The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    that sounds cool walking in the lazy river

    wonder if our water park offers that
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    If yours doesn't you should see if they would. It's very popular in my community. Approach it as a wellness activity for the community. It was raining this morning so I didn't go. They still were open because I saw a friend walked in the rain. I'm going to go Saturday morning if weather is nice. Tomorrow I have my training class. I will not skip!

    Enjoy your day tomorrow!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    is it only when the water park is closed? Or do they do it during regular hours?

    feels like Friday - probably because a lot of people of taking off for the weekend already.

    saw your pic of your camper - looks great - are you ready to hit the road?

    boys had their physicals last night - Caleb had a golf clinic today and I think they have games to ump tonight.

    I need to get everything finalized, organized and more supplies bought for fair baking.

    my wrist is hurting me again.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    We will practice pulling and backing up the camper this weekend. Russ has to do some work on the hitch to make it safe and not allow camper to sway on the road. We go on our first trip July 10 just down the road, LOL! Nice campground and site but very close to home.

    Yes the cardio walking on the lazy river is set for hours that the water park is not open. Two evenings per week right after closing, and four mornings per week before opening. Weekend mornings are two hour slots (8:30 - 10:30) and M/W are 9:30-10:30. Park opens at 11:00 each day.A lifeguard is on duty and a couple of people man the admission desk. A park pass is $40 for the 3 month season or $3 per entry.

    What happened to your wrist?

    I went to my training class today. It was a workout! I need to be more consistent in going to the gym and being active. Bad me!

    Well TGIF for tomorrow! Any special plans for the holiday weekend besides baking?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    just carpal tunnel like issues that flare up

    have a beautiful weekend dear J!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Happy 4th of July weekend, Marla. I hope you have something fun planned. We may "camp" in our driveway on Saturday or Sunday to try out the bed and AC and see what they are like. I plan to walk the lazy river tomorrow morning. I'm very sore from my boot camp class yesterday. We'll see how many rounds in the river I can do.

    We are going to go to the picnic on Tuesday. Russ has to work Monday so he doesn't get the whole weekend/holiday. He's saving his vacay days for our October and February trips.

    I did errands this morning and took the dogs to the dog park. Russ and I went out for margeritas and shared some nachos for dinner. Lazy now and going to read my book.

    Good night!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Happy 4th!!!

    regular work day today - sending the kids to the farm to do fireworks tonight - I'll work on some fair stuff in the peace of the quiet -

    I hope you enjoy your pre-camping camping!

    Time to rev it up.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    We decided to sleep in camper tonight since Russ doesn't have to work on the 4th. We were tired and sore from activity on Saturday and decided the camper mattress may make us feel worse. So right now we are cooling it down with the AC on and will make up the bed later. The dogs will stay with us too.

    I've walked the lazy river 4 times now. Even though my knee "feels" it, I feel good after having walked it. We do 6-7 laps around (it's big). I think I may buy a pass because I could see me going at least 2 times per week the rest of the summer.

    Enjoy your peace and quiet. We go to a picnic tomorrow but that is the extent of our plans.

    Happy 4th!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Well the bed in the camper was fine with the puffy topper on it. We typically sleep in a king so the queen was cozy. Maggie had a hard time due to the neighbor's firecrackers and loud fireworks. She was trembling and paced in the trailer most of the night. We woke up several times and finally got her on her bed and she settled in. The fireworks went until after midnight.

    We went to a picnic yesterday. It was hot! They had buckets full of water balloons so at some point people started throwing them at one another and it felt good. I didn't get hit but the splash from those breaking around me felt good.

    I've walked the lazy river 5 times and bought a season pass today. I know I'll go at least 2 times per week. It's a nice hour walk with resistance in the water. I walked forward, backward, and side stepped to work different muscles.

    Tonight I'm meeting a friend at the local bar to play Bar Bingo. It will be fun to have a drink and catch up with her. We rarely see each other. She and her husband work for the school district but we are in different buildings. She teaches 1st grade and her husband is a carpenter in the district wood shop. He and Russ are friends.

    How was your 4th, Marla? I hope you had fun. Did you get your fair recipes figured out?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    I was feeling pretty good about our fair baking until yesterday when the ribbons started coming back. I thought the stuff turned out nice this year - but the judges didn't agree - mostly blues (which there isn't anything wrong with) but the comments sure made me feel like I missed a lot. And a couple of reds which isn't great. Finally at the end a few purples came back and a couple going to state fair. Which is funny because they were the same batch - different judges - maybe they just knew that Zach wasn't really into it and dinged him accordingly. :/

    Anyhow... I crashed before 9 last night even before Caleb got home from working concessions. Still feel out of it. I need to get back on doing something for Zach - Sylvan or something - I let that go for a few weeks - summer will wind up quickly with Caleb's camps coming up and then Caleb will be back in school by the 16th - Zach won't go until the 31st of August because of their stupid construction schedule -

    I'm glad you are liking your lazy river walking. I got on my machine briefly last night - and my knee really hurt. Which is weird - my knees haven't bothered me before. Something new I guess.

    I'm glad the 4th's over - hate the fireworks. Fortunately our dog doesn't get worked up by it - but I feel sorry for all those that do. And I worry about all the fools potentially blowing themselves (or my kids) up.

    Going to be over a hundred today.

    Stay cool dear J.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    I played bingo last night and won $44. I had to split the $88 dollar pot with another person that bingoed. At least I won something. It paid for my appetizer, beer and games and still had some left.

    I went to my boot camp class today. It was a good workout. I wore a heart rate monitor so I can see if I'm working hard enough. With the shape I'm in I was working at %80 + but should be at 60-70% in the zone. I know it will get better. My HR was up in the 160's when I was in the middle of the workout.

    Tomorrow I will organize the camper and make a list of groceries we need for meals when we camp next week.

    Marla, it's nice that some of your things are going on to the State Fair. Good luck!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    TGIF my dear J!

    Looking forward to a long sleep tonight and then getting Caleb ready for his camp Sunday.


    Scale this morning - not woot. Not woot at all. Reality check.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    I'm too scared to get on the scale but I should do so to scare myself. I've been exercising but not eating well at all. Lots of junk.

    How long will C be gone at camp? What kind of camp? I loved going to camp when I was little.

    Today I took the dogs to the dog park. It was breezy and beautiful, but still hot. They looked for shade and rolled in the grass when they found it. I took them home and then did some errands. It poured rain briefly this afternoon and is now breezy and sunny again. Tomorrow is suppose to be much cooler, we'll see. Time to finish getting camper stocked and pulling my clothes and putting them in the camper for the 3 day adventure at the regional park.

    So much to do. Only one week left and back to work. It's going fast! Boo Hoo!

    TGIF to you Marla!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    CHI is academic honors camp up at our local community college - it draws incoming 7 and 8th graders from all over. Last year he did the "fly' track which was all about aerodynamics and flight and propulsion. He loved it. He has flat out said it was favorite camp ever. He got in again this summer and is doing the new 'tech' track - they will be focused on coding, gaming, automation, ai - they say. It sounds great. I only hope he isn't disappointed because he has built it up so much based on last year. But he is pumped, and I am pumped for him. Woot! It goes through Thursday.

    It is going to be like an oven all week. Nasty, nasty.

    I am so disappointed in myself for letting my weight go - again. I am having a hard time eating low enough in calories while eating bladder good foods. The things the seem to agree are pretty carby - meat is probably fine - but I just don't like meat that much. I have to try to get into it. I am looking at trying a south beach - but just don't think it will fly for me.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    We are frantically packing and getting ready to head to the camp site up the road at the regional park. Very hot and humid here too. I will be taking navy showers in the camper so I can sleep at night. We won't be back until Thursday and I'm not taking my computer but will have my tablet.

    C's camp sounds fun for him. It's so nice they have those kind of camps for our kids. My boys enjoyed them too when they were younger and needed to be busy in the summer.

    Well I'm going to help Russ pack up truck. I hope you get some down time to relax, Marla. You deserve it. Don't beat yourself up about your weight. We seem to be living a life cycle and have ups and downs. I did walk again at the lazy river today. My knees are aching but will feel good tomorrow.

    I'll be in touch if I get WiFi with my phone's hot spot. Otherwise it will be Thursday.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    enjoy your glamping!!

    sooooo hot here

    just working and feeling sad that so many are on vacation (here at work) and I don't have any time off any time soon - just a little sniff sniff poor me going on.

    however I am too much enjoying Zach not being in school and just soaking up the more relaxed state of things - I have to make myself make that Sylvan call. It's just been so nice and peaceful...

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    much cooler today

    today is already C's last full day at camp - pick him up tomorrow!

    the house has been so quiet this week - even though Zach is still home - guess that's a big foretaste of what is to come.

    Kinda scary.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Marla, I'm glad you were able to relax in a quiet house and have some quality time with Zach. Did Caleb have fun? Very hot here the last two days but today is much cooler and almost Fall like but with some humidity. We got a nice breeze at the campsite last night which was a welcome reprieve. Do you have any vacation days this summer?

    We are home now. All went smoothly without severe hiccups for our first RV experience. I'm keeping a journal of each trip so we can look back on what we learned, how the dogs did, etc.
    Maggie and Charlie were stressed most of the three days. It was very hot on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (until evening). They got 3 walks per day but had to be tied up at the site which they seemed sad about. Everything on the camper worked well so they came in to the AC to cool off when needed. Maggie vomited the night of the storm all over her bedding. I went home Wednesday morning to wash it and bring it back. She vomited again last night so it is being washed now. We slept with the AC going all night which was lovely. I really loved having a bathroom! I didn't have to walk to the toilet facility every time I needed to go, which was wonderful! I was able to rinse off in the shower at night before putting on my PJ's so I slept smelling fresh without sweat and bug spray. Russ cooked 2 dinners and 2 breakfasts over the fire. We experienced a bad storm on Tuesday eve so had scones, fruit and juice on Wednesday morning since the grass and fire pit were still wet. Two of my friends came to visit. One came and brought Jimmy John's on Tuesday. We made bloody mary's and chatted. Another came for dinner last night. We had brats, salad, grilled peppers/onions, chips, and saurkraut. It was fun to have company. Russ and I are old farts. We never stayed up late with a fire but took the dogs in, showered and read in bed by 9:30. Hopefully we will do more fires and star gazing the next time. All in all, we learned a lot and have a list of things we need to get in the future to improve our experience.

    I was signed up to go to boot camp class today at 5:30pm but I'm too tired and have sore knees so I will skip this round and make it up another time. Feeling my age today... We are treating ourselves to dinner out.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    TGIF -

    glad your first outing was fairly successful - hopefully your furries will adjust

    today was the pits at work

    YUCK and grrrr

    but busting outta here soon
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Enjoy your weekend Marla. I hope you have some fun.

    I'm walking at the lazy river tomorrow morning and then have a graduation party to attend for two twin boys I provided speech therapy for when they were 2-3 years old. These are the first former students that I've been invited to their grad party.

    Have a nice weekend!