The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    another day gone and another day I didn't finish shopping - trying to work up the nerve to ask for tomorrow off...
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I still have a few stocking stuffers for David and Jeff but will look more tomorrow. I'll top Rory's stocking off with an Amazon gift card so he can order a book from Kindle.

    I've lost the weight I gained last week but am eating light today in hopes that my weigh in will show some progress past my pre-weight gain last week. I hope to meet or surpass 11 pounds lost tomorrow. Starting to get hard as I move in small increments. Holiday season doesn't help with all the temptations.

    Did you get tomorrow off? Hope so!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I've lost 4.4 pounds since last Friday. 2.4 of that is the water/fluid retention from all the rich foods I ate last week at holiday parties. I'm relieved I lost it and a little more. 12.8 pound loss since 10/23. How many times in my life have I been on this journey? Too many!

    How are you feeling? I hope you were able to take today off to finish shopping. I need to decide if I want to shop today for the remaining stocking stuffers or wait until after Christmas. I will be baking on Sunday morning and we will go to church in the afternoon.

    Very gray and gloomy today. We rarely see the sun anymore. It makes me tired and have low energy. I will go to the gym today to do some weights and cardio.

    I imagine your weekend is full of activity. Are the boys excited for Christmas? What kinds of things did they want this year? Do you and Bernie exchange gifts? Russ and I haven't since 2004. We usually give each other a nice card and sometimes we buy something bigger we want for us or the house. We've spent enough this Fall so we're good.

    Have a nice day and I hope you accomplish a lot.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Great loss!!!!!!

    I don't think I will post a loss this week. I have actually been eating pretty decent but I find my body holds sometimes. This feels like a hold week.

    We usually don't do gifts but ended up at a jewelry store that is closing and I have new blue diamond studs and a new channel set emerald ring. Very unusual but I have been skipped gift wise often so I will greedily accept. Bernie picked a ring too since his doesn't fit anymore.

    Congrats again!!!! So happy for you.

    Still don't have my mom taken care of....
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Lucky you, jewelry! I would like a diamond anniversary ring for our 25th this coming July but won't hold my breath. I've mentioned it several times over the past few years but Russ kind of laughs when I mention it and drops the conversation. Doubt I will see that happen. He doesnt listen closely and might be hard of hearing too.

    Picked up our pecan pie today. Ate a big meal at restaurant and had dessert. No other meals or snacks today. Tomorrow morning I will bake coffee cake and Christmas morning I bake an egg bake for breakfast. Just 3 of us this year.

    Have a nice day tomorrow.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Merry merry Christmas my dear J!!!

    So glad a random thread connected us all those years ago.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Today is the most I've eaten since I started on Halloween. I am hoping to put it bed tonight because this sort of eating is a slippery slope for me.

    Hope you had a wonderful time with family.

    I weigh in tomorrow
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Hope you had a great Christmas, Marla. Ours was nice and relaxing. We watched Rogue One on Christmas eve in preparation for seeing The Force Awakens today and ate too many appetizers. I made brunch Christmas morning and Russ cooked Christmas dinner. I talked to my brother in AZ, David and Chantrelle out in Oregon, and Jeff in Florida (with his Dad).

    Scale is up today for me. Lots of good food yesterday, although I only ate breakfast and dinner but had wine and eggnog. Back to charting points...

    Tomorrow my former coworker/friend is having a get together at another coworker's house. Melissa moved to Michigan two years ago but is back visiting family for Christmas. She's had another baby boy so it will be fun to see her and the new baby.

    Are you back to work today or do you have a day off? Hope so!

    I am also glad we connected so many years ago on this thread. We are the last two and are back on track to regain a healthy weight and eating. It sure has been a journey.

    Freezing here in MN. 11 degrees below zero and 20+ below windchill. Ugh!


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Nice lunch with friends today. Salad, wild rice soup, and fruit for dessert. Veggie pizza for dinner. I've got to get back on track! Tomorrow! Parties and get togethers over except Sunday wedding on New Year's Eve.

    Hope you had a great day!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Trying to climb back on wagon too. Off today taking Caleb to ortho and I'm sure out for lunch too. We have another family thing Saturday too. I definitely enjoy having days off but so much harder staying on track. When I'm relaxed I want to eat more!

    Bitter bitter dangerous cold. No warm up in sight.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    managed to order the lower calorie thing at Olive Garden - but I kind of hate doing it - because then I just feel like I am 'wasting' going out - still working on that relationship with food. Forever.

    the boys got a cra* ton of candy for Christmas and have squirrled it away in their rooms and I keep warning them to not eat it all at once, but mostly am really worried about Caleb, he is still quite a bit bigger than his age should be, but aside from talking about health and being active and watching junk intake, I know I have to back off - but I still hate how much candy my folks dump on us - I mean bags and boxes of it. Nobody needs that much candy ever - I like what his piano teacher does - like five special treats and some chex mix. Perfect. My folks obviously feel nothing says love like the gift of obesity and diabetes (both of them are there)
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Hi! Very cold here too. I have to go out today and figure out my outfit for tomorrow's wedding we are going to. I have two dresses to pick from but need some nylons because it is so cold and figure out if I have any comfortable shoes to wear. Nothing like waiting for the last minute, right? I decided I wouldn't buy a new dress for the occasion and I'm not going fancy, sparkly just because it will be New Year's Eve.

    I remember the boys use to keep their Halloween candy in their rooms and eat it forever! Drove me crazy but they did get sick of it and at a point didn't touch it at all. Is Caleb playing a winter sport?

    Not on track yet and gained over Christmas week. I'm gaining and losing the same 2 pounds over and over. It will help when I'm back at work with a routine. Too much sitting, reading and watching Game of Thrones, and too many treats around.

    We can do this!


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    The wedding was very nice and the bride looked beautiful in her mother's wedding dress that had been redesigned for her. We stayed through dinner and visited with a couple of people we know at our table but left by 9:30 to let the dogs out of their crates and outside. Russ goes to bed most nights and usually doesn't make it past 8:30 on New Year's. I could have stayed longer and caught a ride home with my friend but wasn't interested in dancing or drinking so left with Russ.

    Lazy today. Rory still isn't home from last night. He went to a friend's to play board games and stay in partying due to the extremely cold temperatures.

    Russ is simmering a beef stew for dinner. It smells great. I hope you had a nice New Year's Eve. Cheers to 2018!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Happy New Year!!!!

    Not tracking today. Breakfast and lunch ready for tomorrow.

    Still. So. Cold.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    boy oh boy was it painful getting moving this morning. I have been completely slugging the last couple of days. The dark-thirty rollout was killer.

    It will take a few days to adjust. Zach had to go back to school today as well. They got longer this summer due to construction and now very minimal breaks. It really stinks for them. Nine days till end of semester. I am so anxious!! It's going pretty well, but of course there are still so many variables. Physics hasn't updated since end of November, History has multiple things not grades, same with English - so it could all so go to heck. I can see him struggling to maintain intensity. Yes, he is still going to Sylvan, I'm not sure he is getting a ton out of it - honestly until the year is over I won't be able to relax. Last year it was January and February where he fell apart. So.... yeah.

    I did end up tracking yesterday but it was all junk - this week my goal is to get back to how I was eating before the holidays except for the day I have to take Caleb for ortho on Thursday and then focus on making better choices.

    First ball game is a little over a week away!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    My last day off today. Back at it tomorrow working. It will be good for my eating and points intake to be back at work. This lack of structure and exposure to holiday foods has been a killer. I guess I count losing 10 pounds before the holidays as a success but there has been no loss other than that friendly 2 pounds that comes and goes since early December.

    Not interested in going back to work but we do need to survive and get paychecks. Luckily I have a week and a half off in February, 2 weeks in March, a long weekend in April and almost a week off in May. End of my school year is 6/20 (I think) and then 3 weeks off at that time. It should go fast with all the breaks.

    I hope all goes well for Zach. Are both boys playing basketball?

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    First day back at work and back on track with eating. Hopefully I weigh at my lowest before Christmas on Friday. Ugh!

    I'm getting a cold. I started coughing last night and getting very congested. I've eaten many cough drops, taken Nyquil and Dayquil today and am drinking my water. Right now my glands in my neck hurt. I need to find my Zicam I bought so I can take it and nip this in the bud. Where did I put it? This poor memory isn't helping.

    Hope you had a nice New Year's Marla. We need to move forward with eating right and losing weight. Holidays are done!


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    My cough turned into a flu in the evening/night. My head felt heavy last night so I went to bed early. Woke up in the night with body aches, hair follicles hurting, etc. I took another Advil PM at 3:30am and slept in until 8:30. Not working today. Not a good start to 2018.

    Hope you are well. The scale is dropping the holiday weight for me. A nice positive...

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Oh no!!! Maybe you should go see about anti virals. Zach came home feeling nauseous today. Please no. One week left in the semester is a horrible time. Plus we've already had it!!

    Took Caleb for his braces today. This cold weather is atrocious.

    Feel better!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Home today but feeling better. Weigh in day! I lost the weight I gained at Christmas and a little more. Must have been water retention from sodium. 13 pounds total loss! I'll take it.

    I hope Zach isn't getting sick. Maybe it's just nerves for end of semester grades and work?

    Are you back on track with eating? I haven't exercised in awhile. I need to add that to my weekly accomplishments. I didn't exercise over break to the extent I told myself I would.

    Well hope you are all well. Cold but sunny here.
