The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    aw - that was nice!

    crazy day today at work. Bleck.

    thought Caleb was going to spend the week with the children's theatre program this week (Missoula) - but he changed his mind last night. Just wants to spend time with his buddies before going to camp next. Darn. Missoula is super cool. Zach has to play in the Jr. Tourney this week (coach wanted it done) and it's going to be over 100. Not good.

    I was feeling kind of sorry for myself this weekend. Just wah, wah nobody appreciates me.


    I have to go look in on my sisters dog and cat after work. They are on vacation and even though nephew is home she doesn't think he'll pamper them enough. She is such a freak about those animals.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    First day back at work. Hit the ground running as usual. I had 4 appointments today. The last one was a Hmong family that did not understand English so we had an interpreter. It's always interesting working with an interpreter. She was good but you really have to think about what you need to ask and how to ask it. The house was full of kids and this grandmother is caring for all of them. She will now raise the two we went to see since the parents are giving up their rights and are not allowed to see them anymore. I don't know the history there but how sad.

    Very hot here! I had my AC on high in the car just to cool it down. I got home at 2:30 and have been inside since. The Schwann's man came and we ordered icecream bars. Hot weather's fault, LOL!

    Where did your sister and family go for vacation, Marla? From my experience, teens/young adults really do rise to the occasion when left home alone and given responsibility. They want to prove they can do it and they want to be an adult.

    What is C's next camp? I hope Zach stays hydrated during his tournament. Rory comes home this weekend for a couple of days. He's bringing lots of his clothes, etc. home from his apartment. They move out next week. He is going to move in to a town home with a couple of guys for the month of August while he finishes his summer job. Then he will be home with us figuring out what comes next for him.

    Well stay cool!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    I'm melllttttiiinnngggg....

    I think Caleb is having a 'date' ish thing tonight. He is going to the movies with one of his classmates. Grace. What!! My 16 year old hasn't gone on a date and my not quite 13 year old is ? Oy vay. I hope it goes well for him. I think I am going to tell him to not mention it to his buddies (if he hasn't already) - Grace is a cutie and I'm not sure they will be good-natured about it. Holy smokes -
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    That's cute! Maybe they are just really good friends and like to spend time together. It is the teen years...good luck!

    Hot and humid! I guess I'm glad summer goes so fast. I don't like this kind of weather. I should be out working in the yard but no enjoyment there with this heat. We get full sun from west in the evenings. Blinding and hot after the long day.

    Long day with kids and a longer day tomorrow. Relaxing now...Not walking tonight.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    hot. just. hot.

    Caleb enjoyed the movie (spiderman) - I heard more about the movie than the company, but he had already told his buddies about it before I brought it up - and he's like yeah, I'm realizing they are going to bug me about it. "But, it doesn't bother me." For all the drama I have with Zach with his grades and worries about him maturing to go out and be successful - my Caleb is going to probably be the death of me because he is smart and into his buddies and apparently cool with bucking the jabs and going out with girls. Woah.

    Golf was rough for Zach today - so hot. He has to do it again tomorrow. Poor guy. Character building? I want to poor Zach him, but this is all he is doing - so I am trying to practice my stoic face. Keeping the water and gatorade on ice.

    Stay cool dear J.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    WTG Caleb! He must have good self confidence. That's wonderful he doesn't care what his friends say. A good sign that peer pressure won't work on him. Is Zach playing in these tournaments to get back on varsity or just to be on the team? How's his attitude about it? Is he going to be a junior already?

    Long day today. Five appointments, hot and humid, rain late in the day, and then I went to boot camp class at 6:30. Showered and in my pj's now. Hungry but not sure what I want to eat. Maybe a BLT?

    I have to come up with a book to put on list for next year's book club. I'm searching the internet to see what might be interesting. Do you know of any that are recommended? It can't be a new best seller because the wait list at library is too long.

    Stay cool!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    yeah the golf to not only help him improve but for school. This week coach didn't do any 'open' golf, he wanted the kids to do the tourney if they were around. From what I saw in the results I think Zach and Shane are the only two CHSers doing it. That's good for him doing the tourney even though he didn't shoot great. Shane is shooting very well this summer. He has done many more of the jr tourneys - so he is doing all the 'right things' - while I wish Zach would have done one or two of the other tourneys, he didn't miss any of the open golf sessions and his shooting at practice has been amazing. While Zach has to work on Zach, I also have to work on letting Zach be Zach and not trying to make him be Shane or anyone else. Zach was in 4th place after yesterday, but only 1 stroke behind number 3 - who is a big golfer for one of the other schools. Hopefully he shoots great today and can maintain his spot.

    I'm probably not good for recommendations for books - I tend to lean towards popular fiction and mysteries and those 'cozy' books. Not really book club stuff. I am reading a few on online library by Paul Doiron that are a little more in depth than some of my books and he has a few out there so the older ones might be easier to get. I also remember reading some John J Nance aviation thrillers that I enjoyed years ago - I am a sucker for an airplane drama.

    Stay cool - hotter today than yesterday - hotter tomorrow too. Then it should finally break.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    ah my Zach - crashed and burned and ended up dead last - siigggghhhhh.... he just can't translate his great practices into great tourney play...

    hopefully last day of this extreme terrible 115 heat. soooo hooottttt

    Cool thoughts!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    OMG! That is way too hot to be playing golf or doing anything at all, Marla! It felt really hot here but I can't complain because we don't come close to your temps.

    One week down and 3 to go to another vacation (2 weeks in length). Sad that I live for my breaks but I do. I love my students and parents but I hate the rigor of the job. I swear all my almost 3 year olds grew 2 inches over the 3 week break.

    Rory is home! He has gone to catch up with friends but we will do something with him tomorrow. I'm going to walk the river at 8:30am with a friend and then not sure what the rest of the day brings. I should weed the yard (hmm, not sure I'll get to that).

    Well stay cool! Make a pitcher of tea or lemonade and stay inside.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    the heat broke - it's 'only' in the 90's.

    took Caleb to Camp Luther last night. Probably his last year going as a camper. Bittersweet. And he wouldn't let me take a pic - gah! I've reached that point with him too. I'm going to be down to posting what I'm eating for lunch on facebook.

    Feeling a bit emotional and hormonal - uff-dah - double whammy

    Enjoy having Rory home!! Yay!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    Rory is back in Grand Forks. He will be home in about 4 weeks when he finishes his job. He's looking forward to leaving GF and coming back home.

    I hope Caleb has fun at camp. Raising teens isn't easy. Their attitudes toward parents and anything we say or suggest is negative. Stay with it and it will get better in a couple of years. You will look back on these years and laugh at some point. They will laugh with you!

    Busy week with work and evening stuff. We have a birthday party for a 1 year old niece this weekend. I need to pick out a gift for her. I won't be walking the river until next Saturday. I need to sign up for my boot camp class for Thursday.

    Stay cool, at least the temps went down. It's a hot summer!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    taking Zach into Sylvan today for the assessment - I am scared to death - I don't want to make things worse and if he gets it into his head that this is worse - he will make it worse. I just want to help. And I'm scared this will make it worse.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    We had a happy hour after work at a retired coworker's house. A good turnout so it was fun. I came home and finished some paperwork that must be done and printed in the morning for an afternoon appointment. Very hot here so I feel stinky after a long day in my car, outside and working.

    Tomorrow is knitting group after work. I will battle the rush hour traffic to go to the southern suburbs for the dinner and social knitting time. Thursday is boot camp class and I will shop for the gift Friday after work. Party is Saturday...Exhausted thinking about all of it.

    Good luck with Sylvan. I hope you get some good info and Zach can see the benefit if it will help him organize and apply himself to his classes. So hard! Life is such a balance...

    I didn't eat well today. Too many carbs and unhealthy food. I will do better tomorrow!

    Sleep well and try not to worry.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    that's a busy schedule!!

    So the meeting went.... pretty well. ????? I am in shock. He fought with me so much a few months ago when I brought it up and I thought at best yesterday he would basically sit and sulk. And he didn't. He participated in the meeting. Said the things I had been saying (get more organized, procrastinating) and I am still in shock. I mean nothing has started yet, it was just the 'assessment' but they have a study skills class (?) that I think is what he will do and he seemed ok with it. Yesterday anyway. Praise God. I go in tomorrow to get more info. Praise God I pray he continues to be willing and engaged and that this will be the boost he needs and all that.

    And praise God for the downpour of rain. Much needed. A bummer for Caleb at camp - but the ground needs it.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    Good news about Zach! Maybe being included and having a say empowered him to make the right decision. Emerging into adulthood... Hope it continues to go well. The class will help him for college too.

    Hot here! Some rain the other day but nothing significant. Knitting was fun. Beergaritas, taco salad, and an oreo cookie dessert. It was a relaxing evening with lots of laughs. I host in August. I think we will have a salad bar, knit and go walk the lazy river.

    The dogs are sacked out. I think the heat takes its toll on them. I just got back from boot camp class. The trainer said any of us are ready to go to the building class (heavier weights, more reps). I may try it sometime and see what I think.

    Summer is flying by. The boys must start school in a couple of weeks?

    Get some R & R if you can.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    Caleb's home - sounds like it was a good time - and they didn't get as much rain as we did - so not as muddy as it could have been.

    Glad for the weekend. Work picnic tomorrow - don't know if I'll go - only if Caleb wants to, I'm not going by myself.

    Caleb starts on the 16th!! Several appointments next week for Caleb. Gotta try to get everything 'examined' before school starts.

    Here's to a relaxing weekend.

    Sister goes to Oregon next week. This will be the fourth week in a row she has been gone.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    Where's Bernie? Will he go to your work picnic with you? Glad Caleb's camp went ok. Well you will be busy getting him ready for school these next weeks. Summer went fast once again.

    Another week gone and two to go until two week break again. Looking forward to it. We will camp a couple of nights near home and continue learning what to do and how to work the camper.

    The one year old birthday party tomorrow. We bought a wooden shape sorter that can be a rolling toy, shape sorter and learn colors by matching, naming etc. Then we bought two chunky wooden puzzles with large peg handles that have only 3-4 pieces and the picture of the animal and shape is in the puzzle for matching and learning where piece goes.

    Very hot here and I feel stinky and sticky. Shower soon and to bed early. Walking the river in the early morning with a couple of friends to get my exercise. Need to work off the pancakes I ate for dinner tonight.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    Hot today! Luckily we went to our great niece's 1st birthday party northwest of Minneapolis at a park on a lake. The breeze was wonderful with no humidity and it felt like low 80's. Heaven!

    She was so cute eating her little pink cake. We stayed for a couple of hours and then went for pizza and salad on the way home. Relaxing now and ready to hit the pillow for the night. Tomorrow is our 24th anniversary. We are going on a date to the St. Paul's Farmers Market and out for a mid day lunch/dinner at a place we want to try in St. Paul.

    Marla, I hope you are having a good weekend.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    it was sad. The boys didn't want to do anything with me so I cleaned.

    Bernie had to work on fence.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,280 Member
    Still hot, nothing new here. Our anniversary was nice. Relaxing...
