The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    holy buckets of rain - football game should be quite a spectacle tonight -

    hope you have a beautiful and relaxing vacation -

    if wifi doesn't work - I will see you when you return.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    Packed and ready to go. We will leave no later than 7am tomorrow morning. No idea how long it will take us to our evening stop to sleep. Hope all goes well. Pray that we have no mechanical problems, tire blow outs, crashes,.... We haven't traveled this far pulling the camper so I'm a little nervous.

    Raining here and will do so on our travels tomorrow, yuk! Long day at work, came home and started packing clothes into the camper, cleaning the floor from last trip, going through checklists of things needed at camp site, threw food away from fridge and veggie basket, and now relaxing before bed. Russ vacuumed for me because I hate coming home to a dirty house. The dog hair was thick. Lots of dust but that can wait.

    Do you have any big plans this weekend? More football? Great job getting those white pants so clean. White is so impractical for football pants. Most ridiculous color for the sport.

    I'm taking my computer so hopefully will have WiFi access at campground and can check in.

    Have a great weekend and week and I'll check in when I can.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    Huge change in trip plans in the last minute before we were due to leave for MI. Russ and Rory were hooking up camper and checking brake system and the brakes on the camper locked up and weren't working properly. We determined we couldn't travel with the camper. Russ stayed home and Rory and I quickly threw our stuff in the car and left for the MI trip. We are both staying at my sisters and Russ is home figuring out what is wrong with the brake system. So disappointed! I can't imagine what happened to the brakes. We used it two weeks ago and they were fine. It's been in our driveway going no where.

    So it rained the entire trip and there was road construction over 3/4's of the way. Torrential rains made for bad visibility. It took us 14 hours to get to my sister's. Yesterday was beautiful at 75 and sunny. Today over cast but not raining.

    Hope you are having a good start to your week, Marla.

    I'll check in again later in week. Russ and I are both so bummed out since this was the trip we looked forward to the most.

    More later,
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    Wednesday and it's been a nice week so far. The leaves have not reached beautiful Fall color so I will have to see some on the drive home. I will see my two friends at the end of the week.They are busy so I will meet one for lunch and one for dinner. I've checked out a few camp grounds in the area for future reference. I also checked out a couple areas to consider for living if we decide to move here when we retire.

    How is your week? The last football game? Is your sister more rested?

    We are going to my sister's for dinner tonight. My brother hiked with Rory yesterday and they are hiking with my niece today to some beautiful trails and Lake Michigan overlooks. We are cooking side dishes and dessert for tonight's dinner.

    Looks like rain is coming this morning. Hope it is sunny this afternoon for their hike. It is suppose to be nice.

    Well hope all is well,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    I am so sorry your vacation is not what you had hoped for or planned. That can be so disappointing! I'm glad you and Rory are making the best of things. Hopefully Russ can get there too?

    The weather has been bi-polar - it has been so rainy, then finally Sunday it was gorgeous. Just gorgeous. Monday it went back to rainy and yesterday was 40 degrees and windy. So Caleb's last game was very cold. I didn't have any proper cold weather football gear for him - so he was pretty chilly - the 'a' team won (they were undefeated) but 'b' (Caleb's team) lost again. They ended 1 and 5 (or 6) - they put all the good players on 'a', made it tough for 'b' to compete - the one game they won was their first one with this little back who was really talented - of course then coaches pulled him to 'a'. Oh well. Disappointing, but definitely how sports go. I'm still not sure if he will do again, he probably doesn't know either - hopefully he sets his sights one way or another soon - because if he is not doing sports - he needs to do high school band which would also be good for him -

    High school parent teacher conferences tonight. I think they should go ok - Zach's grades look good - but they always make me anxious.

    Sis is still looking strung out - feel bad, but can't do anything but try to encourage her to take care of herself, talk things out and hope soon things will smooth out.

    It feels like it should be Friday since Caleb had ball last night and all the other weeks they were playing on Thursday nights! **sniffs** it's only Wednesday!! :(

    Here's hoping the rest of your vacay days are beautiful and fun.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    Just lost what I wrote so I will check in after I return to Minnesota. Too tired tonight.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    Zach's conferences were great!!! I know it's still early and we have unending months and months to weather - but they.were.great!!!!

    He is so into his electronics class, he wants to try to get into adv electronic next semester b/c that would allow him into advanced STEM classes next year. Unfortunately making that happen is probably impossible, b/c changing classes at this point would take an act of congress and he really only has one he could potentially get rid of - but still - woo hooo for thinking like - I am praying like crazy and even though it will hurt if he is disappointed- still hopeful that some stars will align and he can get adv electr - success builds success!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    We are home. Rory and I drove all day yesterday and arrived home at 6pm. Long drive but didn't hit rain until 2 hours from home so that helped. Lazy day today. Sat around, read, and watched TV. No ambition, too tired.

    Good to hear Z's conference went well and he's psyched about electronics. Why would it be difficult to get into advanced STEM classes? I know here they only take a certain number and siblings have priority. Is his school like that too?

    We think there is a mouse under the kitchen sink. Russ doesn't want to deal with it tonight so it will keep banging around under there until tomorrow. We need some sticky traps. I'm tired or rodents getting in my house. We had a few clear years and now they must be back.

    Glad I have this week off too. Not motivated to do much. I hope you are having a good week and weekend, Marla.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    hope you have an enjoyable week home home week - good luck getting rid of the rodents

    spiders have been getting in my place and the boys think its terribly funny I hate it - not that they will kill them for me because they are just as freaked by them -

    our biggest hurdle for changing to adv electronics next semester is getting guidance to even consider reworking his schedule and if they do - there is likely only one class of adv elec and the odds of it fitting in to the only spot he'll have available are slim...

    football is officially over, trying to get Caleb to keep active until bball starts so he keeps some of the fitness he gained during fb -

    mostly pretty wrapped up with fiscal year end prep and all the crazy making that goes along with it

    the weather has been beautiful the last few days though!

    have a great one.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    I hope Z's class schedule works out. It's like completing a jig jaw puzzle as they move through their course selections. Is C excited for bball? Is Z going to play a winter sport?

    Maggie is still recuperating from her surgery. Still penned in behind a gate on the area rug in the living room. She's going stir crazy but we want to follow the vet's directions and not risk injury to the repaired leg. This is the only chance she gets.

    I washed some plastic bins Russ found in the garage as he cleaned it up this past week. I washed them out today and they are drying in the sun. Tomorrow I will go in the camper and pull out the last items we will store for the winter. I don't want things in there when it is being stored elsewhere. We have a spot in the garage for all camper items so we can load again in the spring.

    Tonight I'm making goulash, salad and biscuits for dinner. Russ is working this week and is having a hard time getting back in to it.

    Well I need to start browning meat and chopping mushrooms and onions.

    Have a nice evening.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    ugh, this week

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    I'm feeling all out of sorts. I 'forgot' Zach at Sylvan Monday (thought Bernie was picking him up), I went to wrong place to pick up Caleb Tuesday. Just misunderstandings but make me feel embarrassed. Mostly because this was big sales meetings and gatherings for the Behlen Country team, Monday night they went out to dinner and Tuesday they all left early to go to Omaha and do an Escape room. My teammate H was invited to both b/c sales loves her and she does do a lot of interacting with them - I am also technically Behlen Country although I do 'central' work by doing things for all the business units - but because I am quiet and introverted and just sit and work, no invite. It's not even that I wanted to spend time with them, it just makes me feel left out and sad. Isn't that stupid. I wouldn't want to go, but I am feeling rejected because I wasn't asked. Meh. Stupid introverted, high sensitive personality.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    TGIF dear friend -

    going to go let my sisters dog out and then take Caleb out to lunch.

    Have a beautiful weekend!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    I'm here, just busy. Camper empty and ready for storage. Russ will take it tomorrow.

    Sorry you weren't included. Even if you don't want to go, it's nice to have someone extend the invite. Happens at work. People do something but don't ask others. You sound busy and stressed.

    When Jeff was playing league football, I almost left Rory, 6 yrs at the time, at the field after a night game. I was ready to drive off when Russ asked where Rory was. We had driven separately. Juggling work and kid's schedules makes a person stressed and forgetful.

    Relax this weekend.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    man - I get a few hours off Friday and of course I spend the entirety of the weekend feeling like poo. Some cold or sinus junk.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    Zach is 17 today! Oy vay. Crazy stuff. I barely could get my brain wrapped about 16.

    First high school choir concert tonight - his first in concert choir, hoping it goes well for him

    still feel YUCKY
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    still feel yucks

    his concert was nice enough - I hate the new concert hall at the new school - the doors bang (no soft close) and the rows are weird - no curtains

    but I could see on his face he was proud for being up there with the concert choir group (it's audition select) it was tough not making it last year - glad he did the work and tried again -

    don't like that because the choir director at high school has added more music groups that means more concerts - which is a hassle, even if you aren't in all the groups you have to attend for grade and if you miss because you have other school activities (or just miss) you have to do a make up assignment - **rasberry** - I love music and want my kids to continue in it - but don't make it another homework assignment - they won't stay in it then - and who wants to go to 8 concerts a year (not me)
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,283 Member
    Busy week! Sorry you got sick when you had a shorter work day. Bummer! 17! They grow fast don't they? Glad Z likes choir but I agree, don't add on homework and take away from the joy of singing and participating.

    My sister who is overweight like me needs to have a knee replacement. When I was in MI, I finally got her to get the name of her friend's ortho doc so she could call and see him to discuss a plan for her knee. She will see him end of December and hopes to have the surgery late winter. She knows she should lose some weight before surgery and for prognosis of recovery of her knee after surgery. I suggested we both join WW's together and be accountable to one another. I'm doing the online WW's and she is going to go to a meeting near her house in Michigan. She's not internet savvy at all. I'm on day 4 of my WW journey. I weighed this morning since I have dinner and a play tonight. I wanted to see results so I would be good at the restaurant. I've lost over 3 pounds since Sunday (water weight I'm sure) but I'm on my way. My goal is 55 pounds for now. I would feel good if I could lose that much in the next 18 months. David's wedding in AK next Fall is also my motivation. I'm the heaviest I've ever been. So I've been busy logging on WW's app and Russ is cooking WW dinners for us.

    Well I'm heading for home to get ready for the night out. We see Romeo and Juliet tonight. I'm planning to eat salmon or lettuce wraps, not sure yet.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    congrats on joining WW and the early success!!!! I wish you much success. I had done WW after Zach - and honestly that was a lot of why I had got down - there is something about having to weigh in in front of someone every week that helped me - while I have had some success on my own, it's sporadic and I too have been pondering which way to go to 'get serious' again. I had to buy a bunch of pants again in another size up - I took all my smaller ones from a few years ago when I was exercising all the time out and put on a shelf. So disappointed in myself

    Good luck and you can do this!!! Woo!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,734 Member
    fiscal year end auditors in today - always one of the worst days of the year... definitely trick - no treat

    have a great weekend - I think I am finally coming out the other side of the yuck!