the floor at 11:30 last night even though I had let him out twice right before. I hope he is only missing his snuggle buddy (Bernie) - but now I do have to shampoo the freakin' carpet today. Feh.

    Sis said she went to see mom Sunday and the house is disgusting - so we are going to try to go down Thursday while she is at bridge and clean for a few hours. She won't let us do anything when she is home. But she can't do it herself. Ugh. I'm also not ready to deal with aging parent stuff on top of teenager stuff. Meh.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Back to work and very busy. We leave thursday a.m. and I have tons to do for work before I leave. I made it to the gym for boot camp tonight after a late parent conference. It will be my only time this week that I work out. I've been doing paperwork all evening and talking to my sister on the phone at the same time. Hopefully I can accomplish a lot tomorrow afternoon and evening too. My suitcase is pretty much packed except for dress, toiletries, presents, phone and charger. I got that done yesterday. I still need to iron Rory's pants and shirt tomorrow eve. He comes home Wednesday afternoon.

    Jeff sold his house and now has to find a place to live in Atlanta. He will be moving this month I assume after we return from wedding. His house closing isn't until 7/21 but he will probably go to Atlanta sooner than that. I will miss not having him near by.

    Is Zach going to work at the club or take golf lessons? Jealous that Caleb is in DC. Nice that Bernie could go and you and Zach are home together.

    I feel for you Marla with the aging parents. I totally understand not keeping up with a house when your joints hurt and getting around is more difficult. I never did my weeding due to knee pain and my house isn't looking so good inside either. I think we should look into a yard service for next year (mowing, trimming, weeding...) I wonder if it is expensive?

    Well it's late and I have to get to bed. Tomorrow is another busy day.

    Sleep well,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    hopefully both for Zach - we'll see - school golf starts again tomorrow and he is supposed to take his app in and the pro (if he's there will talk to him) - he's really enjoying doing the skit for VBS and I have been loving running lines with him - I am trying to encourage him to really 'see' how much he enjoys this stuff (drama/speech) and how happy he has been these last few days.

    Looks like the DC crew is tearing it up out there.

    Good luck getting everything done!