The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I've been logging food most days in MFP to see how I'm doing with calories. I'm eating about 1100-1350 a day depending on my choices and when I stay within my points. I reset check-in for my starting weight on 10/23 when I began WW's and put in today's weight so it reflected -10. Points and calories logged match up pretty well.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    edited December 2017
    stomach flu yesterday - woo hoo I lost four pounds!!! (sarcasm) Hopefully I can fully recover today. Don't have time for this. Missed choir last night and our big program is Sunday - I have never missed so much - with colds and kids sick - been a bad year for me. I had done well on first day of freestyle, and yesterday was day two - all I ate where a few bites of my eggs - I am now scared to death I won't be able to stomach eggs b/c my body will associate them with being sick - and then I don't know what the heck I will do to keep my breakfast points lower. Today will definitely not be eggs or chicken - maybe a belvita and pretzels - it will be carb heavy - at least I have weeklies, but they won't last long if I can't get back to stomaching protein in a couple of days.

    congrats on the 10 pounds!!!! Way to go.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Hope you feel better soon. Tired. Weigh in tomorrow.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    still can't stomach the thought of eggs or chicken - I got my points yesterday all used b/c I drank applejuice - but that's not giving me enough energy to feel much better - but I don't have any idea what to go for. The toast I tried Wednesday went badly - so scared about that - this is really weird for me. I normally am eat even when my stomach is bad. I know I should think this is a good thing - but I am getting pretty weak and need to get back on track. Sigh.

    Hope your weigh in was awesome!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    OK I ate a turkey sandwich and chips. Hello food my old friend
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    At a 10.2 loss. I'll take it. It's been 6 weeks so that is great for me. Losing through holidays and weekends feels good too. My body sure reacts to sodium so I go up in a given week but manage to lose it when I drink my water.

    Sorry you still aren't feeling too good. Keep your fluids up as much as possible. Do you like chicken noodle soup? That may settle well.

    Did some errands with Russ and ate a mid day meal out. Tried a Mexican Restaurant down in the hispanic area of St. Paul. Amazing chicken mole. Even the tortillas were home made.

    I'm taking it easy today because tomorrow I need to do paperwork. This will be my last week of work until January 3rd so lots to accomplish.

    Have a nice weekend,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Congrats on your loss!!!!!!!

    Made it through our Saturday practice before our big services tomorrow. I was whipped after that. Came home ate the rest of my sandwich and had a little nap. Haven't eaten much else but I am pretty sure I am out of points. A few crackers here a few pretzels there eats 23 pts fast. Still feel punky (as my grandma would say). A bit worried I won't have the stamina for two big services tomorrow. We'll see I guess.

    Gotta keep plugging away.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    I've been working on paperwork for my job all afternoon. I was able to finish 2 students and I'm not able to do anymore today. I hope I get done what I need to this week. I have something every night after work this week M-TH. Hopefully I can hide out and get paperwork done during the work day without interruption.

    I've done well this weekend with eating. I didn't log yesterday but allowed myself to have a meal without worrying about points. Today I won't even reach 23 points unless I work at it.

    Feel better soon and good luck with points this week.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    made it through the concerts - was pretty wrung out though. My folks came up and wanted to take everyone out for lunch - but I begged off and only Caleb ended up going (Bernie doesn't eat out anymore and Zach was ready to go home) - so I know they were upset with me, but I was exhausted. Maybe I should have gone out anyway. I wouldn't have ate either, because food is still iffy, I am still having digestive issues. Sigh. Can't win.

    My stomach is acting hungry today. I packed my chicken, but am feeling kind of 'chicken' to eat it.

    Hope you have a super productive week and get all that terrible paperwork done so you can enjoy your days off!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Do you still have a flu bug or a nervous stomach? Why doesn't Bernie eat out anymore? You can't worry about what your parents what you to do. Look out for yourself. You've been very busy and appear to be run down and tired. Take care of yourself!

    Russ and I went with another couple out for dinner and to a show at the Guthrie theater last night. I ate veggie stir fry with chicken and shrimp in it. Very good and didn't feel overstuffed. The show was very good. We all enjoyed ourselves. Tonight I have a happy hour with my two cubby mates from work. I've been working on paperwork all afternoon and now have to leave for another home visit (last one of the day). Tomorrow night is the theater again with my ladies group that gets season tickets, and holiday party for work on Thursday eve. After that,not much happening.

    I'm trying to eat low points during the day so I can enjoy myself a little bit with drink and appetizers at the evening events. I'm down 10.8 pounds so we'll see if I can cut a little more off on Friday. Could be no loss or slight gain...

    Have a nice night.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I think it is lingering effects from the stomach flu, because even though I am quite hungry I am having trouble digesting easily. Bernie doesn't eat out because he is super strict about what he eats anymore - he is on some sort of plant based holistic track - I mean he is, well, crazy. I bought him all new clothes back in August and they are hanging on him already. A few years ago he was squeezing into 44 waist pants - and now 36's are hanging off him. He is a big guy - over 6' 4'' - I'm guessing he has lost over a hundred pounds. I do applaud his desire to be healthy - but feel he has taken it too far - but it's nothing I can comment on - (i.e. working out 2 to 4 hours a day) because when I do he yells that I just don't want him to be healthy. Whatever. I have my own issues and freaking kids to raise by myself since he is pretty much only worried about himself. Sigh.

    I did post a loss, not surprisingly, I don't really trust it though. I fear that when I start eating normally again it will come right back. I would love for it to stay away. We'll see. I am trying to keep the motivation up. But with protein still making me nauseous I am struggling to keep in my lower points. I am close to where my MFP weight has been posted and I never changed over two years ago. So I am excited that if I can keep this sick loss off I will actually be at my MFP weight - my clothes are fitting looser so I am happy about that.

    Enjoy your fun activities this week!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    is this the longest week ever?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Busy week but not too fast or too slow.

    Guthrie Theater tonight for a play with my season ticket play group. We go downtown for dinner and then the theater is there too.

    I need to stop at grocery on the way home to get some treats for holiday party tomorrow eve and potluck on Friday. I didn't do so well with eating last night at the happy hour with my cubbie mates. I was so hungry after eating light all day (saving points) that I went too far the other way. So I ate normal for breakfast and lunch today. Not too many left for dinner but I'll go into weekly points but try to order sensibly.

    I need to get to the store. End of work day. Has Bernie gone Paleo or vegetarian? He must cook for himself? Kudos to him but it sounds extreme. Where does he fit in those long workouts? Does he know what a tolerant wife you are? He should appreciate you.

    Enjoy your evening,

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I am worried about my motivation. I am still struggling with protein and the carby stuff eats my points so quick. I choked down eggs the last couple of mornings but have felt so bad afterward - I know I have to push through, but I tired and hungry.

    Husker volleyball playing in the final four tonight - hoping to catch it on tv.

    Have a fun night!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    edited December 2017
    another day, another chicken lunch, choked down another egg breakfast and didn't feel quite so bad - but honestly eating food I don't care for because it is free is making me mad. But, also don't really have enough points if I don't. Because I still don't want to use too many of my weeklies because I know in general I underestimate because I don't weigh my food. Getting frustrated.

    Husker volleyball won their semi final in five matches last night. Very exciting and fun to watch. National championship game Saturday. Zach got a kick out of me screaming at the t.v.

    Things had started out so great with school work and everything for Zach, but I can see in his daily school report emails that they are trending down in English and Pre Calc and I am freaking out. Trying to talk to him without pushing him away, finding the right words, I'm not sure I am strong enough to start this cycle again. Calgon.

    The high school choral concert is Sunday and the Music Boosters that I joined last year is 'working' it and selling the car decals we designed (you know those clingy things that people buy to shout out their kid is a dancer, football player, etc) - and we will also do a freewill offering at the door. I still kind of hate it- it's definitely out of my comfort zone, but it did have the desired effect of the teacher finally learning Zach's name without having to look at a picture and being a bit more aware of his potential. Sigh. The things we do.

    Hope you have a great weekend. I need to get my cards done and start some wrapping and figure out what the rest of my family is getting.

    Carry on.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Sorry, I didn't realize I hadn't checked in since Thursday. End of week was busy. I am officially off work until January 3rd. I brought home one file to finish up an education plan on one student.

    I didn't have a good week. Gained 2.3 pounds with all the appetizers, wine, eating out, etc. Now I'm back at it trying to lose the same 2 pounds I gained and lost 2 weeks ago. I guess my fat and I have a comfortable relationship and are struggling to let go of each other. I'm planning my eating for this next week so I will get it off. Christmas treats are an issue and I will not deprive myself of tastes. T'is the season.

    Do you not like eggs generally or are they just unappetizing right now?

    Is Zach still going to Sylvan?

    Hang in there!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    Zach's high school winter concert was today. He made concert choir this year (a select group) so I am super loving it even though I did before too. But they really get to tackle some complex and beautiful pieces. Makes me miss being in "real" choir. Breaking down difficult arrangements is so satisfying.

    Didn't eat well. TOM. Tuesday could be rough.

    Sorry you are up too. So much harder this time of year with gatherings and special treats.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    Wonderful for Zach and for you to be able to enjoy his singing and the music.

    Having two weeks off may make it more difficult for my eating since I don't have structure to my day and lots of access to food. A challenge to tackle!

    Today my friend and I are going for an early dinner at a Korean restaurant (she's half Korean) and then to see the movie "The Man Who Invented Christmas".

    Still in my robe and drinking coffee. Not real hungry for breakfast. I like my Premier Protein Drinks because they give me nutrients, protein, few points/calories but fill me up when I don't want a meal.

    I'm meeting a couple of friends tomorrow morning for coffee and then I need to finish my shopping for stocking stuffers. Other presents were accomplished online.

    Have a wonderful day. I hope you can find things you can eat.


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,346 Member
    We saw the movie "The Man Who Invented Christmas". It was a funny movie about Charles Dickens writing "A Christma Carol" book. The Korean food was wonderful as usual.

    This morning I met my two retired friends for coffee and then went to Target to search out stocking stuffers. I was able to get about half but will need to go and shop more tomorrow.

    Tonight I'm making a Skinnytaste Chicken Bruschetta and some baked sweet potatoes for dinner. The chicken is very low points. The mozzerella cheese and olive oil are the only ingredients with points and it will be minimal when divided between 8 servings.

    The sun is finally out today. It has been gloomy for so long. Fairly warm winter temps but I heard a rumor we have a possible snow storm by the end of the week. I would like a white Christmas and then it can all go away.

    I hope you are having a good week, Marla.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,803 Member
    I am completely scattered and just stumped for how to finish shopping - I am mostly sitting at work scrolling weight watchers and daydreaming - haven't really worked most of the week - my brain is off. I only have one small thing for my folks and sister/bro-in-law so far. No idea how to finish them except for the generally 'boring' gift card that most people turn their nose up at. Really uninspired. I am hoping to take the day off Friday (hah, good luck after my sister has been gone all week, it's probably unlikely) to get the boys phones set up and to try to figure something out for the other four. I am really starting to wish to we could draw names for the adults, then it would only be one to figure out. I mean my parents don't need more stuff (hello how many farm places with junk full) - my sister buys what she wants and generally so do I. It's not that I don't enjoy receiving presents but these years I am uninspired make me particularly grouchy.

    Programs are over!!!! Caleb's last ILS program is over!!!! I was sitting there Monday and told Bernie that I should probably feel sad that this is the last one for ILS, but I was just giddy. For some reason the school program is just not my favorite and such a chore generally. I enjoy the spring musical much more. Several of us 8th graders parents who are on our 'last' kid shared thumbs up in the lobby afterward. Made me feel less like a weirdo that there were others who were seemingly glad it was over. It's just enough after so long.

    I am hearing maybe snow tomorrow - hopefully not too bad since I'm still not super comfortable with Zach on it.

    Hope you are rocking your week out. I am really trying to find the spirit.

    Stay warm!