The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    I got a lot accomplished with work paper work. I have a goal and some objectives to finish but that can wait until tomorrow or next Monday at work. My brain needs a rest from paperwork.

    I got my hair trimmed today and will finish packing my suitcase tomorrow eve. We just need to check in for flight and print boarding passes tomorrow. Rory will get home late afternoon.

    Tomorrow is a full day of appointments with kids and then a happy hour to visit my friend who moved to Michigan. She is in town so some of us will meet her for drinks. I can only stay a short while and then need to get home and finish up my packing. We will be getting up by 3:30am so I will need to get to bed somewhat early. We will have many late nights in Seattle.

    I'm glad Zach enjoys performing. I wish that I had liked it when I was in high school. I hope all works out at the club for golf and on the team. Caleb looked happy in his DC Whitehouse picture with Bernie. Nice the kids get to take that kind of trip.

    I probably won't check in while in Seattle. Possibly with my tablet but it is kind of a pain to type on it. I'll see how it goes. If not, have a good week and weekend and I will be back checking in next Monday.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    have a great trip!!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    boys are home - they were pretty tired and out of sorts last night - hoping today when I get home the mood is improved from a good nights sleep!

    Went and cleaned moms house for 3 hours yesterday with my sister. Yuck. Just yuck. We need to do it more often...

    Zach is done with his VBS duty and off to take the ACT tomorrow.

    Hope your trip is amazing!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    The trip was fun and the wedding was beautiful! Seattle is a really cool city. If I was much younger it would be a cool place to live with all the young people, trails, lakes, and great neighborhoods.

    It was fun to see family. We loved our rental and it was nice to have our own place to come home to. The city is noisy so coming back to some peace and quiet was nice.

    Back at work this morning. Very tired! We pick up the dogs tonight. I hope it went well at the sitters.

    Rory headed back to Grand Forks today. Jeff will be working on packing and finding a place to live in Atlanta. Russ and I are on the final stretch to get the camper ready for our maiden voyage on 7/10 (at a regional park nearby).

    Final stretch for work too. Vacation from 7/24 - 7/16. Yay!

    Hope all is well with you Marla. Good luck on the ACT Zach!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    went in and had my wrist worked on this morning - the carpal tunnel stuff has been acting up bad recently - I also talked about my bladder problems and she gave me some home exercises to do to my psoas (sp?) muscles - hey - if it helps - I will lay on a ball!

    Zach thinks he did better on the reading portion this time - it will be interesting to see.

    He took his brother golfing this morning - proud of him for that. steps in the right direction right? A parent meeting tomorrow night and then they leave super early Sunday for Chicago and the mission trip. I pray this is a breakthrough summer for him and I feel this will be part of it.

    Glad your trip was fun and that you have your rv'ing on the horizon to look forward to.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    heck of a storm that blew through here last night. 80 to 90 mph winds! Our privacy fence is toast.

    glad nobody was at the ball fields last or on the road!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Busy week! Last night was knitting group, tonight I stayed at work late for due process paperwork night, and tomorrow night is book club. 7 more days of work and then break!

    We met our new supervisor today. She seems nice and really laid back. Time will tell...

    We had a bad storm Sunday morning while we were gone. Our neighborhood was lucky, just leaves and some small branches on ground. Others lost power, damaged homes and cars.

    I hope the mission trip is enjoyable by all. What are you going to do while boys are gone? Was DC a success?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    it's only Zach who will be gone - so I will have Caleb to keep busy. Fortunately - he has been going to weights a few times a week (yes!!), he has a couple hour theater camp next week and he has signed up for several games to ump. so he will have some stuff to keep him from being too bored. The weather screwed up my golfing plans - since the courses had to close because of damage.

    Bernie and I are arguing about Zach taking his cell phone. While I would be very unhappy if he lost it or broke it (and probably won't pay to replace) - what if he gets separated from the group? it won't matter that the 'adults' have their phones. No, I don't expect him to contact me, he will busy and involved in other stuff. Sigh. I don't know. I know the possibility of damage is high - but... plus they expect each of the kids to have like $150 in cash and that's not a worry for him? **head shaking** I'm more worried about the cash than the phone.

    DC was good from what I can tell except Caleb really didn't get any souvenirs. I only have him $20 to carry and then told him that he could get more from his dad. Of course then when he apparently asked his dad for more money dad told him no. Cripes. I can't win. If I had known he was going to be that I would have given Caleb more and if he had lost it he had lost it. Now I have Caleb mopey because he didn't get to buy memories like everyone else. He has always been my material kid - and I keep reminding him he got the memories and the trip was a big deal. But he is bummed. Showing his pictures to the grandparents seemed to make him excited. So that was good. He ate my birthday pie that my folks made me - so hopefully that made him feel better - it didn't make me feel better. :/
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    TGIF!!! Finally the weekend. One more week and then 3 weeks off. Looking so forward to down time.

    Where did Zach go for his mission trip? What was Bernie's reason for denying Caleb a souvenir? Most kids like a t-shirt or sweatshirt or something that reminds them of their fun time on the trip.

    Looks like rain is coming. We've had a hot week. I need to accomplish some weeding this weekend so hopefully the rain will hold off.

    I'm going to be bad and not go to training class tomorrow. I just need to sleep in and not have any commitment I need to attend. I'll go next week.

    Well tired and my brain is on low battery so I'll say have a wonderful weekend.


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Short weekend... I did manage to weed the front flower garden yesterday and it looks much better. Russ worked on the back yard and it is shaping up. Still have to weed each side of the house (I would like to dig up and sod over).

    We went to brunch for Father's Day today. Just the two of us, no kids home. All 3 boys called Russ so that was nice. I feel under the weather with a headache that has lasted a few days (sinus related possibly) and my right outer ear gets shooting pains (I think I have a crown that needs a root canal). I went back to bed with a heating pad at noon and dozed until 4pm. I've been in my pajamas since late afternoon.

    Back to work tomorrow. Hope the week goes fast. I have a few more paperwork items to accomplish this week.

    I hope you have a nice week.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Zach is in Chicago for the week - I am finding I am more worried than I normally am when he goes to camp - because this isn't 'camp' and if something happens they are a lot farther away.

    Gonna need a lot of deep breathing this week. Praying it goes well and lots of good growth.

    I was pretty productive Saturday and tried some new recipes for fair. Pretty lazy Sunday - Bernie and Caleb went to the water park - so that was good for them.

    I had a horrible headache all weekend. I have been trying to cut back on coffee and tried to skip it all together Saturday (coffee is a bad bladder drink) and obviously gave myself caffeine withdrawal. Bleh. I like coffee! Strangely, diet coke (which is also supposed to be bad bladder drink) doesn't cause me as much issue - but I can't stand coke in the morning.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    We had a small retirement gathering at a coworker's house tonight. It was outside and the weather is beautiful here. Perfect temp and sunny. It was mainly us older coworkers with some retirees returning to say congratulations to the person retiring. She did not participate in the big retirement party because she wanted something smaller and more personal. It was nice to see everyone. A few of the younger set showed up but they didn't know most of the retirees.

    Busy work days the next two days and then work like mad to finish paperwork and walk out the door.

    Hope Zach has a great time!

    I had a headache for 3-4 days and slept most of Sunday with a heating pad on my pillow. I felt so much more rested today at work.

    Hope you get through the withdrawals Marla.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Caleb really enjoyed his first day of theater camp yesterday and then went and umped last night. He has another couple hours of theater fun and then weights and then is going to work concession stand tonight. Good busy day for him.

    Sounds like lots of manual labor for the mission kids. Fortunately it doesn't look blisteringly hot - especially since the air in the church they are staying in isn't working - I'm sure it's still pretty uncomfortable since we are all so used to crisp cool air. Spending a lot of time praying he stays well and gets a lot out of the week.

    Hope you are feeling better too.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Busy week! I've had full days of appointments with kids. Tired! One more visit with a student tomorrow morning and then done seeing kids until 7/17. Meetings and paperwork the rest of the week.

    Have you heard from Zach? Caleb is very busy but that is good for him. Stay active and less screen time and saying their bored as summer goes on. I remember those days.

    Well the dog treats fell off the shelf in the laundry room last night (Russ did not secure them) and the dogs had a snack party while we were sleeping. I'm sure they were loving it! All that was left were the bags the snacks came in.

    It's 8pm and I'm ready for bed but can't go to sleep this early. I would be up in the middle of the night. I will read for awhile and then go to bed at 10.

    Tomorrow is my training class after work. It is going to kill me. It's been two whole weeks since I've worked out. My eating is less than stellar also. Bad me...

    I hope you are doing better than I am in the fitness and health habits.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    I have only heard a couple of words from Zach - I finally broke down and texted him the other night to see if he was ok and was doing good with his money - "Yes." The adults are doing a great job putting pics out once or twice a day so I feel like I am getting a good glimpse - it looks like they are working hard!! which is fantastic - though if all they have them do for the entire week is pulling weeds and landscaping they may have a hard time getting them do it again next year - most of the time it's two days 'manual' labor and a few of less intensive labor (like visiting with elderly, daycare, stocking shelves, serving food). We'll see what he says. One more big work day and then tomorrow is 'fun' day (Six Flags - which for Zach won't be that fun since he doesn't love big rides) - hopefully he can just enjoy shenanigans with the kids. Travel home Saturday.

    Yes - I think with Caleb I am doing a pretty good job of the right balance of being active without it seeming like I am forcing it down his throat. He is enjoying weights (because it is with his buddies) - has gone swimming a couple of times, and all the other stuff. He has a golf clinic next week - I hope he finds that fun.

    And obviously I am not doing great. My eating is poor and I am literally baby stepping activity - finally starting to feel human, but so out of shape. So 18-20 SLOW minutes on my machine is all I am managing. Just trying to keep doing it - and making it a little bit longer occasionally. Speed racer is gone. For now.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    It sounds like the boys are doing well with summer overall. Good for you getting on your machine and doing 18-20 minutes. More than I'm doing. I skipped my bootcamp because I was so exhausted when I got home from work. I'll have to make it up these next three weeks I'm off work. I've been eating horribly which is probably part of my exhaustion.

    One more day of work with a pile of to do's on my desk to accomplish tomorrow. There will be tons of food around because it is a potluck and we bring our favorite appetizer. I think one person is bringing donuts for the morning. I'll live it up and then be good on my break.

    We will be going to our great niece's 2nd birthday party on Sunday. I need to wrap her present and get a card.

    Hopefully Russ gets the hitch on the truck ready this weekend so we can begin to practice pulling the trailer and backing it up.

    My computer is going to shut down due to low battery so signing off. TGIF!!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    have a great weekend! my missionary is back tomorrow - I have really missed him (so has the cat)! He actually sent me a text late last night and it had an unsolicited 'love you mom' - in it. I am over the moon!

    hoping to have the inspiration to do fair stuff - our projects are absolutely nada right now

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    We drove to the country today for our grand niece's 2nd birthday party. It was windy but a beautiful day for an outdoor party. It was at her grandmother's small hobby farm.

    It feels good not to go to work tomorrow. Kind of chilly here so it will be good weather to accomplish some things I need to do.

    Glad Zach is back. Did he enjoy it? Grab those moments they show they love or appreciate you.

    Relaxing now...

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    I think he did enjoy it. At least for the day I asked he said he probably would do it again. We'll see - after the 'high' wears off. Glad he's home - now to make the rest of the summer successful.

    Did you practice with your RV?

    Did some practice baking this weekend. Fair entry is next Wednesday. Bleh.

    Had my Cysto yesterday. Ick. I guess it looked pretty good - we are going to stick with finishing out this long term antibiotic and visit again in a few months. I am feeling moderately better so I am trying to be good with that and the thought that it might not get completely better. Which is depressing. I am very glad I am not going every hour every day - but while two hours is an improvement - it's still pretty exhausting. I am hoping being patient it will get even better though.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Russ had to get the breaks and rotors repaired on the truck today and he will put the sway hitch on this week sometime. We will practice this weekend driving, backing up, etc. I guess I have to learn too.

    Tonight I went up to the regional park 1 mile from our house, to their water park and paid to walk Cardio Club in the lazy river. For $3 you can walk the river against the current for one hour. I walked 50 minutes and my legs felt like rubber. I saw lots of people I knew and walked with a coworker that I saw for a few rounds. If it's not raining in the morning, I'm going again at 9:30 with a friend from work. Then lunch with two friends at noon. I scheduled my training class for Thursday afternoon. I've been lax so I need to get active. I need a new swim suit. My two that I've had awhile for aqua class and swimming are worn from the chlorine. I wore them in the hot tub also so they've seen better days. I'm hoping Costco still has their suits they get every summer but I may be too late.

    I'm glad you are feeling better Marla. I hope the antibiotic helps you and you feel better as time passes.

    It's hard to believe it is the 4th of July weekend coming up and time for your fair entries. What a speedy year.

    Well relaxing after my walking. Busy day tomorrow so I don't think I'll be awake much longer.

    Sleep well,