The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Popcorn is low cal but the salt makes me retain big time. I'm sure you's be fine if you have been doing ok with eating.

    My sister lost 1.8 pounds this week so she's happy. She still thinks she could have done better but I would say it's a win to lose that much in a week when you are older. It's hard as we age. She's lost 8 pounds in two weeks. I won't weigh in until Friday morning but I feel like I've had a fairly good week. We'll see how it goes since I'm such a slow loser. Anything in the downward direction is good for me. Of course, I want to see a pound or more per week but that is never my reality. I remember when we were all sticking to the healthy eating plan years back I would have a week with no loss and then the next was a big one. Cumulative with me I guess.

    I had a class tonight that I needed to take for my teaching license. Another requirement done!

    Relaxing and watching Hallmark. Trying to get my last water in for the day.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    congrats to your sister - that is an amazing loss. I am a total turtle. I will be lucky to do a half pound a week.

    week has been going pretty well all in all with B traveling (knock on wood) - I have been able to stay home to get the kids ready and take Caleb to school and make sure Zach is conscious and ready. Even made dinner a couple of nights. Zach drove himself to Sylvan last night b/c I was doing my hair color- so that was a bit nerve wracking (he's still not a big driver - going to school is it usually) - Sylvan is in a busy strip mall, he made it there and back - hopefully good for his driving ego too. I was glad last night he didn't go to youth group b/c as I was coming home from choir there were dozens of emergency lights and fire trucks around a bad t-bone accident on the road the way we go to and from church. So that didn't do anything for my over-protectiveness about him behind the wheel. Scary stuff can happen in an instant.

    I am looking for something lighter to take to Thanksgiving - again not b/c I am overly worried about that day, but there will be plenty of traditional stuff so it should be safe for me to try something - I saw a broccoli recipe on pinterest sort of like the broccoli salad from Hyvee that I think I might try. Broccoli and craisins in a light dressing. If its good I can keep making it to stash in the fridge and help my veggie intake. I might be staying in points but thats been mainly by cutting calories, not by eating more fruits and veggies which for the long run I know has to happen.

    We have to take extra days off due to lower orders in November and December which would be great, but its impossible for me. Michele (again my team leader) is traveling next week to one of the branches - so that's out. The following week in short due to the holidays already and I will have requirements to accomplishment no matter how short the week. She is traveling one or two weeks in December as well. I can't even take the December 26th holiday b/c I will have to do payroll, so already have to take that one somewhere else. Sigh. I need the flexibility of this job so I can be there for my kids but this feeling of absolute, well almost, despair about getting days off gets to me sometimes.

    Here we go another day to be mindful and track and be great!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    OH!! And about how I would know if the dog wanted to eat in the middle of the night and not just want out - because he will just stand at the door (from the outside) and not leave the porch. He eats outside. So that position is his - feed me. :/ It's been better the last couple of nights - pushed back his 'supper' a bit - he has been a little more settled.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Do you think the time change affects animals? I've noticed Maggie and Charlie are awake at 5:30 and up in our room watching me get ready for work. Before daylight savings they were sleeping peacefully until 6:30 when I come downstairs to feed them. Maybe it has affected your dog in some way?

    I went to the gym for my training class. I was sick last week so missed. I haven't gone regularly anyway but my goal was to be regular this fall. I need to go other days but have been so tired from this virus. I need to kick my own butt.

    I weigh in the morning. I'm guessing not more than 1/2 a pound if I'm lucky. I would take 1/2 pound a week but sometimes it's an ounce or two. So hard.

    I've been eating a fruit and/or veggies at every meal. It's the only way I don't feel hungry because they are filling for 0 points. I don't over due the fruits, 2 servings per day. I bought some sugar free hot cocoa mix in the envelopes. That helps me at work in the afternoon to sip on something sort of sweet and feel like I'm having a treat for 1 point. My sister is going to make some flourless chocolate brownies because she needs chocolate. She'll let me know if they are any good and share the recipe. I remember an old WW recipe that was chocolate cookies made with Jiffy Devils' Food Cake Mix and applesauce. They were 1-2 points for 1-2 cookies. I should look those up. They were good.

    Well I"m sorry you don't get the days off you want. Your job seems pretty demanding most of the year. I guess I'm lucky I get so much time off but I only work 187 days per year on a teacher contract. No paid vacations... I make a decent salary for working only that number of days.

    Did you ever find out what the accident was about? Scary...


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    you should also look up mixing the cake mix with pumpkin if you like that sort of thing - I remember that being big hit - I don't really care for pumpkin so I never did it

    you should also look at the hungry girl website - she has a lot of recipes and they always have smart points listed

    I am finally back to where I was on Tuesday - I was looking forward to having a subway this weekend with Zach - but now I'm scared to - but I also know if I don't I won't be able to sustain - I used to do that - the other times - I would be quite strict all week and then on one of the weekend days I would eat light for breakfast, then have a whole sub and be satisfied pretty much the rest of the day. And I would still lose - hoping I can do something similar -

    how was weigh in??

    You are doing great no matter what the scale says! We can do this!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Pumpkin is a good idea. I'll do some experimenting.

    I lost 1.2 pounds this week! 6.2 in the last 3 weeks. I'll take it. Russ is still sick so we didn't plan dinner. I was lazy and made popcorn for my dinner.

    Hopefully I can get my butt out of bed and go to the gym in the morning. I went to my training class last night and am very sore today.

    Don't worry about the sub. Enjoy it! Subway isn't unhealthy. I love subs! You can't deprive yourself of foods you enjoy or special meals with your kids. You will get frustrated and get off track. Allow yourself a treat day or small treats during your week. I'm going to a brewery tomorrow, eating dinner out and plan to enjoy myself. I will eat a low points breakfast and do well on Sunday. That's life!

    My sister is going to send me 3 crockpot soup recipes she got at her WW meeting. I'll let you know what they are and share if you want them.

    Have a great weekend and allow yourself some enjoyment. We will stay with this and see results. We can do this and live life at the same time.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Ate too much pizza. Tomorrow is a new day.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Tonight I made a one pot spaghetti that was 8 points for 1 1/2 cups. It was fast, easy, filling and good. Maybe the boys would like it too. You would want to double the recipe for your family.

    How has your weekend gone? We grocery shopped today and planned dinners for the week. I picked up more food supplies for my lunch and breakfasts.

    I have to get serious about Christmas and figure out what I need to shop for, etc.

    Tired and relaxing now.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I made a broccoli salad that I am pretty sure is about 4 pts a serving - pretty good - thinking I'll make that for family Thanksgiving and I made a spinach quinoa thing I found on the weight watchers site which is 3 pts per 1/2 c - which I added some chicken to yesterday it was pretty good - I don't usually like spinach

    I thought all in all the weekend went ok - I used some weeklies, but am up today - tomorrow is official weight so I am pretty sure I won't get anything - I am hoping it is bloating b/c I am due for my period - and just trying to remember to stay the course. My body is going to hang on to every pound like it is critical to survival - it's just how it always is - so painful - and today I am starved. Literally stomach growling constantly - I ate my planned breakfast and an unplanned packet of belvita - growling - but at work can't just grab zero points to try to get by - this day is blowing

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I am the same as last week. Looking like last Tuesday was sort of a phantom - then it took the week to 'truly' get there. I get that in my brain because over a two week period it is a great loss, however heart (and stomach) are like - all that work for nothing! Really struggling today - again with the stomach growls and an hour and a half until lunch. Feeling unhappy.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I"m sure it is your period that is affecting your weight loss. I remember gaining at that time and then taking another 2 weeks to see satisfying results. Drink lots of water to flush the bloating. Keep your sodium to a lesser level. Hang in there! We both know there will be uphill battles and frustrating weeks. We can do this! We are finally trying again and will move in the downward direction for our weight. Don't starve yourself because you will slow your weight loss. Your body will hold on to fat to keep from starving. Eat all 30 points each day and don't be afraid to be a little over. Do you pack snacks and lunch for work? That is what is working for me. I haven't eaten lunch out during a work day since I started WW's. I pack a lunch box with my lunch, morning and afternoon snack, water bottle, etc. I include veggies and fruits for 0 points but also low point crackers (Wasa Rye Krisps, Sea Salt Mini Rice Crackers) and reduced fat cheese slices. I keep no sugar added hot chocolate envelopes (Swiss Miss) in my desk at work and have a cup in the afternoon for 1 point. That is very satisfying. I also like the Chocolate Premier Protein Drink (11oz containers) which are 2 points and 30 grams of protein each.

    We have found some good recipes on They give smart point values for serving size. Here are some:

    Overcast and gray outside today. I felt tired all day.

    Have a nice evening,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    even though Monday and Tuesday were big hungry days I have done ok - don't worry I always eat my points - I try not to dig too much into the weeklies since I worry about under reporting and because I am not exercising in a sweating way yet. My therapy exercises take quite a while but don't burn calories - but I do feel a bit better - so I am keeping with it - she thinks some of the issue is also b/c I have a tipped pelvis which puts more pressure on everything around the bladder - so I am working a lot of trying to retrain my body positioning.

    I had music boosters last night (still ugh) but I was surprised to hear that Ritter (the teacher I have been frustrated with for various things) made Zach a section leader! Wow. We've gone from the criticism that Zach needed private lessons and all his musical 'inabilities' to being named a section leader in concert choir. Zach of course didn't mention it and when I told him I knew last night he gave me a weird look. I told him - it's a cool thing! Sigh. He's still so focused on not standing out - but maybe baby steps !

    hope your family is all over that nasty virus and ready for some turkey fun.

    have a great day!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Good for Zach! It does sound like he just wants to fit in and not stand out. It sounds like he's having a good year.

    What is your weigh in day? Mine is Friday. I was down today when I stepped on the scale this morning but I did eat some treats at work (birthday treat day at work). Dinner was lean and very good and I'm drinking my water. All in all, still feel I'm doing ok. I did ride my bike (inside on turbo trainer) for 20 minutes. I did intervals with 4 minutes fast and 3 minutes easy for 20 minutes. I sweated and my heart rate was up. I'll work to increase my time. I've scheduled a training class at the gym for Saturday morning.

    My sister weighted in tonight at her meeting. She lost 2.4 pounds this week for a total of 10.4. She's ahead of me. She also lives alone and has total control of her grocery shopping, what's in her fridge and cabinets, and her social schedule. I've proud of her that she is doing so well and is so motivated to lose the pounds. She needs knee surgery this winter and needs to get some pounds off for a healthier outcome.

    How's work and home life treating you? Are you getting some relaxation and doing something fun for yourself once in awhile? I have knitting group tomorrow eve at a member's house. I still haven't started a project but will do so tomorrow eve.

    Have a great evening!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    another day

    congrats to your sister - that's an amazing loss. I know you are doing amazing too - we still gotta live too - just being real and honest about how much I was actually eating is huge - that's why tracking works - I am worried about the Thanksgiving break - not the one dinner, but the four days of extra downtime to graaaazzzeee - my nemesis.

    trying to start thinking about Christmas and I think I know what I want to do for the kids - not sure if I will succeed. My phone is dying. So I was thinking about getting Zach and Caleb phones and then making Zach's current one mine. He has a two and half year old iphone 5 - I think it still works for him - I didn't get Zach his phone until 8th grade graduation - but I think that's what I want to do for Cmas - but which phone? The 7 or 8? Obviously not the X - they will have better deals on non apple, but the kids all use apple and then if I take Zach's I can 'track' both of them with the 'find my friends' But even the 7 or 8 will be $$$$ - although with not taking a vacation I have plenty in the vacation fund so I could dip in there
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I have an Android and don't know much about iPhones. Lucky boys if they both get a good phone.

    Getting ready to leave work, go home and pack up for knitting. I think I might try knitting a pair of chunky socks. I have the yarn and pattern. I tried a few years ago and ripped them out. Time to try again if I can find the yarn and pattern.

    Not a bad eating day today. I'll stay in control at knitting. I'm weighing in tomorrow morning. Not sure I'll see much of a loss but slow and steady wins the race.

    Have a nice evening.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    so I've been thinking on some post I read on WW connect (it's a good way to distract myself when I feel like mindlessly eating) - someone was talking about the mental/emotional differences between thin people and not as thin. How for example me - I fear hunger. I really don't know why. I never had food insecurity, but I do fear hunger. The post read that thin people don't. They just know and accept that being a little hungry is fine. They realize there will be another opportunity to eat 'this'. I do that too - I need to eat this now b/c who knows when I will be able to again. Mostly that's untrue. Unless you are somewhere away you will likely be able to eat a special again. They eat less if they have eaten a big meal. I will easily fall into the mindset - I ate big, I'll just keep eating big. I know most of these are just mindsets, although I am really curious as to how to change my perception of fearing hunger. It makes me uncomfortable and anxious.

    I have done fairly well eating this week. There is a turkey dinner at work today, but I don't plan on eating it. I will have turkey dinner next week. If I do well today, maybe I can't treat me and Zach to Subway tonight again (Caleb has sleepover) -

    We are not doing family dinner until next Saturday so I asked the boys what they wanted on Thursday. Of course Caleb is like "Chinese!" - no. We settled on spaghetti bake - which will be hard for me plan wise. But I am thrilled to get him off the Chinese train. All he likes are the noodles. (I know spaghetti bake is noodles too) but it is home noodles and a big part of this is me getting back in the kitchen and cooking again. I have been anti cooking for over a year now.

    here's to a wonder weekend!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    **can** treat, not can't.... ;>)
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I lost .8 pounds this week. Not bad since I had the brewery last weekend and knitting last night. We had chili and corn bread at knitting. I did eat two pieces of corn bread, bad!

    I did well for breakfast and lunch today but met coworkers at a a local brewery for a beer. I had a cheese burger and fries from the food truck for dinner. Not good but there weren't many choices. I have my exercise class in the morning and I will work extra hard. I will be diligent this next week saving weekly points for Thanksgiving.

    Interesting about the mindset of thin and heavier people. I don't think thin people think about food the same. They eat it to fuel themselves and when they are hungry. I've noticed they eat very small portions too. Those of us that fight the battle of weight have issues with eating frequently, portion control, and eating the wrong things. I think we do better if we make sure we are eating in a conscious state of awareness rather than mindless or emotional eating.

    Well lets do well this weekend! TGIF!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    congrats on the loss!!! Woohooo!!

    what a weekend. It started out ok, even though that included going to work. Went to look at shoes at a 'real' shoe store. Got fitted - he put me in a 9 which is a full size bigger than what I had been wearing. Bought a new pair of of New Balance and new pair of nicer shoes (those were 8.5 I think. We'll see how that goes. Obviously I spent more going to a shoe store, but obviously I hadn't been fitting myself right.

    Caleb got home from a sleepover, appeared fine. Had to go work at the school 'extravaganza' - big dinner, silent auction thing - he came home early because he said he felt weird, I figured he was tired from being at a sleepover. He wanted to lie on my bed. Fell asleep, and then threw up - all over my elliptical thing from bowflex, which was next to my bed. Oh my frickin' heck. It was like a horror movie. I made Bernie help me haul it outside (which he thought was stupid, but I said was the only way - how are we going to clean it in here?) then started to scrubbing and cleaning and stripping everything away. Shortly after that (it started about 8 p.m.) Caleb started throwing up and having diarrhea about every 20 minutes. Until about 3 a.m. Then he moved to only diarrhea. What a night/day. Don't know if it was food poisoning or viral. He seemed a bit better last night. Took a shower and ate a dry piece of toast. I missed singing at church b/c the only three hours of sleep I got were from 5 to 8 a.m. when I supposed to be there. Bernie couldn't help overnight b/c he was tired and/or scared of getting sick. Meh. Not sure what Caleb will do today. He might be well enough, just not sure if he is strong enough. Unfortunately this is my earlier than normal, early day so I have been at work since 3 a.m. Poor guy. Also - here's hoping no one else gets it. Nasty.

    So. Hopefully your weekend was way better than that!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Oh poor you and Caleb! I hate cleaning up vomit. It flies everywhere and it's hard to see our kids so miserable. I hope you don't get sick from exposure. Did you save your bowflex? Hope so!

    I've lost exactly 8 pounds. Slow and steady, little by little. No upward fluctuations yet. I'm going to weigh in Thanksgiving morning instead of Friday. I plan to eat what I want in moderation. This weekend I made the potato soup and those egg/veggie/turkey sausage muffins for breakfast. Just a little planning for the week.

    Off to see the movie Wonder with a friend. The book was very good but made me cry due to happy and sad emotions.

    One more day of work tomorrow and then off. House needs a major cleaning before Thanksgiving day. Jeff will be home with his new significant other lady friend.

    More later,