The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    Feels like a slow week with work and my stress levels are rising. I'm off to book club in a few minutes. We will camp up north this weekend so I will be in my happy place near water and pine trees, fresh air, different scenery...

    My boys didn't go to many of the dances either. It wasn't their thing. They did go to prom and sporting events, senior all night party, that kind of thing.

    You sound very busy! My house is so quiet compared to yours. We love having Rory home again. He got a job at a fencing company so he can save money to pursue a training program in solar energy.

    Jeff survived the winds in Atlanta and didn't lose power. David called last night and he has made a lot of money in the last month fishing. He and Chantrelle will come visit in January or February. The wedding will be Sept. 8th, 2018.

    Well end of day and off to discuss the book. I'm an emotional eater too and have had candy, chips, pizza, and root beer float all this week! Bad me!

    Oh well...

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    feel so tired... 'b' team lost and 'a' team won - pretty sure Caleb's 'b' group will get to spend some time running today, they had a lot of discipline flags - holding, off sides, bad snapping. But. Caleb's stance is better, he played the whole 'b' game and he is moving better. He just has to continue learning more and get more aggressive.

    It was after 7 p.m. before leaving Grand Island and then after 8 before the bus got home, hitting a drive thru and then home was 8:45 p.m. Eating and showering was 9:15 p.m. He went to bed claiming he didn't have homework (hopefully) and then I had over an hour unloading bags and getting stuff ready for him for tomorrow. Yaaawwwwnnnn....

    Another day of prepping and working toward the big upgrade this weekend at work. My sis (team leader) is so anxious and stressed and she doesn't normally get that way, so I am just like a sponge and just swelling with anxiety!!! Gah.

    I am so happy you get to have this nice time with Rory. Enjoy!! Sounds like he has a good plan for what he does next.

    I am praying and hoping to have a big sleep tonight!!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    upgrading..... grinding on...

    I did sleep a lot - already tired. Have been awake since 1 a.m.

    Hope you had a great weekend.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    We camped near Brainerd, MN this weekend. We went up Saturday and came back today. Very cool temps but it felt wonderful sitting by the fire. Nice campground, lakeside site, relaxation...

    Glad C is improving his game. How's school for Z?

    Will your upgrading be over this weekend so you can relax?

    I'm so tired from all the fresh air and sleeping in a camper bed. Going to bed early tonight.

    More when I recover...

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    School is off to a better start for Zach. He is doing well. I can't say he is loving Sylvan but he's been going weekly and without a huge fuss. I am cautiously thrilled and optimistic. It's very early, but I pray we are on track.

    The upgrade is technically done, however we are still dealing with the bugs and things that have 'failed spectacularly' - just trying to clean it all up one thing at a time. I hope sis can take a day off soon. She's fried.

    Went to women's choir last night. So fun. Liked it better than 'regular' choir - much less talking, just getting down to the business of singing!

    P-T conference for Caleb tonight, Caleb has game Thursday but there may only be one instead of 'a' and 'b' so if that happens he will probably get one or two series at most - oh well,

    the boys have husker tickets this weekend -

    have a great day!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    Tired this week. I have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning. It's hot here again, blah!

    Last night was knitting group but we didn't knit. Chat, dinner, and more chat. Maggie had her "knee" surgery on Tuesday so we picked her up at the vet at 4pm today. She's shaved!! She's also wearing a cone and is heavily medicated right now. We have to keep her penned and calm. I'm taking tomorrow morning off because I don't want her left unattended. Russ is taking afternoon shift.

    I'm glad Z's year is starting off well. I hope C gets to play in the game. It sounds like ladies' choir will be a nice get away for you, Marla.

    Tomorrow I will attend a baby shower (twins) after work and Friday night my coworker is having a party for coworkers. It's a sing-a-long to oldies but goodies music. She has a guy that play acoustical guitar and he's fun to sing with. It's kind of like kareoke, you can sing with him if you want to.

    Maggie has a fentanyl patch keeping her drugged for pain. She keeps moaning. I don't like seeing animals or people in pain.

    Well time to relax while I can. Have a good night.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    getting ready to go bake at some football - I don't tweet but I think today's post should be #stillaviking (for our school Immanuel) but Go Big Maroon #anchordown
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    'a' won - but 'b' was scoreless - Caleb said they got told they would be spending more time conditioning since they haven't been able to score for the last couple of week - yikes - it's supposed to be very hot this afternoon - don't break my baby coach!

    my folks made it to the game last night which Caleb appreciated, I did too, just some of their weird comments make me unhappy - i.e. as we are sitting out there my dad loudly asks if we are all drinking lots of beer. "uh NO! we are at a middle school game on school property" Which he knows, he knows we don't drink hardly at all, just being 'funny' - but I hate it. People looking at us like WTF?

    I was really excited last night to hear Zach announce that his favorite class is Electronics, which I begged guidance to get him in - Yay! He has a big Physics test today - come on... No Whammies!

    Hope your Maggie is feeling better. Pets in pain is the pits.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    Nice that it is the weekend. Last night a coworker had a party that was a sing a long, kareoke type event. She had a musician that plays acoustical guitar to entertain us. He has song lists and we can make requests and sing along with him. This is the third year she has had this party for just us girls from work. It's a fun time. We bring appetizers and what we want to drink.

    Very hot today, 90+ degrees and humid. This has to end at some point. Rory and I went to see movie American Assassin. I've read all Vince Flynn's books so I wanted to see it. As usual, book better than movie. It's an action film and they really emphasized the action and killing.

    Good to hear Zach likes electronics. It's nice to have a class you really enjoy. Hope it cools off for C's football soon.

    Maggie is doing better. The fentanyl patch was removed today. She's more energetic and hops around on 3 legs right now. We will try her first leg stretches tomorrow and see if she tolerates them. This will be a long 6 weeks of recovery.

    Have a relaxing Sunday.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    boys had a good time at the game -

    I felt really tired this weekend - still do -

    the heat broke yesterday - thank goodness - unfortunately we had some storms with it -

    Caleb only has three days this week, then leaving for the big 8th grade field trip to KC - Bernie is a last minute sub in chaperon since the other dad that originally signed up bailed. I drove this trip for Zach's class it was neat, but really didn't want to do it again.

    Knock on wood upgrade seems to be settling in - now we have to get ready for fiscal year end. Sigh....
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    The days are flying by. I haven't checked in since Saturday. Sunday was low key and I don't remember what I did that day. Work load is still light at work so I'm enjoying the reprieve. It won't last long.

    Today I had my annual eye exam. My left eye has worsened and it's time for new glasses. It's getting to the point that I need them more than not. My eyes are dilated right now and I look like a demon from a scary movie.

    I hope the KC trip goes well. What do they do there?

    Our heat broke yesterday eve so it feels so much better here now. We've had rain off and on for two days.

    Well NCIS, first of this season, is on so signing off to see what this season looks like.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    see some of my shows started this week - haven't watched it yet - maybe tomorrow - Caleb and Bernie leave early for the KC field trip: Truman Library, WW1 museum, art museum, Union Station, Steamboat Arrabia (my favorite), and then in a hugely disappointing move by the school a Royals game instead of Worlds of Fun - we spend 9 years fundraising for their field trips I have spent thousands on crap for them and this is the year there isn't enough money - bah. Oh they are trying to sell it as - most families go to Worlds of Fun - but maybe not a Royals game. ummmm - going to Worlds of Fun is way better with your buddies than your family - oh well. Life's not fair - moving on.

    My sister still looks like a zombie - she is still not sleeping more a couple of hours a night. Getting really worried about her.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    8th graders and drivers are off as of 0500 this morning - woot! I too of course got to be update at dark thirty to finish packing them and move them along. Normally when I am up that early at least I am done with work early - so this really feels like a long day!

    Hope you are doing well.

    Later dear J.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    We met with the roofing company yesterday to sign for a new roof after hail damage. They will do the work after our Michigan trip.

    Today was training all day sitting in a crowded room. I went to boot camp class after work and sweated buckets.

    Feeling poor. One car won't start, dog's surgery cost a lot, my car needs new tires, and we will have to pay a storage fee for camper for winter. Will I ever be able to retire? Feeling bummed out.

    Hope KC trip goes well and they have fun. Is your sister sick? Does she take care of herself?

    How are you?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    going - a spider crawled out of my blanket last night and I screamed like I was being chased by a serial killer - only the dog came to investigate - then the dog got me up four times last night and the cat darted outside at 5 a.m. this morning. Ugh.

    I feel you on the money suck - Sylvan is very expensive - like more than the tuition I pay for Caleb at ILS - so I had that, my medical tests and all that country club nonsense - I am happy for the golf part of it - but the other stupid fees are pissing me off. And draining my extra cash

    My sis isn't sick, just exhausted - she has also been I guess having insomnia - waking up at 2:30 or 3 and can't fall back asleep - and her life is crazy busy anyway - I think maybe it is her response to baby girl going to college - she didn't do the emotional before it happened - and I think it is partly manifesting like this -
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    Luckily, the car expense was only in the $400's. Expensive but could have been worse. Storage for camper will be in $200's for season because it will be outside, not in a building. We purchased a cover ($200's) so all in $400's. Some places cost more.

    Wow! Sylvan must cost a lot. Worth it if it helps Zach to develop study habits that will take him far in life. As parents we do what we can to give our kids the advantages they need to succeed.

    How was KC trip?

    I need to get out of my robe, get dressed and accomplish something today. I need a new pair of jeans, need to put some things in the camper and arrange things for our trip, and bake an apple pie (bought a crust and will make filling).

    Maggie, dog, is getting restless with being confined behind a gate. She gets her stitches out and cone off tomorrow afternoon but will still need to be confined to limit her activity. She's only 2 weeks post surgery and they map out a 6+week physical therapy and activity schedule for us to follow. Poor dog!

    Well I must get dressed and start my day, it is 10:15am! Lots to do this week to get ready for MI trip next Saturday.

    Have a nice Sunday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    terrible stuff unfolding from Vegas - prayers for all affected

    having a hugely terrible allergy attack today - oh my

    had my follow up at urologist - hoping he will get the culture back on the 'sample' and give me more antibiotics since that seemed to help the most - otherwise we get to try some of the more weird stuff - like physical therapy for the bladder, botox in the bladder - eesh

    but I'm not ready to give up - because I don't feel great - so I probably will try some of the weird stuff

    sounds like the trip was mostly good - Bernie had to room with the 'odd' boy - I'm guessing he's got some spectrum issues of some sort - while I don't necessarily expect Caleb to be friends with everyone I do try to preach kindness and to try to remember that especially starting next year his life is really going to get difficult - high school is hard for 'normal' - I try to remind myself too because the boy is such a difficult personality - the parents are too - just bizarre.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    This country is in crisis with mass shootings and no one will look to developing better mental health coverage and gun control. What's it going to take? Probably for a mass shooting of senators, governors or congressmen. Very sad!

    I hope you get your antibiotics. It stinks to feel under the weather all the time.

    I was one of those kids that would be friendly with the odd duck in my class because I felt bad that others teased them. My oldest son is that way too. His second grade teacher would assign him to work with the challenged child in the class. When a child is on the spectrum, often one of the parents has some red flags for the disorder too.

    Well tomorrow night I will begin packing my clothes in the camper and going through my lists. Thursday night is a wedding shower after work. I won't stay long but will stop in. Final details and clean house Friday eve. We wake up early Saturday and take off for MI. It will be dark when we leave. At least 9 hours on the road the first day. A little shorter the second day. Hope all goes well (no flats, engine problems, etc.).

    Happy Wednesday!


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    hope you have an amazing trip - how long will you be gone?

    busy this week with meetings and junk - away football game tomorrow night and then a couple more practices a game next week and he's already done! He didn't really give me a straight answer on if he was glad he did football or if he is interested in doing it again - gonna keep me guessing

    choir tonight and getting him packed for game, oh and hair color - which should make me happy, but it just takes so long (whiny voice)

    have a great night.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    We leave on the 7th and arrive home on the 16th. Not sure how much access I will have to WiFi so I may not check in often or at all. Even when a campground says they have WiFi it may not be very good. I might be able to check in from my sister's house if hers is working. They live in a rural community and they don't always have speedy WiFi or good cell service.

    That was a fast football season. Has C seemed happy playing?

    I've noticed the color on my temples is already going back to gray. Those hairs are the most stubborn at absorbing color. I'm not scheduled again until December.

    Well I have to start some laundry and begin sorting clothes I want to take on the trip and putting them in the camper. My lists are made but I need to start packing.

    No students tomorrow or Friday for me, so easy days. Just meetings and desk work. I found out today I'm getting new students after our October break so I'll be a little more busy.

    I'll check in again before we leave.
