The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,426 Member
    The weather yesterday and today is perfect. If only it could be like this from April to November.

    I am heading to the neurologist in about 15 minutes for my hands (arthritis and possible carpal tunnel). These fluid bumps on my right hand are huge. Tonight I clean camper and pack camper. Russ is grocery shopping and we need to make taco meat. Tomorrow I have the day off. In the morning I'm going to do some cleaning (vacuum dog hair, clean bathrooms, etc.) I like to come home to clean house.

    Russ is having second thoughts about selling early and going in to a rental. He looked at some of the rental prices and freaked out and also commented on having dogs. We've talked about this several times and he is not a negative Nellie. The same goes for housing prices in MI. I've told him he's going to have to raise the buying price in his head to get a decent house that doesn't need work. I'm not moving into a fixer upper. It will never get done. He just doesn't get it. So maybe we won't be going to MI. We'll see. He frustrates the heck out of me most weeks.

    Well I better pack up and get ready to go. The doctor is in a different suburb and there will be traffic. They neglected to send me the info packet to fill out so I have to get there early to complete paperwork.

    Have a nice weekend. I'll check in Sunday night or Monday after we talk to our realtor.

    25th Anniversary is Monday!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,877 Member
    Yes - TGIF!!!

    Men - such a pain.

    My wrist has been killing me this week too. I have been wearing my brace at work pretty much constantly - and the other night I was trying to stretch out my back and got onto my hands and knees and I couldn't put any weight on it. Good grief. Because one more thing, right.

    Boys went the Kearney for a visit today. All I've gotten in response was it went well. Mft.

    Happy weekend!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,877 Member
    oh and I'm up another pound - so NOT happy - but I will prevail. I pray.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,426 Member
    We had beautiful weather camping this weekend. Temps in the 70's during the day and 50's at night. No rain! That's a first for us this season. The state park wasn't anything scenic or special. It was all Oak Savannah forest. I couldn't walk/hike so I didn't see the lake or other parts of the park because they were only accessible by hiking trails. Russ said the lake was weedy and full of algae. It was for canoeing and kayaking only. So I read my book, took a nap, listened to music and talked with Russ. He walked the dogs 3 times or more per day and did all the cooking. I cleaned up.

    Rory got home from CO yesterday. He was home when we arrived today. He enjoyed his class and is excited to go back to CO in August for his next lab class. The last two are online in September and October. He liked the course content and did hands on with solar installation this past week.

    Work is going to be tough this week with my knee. Walking hurts so much. I'm not sure I will continue to walk the lazy river. I think I'll go to the gym and do my upper body weights and PT exercises instead. I want to walk the river but am wondering if it is stressing my joint and tendons too much. I will be fitted for the brace on Thursday and it will take a week or more to get it. I hope it comes before our next camping trip on the 12th.

    Neurologist appt was interesting. He did a neurological evaluation and asked a ton of questions. I said I thought I was there for my hand and he said he had to determine if the cause of my hand issue was neurological or not. In the end he referred me to a rheumatologist because he didn't think it was carpal tunnel. Since I have so many other joint issues he thought reconnecting with rheumatologist was a good idea. If she thinks my hand issue is more than arthritis then I go back to him and he will run other tests. He said I don't have MS, Parkinson's or Dementia at this time. I thought that was a relief since I've wondered about all 3 this past year. Something has to be done about my knee! I can't take it much longer. I don't get into the rheumatologist until 9/19. I had them put hand and knee issues on my reason for seeing her.

    Feeling frustrated right now and tired of pain. Simple walking is so difficult. Ok, I'll stop whining now.

    Hope your wrist feels better. Do you have carpal tunnel? Did you tell me that already? Are the boys doing a college visit in Kearney?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,877 Member
    I have been in a dither all weekend - the boys class schedules finally came out Friday - and Zach's is ducked up. The wrong math, no english and two other things not what we wanted - and she can't see me until tomorrow afternoon when I am supposed to have Caleb at his open house. I have been panicking all weekend. Does that mean he didn't get recommended for Calc? If so, why wouldn't they have told us that in May - and honestly why not - b/c he only got a C plus second semester - not outstanding - but definitely not failing - as I said I am spinning out of control.

    jeans tight and other horrors -

    I am so sorry you are still having so much pain. I can't wait for you to get your brace this week. And hope it will tackle some of those issues.

    I don't have a diagnosis of carpal tunnel, but that is my guess based on self-googling and the fact that I spend 98 percent of my time typing. It's pretty bad right now.

    Here's to feeling better all around.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,426 Member
    School schedules...always something to deal with when school starts. How big is Z's high school? Ours was huge so not always easy to get class they wanted in the semester they wanted it. Such as pain!

    I just got an ortho appointment for tomorrow morning. I need to cancel my morning student visits so I can go. Driving with my right leg is hard so Russ may come home to take me to appt.

    I hope your wrist feels better. My pants are tighter too. I'm not eating consistently or healthy at all. I need to quit weight watchers because I'm not logging or following it right now.

    I'm giving my ticket to this weeks play away since I can't walk without pain. Sad that I'm starting to withdraw from my social life due to this bad knee.

    Hope you get answers on Z's schedule.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,877 Member
    their school is large for Columbus - 300 to 400 per class - but I'm certain not as large as Minneapolis -

    I am trying to stay positive, but the one email I received in response was very discouraging. I am hoping not to stroke out or start crying. Three more hours - send some good juju
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,426 Member
    Good luck on the class issue.

    Long day here with ortho appt, xrays, attempt at an MRI, PT, etc. Too tired to explain it all now but I will when I can think straight. Time for a nap!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,426 Member
    I took this morning off to rest my leg. I slept in the recliner last night because I couldn't get comfortable in bed. Too many nights of not enough sleep. Yesterday was crazy with appointments and information.

    Xray showed my left knee (my better knee) is bone on bone and in worse shape than my right that is causing me all the pain. Weird! My left hurts when I exercise but isn't causing me the 24/7 pain I have with my right so it seems minor to me. I've had pain so many years my tolerance is quite high until it is severe. My right knee hasn't changed much since the last xray 4 years ago but part of it is bone on bone and cartilage still in tact in another area. So he ordered an MRI of the right knee to see if there are tissue/meniscus issues. I was able to get a 1pm appt for the MRI. It didn't go so well. The position my knee had to rest in for the MRI caused excruciating pain. I couldn't hold my knee still to get a good image on 3 different tries. The tech suggested I get a muscle relaxant from the doctor to take before the MRI. He has refused to prescribe a muscle relaxant and thinks I should give it a few days because my pain will subside and I can try again. I wrote him an email saying it has only gotten worse over the last weeks and I'm on my feet all day so the pain does not subside. No response from him so I haven't scheduled another MRI.

    In the mean time I had also updated my PT on what was going on. He was going to loan me a brace to get me through until I can be measured and pick mine up. I stopped in to get it and he had changed plans. He called the Orthotics/Prosthetics Clinic and asked if he could measure, call in the numbers and expedite the making of the brace. They said yes so I can skip the measuring appt and pick up brace. I was told to call them to schedule an appt to pick up and have final fitting for brace. I did and they offered next Tuesday at a time I can't go. The next appt is next Friday afternoon so I have a whole week to wait for the brace. If MRI shows meniscus issues, etc. then I have decisions to make. PT is recommending I give brace a try, get a second opinion from another orthopedic doctor before having any surgery done. This is all for my right knee. The left knee is a whole other issue I didn't know I had. Doctor is more concerned for left knee and says it's ready for a knee replacement. It doesn't hurt most days. If I went on a long hike or worked out, yes it would. But everyday life is not affected when I'm just walking. A part of me thinks I should do it while I still have good insurance and before retirement. Confused? I am!

    How is it going with class scheduling? Hope you got some changes in the right direction.

    Did I tell you we met with our realtor friend again? We may be going ahead with some minor fixes on our house and selling as is with other issues. Potentially put it on the market early October. We'll see. It all comes down to the fire lit under Russ' butt. He needs to finish the landscaping project, call for some bids on siding repair and painting, etc. I need to start sorting stuff and cleaning out closets, basement, ... Stay tuned!


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,877 Member
    Oh my dear J that sounds very stressful and painful. I hope your day of rest today calms things down and that you get some answers and relief soon.

    I got Zach's schedule taken care of - sort of. He has what he needs and we didn't have to drop choir - but he ended up with three classes that weren't wants or alternative wants - it was frustrating. She just wanted to plug in the holes - and I am annoyed at having to 'just throw something in there' - if he can't have classes he wants (b/c they are supposedly full) - then put him in study hall or aide. Well CPS doesn't do study hall. I just find it head-shaking putting him in a class that he probably won't be successful in just because he has to have a class. Not a required class. Just a class. Good grief. And his counselor just kept saying, "well I'm new at this so..." and I'm thinking, great - you're in charge of my senior and his college and scholarship info. Perfect.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,426 Member
    Too bad Z couldn't be a teaching assistant to a teacher he likes. Help with pulling materials together, helping students with material, instead of taking a filler class he doesn't want. Keep an eye on the counselor through the Fall application process.

    Never heard back from the orthopedic doctor since he refused the request for a muscle relaxer. I started asking people at work if they had spare meds at home like percoset, etc. that I could get a few pills to use to get through the MRI. Sad, I know but I'm desperate. I rescheduled the MRI for Saturday at 8am hoping my knee will be less irritated since I won't have been on it all day. In the mean time, I am waiting to see if a coworker has anything I can take. If all else fails, I'm taking one of David's left over Oxycodone before I go. Russ will have to help me in and out of there but hopefully I can make it through. I messaged my primary physician and asked if she could prescribe something for me so I was doing it properly but no response so far. So frustrating!

    I gave my ticket away for the play last night but went to book club tonight. I didn't go on the pontoon ride but did stay for the meal, making book choices for next year and planning dates. I imbibed and drank some cinnamon whiskey. It helped to relax me for awhile. My knee did start throbbing when I drove the short distance home. I rode to hostesses house in a friends car but we met at Walmart parking lot and went together. I had to drive home from Walmart.

    Hope I get a good night's sleep tonight.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,877 Member
    I hope you can get what you need to get through your MRI - speaking with docs is such an exercise in futility - it's fine when we have to wait for them because they are busy - but not the other way around

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,426 Member
    My doc came through with a muscle relaxant. I'm going to take it in a little while and see what effect it has on me. If it doesn't work to relax my tight leg muscles and dull the pain, I will take Oxycodone tomorrow instead. I cancelled my hair appt so I could come home and sleep off the med. I just hope I get through the procedure this time. I'm scheduled to get the results Monday afternoon.

    So glad it's the weekend. One more week of work and two weeks off. We will camp up north from 8/12-8/17 and then home the second week. Lots to do around here if we are going to try to sell the house this Fall.

    I hope your weekend is great.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,426 Member
    I made it through the MRI! The muscle relaxant did just that. The imaging still hurt but not as much. They put headphones on you so I chose relaxation music and lavendar essential oil to be misted over me for calming. It turns out that some people feel the imaging when the magnets are working to move your blood and tissue to get an image. I'm one of those people. Go figure. So I will always want a muscle relaxant if I have to have another one. I'll get the results on Monday afternoon.

    I came home and slept all day until 3pm. Just got off the phone with my sister and Russ is cooking dinner. Lazy Saturday, raining and windy outside.

    Hope your weekend is going well.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,877 Member
    I am so glad you got what you needed to get your test done!!

    Let me know the results!!

    Have a great day dear J.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,426 Member
    Results weren't clear. The images were clear but they couldn't see if my meniscus was torn or just wearing down. It showed that the lateral meniscus were intact but the front was unusual (they don't see this scan in many people). Of course they don't... They also couldn't see if there were any flaps (these cause pain) that need to be trimmed. Sooooo.....what to do? I can continue trying to get some relief with anti-inflammatories (hasn't worked so far), see if my insurance would cover the shots that inject gel into the joint (less effective than cortisone shots which didn't work for me in the past), or have arthroscopy to see what's going on inside, clean up some of the arthritis and trim a flap if they find one. May or may not help to relieve pain. Doc doesn't think the unloader brace will be effective but I'm going to try that first and see if I can work out with it on, do the exercises PT gives me and go from there. I will call insurance to see if they will cover the Synvisc injections for me (certain criteria has to be met). That would be my second step if brace does not work. Arthroscopy would be my last choice. I bought Aleve today (switching from Advil). In the past it has given me stomach pains so we'll see. So once again I'm an anomaly and part of the few percent. No clear answers or solutions.

    How are you?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,877 Member
    just curious why is arthroscopy your last choice? I hope the brace will help! If you are an anomaly maybe the less likely option is your option!! Go, go brace. I have to say that doing the physical therapy after trying all those bladder medications that didn't work - felt pointless, but really helped re-program my body. I have stopped with the weekly visits and of course have slacked off on doing the exercises (like wall sits combined with kegels and breathing), I need to just make appointments and get those back on track. That's definitely something about having the appointment - they can tell if you are doing the work!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,877 Member
    I meant make appointments/reminders in my own calendar for myself -
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,426 Member
    I don't know. I just think I should try least invasive first. The arthroscopy may or may not help. I would have to go under anesthesia and have some recovery time. I want to see what the brace does first.

    I do the same with PT exercises. I'm dedicated at first and when I'm attending PT and then phase out when I no longer go to appts. It's silly because the exercises help, but I just don't have the discipline.

    I have a bad tooth ache. I'm going to the dentist a week from Monday after camping. This tooth has a crown and a root canal but hurts for some reason.

    Slow week so far. Busy day tomorrow.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,877 Member
    awwww.... our interns are gone. Back to work for me I guess. :>)

    Caleb is almost half way through his first week of two a days. It's going better than I had feared. As much as he hated summer weights - this he seems to be good with. Fingers crossed - he has 15 more left - before easing back to singles.

    I agree slow weeeekkk.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,426 Member
    Very hot today. Heat is back. Hope not for long.
    Two easy work days left and then two week break. So glad. I need it for my knee. We go camping Sunday to Friday next week but I can do as little or as much as I want. I will also have my brace to wear and see what it allows me to do.

    Glad C likes his practices. Will both boys be in the same high school?

    Russ put the sprinkler on in the back yard. Charlie, our younger dog, was afraid and wouldn't leave the deck. He acts so tough but isn't. Maggie, older dog, couldn't figure out where water was coming from.

    Haircut tonight. He went pretty short but it goes so fast so that's ok for me. Low maintenance cut is fine with me. It's a short bob length.

    Did you have time off or just less work with interns?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,877 Member
    tonight will start the 'real' test of two a days - it's getting super hot and the evening practice lengthens to 3.5 hours now since they had to shorten the am practice since the teachers had to start back today
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,877 Member
    I didn't really get a bunch of time off - but having the interns (my niece was one and she is so scary smart) just made things easier for sure this year. They ran reports, updated spreadsheets, made copies and worked on an awful tedious boring updating project. Good stuff - for us and them.

    Enjoy your camp. Go-go brace for the win!

    Here's hoping the heat doesn't hurt anyone the next few days. Hello anxiety.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,426 Member
    90's today. The heat really zaps my energy.

    I bought Lidocaine patches today. They can be worn for 8 hours and are suppose to relieve pain. I didn't experience any throbbing in my knee while wearing it when sitting at meetings, but walking was still hard and I don't think it gave me relief at that time. I guess a little relief is better than nothing.

    One more day and break! So glad.

    Tomorrow I work half a day and go get the brace. Russ is driving me there because sometimes driving is painful to my knee. I don't want to be downtown St. Paul and in traffic and have it act up. We are going to go to a late lunch/dinner while we are there.

    I doubt I will have internet up north but may be able to check in on my phone, not sure. We leave Sunday.


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,426 Member
    Picked up the brace. This should be interesting. I have to wear for short periods of time and build up to longer. Today I wore it for 1 1/2 hours and I was sore. I'll put it on later for a bit and then again tomorrow.

    We ate Thai Fusion for an early dinner/late lunch. Relaxing at home. So glad I'm on break. Truck is having issues and is in shop. Hope we get to go on our vacation on Sunday. We need it to pull camper. It's always something...

    Well have a nice weekend. Enjoy not working.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,426 Member
    We will be leaving on our trip tomorrow. The truck is fixed. I cleaned camper today and my clothes are ready to put in camper tomorrow morning. Russ grocery shopped and planned the menu. He has to get up at 4am to drive Rory to airport. Rory has a class in CO for his Solar Energy Program. This is his last lab (hands on learning) and then he has two online classes left. He will finish in November.

    I wore my brace for 2 hours today while I worked in the camper. It does help with the knee pain. The first week I wear it 2 hours per day, second week 4 hours per day, and 3rd week 6+ hours per day. When we are up north I will wear it for walking dogs, going places I will need to be walking around. When we get home, I'll try it at the gym. Tomorrow morning I need to vacuum house before we leave. I'll wear it then. That will be a test. I get so sore vacuuming so hope it helps.

    Hope you are having a good weekend, Marla. School start this next week?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,877 Member
    so glad you got your brace and that the early reviews are favorable!! Here's hoping for continued success.

    Zach and I went to Midlands College Friday. We had a very nice visit. It wasn't my favorite college, but had a great time just being with Zach. We will go back to Wayne in September and I think he wants to stop there. Since he has enjoyed most all the visits he doesn't feel like adding in any more to decide on. ;>)

    Caleb had scrimmage Saturday. Meh. He had been enjoying practice last week, playing first offense for the line, then didn't get in the scrimmage. Sigh. We'll see how his perseverance is now.

    My folks were up and stayed all day. That was a lot of time with them for me. I was ready for it to be over. We had to go over and talk to my sister as well, as they have finally started looking at the'future' - i.e. wills vs trusts etc. I was glad for that, but really they aren't making the decisions we need them to - it was too vague - nothing explicitly spelled out and they aren't protecting the land from getting taken by a care center (which is my dad's biggest fear) - hopefully they address those things

    school starts Wed for Zach and Thursday for Caleb and both regular day on Friday. Oh my!

    enjoy your camp!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,426 Member
    We are having great weather up north. Sun every day. First 2 days hot and humid but now 70's and cool nights, 50's. Tomorrow we visit our friends who retired up here.

    Brace is not great. I didn't wear today or walk with it. Tried it first night here and at a state park. No relief. I'll keep trying and have PT next week.

    Wow, a school tomorrow!

    Off to bed.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,877 Member
    zach's 'orientation' day is over and Caleb has his tomorrow - wow!

    keep trying with the brace - persistence right!

    have my lab draws Friday for my annual exam next week - yippee.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,426 Member
    We arrived home this afternoon. Traffic heading north was stop and go so we were glad we were heading south and did the trip during the week and not weekend. We had a relaxing week. It was nice seeing our friends at their lake house. You should see their place! Wow! Shangri La! So jealous...A beautiful one level log home on a large parcel of land on a quiet lake. Too weedy for swimming for me but nice for kayaking, canoeing, boating, and fishing. The only sounds you hear in their yard are nature. No cars, traffic, motor boats, etc. Very remote location so great for an introvert like me. Chris and Al love it there and only come down to the cities when they absolutely have to. She said Amazon, Fed Ex, and Walmart all deliver to their home. She only shops for milk, eggs and some produce. They have like 4 fridges and freezers so don't need to shop often.

    The dogs went on their first pontoon ride. Maggie was so relaxed and watched the water go by. Charlie was so busy snapping at flies he didn't relax much.

    We liked our spot at the campground and found the place to be very quiet and relaxing. We wouldn't go back there again but would go to the state park north of there that was beautiful.

    How did the start of school go for the boys? Did you get your labs done today?

    We are very tired and relaxing now. I will be in bed early tonight.
