The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I weighed in. Yep, my "2" pound friend came back for a visit. It's a battle of the wills for me. I will persevere.

    I booked a plane ticket to MI in March to help my sister after she has knee replacement surgery. I have two weeks vacation mid March so I will use a week to help her.

    David and Chantrelle should be showing up in the next month or so. It will be good to see them.

    Supposedly we are getting a storm too. I'm hoping for a Monday snow day. Usually doesn't happen for us but one can wish very hard for it.

    Have a nice weekend.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Holy moly they're calling for 17 inches now. Geez. On a day I can't miss. Super.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Its heeeerrrreeee. My sister told me to stay home all schools did close. Bernie went to work (we were going to ride together) it was fine at 4 and 5 am the snow really started about 7. Hope everyone who had to go out makes it home OK.

    Did you get a snow day?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Snow started about 10am. Never stopped. About 6" at my house. Southern MN shut down with major snow and wind. Bad visibility.
    No snow day for me. Glad you stayed home. How many inches did you get?

    Russ bday today. We went to brunch yesterday to celebrate. Low key week for me. I need to make good food choices and stay within points.

    Enjoy being snowed in!


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Full on foot of snow and two to three foot drifts so far. Just helped scoop for 90 minutes and that was second pass and only about 2/3 clear. Hope the wind dies down so the maintainers can get out. Roads not good yet.

    Happy bday Russ. I ate like garbage all weekend and today. :(
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    kids had a second snow day due to tremendous amount of snow - Bernie and I made it to work, but the roads are poor - going to be a mess for awhile. Guessing Zach won't want to drive the rest of the week.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Sunny and beautiful today. School districts surrounding us all closed due to roads still getting plowed. Of course we weren't closed and not all streets were plowed. Southern MN got up to 17" in some places. Minneapolis got 12.5" but my suburb was closer to 6-8" I think.

    School shooting in Kentucky. So sad! So many kids with mental health issues that think shooting up their school and hurting/killing their peers is the solution. What has happened in our society? Irrational and tragic!

    I did ok with eating until I got home today. I'm still within points but would like to eat more for dinner than I should. Russ is cooking chicken, veggies and rice so the rice is all that has points. I ate a Smart One for lunch. What a waste of points. It was barely enough of a portion to keep a person alive and 7 points! I have two more in the freezer and then I'm not buying them again.

    So many little details at work to remember and take care of. My aging brain is challenged. Hopefully it keeps me dementia free and I don't end up like my mother and aunts did with deteriorating minds and then death. My big fear!

    Have a nice evening!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    more scooping last night. Ugh - so sore. I gave myself fit points for that. School is back on today - roads are some better, but still bad in spots of course and still a lot of accidents because people need to slow it down.

    I had to get a smart phone a few years ago because I was unable to keep track of everything appointment wise anymore - I need lists and calendars and reminders and still often forget.

    I saw the school shooting on the internet - so sad and scary.

    Let's finish this week strong!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Enjoying a glass of wine. I took a hot tub when I got home from chiro and work. Overall a grumpy irritable day. Technology issues, forgot my lunch so 2 black licorice twizzlers and a no sugar hot chocolate were my lunch, and sick of power plays and craziness with admin. Also, ongoing communication issues where info we need to do our job doesn't get passed down to my program due to passive aggressive behavior and incompetence. Venting done!

    My sister lost 2 more pounds this week. She's leaving me in the dust. Of course she's retired, lives alone, eats what she wants and doesn't keep junk in the house, and does not indulge in a glass of wine due to stress. One of us has to be the evil sister.

    Kudos to you for your fitness points. I'm a slug but eventually will get back at the exercise. Winter makes me burrow in and read, be comfortable, and hide out in my house.

    I will sleep well after my wine. Enjoy your evening and your Thursday.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    finally managed to stay on point yesterday - but still didn't eat very well - this weekend will be a challenge being gone for ball (and I am dreading it) - I used to love going to ball games and cheering like a maniac - I'm just sad about the whole thing this year. Meh.

    Bernie was a jerk to Zach last night. Yelling at him for not bringing the garbage cans in. I got in the middle of it (which also pissed Bernie off) and I asked him if he had asked Zach to do it - and he yelled he should just know and just do things instead of walking by. I lost it at that point - and started in on him on all the things he has just 'walked' by and not done - it was an ugly scene. I apologized this morning for retaliating, but said I will never stand by and let him just bully Zach. If he wants certain behaviors out of him, he needs to state what they are, and then lay out consequences that he will follow through with and model better behavior. I'm still pissed off and he still thinks he was fine. I just dislike him so much of the time anymore.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Is something bothering Bernie or is he just like that? Teens rarely see what needs to be done. They are egocentric and lost in their own stuff. We noticed that Rory began to take some initiative with garbage or the dishwasher (fill/empty) after he went off to college and came home to visit. Once they get away and appreciate home they have a new outlook. He typically needs to be asked to do other things and he will do them without complaint but not always on my timeline. Sorry you had a stressful evening. Marriage and parenting are hard! You say you don't like him much but do you love him? There are many times that I resent Russ for thinking he's always right, discounting what I say, being condescending, etc. (list goes on) but then I think about his good qualities, how he makes life easier for me in so many ways, is tender and tells me he loves me, and then I remember I do love him and our marriage works. It's an up and down journey for sure!

    Ball games must be so painful. I remember that painful feeling. Is it a short season?

    Minneapolis and St. Paul are beginning Super Bowl festivities and Winter Carnival. There will be lots of celebrities, wealthy people and poorly behaved Eagles fans to balance out the visitors to the cities. We plan to stay clear of both cities' downtown areas while it's all going on.

    I weigh in tomorrow morning. We shall see. If I don't lose anything I'll be very frustrated. I would be happy to lose my old friends named "2 pounds" that I gained last week. I'll let you know.



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    good luck - let me know how weigh in goes!!!

    Rock it!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I lost 2.4 but .4 was new and the other 2 are my friends that come and go. I just want to get past this and make it to 15 loss. Then only 35 to go, ugh!

    Beautiful day out today. In the 30's! Feels like a heat wave. I ordered some Women's Sorel boots from Zappos. The boots I bought last year do not give my feet any warmth and my feet do not warm up when I drive from one appointment to another on my job. Hopefully these will be better. I'll wear them to MI when I go in March since they are basically having one storm after another and there will still be tons of snow. They should arrive this Thursday in time for cold weather.

    David and Chantrelle are suppose to come visit by the end of February. I'm looking forward to seeing them. It's been over 1 - 1/2 years!! David will turn 30 this coming Friday 2/2.

    How are things at home? How did the ball game go?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Day one done. One loss one win. They have church and a banquet tonight (its a Lutheran school tourney) and a final game tomorrow. Hope he has a good time tonight. Got them (bernie and caleb) a room I'll drive back on my own.

    Congrats on the loss!! Great work.

    Let's persevere!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Is that the end of the season? Hope they get a win and C gets to play.

    Nice if you get quality time with Z.

    I did errands all day yesterday and relaxed in the evening. Today I packed up my old dishes and flatware in boxes in case Rory wants them when he moves into an apartment or house at some point. I had bought new flatware and dishes in the past two months.

    I also tackled the linen closet across from the bathroom that has the towels, toiletries and odds and ends on top shelf. Motivates me to do another cabinet/closet next weekend. I threw away three bags of expired stuff, etc., one bag for recycling and one with some stuff for Goodwill. Feels good to have one organizing/cleaning project done. I also ordered shades for the remaining living room window to replace the pleated shades from 1994. They are dirty, don't clean up when vacuumed, and the cords don't raise and lower as well as they use too. Russ did the vacuuming so we can have one day free of dog hair. Tomorrow will be bad again.

    I'd rather stay home and do another closet than go to work tomorrow.

    Hope you had a good weekend.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I'm here - just kind of meh

    no the season still has about four weeks

    need to run to Omaha tonight to see my dad - he had a huge melanoma removed from his face today - luckily it doesn't sound the cancer spread internally - but it was a huge spot on his face so he will have a fair amount of recovery, along with his other (diabetes, b.p., etc) to deal with) - sigh - I am not ready to be sandwich generation (taking care of kids and parents) - guess what, ready or not

    mostly maintaining - not super focused

    keep after it though

    let's go!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    I'm maintaining too. This week has had some temptations. Today was treat day for birthday celebrations and we celebrated in my office room with one of our coworkers whose birthday is today. We had bagels and cream cheese and Cheese Cake Factory cheesecake I bought at Costco. I had a bagel for breakfast and 1/2 piece of cheesecake at lunch. My lunch was low points so I could indulge and have some treats. Dinner is salad tonight.

    I hope your Dad is ok. Aging parents are a huge responsibility. Just hope you and your sister share the load when it is needed. It drained my siblings in MI with my Mom. My brother and I being out of state didn't have the responsibility.

    I refuse to watch the State of the Union address tonight. I'm so sick of the party politics, back stabbing, blaming, false news, lies, etc. that both parties and our president engage in. No wonder they don't get anything done. It's like high school for older people. Who's in and who's out?

    I hope you get some relaxation this weekend.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    Long day. I had 4 home visit appointments back to back. I ate a sandwich in my car at 10am inbetween visits and drank a protein drink between 2 later visits. I had a slight headache by the time I got to the office at 2:30.

    My new winter boots came tonight. They fit nice and I like them. I hope they are warmer than what I have that allowed my toes to go numb with cold. It will be cold here tomorrow so I'll test them and see what I think.

    I have to listen to a video on bullying for my job. I forgot about it and it is due by tomorrow.

    Have a nice evening.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I was pretty stunned by my dad's appearance - his whole left side of his face and neck are covered in stitches - and a drain - it was shocking - they downplayed how big of a surgery this was. Fortunately the doc was please dad retained the feeling in his face and can still move his eyebrow and mouth (all those nerves could have been damaged) - we visited for a few hours and then Michele and I got some super yummy tacos and queso on the way home. I ate ALL THE FOOOOOOD.

    need to check in on folks today and make sure dad is taking it easy - he's going to have the drain for a week and not sure on all those stitches -
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,345 Member
    That must have been a huge melanoma spot for so many stitches. Did they get it all? I hope so. Does he have to have chemo or any other treatment?

    I've had plenty of moments where I've eaten chips, queso and a Mexican meal. Love Mexican food! I can't stop when chips and queso are in front of me.

    I like my boots! They are warmer than my others but not as warm as the big clunky Sorel's I've had for years that are probably a house for mice in the garage.

    I ate a big bowl of popcorn for dinner. It could affect my weigh in tomorrow. We'll see...

    Off to bed, tired.
